
29 Postdoctoral Fellowships at University of Manchester, England

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University of Manchester, England invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Fellowships (Salary: £34,308-£42,1550) in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. Postdoctoral Position in Evolving quantum mechanical tunnelling in enzymes

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This 36-month post-doctoral position is based in the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology (MIB) and Department of Chemistry at the University of Manchester and aims to map QMT contributions to enzyme reactions along artificial enzyme evolutionary trajectories. This approach will involve the development and use of laboratory DE strategies, advanced enzyme kinetics, kinetic isotope effect (KIE) measurements and structural biology. The successful applicant will work in the research groups of Profs Sam Hay and Anthony Green, which are currently funded by the BBSRC, EPSRC, ERC and other sources, and are well-equipped for a full range of computational, molecular and biophysical techniques.

Application Deadline: 04/01/2023

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2. Postdoctoral Position in DNA Damage and Repair

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Environmental exposure threats like UV light, ionizing radiation (IR), chemicals in food, drugs and tobacco smoke cause disease principally through damage to DNA. Consequently, biological systems have evolved to minimise or reverse this damage. The most toxic damage is double-strand breakage of DNA, and the repair of such damage is also prone to error, which can lead to hereditary defects such as microcephaly, primordial dwarfism and immune deficiencies, as well as causing cancers. Many components of the cellular machinery that brings the broken ends together include intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs). The roles of these regions remain poorly understood, as they are not detected by many experimental techniques, but they are likely to dynamically form short-lived ordered modules that mediate interactions between the repair machinery components.

Application Deadline: 16/01/2023

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3. Postdoctoral Position in Computational Chemistry/ Biophysics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A Research Associate for 2 years, with possible extension of another 2 years, is available through UKRI funding underwriting a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant. This position is open to an outstanding and ambitious computational scientist to work in molecular simulation with an eye on considerably speeding up codes written in Fortran. By its novel architecture the in-house force field FFLUX aims to make a step change in the reliability of modelling of peptides/proteins in aqueous solution. The machine learning method Gaussian Process Regression is used to create knowledgeable quantum atoms that accurately predict energies and multipole moments. FFLUX needs to benefit from fully optimised parallelisation, both OpenMP and MPI, and by porting to GPUs and ultimately Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The post is tenable from 1st April 2023.

Application Deadline: 06/01/2023

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4. Postdoctoral Position in Bioinformatics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Applications are invited for the role of Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Bioinformatics to work in translational neurooncology in the Hamerlik lab in Manchester. The post involves dealing with multi-omic data analysis and storage, focusing particularly on data from spatial multi-omic profiling of brain metastases (incl. GeoMx platform, Mass Spectrometry Imaging. Tasks range from low-level QC and mapping through to statistical analysis, data visualization, machine learning and biological interpretation. The post-holder will also help develop tools and workflows, contribute to experimental design prior to data collection and will contribute to writing up work for journal papers and presentations.

Application Deadline: 16/01/2023

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5. Postdoctoral Position in Virtual Reality Training Programme 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Falls are a significant issue in the care home sector, with residents three times more likely to fall than in the community. Residents are at higher risk of falling due to increased complex health and care needs with multiple fall risk factors. Initial scoping work by the research team suggested care homes had inconsistent access to falls awareness training, with some care homes having none, despite demand. Previous research suggests that the most effective and engaging training is practical, interactive, with skills that easily transfer to the workplace and residents.

Application Deadline: 03/01/2023

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6. Postdoctoral Position in Multimorbidity in Primary Care

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are seeking to appoint a talented mixed-methods researcher to work on an NIHR School for Primary Care Research (SPCR) project – Treatment Burden for people <65 years with multimorbidity in primary care. The aim of the study is to understand the treatment burden associated with multiple long-term health conditions, for people <65 years of age, and to understand how primary care services affect this burden. The study is a collaboration across four members of the SPCR (the Universities of Bristol, Manchester, Southampton and Exeter). The study methods include qualitative interviews, a cross-sectional survey, and stakeholder workshops.

