
45 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands

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Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, increasing from € 2443 per month in the first year to € 3122 in the fourth year. As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School.

1. Two PhD Programs in Software Restructuring

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are seeking two PhD Students to join the Spoofax team to (1) extend the theory and application of scope graphs to the specification of programmable software restructurings, (2) develop analogs to scope graphs for capturing and transforming control flow, (3) develop a software restructuring framework for the C++ programming language based on this framework, and (4) validate the restructuring infrastructure through restructuring production C++ code at Philips Healthcare.

Application Deadlines: 31 December 2022

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2. PhD Programs in Quantum Computer Science

Summary of PhD Positions:

We have open PhD positions at TU Delft in the exciting new area of Quantum Computer Science for Quantum Networks. Quantum Networks and their real-world realization pose a host of new Computer Science challenges, which we strive to address! Specifically, positions are available in the following areas:

1. Quantum Network Architectures, including the design and analysis of large-scale quantum network architectures (incl. protocols and algorithms) using both analytical methods and/or numerical simulation. Development of these architectures and algorithms is key to distributed quantum application deployment.

2. Quantum Network Systems, including the design and implementation of quantum network operating system concepts on state-of-the-art quantum hardware comprising a small network of quantum processors. Students have an opportunity to closely collaborate with TU Delft experimentalists who are actively developing this hardware on campus.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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3. PhD Programs in Phase Transitions of Carbon Dioxide

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this PhD research, you will investigate the equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties of CO2 streams with impurities using computer simulation techniques. The models calibrated on experimental and simulation data can be combined with flow equations to accurately describe CO2 transportation in pipelines and to avoid 2-phase regimes. Ultimately, this research should lead to a better design of CO2 transportation pipelines including flow assurance, safety, pipeline integrity, and cost aspects.The project is a part of a large EU projects on CCS-related research. The PhD student is expected to participate in this project consortium.

Application Deadlines: 31 December 2022

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4. PhD Programs in Wide-bandgap Magnetic Sensors 

Summary of PhD Positions:

We seek you as a PhD candidate to create a novel 3D magnetometer that leverages MEMS processing with novel materials, to create a magnetometer that can sense all three magnetic field directions from a single device. You will investigate novel materials in the active layer to improve performance and temperature operation over silicon devices. You will also design and tape-out the circuit for bias and readout in a modern CMOS process. This is a multidisciplinary project which will involve collaboration both in our group, across the microelectronics department (EI – ECTM), and across faculties (EEMCS-3ME).

Application Deadlines: December 31, 2022

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5. PhD Programs in Village in a dish

Summary of PhD Positions:

In the collaborative “Convergence in a dish” project of TU Delft, ErasmusMC and Erasmus University, we aim to build a “village in a dish” cell culture platform (iCELL) where iPSCs from many individuals are co-cultured under controlled environmental conditions. Your role will be to develop in vitro cell culture models that capture the complex environment cells encounter in living tissues while being amenable to high throughput analysis. Earlier work has shown that the geometry, stiffness and composition of the extracellular matrix all affect cell behavior.

Application Deadlines: 31-01-2023

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6. PhD Programs in Robust Signal Processing

Summary of PhD Positions:

Dr. Myers’s group at TU Delft develops and analyzes novel signal processing techniques for communications and sensing with wireless systems. We focus on both applied and theoretical aspects of challenging problems in connected automotive and radars. In next generation automotive networks, radars will be deployed in almost every vehicle to ensure safe driving. In such dense radar deployments, signals from multiple radars interfere with each other and deteriorate the perception capability of the radars.

This PhD project will develop new signal processing techniques, to construct multi-dimensional digital radar waveforms and algorithms, that ensure interference-robust radar operation even in dense automotive networks. Our techniques are also expected to adapt to the sensing environment, by leveraging information from various sensors in an automotive.

Application Deadlines: 31 January 2023

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7. PhD Programs in theory of quantum transport

Summary of PhD Positions:

The theory of quantum transport explains the properties of nanodevices that are used as elements in modern quantum technologies, and suggests their novel non-trivial implementations. It incorporates the most channelling concepts and methods of modern theoretical physics in potentially applied context. You will make several projects in this area under supervision of Prof. Yuli Nazarov, one of the founders of the field of quantum transport. There is no research proposal associated with these positions, this gives the freedom to formulate the projects adjusting to the interests and capabilities of the students involved.

