
14 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at Heidelberg University, Germany

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Heidelberg University, Germany invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. 10 PhD Programs 

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) at Heidelberg University, Germany, invites applications for 10 Three-Year Ph.D. Positions (f/m/d) in an interdisciplinary Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) on Authority and Trust in American Culture, Society, History, and Politics (GKAT). Funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), GKAT focuses on three broadly defined research areas: (1) the authority of the modern state and trust in public and social institutions; (2) the urban dimension of authority and trust; (3) authority and trust in literature, culture and religion.

Application Deadlines: March 1, 2023

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2. PhD Programs in Applied Mathematics

Summary of PhD Positions:

You will conduct research as part of the research group “Analysis, the Calculus of Variations and PDEs” in a research area related to the interests of the research group. You will contribute to the teaching portfolio of the research group with four hours teaching duties per week (4 SWS or 3 SWS, respectively).

Application Deadlines: 15th March 2023

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3. PhD Programs in Optogenetic cell culture for cardiac tissue engineering

Summary of PhD Positions:

For participating in the ERC Starting Grant LIGHTHEART focused on the development of a new in vivo bioprinting technology to fabricate human cardiac muscle directly at the operating room. Heart failure remains a leading cause of mortality worldwide, taking an estimate of 16 million lives each year. Cardiac tissue engineering solutions that can improve the quality of life of those with advanced heart disease have proved challenging so far. Bioprinting is an exciting technology that holds promise to fabricate tissues and organs.

Lab-grown engineered cardiac muscle requires at least four weeks to maturate in a bioreactor. In LIGHTHEART, an off-the-shelf solution will be developed for treating injured myocardium in vivo. An unconventional combination of bioprinting and optogenetics will be used to surgically fabricate engineered cardiac muscle directly at the patient’s heart.

Application Deadlines: February 17, 2023

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4. PhD Programs in Microtubule assembly in space and time

Summary of PhD Positions:

Microtubules are highly dynamic polymers of alpha/beta-tubulin with essential functions in chromosome segregation in mitosis and meiosis, intracellular organization, cell motility and neurogenesis. Microtubules are targets of anticancer drugs, for example Paclitaxel. Microtubule malfunction is associated with cancer, infertility and neurological diseases. Microtubules are dynamic polymers that constantly turnover.

All eukaryotic cells depend on gamma-tubulin complexes for the assembly of microtubules from alpha/beta-tubulin subunits in space and time. We have resolved the cryo-EM structure of the large vertebrate gamma-tubulin ring complex (gamma-TuRC) composed of over 30 subunits including actin (Liu et al., Nature 2019; Böhler et al., Bioessays 2021; Würtz et al., Nat Comm 2022).

Application Deadlines: 28.02.2023

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5. PhD Programs in Cancer

Summary of PhD Positions:

The centrosome is the main microtubule organizing centre in mammalian cells. As DNA, centrosomes duplicate once per cell cycle. Malfunction of centrosome duplication is a hallmark of cancer cells and recent data suggest that centrosome overamplification contributes to cell transformation.

Cells with supernumerary centrosomes cluster centrosomes together to maintain pseudo-bipolarity associated with low-grade aneuploidy and cell survival. HSET, a nonessential minus end-directed motor of the kinesin-14 family, is a centrosome clustering molecule essential for viability of extra centrosome-bearing cancer cells. However, additional mechanisms cooperate with HSET and ensure survival of cells with supernumerary centrosomes. In this project we will analyse such mechanisms and how they mechanistically work together with HSET.

Application Deadlines: 15.02.2023

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