Application Deadline: 13/01/2023

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7. 02 Postdoctoral Position in Condition Monitoring of Overhead Line Insulators 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are currently seeking two researchers to work on a project relating to the development of condition monitoring techniques on ceramic overhead line insulators, and the integration of these techniques onto a UAV platform. The posts are for 30 months each, starting January 2023. The research will be performed primarily at UoM High Voltage labs. The High Voltage lab at UoM is the largest open access high voltage lab in the UK and the only one capable of testing assets at UK transmission level voltages.

Application Deadline: 04/01/2023

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8. Postdoctoral Position in beam-beam and crab cavity dynamics in HL-LHC

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Applications are invited for the position of Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) for beam-beam and crab cavity dynamics in HL-LHC. The luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider will increase the delivered instantaneous luminosity by an order of magnitude to search for new, rare, particles and perform precision measurements of the standard model of particle physics. The machine challenges are significant, including unprecedented understanding of the beam dynamics, high intensity collimation and the use of crab RF cavities. The project has entered a construction phase and there are key research and development beam physics’ studies needed to consolidate the performance of the baseline scenarios and to assess potential further improvements.

Application Deadline: 06/01/2023

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9. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We seek applications from enthusiastic and highly motivated post-doctoral scientists with significant interest and expertise in stroke and in vivo drug studies for a Research Associate position funded by a Translation Manchester: Confidence in Translation grant. We will perform a drug study to test the efficacy and neuroprotective properties of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors after intracerebral haemorrhage in a mouse model. The successful candidate will perform study design, neurosurgery and drug treatments to establish the model followed by magnetic resonance imaging, immunohistochemistry and behavioural assays to assess outcomes.

Application Deadline: 03/01/2023

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10. 02 Postdoctoral Position in NIHR Older People And Frailty Policy Research Unit

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This job description is for three positions spanning both Research Associate (2 posts) and Research Fellow (1 post). As members of the team the appointee(s) will work on a variety of reviews (using a variety of review techniques) and research projects using quantitative and/or qualitative research methods. The post holder(s) will also engage in our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) and other Stakeholder Engagement programmes.

Application Deadline: 03/01/2023

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11. Postdoctoral Position in SIMONS OBSERVATORY:UK PROJECT

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics seeks a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the area of instrumentation to work on the Simons Observatory:UK (SO:UK) project. Simons Observatory (SO) is a next-generation Cosmic Microwave Background observatory, comprised of a single large aperture telescope (LAT) and multiple small aperture telescopes (SATs). It is currently under construction in the Atacama Desert in Chile, with early science operations due to begin in 2023. SO:UK is a major UK contribution to SO. In addition to a significant contribution to the SO Data Management, SO:UK will deliver two additional SATs and a receiver system for the LAT. The University of Manchester is one of six UK universities that form the SO:UK collaboration and, amongst other contributions, will be assembling and testing one of the two SO:UK SATs.

Application Deadline: 31/12/2022

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12. Postdoctoral Position in Debris-Flow Dynamics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Applications are invited for an outstanding Postdoctoral Research Associate to work on a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funded project on “Debris-flow dynamics: Understanding phase separation and wave formation”. The post is part of an international team of researchers studying the spontaneous formation of waves in debris flows. Waves vastly concentrate the energy within a debris flow, and strongly enhance their destructive potential, yet very little is known about how they form and coarsen. The project is led by Professor Nico Gray and Dr Chris Johnson at The University of Manchester and involves collaboration with scientists in Switzerland who collect field data from the Ill graben debris-flow observation station.

Application Deadline: 31/01/2023

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13. Postdoctoral Position in Deposition and Characterization of Thin Molecular Films

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Applications are invited for a Post-Doc position available in the group of Prof Casiraghi, Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester. The project will mainly focus development and optimizaof a home-made setup enabling deposition of thin molecular crystals (thickness < 50nm). This post is available until December 2024. Applicants should have a PhD (by the start date) or equivalent in Chemistry, Material Science, Physics, Engineering or related subjects. Preference will be given to applicants with significant experience on development of home made setup for deposition of thin films from solution and crystallization background, in particular in combination with graphene and other 2D materials.

