
52 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway

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Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. PhD Programs in AI for Databases

Summary of PhD Positions:

At the Department of Computer Science, we have a vacancy for a Ph.D. candidate in AI for Databases. The aim of this PhD position is to work with research topics at the interface between machine learning and databases, and develop techniques that use AI to improve efficiency of database algorithms or database systems. Examples of topics in this direction from recent years include learned indexes, machine learning for query optimization, data cleaning, and algorithm selection.

The PhD student will work with challenges related to these or other emerging topics within AI for databases, in cooperation with industry partners in the NorwAI research center. The research outcome is expected to produce high-quality publications in top database/data mining venues.

Application Deadlines: 14th February 2023

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2. PhD Programs in Natural Language Processing for Personalized Content Summarization

Summary of PhD Positions:

At the Department of Computer Science, we have a vacancy for a Ph.D. candidate in Natural Language Processing for personalized content summarization. For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. Content summarization uses machine learning to extract the main ideas of individual texts or collections of text. It may also be used to explain recommendations and provide explanatory features in artificial intelligence in general. Central to the technique is the use of machine learning and language models to interpret text and contextualize content with respect to users or tasks at hand.

Summarization is often combined with other NLP techniques to provide personalized summaries or build conversational systems that make use of external sources. The PhD student will develop new summarization techniques that are incorporated into generative conversational systems and personalized with respect to users and contexts. The research will address both English and Scandinavian languages. The expected results include industrial prototypes in collaboration with industry partners as well as high-quality publications in top NLP venues.

Application Deadlines: 14th February 2023

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3. PhD Programs in Automated AI/ Computer Vision Driven Generation of Digital Twins for Sustainable Mobility Infrastructure

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. The Department of Computer Science (IDI) is looking for a Ph.D. candidate with background in computer vision and artificial intelligence to work in the area of automated digital twin generation for a sustainable and carbon-neutral mobility future. The main aim of the project is to aggregate existing information, as well as data acquired with a variety of imaging sensors to build a digital twin of the MobilityLab’s focus area that will act as a digital baseline of it. Machine learning and especially deep learning-based strategies that can be used to automatically build and update the digital twin will be of special interest.

Application Deadlines: 14th February 2023

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4. PhD Programs in Algorithms for Large-Scale Processing of Dynamic Graphs

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. For many important applications, data is presented as graphs, with dynamic relationships between nodes. Examples include graphs representing the power grid, financial transaction relationships, social networks, and transportation networks. The nodes in the graphs can also have attached dynamic data, for example time series, adding further challenges. The PhD student will develop techniques (algorithms and frameworks) for efficient processing of dynamic graphs, in cooperation with industry partners in the NorwAI research center. The research outcome is expected to produce high-quality publications in top database/algorithms/data mining venues.

Application Deadlines: 14th February 2023

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5. PhD Programs in the Area of Dynamic Digital Twins

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Department of Electronic systems (IES) is looking for a Ph.D. candidate in the area of dynamically updated digital twins for a sustainable and carbon-neutral mobility future. A digital twin is defined as a virtual representation of a physical asset or process enabled through data and simulators for real-time prediction, optimization, monitoring, control, and improved decision making. For real-time operation, the twin requires continuous updating with new measurements from its observation platforms. However, all observations are not equally time-critical, and not equally important for the twin.

This PhD will focus on the coupling between the twin and the different kinds of sensors, and will work with pre-processing, optimization and communication strategies to support accurate twin operation using limited communication resources. Machine learning and AI-based strategies that learn and adapt to the characteristics of the sensors, and the requirements of the twin will be of special interest.

Application Deadlines: 14th February 2023

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6. PhD Programs in Statistics

Summary of PhD Positions:

At the Department of Mathematical Sciences we have vacancy for a PhD candidate in Statistics. The position is associated with the Centre for Geophysical Forecasting (CGF) at NTNU, which is one of the Norwegian centres for research-driven innovation, funded by the research council of Norway and industry partners. The goal of the CGF is to become a world-leading research and innovation hub for the geophysical sciences, creating innovative new products and services in earth sensing and forecasting domains. As the global ecosystem enters a period of dramatic change, there is a strong need for accurate monitoring and forecasting of the Earth. Statistical modelling and methodologies play important roles here, enabling reliable predictions and uncertainty quantification that aid decision support.

Application Deadlines: 14th February 2023

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7. PhD Programs in Optimal Hydropower Scheduling using Advanced Machine Learning and Data Analytics

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Department of Electric Power Engineering (IEL), at the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), invites applications for a PhD candidate position in “Optimal hydropower scheduling using advanced machine learning and data analytics”.