Application Deadlines: 31-01-2023

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8. PhD Programs in radar signal processing

Summary of PhD Positions:

Automotives in next-generation vehicular networks will be equipped with advanced communication and multi-modal sensing capabilities. Existing radar sensing solutions, however, are not designed to leverage this connectivity and sensing infrastructure.

The PhD project will address this gap by developing advanced signal processing algorithms that make the best use of the available infrastructure. The PhD candidate will work on distributed signal processing on radar data using the communication backbone network. The goal is to exploit vehicular connectivity to enhance perception in mixed traffic conditions where vehicles have varied sensing capabilities.

Application Deadlines: January 31, 2023

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9. PhD Programs in Synthetic cell division

Summary of PhD Positions:

We seek an outstanding experimental biophysicist with a strong affinity for research at the interface of physics and biology and with relevant research experience in fields such as membrane, molecular, or cell biophysics or soft matter physics. We are looking for a candidate with a high level of intellectual creativity, genuine interest in fundamental research, who enjoys collaborations and easily communicates with scientists from different disciplines.

Application Deadlines: 01-03-2023

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10. PhD Programs in CNS requirements for autonomous separation

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD position is funded by the Horizon-Europe CERTIFLIGHT project. You will be working in an international consortium, which means that good proficiency in the English language (spoken and written) is required. Furthermore, the position requires an MSc in Aerospace Engineering, Aeronautics or a comparable degree, thorough knowledge of air traffic management, flight operations, as well as excellent programming (Python, C++, …) and mathematical skills. Preferably you also already have experience in writing scientific reports and papers.

Application Deadlines: 30-11-2022

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11. PhD Programs in Designing a Digital Twin

Summary of PhD Positions:

The main objective of this PhD research is to investigate what are the key aspects that are necessary for should be part of a digital twin of inland waterway networks; including infrastructure, water and bed levels in combination with a meso-scale agent-based approach that represents vessel traffic. Various real-world data sources (AIS data, discharge data, water level and flow velocity data, infrastructure data, etc.) will be used in combination with already existing tools for maritime traffic simulation (at least one of which is OpenTNSim that is being developed at TU Delft), energy consumption estimates and emission algorithms.

Application Deadlines: 30 November 2022

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12. PhD Programs in Visual Analytics

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Computer Graphics and Visualization (CGV) group at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), TU Delft invites applications for full-time doctoral candidates in the area of Visualization and Visual Analytics in Fine-Art analysis. The successful candidate will work together with collaborators from the department of Material Science and Engineering at TU Delft and the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam on novel visualization and visual analytics methods, as well as visual workflows.

Application Deadlines: December 1, 2022

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13. PhD Programs in Urban Water Management

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a candidate with a MSc degree or equivalent in sanitary engineering or (urban) hydrology. We expect a very good level of Dutch, as there will be very close cooperation with Dutch practitioners, strong communication skills and ability to work in a team. Doing a PhD at TU Delft requires English proficiency at a certain level to ensure that the candidate is able to communicate and interact well, participate in English-taught Doctoral Education courses, and write scientific articles and a final thesis. For more details please check the Graduate Schools Admission Requirements.

Application Deadlines: 1 December 2022

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14. PhD Programs in Asset Management for Blue Green Infrastructure

Summary of PhD Positions:

Blue green infrastructures (BGI), such as bioswales, green roofs, permeable pavements and retention spaces in parks, are increasinly applied to mititgate climate change effects. The current focus is the design, placement, construction, development, and improvement of BGIs. However, BGIs need to be operated, maintained, and rehabilitated to ensure expected performance.

While for grey urban drainage systems, asset management is well established, asset management for blue green infrastructure is still at an early stage of development. This PhD project aims to contribute to the development of inpection, monitoring and rehabilitation techniques and strategies for BGI  This research is part of the Knowledge programme urban Drainage, funded by the Dutch urban Drainage sector.

