
20 Postdoctoral Fellowships at Moffitt Cancer Center, Florida, USA

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Moffitt Cancer Center, Florida, USA invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Fellowships in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. Postdoctoral Position in Integrated Mathematical Oncology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Applications are sought for the position of Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work under the supervision of Dr. Alexander R. A. Anderson on an exciting inter-disciplinary research project focused on evolutionary therapy. We seek a talented individual with a PhD and background in applied mathematics, physics or other computational discipline to work in the unique research environment of the Integrated Mathematical Oncology (IMO) Department. IMO integrates mathematicians, computer scientists, and physicists together with evolutionary biologists as well as clinical and experimental oncologists to develop novel approaches for the treatment and understanding of cancer.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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2. Postdoctoral Position in Immunology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A Postdoctoral Research Fellow position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Shari Pilon-Thomas, Department of Immunology. Our research is focused on the enhancement of anti-tumor immune responses using vaccines or adoptive cell therapy (ACT) with tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) for the treatment of solid tumors.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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3. Postdoctoral Position in Bone Metastatic Prostate Cancer

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

One fully funded post-doctoral position is available to study molecular cross-talk between bone metastatic cancer cells and the surrounding bone microenvironment. Our group also focuses heavily on translational research and the use of integrated mathematical models to study the temporal multi-cellular dynamics of tumor-bone interaction.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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4. Postdoctoral Position in Tumor System Biology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The laboratories of Drs. Kenneth Shain, Mehdi Damaghi and Ariosto Silva, at MCC, are seeking highly motivated candidates for postdoctoral training in the field of bioinformatics, computational biology, cancer genomics and evolutionary theory of cancer, to work on a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary, and cross-institutional research, focused on the co-evolution and cancer epigenome, throughout tumor progression, with a particular emphasis on Multiple Myeloma (led by Dr. Shain) and Breast Cancer (led by Dr. Damaghi).

Drs. Shain, Damaghi and Silva research focuses on development of multi-omics model of carcinogenesis and evolution of drug resistance in cancer, as well as innovative approaches to delay and/or reverse these dynamics, with the goal of improving patient’s quality of life and survival. The research involves a tight collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Eugene Koonin at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The successful candidate will work with basic, translational, and clinical scientists at Moffitt and NCBI, in a synergistic collaboration, and will hold a fellowship at the NIH/NLM/NCBI.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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5. Postdoctoral Position in Cancer Drug Discovery (Structural and Chemical Biology)

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Schönbrunn lab in the department of Drug Discovery at the Moffitt Cancer Center is seeking to hire a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to work on structural studies of diverse proteins involved in cancer cell signaling and epigenetics. Our lab is pursuing multidisciplinary projects in collaboration with medicinal chemists, biologists and clinicians aimed at the development of novel inhibitors and small molecule degraders as chemical probes and potential therapeutics. The position provides opportunities in drug discovery and chemical biology methodology including the structural, biochemical, and cell-based characterization of drug-target interactions.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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6. Postdoctoral Position in Head and Neck-Endocrine Oncology 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Department of Head and Neck-Endocrine Oncology at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in the laboratory of Dr. Christine H. Chung. Dr. Chung’s laboratory is focused on characterizing the hypoxic tumor immune microenvironment of head and neck cancer and the translation of wet lab findings to the bedside in biomarker-driven clinical trials.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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7. T32-Postdoctoral Training in Behavioral Oncology Program

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute is proud to be Florida’s only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center located in Tampa. We strive to be the leader in understanding the complexity of cancer through team science and applying those insights for human benefits. Every Team Member of Moffitt focuses on our lasting commitment to our mission: To contribute to the prevention and cure of cancer.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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8. T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Integrated Program in Cancer and Data Science (ICADS) – Data Science

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center is seeking a highly motivated, independent, and collaborative postdoctoral research fellow interested in conducting exciting inter-disciplinary research. The Department currently has 18 faculty, 3 postdoctoral research fellows and approximately 25 staff engaged in a wide range of statistical and bioinformatics research and collaborations, including but not limited to, novel therapeutic and drug discoveries, prognostic and predictive biomarker developments, high throughput genomics, proteomics, next-generation sequencing data-based investigations, epidemiological studies, clinical trial designs, and personalized medicine studies.