In Norway, hydropower is the primary source of electricity, and it accounts for 96% of electricity generation. Due to the long-term reservoir storage constraints in hydropower dominated systems, the resource scheduling should be done for a sufficiently long-time period and with an appropriate representation of uncertainties (such as inflow to reservoirs, wind power generation, demand etc.) Existing hydropower scheduling models face many shortcomings when dealing with such uncertainties.

Application Deadlines: 14th February 2023

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8. PhD Programs in Machine Learning for Maritime Communication System Performance Prediction

Summary of PhD Positions:

Modern and future ships use radio communications to support the local situational awareness and autonomity. Short- and long-term communication performance has a direct effect on how well the ship’s systems are able to utilize up-to-date information from other ships and land-based systems. Being able to predict the performance is crucial in supporting the ship to adapt to the expected level of connectivity on route.

The radio propagation channel behavior, including its statistical variation in time and space, depends on the location of transmitter and receiver, as well as the propagation conditions around both. The maritime channel, in addition, will depend on weather conditions that may change the sea surface conditions. These phenomena lead to location-dependent achievable data rates and reliability.

Application Deadlines: 14th February 2023

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9. PhD Programs in BigData and AI for future mobility solutions

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. The Department of Engineering Cybernetics (ITK) is looking for a Ph.D. candidate in the area of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for a sustainable and carbon-neutral mobility future.

The aim of the Ph.D. will be to develop and exploit big data and artificial intelligence-driven digital twin of urban mobility infrastructures to solve challenges in achieving a carbon-neutral mobility future. A digital twin is defined as a virtual representation of a physical asset or process enabled through data and simulators for real-time prediction, optimization, monitoring, control, and improved decision making.

The Ph.D. will work towards developing enabling technologies to instill physical realism in such a digital twin. The enabling technologies will consist of data acquisition, pre-processing, fusion, and postprocessing techniques using an array of physics-based, data-driven, and hybrid models. In addition, the work will also involve the development of tools for communicating insights in a way that facilitates informed public opinion building and decision-making.

Application Deadlines: 14th February 2023

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10. PhD Programs in the Area of Extended Reality (XR) and Visualizing a Digital Twin 

Summary of PhD Positions:

This project is part of “Mission Mjøsa”, a large interdisciplinary project that is led by NTNU and Innlandet county. The aim of the project is to integrate data acquired from a variety of imaging sensors (e.g., drone, surface or underwater robots equipped with cameras or sonar devices) into eXtended reality environments (virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality) in the form of a dynamic digital twin of the lake Mjøsa. A combination of several data/image processing methods combined with novel computer vision approaches based on deep learning will be used to build and deploy the 3D digital twin for illustration and analyses in various contexts. The 3D model will be attributed with the capability of receiving and updating data from various platforms.

Application Deadlines: 14th February 2023

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11. Three PhD Programs in Molecular Inflammation

Summary of PhD Positions:

3 PhD positions are available in the research groups of prof. Trude Helen Flo and prof. Terje Espevik at the Centre of Excellence in Molecular Inflammation Research (CEMIR), NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. The Flo group seeks to understand how early cellular responses to pathogens are initiated and regulated in space and time, and how this shape infection outcome.

We have a particular interest in the cellular host responses to bacterial- and viral pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and we are setting up human stem-cell-based model systems to study how cellular crosstalk regulates inflammation, cell death and the infection outcome. The Espevik group is focusing on functions of the complement system, inflammasomes and Toll-like receptors in relation to intracellular signals induced by microbes and cholesterol crystals. The aim is to find new targets and strategies for regulating immune responses that may result in new therapeutics for treating pathological inflammation.

Application Deadlines: 28th February 2023

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12. PhD Programs in neuroecology of insect navigation

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are seeking for a highly motivated PhD candidate in the Department of Biology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to join the group of Basil el Jundi (www.insectnavigation.com). The candidate should have a solid background in sensory ecology, neuroethology, and/or neuroscience. A strong interest in insect navigation, an excellent track record and experience with performing behavioral experiments or electrophysiological recordings and programming would be desirable. The group aims to create an international work environment and therefore encourages international applicants to apply.