Application Deadlines: 1 December 2022

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15. PhD Programs in Musical Robot for People with Dementia

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD-candidate will join the QoLEAD project, a unique interdisciplinary collaborative network for the co-creation of intelligent personalized support for people with dementia (PwD). This position is at the Interactive Intelligence group of TU Delft, with a tight connection to the Music, Brain, Health & Technology (MBHT) lab of University Leiden (Rebecca Schaefer, the head of the lab, will co-supervise the PhD). Furthermore, the PhD-research is part of a work package that develops a “social agent and robot framework”, in which TU Delft closely collaborates with the Radboud University, RU (i.e., the concerning RU PhD-student and supervisors who focus on a supportive virtual agent).

Application Deadlines: December 4, 2022

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16. PhD Programs in Femtosecond Photoacoustic Imaging

Summary of PhD Positions:

Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) is an emerging biomedical imaging modality for probing the optical properties of tissues at deep penetration depths. PAI leverages the photoacoustic effect wherein non-ionizing laser pulses targeted at soft tissues cause localized heating leading to thermal expansion and eventually wideband ultrasonic acoustic emissions.

Acoustic Metamaterials (literally meaning – “beyond materials”) are architected materials with carefully engineered microstructures to exhibit material and acoustic properties that are either tunable or exotic (oftentimes not found in nature). Supported by advances in additive manufacturing, the miniaturization of structures to material length scales enables wave manipulations such as acoustic wave guiding, tunable acoustic bandgaps, negative acoustic refractive indices, acoustic cloaking, acoustic superlensing, and many more.

Application Deadlines: 10 December 2022

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17. Two PhD Programs in Environmental Impacts of Future Air Mobility

Summary of PhD Positions:

This project aims to develop a multi-scale approach, where the systems-level minimisation of the environmental impacts includes the micro (single-trajectories) and macro (flow traffic of multiple vehicles) aspects of the airspace. Together with 10 other European partners, which include universities, research institutes, and the industry, the selected candidates will work towards innovative approaches which will include a combination of models and measurements. The two positions focus each on UAS noise and aircraft air quality respectively.

Application Deadlines: 15 December 2022

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18. PhD Programs in RC ACC-3D Multi-Scale Modelling

Summary of PhD Positions:

As a PhD candidate, you will work towards understanding these mechanisms through testing of the composite materials at multiple length scales using advanced experimental techniques such as in-situ X-Ray computed tomography and digital volume correlation. You will also develop optimization procedures for the composites based on machine learning. The project “Auxetic Cementitious Composites through 3D printing (ACC-3D)” is funded by ERC as a Starting Grant 2021. ACC-3D is organized into 2 PhD and 2 postdoc projects who will work together with the supervisor in a complementary way. The candidate is therefore expected to enjoy working in a team.

Application Deadlines: 15 December 2022

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19. Three PhD Programs in Multiscale Modelling for Wind Farm Design

Summary of PhD Positions:

This project provides an exciting and stimulating research opportunity for those willing to advance our understanding of the physics of the atmosphere and its impact on both wind farm performance and wind farm loading. This is a multi-partner project necessitating close collaboration between some of the leading research institutes working on wind energy in Europe and the US as well as major companies active in turbine design, wind farm development, wind farm operation and airborne wind energy systems development. TU Delft is coordinating this project and is seeking to recruit a team of talented researchers who wish to make a real contribution to the energy transition.

Application Deadlines: 15 December 2022

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20. PhD Programs in Biophysics

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a highly motivated student with significant physics or engineering research experience to develop a novel sequencing technique that probes the protein profile using aptamers with sub-nanometre resolution. This high-resolution method, combined with nanotechnology, will be used for analysing proteoforms, particularly, splicing isoforms and post-translational modifications. We will be able to sequence single proteins and their proteoforms and therefore create the opportunity for single-cell proteomics and screening for on-site medical diagnostics.

Application Deadlines: 15 September 2022

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21. PhD Programs in Experimental Fluid Dynamics of Microalgae Suspensions

Summary of PhD Positions:

Several PhD positions are available in the project “Flow4Algae”. The goal of this experimental project is to understand the multiscale fluid dynamics of living microalgae suspensions. We are particularly interested in the interplay between flow conditions, cell physiology and cell growth. Each different project will focus on flow conditions ranging from linear shear flows in microfluidics to weak turbulence and will characterize cell growth and distribution in the fluid medium and biofilm growth on surfaces. In this project, you will design new multi-scale experiments and analytical tools for the different flow regimes.