The post-doctoral research fellow will collaborate on statistical genomics and bioinformatics methodology projects, along with, collaboration on collaborative cancer research projects involving single-cell genomics and computational immunology in the study of lymphoma. Supervision and mentorship of the post-doctoral research fellow will be under the direction of Dr. Brooke Fridley, Department Chair Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Dr. John Cleveland, Center Director, and Dr. Ann Chen, Senior Member of Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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9. Postdoctoral Position in Tumor Immunology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Haura lab has an opening for a postdoctoral scholar in tumor immunology and adoptive cell therapy research. Moffitt’s trajectory is to become a worldwide leader in cell therapy for cancer. Our lab uses an interdisciplinary approach spanning immune biology and proteogenomics to functionally characterize responses to immune therapy. We are looking for a highly motivated and independent postdoctoral research fellow who is interested in working on a project related to tumor neoantigens that predict response to tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) trial therapy in lung cancer patients, recently published in Nature Medicine.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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10. Postdoctoral Position in Machine Learning/ Genome Mutability & Organization/ Molecular Interaction

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We seek a creative and motivated postdoctoral researcher with background in structural biology and machine learning to join the team of Dr. Aleksandra Karolak. Our current projects focus on the role of DNA or proteins molecular structure and sequence on the mutagenesis, chromatin architecture, tumor topology in cancer; furthermore, we are involved in identification and design of novel therapeutics. If your background overlaps and if you are interested in one of the projects focusing on

1) understanding the impact of DNA damage and repair on highly heterogeneous patterns of mutations, responses to treatment, genome conformation, and/or tumor topology, metabolic reprogramming across the genomes and populations, or

2) molecular interactions (protein-protein, protein-DNA, protein-small molecules) and identification of novel compounds to treat cancer – we encourage you to apply. We have exciting opportunities for you within our team at the institution that will strongly support your scientific growth and future successes.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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11. Postdoctoral Position in Molecular Oncology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A post-doctoral position is available in the lab of Dr. Jiandong Chen at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center to study the structures, regulation, and therapeutic targeting of p53, MDM2 and MDMX proteins. The research interest of the lab is in investigating signaling mechanisms that activate p53 in response to stress and develop novel strategies for therapeutic targeting of wild type and mutant p53 in cancer treatment. Ongoing work involves development of wild type p53 inhibitors, therapeutic targeting of temperature-sensitive mutant p53, investigation of novel MDMX functions, and mechanisms of MDMX regulation by phosphorylation. 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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12. Postdoctoral Position in Single Cell and Multi-omics Computational Research

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Now hiring a Postdoc Fellow for Single Cell Computational Research in the Laboratory of Dr. Y. Ann Chen at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute. We are looking for a highly motivated and independent candidate with a strong quantitative background to develop computational approaches for analyzing single-cell and multi-omics data in cancer research.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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13. T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Integrated Program in Cancer and Data Science (ICADS)–Cancer Biology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Integrated Program in Cancer and Data Science (ICADS) at Moffitt serves to train the next generation of leaders in Cancer and Data Science. Over thirty faculty members, who work together at the interface of cancer research and data science, serve as mentors and co-mentors. The program is cross-disciplinary, spanning every Division at Moffitt including: 1) basic science; 2) population science; 3) clinical science; 4) translational science; and 5) quantitative science.

Postdoctoral trainees in the program are paired into training teams that design a mentored research project that addresses a critical issue in cancer utilizing data science approaches (e.g., biostatistics, statistical genomics, bioinformatics). In addition to research, the Program includes structured coursework, taken as appropriate, and is supplemented by participation in many career development activities.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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14. Postdoctoral Position in Machine Learning/ FAIR and Explainable Machine Learning

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are seeking a motivated and creative postdoctoral researcher with background in machine learning and system informatics to join the team of Dr. Yi Luo. Our current research focuses on FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) and explainable machine learning and their application for health outcomes, clinical decision support, and credible models in precision medicine, health equity, and healthcare quality.