Application Deadlines: 15th February 2023

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13. PhD Programs in Future-oriented urban transport modeling

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD project is a part of the PERSEUS doctoral programme: A collaboration between NTNU – Norway’s largest university, 11 top-level academic partners in 8 European countries, and 8 industrial partners within sectors of high societal relevance. The PERSEUS PhD candidates will have the opportunity to collaborate with researchers in the partner institutions and in other project consortia, and benefit from these collaborative research and education activities. This includes a 2-3-month international stay and a 1-2-month national stay with one of the PERSEUS partners.

Application Deadlines: 14th February 2023

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14. PhD Programs in Artificial Intelligence for Anomaly Detection

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. Wireless embedded sensor nodes can perform increasingly complex inference tasks directly on the device. This makes such devices suitable for instrumenting a large number of machines, equipment or other items with the goal to detect anomalies in their operation.

The problem remains to learn what constitutes anomalies that should be reported and distinguish them from normal changes in operation or variations between devices. Together with partners in the NorwAI SFI, the candidate will work on methods and prototypes to detect and classify anomalies, study transfer learning between devices, and explore how expert knowledge can be considered in the specific setting of distributed and streaming sensor data.

Application Deadlines: 28th February 2023

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15. PhD Programs in Smart Windows

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. The PhD position is foreseen to carry out experimental work on material synthesis, characterization and component development within smart windows (e.g. electrochromic windows). In addition, a research scientist within the same field will also be employed, who will be working together with the PhD candidate and other researchers and professors at our department.

The PhD candidate position is funded through the EU Horizon project ”An Open Innovation Ecosystem for Exploitation of Materials for Building Envelopes towards Zero Energy Buildings” (Exploit4InnoMat) and will thus also be part of a larger international research team.

Application Deadlines: 15th January 2023

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16. PhD Programs in Flexibility, Stability and Controllability of Distribution Grids with a Large Degree of Renewable Energy Sources

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. There is an increasing demand, both from new power producers and new consumers, to be allowed grid connection at various voltage levels. Challenges arise when large consumers or increasing amounts of renewable energy sources are integrated in distribution grids. There will be bottlenecks in periods with high production and low loads, and similarly with increasing demand there will be bottlenecks in periods with low production and high load. But there are also possibilities for better utilization of the existing grids by utilizing flexible resources.

The aim of this PhD-study is to investigate the use of flexibility to achieve a stable and sustainable grid in such periods as an alternative to reinforcements of the grid. Further, to investigate possibilities for distribution grids and distributed resources to offer system services and flexibility to the transmission grid. Overall, investigating how flexibility can be implemented and at the same time achieve a stable and reliable distribution grid as the amount of renewable sources increases is an important issue. The main goal is to be able to utilise the existing grid for more integration of renewables and avoid costly and area demanding reinforcements of the grid with.

Application Deadlines: 15th January 2023

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17. PhD Programs in Electric Insulation Systems in Superconductive Power Trains for Aircraft Propulsion

Summary of PhD Positions:

The aviation sector is currently facing a paradigm shift. It has become clear in recent years that the key to the pursuit of zero-emission aviation is the integration of new disruptive hydrogen-based propulsion technologies into the aircraft architecture. Further still, concerns around the rapid scalability of hydrogen aircraft to regional flight routes have shown that revolutionary technology improvements are inevitably needed.

The achieved level of electrification will be essential, as it will be the key player to reduce non-carbon emissions (mainly from water, NOx, SOx, soot, contrails, and contrail cirrus), as well as reducing onboard fuel consumption and noise. In fact, the electrification component is projected to be increasing by a factor of 50 to 100, compared to today’s solutions. However, to save additional mass due to the electrification, higher power densities will be required.

Application Deadlines: 15th January 2023

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18. PhD Programs in Modelling, Optimization and Control of Electrolyzer Systems

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD project is part of a large-scale center for environmentally friendly Energy (HYDROGENi). While there is a large activity worldwide to research the material and the chemistry of electrolyzer equipment, much less research is done on how to operate large-scale systems of electrolyzers that are integrated in other value chains. The research activity of this project is to a) develop scalable models that can be used to study optimal operation of large electrolyzer systems in an environment with fluctuating energy availability and hydrogen demand, and b) applying these models to determine simple operation strategies that enable (near) optimal operation of all times, also when the operation condition changes.

Application Deadlines: 15th January 2023

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19. PhD Programs in Control of Complex Converter-dominated Grids with Scalable Stability Certificates

Summary of PhD Positions:

The objective of the PhD education is to qualify for scientific research of high international standard. The PhD education has a nominal duration of three years of full-time study and includes required coursework or similar academic training comprising a minimum of 30 credits. The most important component of the PhD education is an independent scientific research project carried out under academic supervision, which results in the PhD thesis. The PhD degree is conferred based on these two elements and the doctoral examination, which consists of a trial lecture and a public defence of the scientific thesis.