Application Deadlines: 20 November 2022

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22. PhD Programs in agent-based modelling of urban economic segregation

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD represents an exciting opportunity to develop cutting edge methods of agent-based model building and analysis on a socially relevant topic. You will be expected to translate theoretical mechanisms of economic inequality and segregation into programmable rules of actions for agents within an agent-based model. You will implement these mechanisms and integrate them into a modular agent-based model. This (multi-)model will be initialized, calibrated and validated against unique empirical microdata (i.e. the exhaustive register data from the Dutch register, provided by CBS).

Application Deadlines: November 21, 2022

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23. PhD Programs in Re-Use of Steel and Composite

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this Ph.D. project, you will evaluate the benefits of re-usable steel and steel-based composite (multi-material) structures toward a sustainable and circular built environment. In order to achieve that, in this Ph.D. project you will examine experimentally and numerically the structural behavior of re-usable/demountable buildings on different scales starting from material and connection levels up to a structural level. Through your research, you will also create a theoretical framework that allows for the re-use of steel and composite structures without compromising on their performance and safety. This Ph.D. project, will expose you to several engineering challenges associated with the optimum design of structures in different scales and the safe design of re-usable/demountable steel and composite (multi-material) structures.

Application Deadlines: 24 November 2022

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24. PhD Programs in Drive System of a Resonant Flapping Wings Micro Aerial Vehicle

Summary of PhD Positions:

The goal of this project is to develop bio-inspired FW-MAVs for indoor application, to support greenhouse growers in monitoring pest/disease onset detection and localization. More research is needed to develop FW-MAVs with high hovering ability that are capable of carrying dedicated detection equipment. The development of FW-MAVs is a multidisciplinary challenge requiring cross-domain collaboration between several partners, such as growers, biologists, entomologists and engineers with expertise in robotics, mechanics, aerodynamics, electronics, etc.

In this project a co-creation-based collaboration is established with all stakeholders involved: academia, industry, horticulture and branch organizations. In this project research area, the biomimicry research group at Inholland will collaborate with the Precision and Microsystems Engineering (PME) department at Faculty 3mE, TU Delft.

Application Deadlines: 30 November 2022

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25. PhD Programs in Next Generation Data-Driven Aviation

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD positions will be hosted in the Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects Section of the Department of Control and Operations of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. The mission of the Department of Control and Operations is to improve the safety and efficiency of operations in aerospace and to reduce the impact on the environment.

The department comprises three sections: Control and Simulation, which focuses on the development of advanced automatic control systems (including the role of the human operator), Air Transport Operations, which aims to improve operational performance in terms of capacity, safety and economy, and Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects, which focuses on reducing aircraft noise, emissions and the effects of aviation on climate change and air quality.

Application Deadlines: 30 November 2022

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26. PhD Programs in electrically-driven water removal from biomass

Summary of PhD Positions:

A PhD project is available at TUD as part of the NWO-funded consortium ELECTRIFIED, comprising 5 academic and 8 industrial partners. You will be based in the Department of Chemical Engineering and will work under the joint supervision of Dr. Valeria Garbin (Department of Chemical Engineering, Transport Phenomena group) and Prof. Johan Padding (Process & Energy, Complex Fluids Processing group).

Your PhD project will focus on elucidating the fundamental mechanisms of water removal from biomass by electric fields, using a combination of advanced microscale experiments and numerical simulations. The overarching aim of the ELECTRIFIED project is to develop the technological principles for enabling both energy reduction and use of renewable energy in water removal and drying of biomass. Currently, drying alone represents 15-25% of industrial energy consumption.

Application Deadlines: 30 November 2022

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27. PhD Programs in Distributed Energy System Integration and Control

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for an outstanding and enthusiastic PhD candidate who has expertise and/or interest in modelling and design of (electric) power and propulsion systems. You have obtained an MSc or an equivalent degree or expect to obtain an MSc very soon related to these areas: electrical power engineering, marine engineering, control engineering. Good spoken and written English and the ability to work in a team are mandatory.