Application Deadline: 09/01/2023

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14. Postdoctoral Position In Translational Pharmacokinetic Modelling

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Applications are invited for a Research Associate in Pharmacokinetic Translation PBPK modelling, in the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry. The post will be tenable on a fixed term basis of 24 months in the first instance. Working under the umbrella of the Centre of Applied Pharmacokinetic Research (CAPKR) group, you will be fully involved in a CAPKR-funded project entitled ‘Liquid Biopsy and Endogenous Biomarkers to enhance or replace specific DDI studies in Patient Populations’. You will hold a PhD in a biomedical, pharmaceutical or systems modelling research area, and have a background in determining activities of drug metabolizing enzymes and/or transporters using different in vitro systems and experience in physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling incorporating in vitro-in vivo extrapolation. Emphasis will be placed on a developing publication record.

Application Deadline: 16/01/2023

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15. Postdoctoral Position in Translational Neuro-oncology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Applications are invited for the role of Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Translational Neurooncology to work in the Hamerlik lab in Manchester. Working as part of a multidisciplinary team, the successful applicant will be responsible for driving the interrogation of molecular targets associated with glioblastoma recurrence. In particular, the post-doctoral research fellow will study mechanisms driving aberrant DNA repair and its functional interplay with DNA replication and transcription. The project will involve multi-omic profiling (scRNAsequencing, spatial proteomics and MSI) and utilize unique patient-derived spheroid and xenograft models developed in our laboratory for down-stream proof-of-mechanism experiments.

Application Deadline: 16/01/2023

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16. Postdoctoral Position in the Oral Barrier Immune-Surveillance Network

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This is an opportunity for a highly motivated immunologist to work on a full-time Wellcome Trust funded project, investigating mechanisms of immune surveillance at the mucosal barriers of the mouth. This exciting project will explore the immune-surveillance network policing the oral barrier, defining how this network develops and is educated by the local tissue environment to safeguard barrier homeostasis. ​​​​​​​ This post offers an excellent opportunity to join a dynamic research team within the Lydia Becker Institute of Immunology and Inflammation. You will be a Research Associate in the laboratory of Dr. Joanne Konkel with access to excellent research facilities, cutting-edge technologies and cross-disciplinary training opportunities.

Application Deadline: 28/02/2023

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17. Postdoctoral Position in the Development of Electronic and Ionic Sensors based on Van der Waals Heterostructures

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are seeking to appoint an individual with significant experimental experience in 2D materials device microfabrication and characterisation, advanced electronic/ionic transport measurements, and instrumentation development. Applicants with strong expertise in microfabrication of van der Waals heterostructures in the cleanroom, ionic transport, spectroscopic techniques, electrochemistry, electrophysiology, or microfluidics will be considered. Proven proficiency in writing quality research papers is essential. Candidate should be well-organised and self-motivated with excellent communication skills. The projects are expected to lead to high impact scientific publications, technological developments and a boost in the career of the Research Associate.

Application Deadline: 09/01/2023

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18. Postdoctoral Position in Statistical Genetics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We have an exciting opportunity to appoint a talented and ambitious investigator to join the Research Group of Prof Andrew Morris to work on an innovative project funded by the Medical Research Council entitled: “Harnessing the power of diverse populations to empower clinical translation of genome-wide association studies of common human disease”. The project will develop and apply state-of-the-art statistical methods and software to integrate multi-ancestry genome-wide association studies of common diseases across diverse populations. The project will provide tools to enable a more comprehensive view of genetic risk and of the causal genes and biological mechanisms underlying common diseases that will be relevant to all, irrespective of their genetic ancestry, and will offer exciting future routes to clinical translation.

Application Deadline: 18/01/2023

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19. Postdoctoral Position in Secondary Ice Mechanisms

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The purpose of this project is to acquire insights into how ice is formed in natural clouds. Our current lack of understanding in cloud-radiation feedbacks and forcing, from aerosols modifying clouds, dominates the uncertainty around future global warming according to the IPCC. At the other extreme, on the local-scales, various types of ice precipitation create severe weather. Freezing rain, for instance, has caused 3-billion US dollars of damage per decade over the second half of the 20th century and caused commercial aircraft to crash resulting in loss of life. Equally, hail causes billions of dollars of damage every year, from damage to buildings to destruction of crops. ​​​​​​​

Application Deadline: 12/01/2023

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20. 02 Postdoctoral Position in Rich Tomography

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Rich tomography methods measure more than a scalar along each ray through an object. This could be a spectrum, a diffraction pattern or a change in polarization state. From this data we aim to reconstruct more than just a scalar image. In polarimetric neutron tomography we aim to reconstruct a 3D image of a magnetic field. From neutron spectra we deduce information about the strain in a polycrystalline material. From x-ray and electron diffraction data we aim to deduce the distribution of directional properties including strain.