Application Deadlines: 15th January 2023

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20. PhD Programs in genomics of Arctic alien plants

Summary of PhD Positions:

The NTNU University Museum is seeking a highly qualified, ambitious and motivated PhD candidate for a project focusing on genomics of Arctic alien plants. The project will focus on target alien plant species and seek to uncover their genomic basis of adaptation to the Arctic environment and how it relates to their invasiveness.

A warming climate, changes in soil properties, and rising human activity in the Arctic increase the probability of introduction and establishment of alien plant species. In high-Arctic Svalbard and other Arctic regions, the wintercress (Barbarea vulgaris) is an established and naturalized alien species. Hypotheses for its success include multiple introductions from different genetic sources, enemy release advantage related to plant defense compounds, and shifts in adaptive traits.

The PhD project will develop genomic datasets, making use of field collections and herbarium resources, and develop experimental evidence to examine links between the genomic basis of successful establishment and potential invasiveness in the high-Arctic. The wintercress will be a primary focus of the project, but complementary research on parallel systems may be developed. The project will add an important evolutionary component to ongoing interdisciplinary research on Arctic greening.

Application Deadlines: 15th January 2023

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21. PhD Programs in Hydrogen Electric Propulsion

Summary of PhD Positions:

The proposed PhD position at the Department of Marine Technology, is connected to the newly established Centre for environment-friendly energy research – FME HYDROGENi, which is dedicated to research and innovation within hydrogen and ammonia for a zero-carbon future. In HYDROGENi, you will find an exceptional portfolio of industrial and academic partners, centered around NTNU and SINTEF and including broad industries covering the hydrogen value chain from production to energy conversion and end-use.

The PhD project will focus on the development of hybrid power systems for zero-emission propulsion incorporating fuel cells and energy storages. Given the new and emerging research area, the proposed PhD topic may cover flexible research questions from marine power system modeling and architecture, control design, energy management and optimization. The detailed research plan will be shaped based on the interest of the successful candidate.

Application Deadlines: 20th January 2023

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22. PhD Programs in Area of Digitally Enabled Citizen Engagement for Sustainable Futures

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD position is one of four PhD fellowships within a multi-disciplinary project SWELL (Sustainable Built Environments for better Health and Well-being), which is a collaboration among the Department of Computer Science (IDI), Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science (INB) and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (IBM). The SWELL project’s goal is to address the complex interaction between individual Humans’ HWB (health and wellbeing) and the Built Environment (BE). For additional information about the SWELL project.

Application Deadlines: 20th January 2023

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23. 09 PhD Programs in HYDROGENi team

Summary of PhD Positions:

HYDROGENi is a Centre for environment-friendly energy research (FME) dedicated to the research and innovations within hydrogen and ammonia needed to meet the 2030 and 2050 goals of the Norwegian hydrogen road map. HYDROGENi’s activities are a collaborative effort from Norwegian and European partners (industry, universities, and research institutes) that cover the entire hydrogen value chain.

Hydrogen’s role in the energy transition was previously thought to be a “clean” alternative to fossil fuels in cars. However, it can also replace fossil fuels in industrial processes, such as coal in the steel industry, and in the maritime sector. Hydrogen is now considered to be one of the main drivers of the green shift. To realise hydrogen’s full potential, there are important knowledge- and technology gaps that need to be filled.

Application Deadlines: Continuously

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24. PhD Programs in Mathematical Sciences

Summary of PhD Positions:

We have vacancies for three PhD fellowships at the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Through a PhD fellowship, you will pursue a doctoral education leading to a PhD degree. The Department of Mathematical Sciences at NTNU is Norway’s largest university environment within mathematical sciences with 85 permanent staff members and more than 100 doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows. The department conducts research at an international high level within the disciplines of algebra, analysis, didactics of mathematics, differential equations, geometry/topology, numerical analysis, optimization, and statistics. Part of the research is also carried out in close cooperation with other fields of science and technology at NTNU, as well as in cooperation with industry and external research institutions.

Application Deadlines: 31st January 2023

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25. PhD Programs in Interaction Design and Learning Technologies

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. Nowadays, the advances in learning technologies have introduced a new era that builds and extends their impact in learning, teaching and assessment in new and unanticipated ways. In the 21rst century digital world, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) and especially Computer Science (CS) education appears to be more important than ever before, particularly in educating K-12 students and young people.