Application Deadlines: 30 November 2022

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28. PhD Programs in Extreme Data, AI and Transportation

Summary of PhD Positions:

In either of the two related PhD projects, you will be working on developing and applying so-called interpretable or eXplainable AI (XAI) technology for the prediction and management of either crowds or multi-modal traffic in networks, by capitalising on the vast amounts of heterogeneous data that have been collected.

The multi-modal network management project entails developing schemes for the short-term prediction of multi-modal network traffic flows as well as the development of AI-inspired (e.g., reinforcement learning) methods for the network-wide management of these networks that use these predictions. We expect that the developed methods will capitalise on current developments in traffic network theory, including, but not limited to, the (generalised) network fundamental diagram for multimodal traffic, decentralised network control schemes, and perimeter control approaches for large scale applications.

Application Deadlines: 20 November 2022

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29. PhD Programs in Evaluating Appropriate Designs for Supporting Bunkering Infrastructure

Summary of PhD Positions:

The goal of the PAving THe way towards Zero-Emission and RObust inland shipping (PATH2ZERO) project is to achieve breakthrough by developing actions perspectives and sustainable business models for all parties in the inland shipping chain, thus contributing to the transition to emission-free inland shipping. The evaluation of zero-emission strategies, effectiveness of policies, technologies and assessment of the consequences of their implementation on the inland shipping system is the main objective of the project.

A data-driven virtual representation of the inland shipping system will be developed for assessing the efficiency of proposed solutions capturing potential trade-offs of the interventions in the system. Three aspects are regarded to be vital components of the digital twin: the individual vessels, the logistic chains and the infrastructure.

Application Deadlines: 30 November 2022

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30. PhD Programs in Developing Multi-Modal Transport Management Strategies

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD project will be developed by taking another approach, which we refer to as the relative space, where one can treat the network as an undifferentiated unit and disregard the physical locations of numerous vehicle trips traversing the network. In this new relative space dimension, the trip flow dynamics are modelled based on the remaining trip distances to their respective destinations, see Vickrey (2020). Until recently, the relative space dimension has only been exploited through continuum models, such as the continuum bathtub models, which focus on the (aggregated) flow of initiated and completed trips.

However, it is particularly important to be able to study individuals’ experiences and decisions when designing management strategies at the network level (e.g., pricing strategies) to improve the overall transportation system. Therefore, the development of a multi-modal agent-based model in the relative space that is able to focus on individual trips has the potential to be an excellent method to study planning and management strategies for high-level policy questions in a computationally efficient manner.

Application Deadlines: 30 November 2022

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31. PhD Programs in Time-Use Trends and Travel Behaviour

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this PhD project, and depending on your profile and preferences, you will have the opportunity to investigate questions such as the above (or others that will yet be formulated!), and do so from multiple angles – theoretical and empirical, qualitative (e.g., based on focus groups) and quantitative (e.g., based on discrete choice experiments). This project is therefore an opportunity to develop yourself as a well-rounded interdisciplinary scholar. In this journey, you will be guided by Dr. Baiba Pudāne and Dr. Maarten Kroesen.

Application Deadlines: 12 November 2022

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32. PhD Programs in Theoretical Biophysics

Summary of PhD Positions:

This project is a four-year theoretical project which will involve theory in the fields of statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics and stochastic processes, programming, as well as close collaboration with experimental colleagues on upcoming coronavirus data. From the theoretical perspective, we want to understand how efficient specific mechanisms are at achieving precise coronavirus packaging and transitions between replication, translation and packaging.

This part of the project will involve both simulations (we will likely require simulations for polymers or lattice gas models) as well as analytic calculations. From the biological perspective, we want to model and understand the temporal dynamics of the early infection and packaging. This project will be pursued in collaboration with experimental colleagues and will be part of the NWO-XL consortium Sars-CoV-2.

Application Deadlines: 13 November 2022

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33. PhD Programs in 3D Printed Steel Structures

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this PhD project, we will explore intelligent design of critical structural details, in steel infrastructures or hollow-section joints of offshore supporting structures for renewable energy to enable the material and energy savings. You will be involved in experimental testing and advanced numerical simulations predicting the behaviour of structural components at material, small-component and full-scale levels, where WAAM technology is used as an alternative application where traditional welding technology or other known methods have reached technological barriers.

