
6 Psychology Practice Areas You Need to Know

6 Psychology Practice Areas You Need to Know Psychology has gained strength in recent centuries and, today, it is an important tool for us to understand the world. As there are many aspects to observe, we highlight the areas of Psychology that stand out. If you are thinking about choosing this higher course, start by … Read more

10 Tips to succeed in Psychology

10 Tips to succeed in Psychology The area of Psychology is one of the most promising in the scenario of our country. This is because the demand for treatments related to mental health continues to grow. Thinking about continuing in the profession? So it’s time to check out some tips to ensure your success! What … Read more

How be successful in a distance education course?

How be successful in a distance education course? Studying without having to leave home and having good online learning resources is already the reality of more than 5.08 million students in our country, according to the EaD Census published by ABED ( Association of Distance Education). Distance learning (DE) is one of the most sought-after … Read more

What are active methodologies?

What are active methodologies? Active methodologies are teaching and learning strategies that place the student at the center of the knowledge acquisition process. For it to be effective, the student needs to be mature and actively participate in the process. There are different methods that can be used, such as problem-solving, project development, the so-called … Read more

What is the difference between Ph.D. and master?

What is the difference between Ph.D. and master? Although there are several types of postgraduate degrees available for those who wish to continue their higher education, the most common are Master’s Degrees and Doctorates (Ph.D., EdD, and others). These degrees vary in complexity and time from each other – but not only that. So it’s … Read more

07 Steps to study abroad

Studying abroad can seem complicated, especially if you don’t organize yourself well enough to do so. It’s true, the process is labor-intensive and takes time and energy. After all, in the process of figuring out how to study abroad, you have to research and evaluate schools, cities, and countries, organize your documentation, take exams and prepare … Read more

What is PhD? Everything you need to know

What is PhD? Literally translated, the meaning of Ph.D. is “Doctor of Philosophy”, because when we look at the root of the term, Ph.D. is an abbreviation of “Philosophy Doctor”. However, over time, the meaning of the acronym expanded beyond philosophy. What does Ph.D. mean? According to Daniel Costa, local coordinator of Euraxess, PhD is … Read more

Is it worth studying on holiday?

Is it worth studying on holiday? It’s less than a month until the day of the exam, and there’s still a long holiday in the middle of the way. Enjoy the quieter days and rest or reinforce your studies for the final stretch? We has put together some tips on how you can make the … Read more

Benefits of meditation in studies

Discover 4 benefits of meditation in studies Mustache: Meditation is an ancient exercise with oriental origins, but it is increasingly present in Western culture. With benefits for the body and mind, this practice can be an important ally in achieving a more positive lifestyle, resulting in more effective study routines. Meditation is an ancient practice … Read more

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