Our research areas mainly include: 1) bias control, causal inference, and contribution analysis; 2) individual cancer patients’ treatment outcomes prediction and clinical decision support; 3) human-in-the-loop approach for physician-machine interface design; 4) developing and using system informatics to study health disparities. If your background overlaps and you are interested in working on one or more of these areas, we encourage you to apply. We have exciting opportunities for you within our team at the institution that will strongly support your scientific growth and future successes.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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15. Postdoctoral Position in Integrated Mathematical Oncology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Applications are sought for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to work under the supervision of Dr. Jeffrey West on inter-disciplinary projects involving agent-based modeling approaches to understand clonal hematopoiesis and hematologic cancers. We are seeking a talented scientist with a PhD and background in applied mathematics, computational biology or similar discipline to work within the unique, multi-disciplinary, and collaborative environment of the Integrated Mathematical Oncology (IMO) department. IMO participates in various integrative projects with mathematicians, evolutionary biologist, experimentalists, and clinical oncologists to develop analytical and predictive approaches to cancer treatment.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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16. Postdoctoral Position in Chemical Biology (Cancer Drug Discovery) 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Rix lab at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute (Tampa, FL) is seeking a highly motivated and collaborative chemical biologist and/or molecular biologist to join a comprehensive drug discovery program to identify and validate novel cancer-relevant targets that serve as starting points for collaborative drug discovery efforts. We are conducting highly interdisciplinary research focused on target identification, functional target validation and systems biology approaches towards elucidating cancer cell vulnerabilities and drug mechanisms of action using cellular compound screening, proteomics, molecular biology, biochemistry and bioinformatics.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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17. Postdoctoral Position in Spatial Transcriptomics and Immunotherapy

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Skin cancer is the most common group of cancers in humans. Whereas melanoma has over 25 FDA-approved therapies, highly lethal high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and Merkel cell carcinoma have but a handful. The Tsai Lab seeks to address these unmet needs. We combine cross-species analysis of UV-driven mouse models of skin cancer with deep interrogation of human tumor samples to develop novel chemoprevention and therapeutic strategies for high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and Merkel cell carcinoma.

The PI, Dr. Kenneth Y. Tsai, MD, PhD, is a dermatologist, dermatopathologist, and NIH-funded investigator with extensive experience in mouse models of cancer, molecular biology, and in the diagnosis and research of skin cancer. He Co-Directs the Melanoma & Skin Cancer Center of Excellence, which is committed to the advancement of translational research to improve prevention and therapy of advanced skin cancers. (kenneth.tsai@moffitt.org)

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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18. Postdoctoral Position in Natural Language Processing / Machine Learning in Healthcare

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Dr. Thanh Thieu seeks to find a Postdoc Fellow to join the Language and Intelligence Laboratory (LAILab) at the Machine Learning Department at Moffitt. LAILab is a multidisciplinary research group that translates advances in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to solve low-resourced language understanding, language generation, and predictive medicine tasks in oncology and healthcare informatics.

Our work involves 1) identification and standardization of functional status information in clinical notes of adult and senior cancer patients; 2) information extraction and knowledge graph construction from clinical notes to assist cancer registry and evidence-based predictive modeling; 3) linking aging, comorbidities, and drugs to prostate cancer relapse and survival; 4) predicting unplanned hospital readmission in the adult patients with gastrointestinal cancers initiating surgery; and other interdisciplinary projects as we expand our internal and external collaboration networks.

To accomplish multidimensional and multidisciplinary goals, we transfer and customize cutting edge methodologies in NLP and ML such as large language modeling, in-context inference, data augmentation, domain adaptation, etc. Our daily activities include utilization of forefront deep neural network ecosystem and architectures on our Nvidia DGX server.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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19. Postdoctoral Position in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Dr. Brooke Fridley’s Lab, at the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, is seeking a highly motivated, independent, and collaborative postdoctoral research fellow interested in conducting exciting interdisciplinary research. The Department currently has 19 faculty, 8 postdoctoral research fellows and approximately 28 staff engaged in a wide range of statistical and Bioinformatics research and collaborations, including but not limited to, novel therapeutic and drug discoveries, prognostic and predictive biomarker developments, high throughput genomics, proteomics, next-generation sequencing data-based investigations, epidemiological studies, clinical trial designs, and personalized medicine studies. The post-doctoral research fellow will collaborate with Dr. Fridley on statistical genomics methodology projects, along with, collaboration on collaborative cancer research projects.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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20. Postdoctoral Position in Cellular Engineering

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Dr. Patrick Hwu’s lab at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida is seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral fellow to join his multi-disciplinary laboratory team focused on understanding the underlying mechanisms of cancer-immune system interactions and developing novel translational cellular immunotherapies with the goal to improve current treatments for cancer patients.

Dr. Hwu’s research is engaged in developing innovative immunotherapy approaches to trigger potent adaptive antitumor immunity to overcome resistance to cancer immunotherapy. His studies are focused on gene-modified T-cells, development of translational combinatorial therapies which include immune checkpoint blockade and adoptive T-cell therapy, and identification of targetable T-cell molecules to boost the proliferation, migration and function of tumor reactive T-cells.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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