Application Deadlines: 13 November 2022

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34. PhD Programs in Sediment Plume Generated by Dredging Activities

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this PhD research, you will develop an insightful understanding of the sediment release accompanying (some of) the various dredging processes occurring while using a CSD. This will in turn improve the predictability of the corresponding dredging source term. You will also have the opportunity to work as part of a vibrant research group focussed on a range of offshore and dredging engineering challenges and collaborate with industry. The outcomes of this research are expected to have direct impact on the industry by providing solid guidelines to predict sediment plumes generated by a CSD.

Application Deadlines: 15 November 2022

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35. PhD Programs in Measuring Resilience

Summary of PhD Positions:

Fueled by climate change, fragmentation, and geopolitical conflict, resilience has rapidly risen to the top of the policy-agenda. However, the lack of a consistent definition about resilience results in a fragmented landscape of resilience tools, dashboards and indicator models that attempt to capture social, urban, environmental, or infrastructure resilience. What is missing are approaches to understand and assess resilience across complex social-technical-environmental systems, founded in the values of a society.

Application Deadlines: November 15, 2022

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36. PhD Programs in Process Systems Engineering for Sustainability

Summary of PhD Positions:

Emerging carbon upcycling technologies will play a crucial role to ensure that future chemical systems are sustainable. Process Systems Engineering (PSE) provides modeling and optimization tools to aid in the development of these technologies and their integration in the current chemical supply chains.

In this PhD project, you will develop novel PSE tools for the modeling and optimization of carbon upcycling technologies with a focus on closing carbon cycles towards a fully circular economy. You will use a wide range of modeling approaches (mechanistic models, commercial simulators, surrogate models), optimization tools and assessment techniques (techno-economic assessment, life cycle assessment, social LCA). The target processes for this study will include waste-to-resource (e.g. chemical recycling of plastics) and emissions to resource (i.e. carbon capture and utilization) technologies.

Application Deadlines: 15-11-2022

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37. PhD Programs in applied cryptography

Summary of PhD Positions:

This position aims to develop practical and cryptographic solutions. You may explore how to design lattice-based cryptographic tools to adapt to multi-sector and cross-border data sharing, and further you may provide provable security for the proposed solutions in the game-based, or universal composability model. You may only need to focus on the theoretical design and development, while the industrial partners will fully implement the designs. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work closely with world-class researchers at TU Delft and our collaborators in Europe and the US.

Application Deadlines: November 15, 2022

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38. PhD Programs in TPM Resilience

Summary of PhD Positions:

Following COVID-19, the World Health Organisation (WHO) made policy recommendations for increasing health systems resilience and pointed to the importance of addressing resilience in all aspects of the healthcare system, including re-designing policies, protocols and services, and the importance of considering safety in healthcare delivery. Such system and institutional changes require design methods which take into account the complex multi-stakeholder environment.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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39. PhD Programs in gene eletrotransfer and electroporation

Summary of PhD Positions:

The aim of this experimental PhD project is to unravel the biophysical mechanisms by which the actin cortex and the membrane together govern electro-transfer of genes and proteins into the living human cells. In this project, you will have the opportunity to work in a cutting-edge, fast-paced research environment, interact with researchers from many different disciplines, learn about fundamental biophysical and biological processes in living humans cells, and interact with world-class collaborators. This highly interdisciplinary project is a collaboration between the Boukany lab at the Chemical Engineering Department, and the Koenderink lab at the Bionanoscience department at TU Delft and Leiden University Medical center (LUMC).

Application Deadlines: 07-11-2022

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40. PhD Programs in Accelerated Damage Sensor based Fatigue Analysis and Design

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD position is meant to develop – and validate – an advanced fatigue strength criterion and damage accumulation model incorporating both mid- and high-cycle fatigue in order to provide fatigue strength and life time estimates using accelerated fatigue damage sensor data and loading & response sensor data fusion.

Since improving the fatigue design is quite effective in reducing the total cost of ownership, i.e. risk (uncertainty), your aim will be to develop a fatigue damage criterion and corresponding resistance curve for all welded joints, as well as a (non-linear) damage accumulation model for spectral domain applications taking the mid-cycle and high-cycle fatigue contributions into account. Particular attention should be paid to mean (residual) stress characteristics and effects of loading & response history.

Application Deadlines: 10 November 2022

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