Studying the design, evaluation and implementation of learning systems (combine the use of Learning Analytics, Augmented Reality, 3D printing, and Virtual Robotics solutions among others), dealing with the interaction in real educational settings, is demanding and challenging process. In order to explore the future of learning technologies researchers need to examine the complex interactions and invisible cognitive learning processes as they occur in learning situations using methods and data that will help us to monitor the overall learning experience in more holistic and accurate ways (e.g., multimodal data, AI/ML, other).

Application Deadlines: 30th January 2023

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26. PhD Programs in Machine Learning Methods and Model-Predictive Control for Mechanical Systems

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. This project aims to develop new and world-leading methods for online machine learning model predictive control (MPC) for motion control systems. Model predictive control is a control method that uses an internal model (in the form of a set of differential equations) and an optimality criterion to predict the best series of control actions by solving an optimization problem. MPC has been used for decades to control relatively slow industrial processes. However, increasing computational power and innovative new algorithms have made it feasible for the much more time-sensitive domain of motion control.

Application Deadlines: 22nd January 2023

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27. PhD Programs in Reservoir Engineering (CO2 storage in depleted fields)

Summary of PhD Positions:

We have a vacancy for a three-year PhD Fellowship at Department of Geoscience and Petroleum (IGP), NTNU, in reservoir engineering (CO2 storage in depleted fields). For a position as a PhD candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.

Application Deadlines: 22nd December 2022

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28. PhD Programs in Design for Additive Manufacturing of functional metallic parts

Summary of PhD Positions:

We have a vacancy for a PhD candidate at Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering in Design for Additive Manufacturing of functional metallic parts. For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. The theme of this PhD is process and component design for Additive Manufacturing (AM). AM technologies allow the direct conversion of digital designs into physical products within one production step and completely autonomous, avoiding setup time and the use of tools. Unlike the conventional materials, the material properties in AM parts evolve during the fabrication process.

Application Deadlines: 9th January 2023

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29. PhD Programs in control of CO2 heat pumps for residential heating

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a PhD candidate on the topic control of CO2 heat pumps for residential heating at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Internal resources from the Department of Energy and Process Engineering provided funding for this position. The ambition is that a relevant candidate works on development of different controllers, traditional, model predictive or intelligent, in the LabVIEW and dynamic simulation platform for the laboratory plant equipped with a CO2 heat pump and a heated room. Within the PhD project, the candidate should actively work at the mentioned plant to develop relevant models for the system design and control.

Application Deadlines: 23rd December 2022

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30. PhD Programs in Molecular Biology

Summary of PhD Positions:

This position is a fixed term, full time (100%) position for 3 years within the field of molecular biology and metabolism. We seek a talented and enthusiastic person with experience in molecular biology, molecular medicine, biotechnology or similar disciplines. The PhD candidate will work with the ExMilk project (Exercised Breastmilk: A Kick-Start for Childhood Obesity Prevention), funded by the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant). NTNU has excellent infrastructures for clinical and experimental research with state-of-the arti equipment and laboratories. Supervisor will be Dr Trine Moholdt, head of the Exercise, Cardiometabolic Health and Reproduction (EXCAR) Research Group.

Application Deadlines: 27th December 2022

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31. PhD Programs in risk management and production assurance of future energy infrastructures under NATECH accidents

Summary of PhD Positions:

A PhD position is available at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering within the field of material integrity for hydrogen energy application. Renewable energies with innovative storage formats are becoming extremely important for Europe and the whole world. For example, one new energy value chain is to produce electricity with offshore wind turbines and use the electricity to electrolyte water to generate hydrogen.

For such new applications with novel technologies, one challenge is the unstableness full of uncertainties, which can be amplified by the natural hazards and extreme climate events. It is thus important to manage such risks by investigating how those new technical systems can be impacted by natural disasters and assessing how the performance of the whole value chain of energy production will react when some nodes are greatly weakened in a short time.

The aim of this PhD project will be to explore resilience/risk management and production assurance issues related to the above technical facilities and develop decision-making support tools for operation/maintenance optimization of the energy infrastructures.

Application Deadlines: 31st December 2022

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32. PhD Programs in Integrative Global Change Biology

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for two PhD candidates to be part of an interdisciplinary team investigating the physiological vulnerability of European insect communities. The proposed project seeks to understand and predict how insect species will respond to the earth’s rapidly changing climate. Insects are particularly vulnerable to the combined stress of higher temperatures and drier conditions, but little is known about the vulnerability of insect species adapted to different climates. Insect species provide many important ecosystem services, like pollination, and there is growing evidence that insect populations are declining around the world, making the proposed research timely and important.