Our recently funded EPSRC project Rich Tomography for advanced materials aims to provide a unified software framework for these rich tomography methods and develop reconstruction algorithms that work with experimental data, and to advance the measurement techniques as tools for developing advanced materials.

Application Deadline: 13/01/2023

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21. Postdoctoral Position in Pulsar and Fast Transients Software Development and Research for the SKA

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are seeking a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Pulsar and Fast Transients Software Development and Research to work within the Pulsar and Time Domain Astrophysics (PTDA) group at the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics (JBCA) for the SKA. The Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics (JBCA), located within the Department of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Manchester, has a long history of pulsar astrophysics. We operate the Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank, which has been involved in the observation of pulsars since their discovery; pulsar researchers at Manchester have been involved in the discovery of more than half of all known pulsars.

Application Deadline: 04/01/2023

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22. 02 Postdoctoral Position in Machine Learning

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Applicants are invited for the post of a Research Associate in probabilistic machine learning applied to cancer research. You will join a team of probabilistic modelling and machine learning researchers developing new principles and models for AI-assistants in cancer, which are able to help domain experts even when the goals are only partially known, such as in the beginning of scientific research. This will require expertise on multiple topics; you are expected to have experience in one or more of these and be interested in working with experts on the others. Keywords include advanced user modelling, automatic experimental design, Bayesian inference, human-in-the-loop learning, machine teaching, privacy-preserving learning, reinforcement learning and inverse reinforcement learning, and simulator-based inference.

Application Deadline: 16/01/2023

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23. Postdoctoral Position in Fetal Health

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Applications are invited for a position of Post-Doctoral Research Associate funded as part of a Medical Research Council Career Development Award to work on a project evaluating the effects of antenatal exposure to medications for cardiac dysfunction on fetal health. This full time position will last for 60 months and is primarily based at the Maternal and Fetal Health Research Centre (MFHRC) in Manchester, with the possibility of visiting the collaborator research group in Cambridge. The post involves experiments with human tissue samples, cell co-cultures and perfusion of tissues, focusing particularly on vascular aspects of the human placenta. The post-holder will also help with in vivo experiments in a pregnant sheep model, with a major focus on fetal physiology.

Application Deadline: 03/01/2023

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24. Postdoctoral Position in Understanding the Role of the Host Immune System in Shaping Microbiome Dynamics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

(How) do hosts control microbiome dynamics? Eco-evolutionary theory suggests the mammalian microbiome is best conceived as an “ecosystem on a leash” – a diverse community of microbes locked in fierce competition, but stabilized by host adaptations. However, this hypothesis has yet to be directly tested, and we still understand little of how hosts shape their microbiomes.​​​​​​​

In this Wellcome Trust funded project you will work with immunologists and computational biologists to explore how one key host adaptation – Immunoglobulin A – influences both the behavior of individual microbes and the dynamics of the microbiome as a whole. You will use a variety of NGS techniques to profile microbiome dynamics within mice, use new computational pipelines to infer the ecological interactions driving these dynamics, and use fine-scale experimental approaches to test your predictions.

Application Deadline: 09/01/2023

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25. 02 Postdoctoral Position in the Sustainable Forest Transitions Project 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

​​​​​​​The University of Manchester is seeking to appoint two Research Associates for the Sustainable Forest Transitions (SFT) project. SFT is a five-year, £1.7 million project funded as part of a UKRI Research Frontier grant based within the Global Development Institute in the School of Environment, Education and Development. The SFT project will conduct ground-breaking research to better understand how reforestation drivers affect forests and the communities that depend on them. Over the next five years, SFT will study the changing nature of forest cover and human development at unprecedented scale and detail. The SFT project will start working in Mexico, Brazil, India, and Nepal and very possibly expand to other countries.

Application Deadline: 30/01/2023

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