Application Deadlines: 31st December 2022

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33. PhD Programs in electrodialysis and recycling of secondary Li based batteries

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. The use of lithium ion batteries is growing exponentially and production of such batteries is currently one of the most emerging industries, predicting 100+ giga battery factories in Europe by 2030 and still growing beyond this. Recycling of batteries is currently handled from a waste management objective, but this is now transforming into an industry with resource utilisation objective. As this is an emerging field, several paths for new technologies are rising; and in this project you will have an opportunity to explore different lithium ion battery recycling process routes and how electrodialysis can effectively and efficiently support these.

Application Deadlines: 1st January 2023

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34. PhD Programs in cost-effective fail -safe highly accurate train positioning on railway track

Summary of PhD Positions:

We have a vacancy for a PhD candidate position at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Train position on railway track was of less interest in the old days because having a rough estimation of the train position was already enough for normal operation. With the latest development of ERTMS, autonomous train operation, as well as track condition monitoring with measurement cars, position of the train on the track is of great interest and of course the higher the accuracy, the better it is.

Application Deadlines: 1st January 2023

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35. PhD Programs in “future-oriented” project management

Summary of PhD Positions:

At Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MTP) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), a 3-year position as PhD candidate is available. The position is financed by internal strategic funds and must have an academic angle that will contribute to developing the academic group, titled Project and Quality Management (PQM), strategically. The PQM group is heavily involved in research on various aspects of project management, and much of the research is carried out with partner enterprises in the Project Norway center and the Concept research program.

Application Deadlines: 2nd January 2023

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36. PhD Programs in smart logistics for a sustainable construction industry

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this position you will be part of the Production Management research group at NTNU’s Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, who is internationally leading in research within engineer-to-order manufacturing. The purpose of this PhD position is to expand its scope to the construction sector. The research will be closely integrated with the group’s research in other engineer-to-order sectors, such as shipbuilding and maritime equipment manufacturing, for synergy effects, transfer of knowledge, and mutual stimulation.

Application Deadlines: 4th January 2023

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37. PhD Programs in Digital Twin for Built Environment

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. The Ph.D. position will offer opportunities to develop high-quality research within the field of digitalization of construction. The position will specifically focus on information modelling of built environment. This Ph.d position will mainly focus on the modeling of built environment: develop technology and solutions for geographical and non-geographical information capturing, processing and modelling, which will further support the smart operation, renovation and circularity.

Application Deadlines: 5th January 2023

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38. PhD Programs in in-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy at the Department of Physics

Summary of PhD Positions:

The aim of this PhD position is to develop tools for doing such correlated in-situ experiments in the TEM, by: i) obtaining custom-made printed circuit boards (PCBs) chips for in-situ experiments, and ii) developing automation scripts for performing in-situ experiments. The main activity will consist of doing advanced in-situ TEM characterization of functional properties (internal magnetic and electric fields), through developing and optimizing the in-situ tools.

Application Deadlines: 6th January 2023

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39. PhD Programs in Modelling of Loss of Containment Consequences of Hydrogen Technologies

Summary of PhD Positions:

As a PhD candidate in this position you will have the opportunity to be involved in different Norwegian and European research projects. You will analyse the consequences of hydrogen loss of containment in different industrial applications (e.g. glass) as well as in public areas during storage and transfer operations. The accident scenarios consider hydrogen under different conditions (pressure and temperature), and both compressed gaseous and liquid hydrogen should be investigated.

Application Deadlines: 8th January 2023

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40. PhD Programs in sensory biology of marine invertebrates

Summary of PhD Positions:

In the van Giesen lab we study sensory perception and processing in marine invertebrates. Navigating through a world full of complex information necessitates elaborate sensory organs that are capable of filtering and encoding relevant signals to guarantee the animals survival. These sensory cells and organs are the first connection between the outside world and the nervous system of the animal and are composed of complex cellular and molecular features that have evolved to suit the animal’s unique behavior.

We have an interest in cellular physiology, to understand how these cellular and molecular determinants evolved to enable organisms to sense and adapt to their specific niche in the environment. We use different methods to investigate these questions including behavior, anatomy, transcriptomics and electrophysiology with a focus on marine invertebrates, such as corals and Cephalopods.

Application Deadlines: 11th January 2023

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