
54 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway

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Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. PhD Programs in climate mitigation and biodiversity protection

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. The focus of this PhD is the harmonization and implementation of existing and newly developed impact categories into an update of the LC-IMPACT methodology and to them to link these life cycle impact assessment models to REMES – a regional equilibrium model for Norway. Green strategies for climate mitigation and biodiversity protection shall be analyzed for the case of aquaculture in the Trøndelag region (Norway) and transport and mobility in Piedmont (Italy). Further, impacts of biodiversity loss through food trade (out of and into Norway) and transformative scenarios to halt this loss shall be investigated.

Application Deadlines: 24th March 2023

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2. PhD Programs in calculating the biodiversity impacts of global, non-food biomass trade

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. The focus of this PhD is the harmonization and implementation of existing and newly developed impact categories into an update of the LC-IMPACT methodology and to link life cycle impact assessment models to global input-output trade models (EXIOBASE in combination with FABIO).

In addition, the PhD student will contribute to the development of scenarios for transformative interventions and apply the developed scenarios and impact assessment models to a case study of cotton production in Tanzania. Collaborations with the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania, Leiden University in the Netherlands and ETH Zurich in Switzerland are foreseen. A research stay in Tanzania is planned for and we especially encourage excellent African students to apply.

Application Deadlines: 24th March 2023

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3. PhD Programs in Business Value of Artificial Intelligence

Summary of PhD Positions:

We offer a 4 year PhD position in Information Systems at the Information Systems and Software Engineering (ISSE) group of the Department of Computer Science, NTNU. For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.

The focus of this position is on exploring the business value that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can deliver to organizations and the mechanisms through which this is achieved. While there has been widespread enthusiasm regarding AI, adopting and strategically utilizing these technologies constitutes a major challenge for many organizations. Furthermore, there is limited understanding about how the use of technologies such as AI can drive business strategies and generate sustained value. While most research to date has investigated technical aspects related to AI, there is a growing need to understand how business strategies can be developed to harness the strengths of these novel technologies.

Application Deadlines: 24th March 2023

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4. PhD Programs in microfluidics for foam stability

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. The Ugelstad Laboratory at the Department of Chemical Engineering has a vacant PhD position, in which microfluidics will be used to generate foams and observe their stability. Foam stability—and instability—is important to control in diverse applications such as fire suppression and food production.

Microfluidics permits the fine control of operating conditions and high throughput for statistically meaningful conclusions to be drawn. In recent years, the Ugelstad Laboratory has established new microfluidic techniques to prepare and investigate emulsions, porous media, and nanoparticles. The PhD candidate will expand this expertise to generate foams and manipulate process/operating conditions to gain fundamental understanding of foam physics.

Application Deadlines: 31st March 2023

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5. PhD Programs in microfluidics for water treatment

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Ugelstad Laboratory at the Department of Chemical Engineering has a vacant PhD position, in which microfluidics will be used to investigate the treatment of water via gas flotation. The main goal of the research will be to: (i) identify process conditions that will improve the efficiency of removing contaminants at high temperatures and pressures and (ii) understand the physical mechanisms by which these process conditions act to improve this efficiency. The candidate will have the possibility to collaborate with researchers within the Ugelstad Laboratory as well as project partners in industry.

Application Deadlines: 31st March 2023

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6. 09 PhD Programs in HYDROGENi team

Summary of PhD Positions:

HYDROGENi is a Centre for environment-friendly energy research (FME) dedicated to the research and innovations within hydrogen and ammonia needed to meet the 2030 and 2050 goals of the Norwegian hydrogen road map. HYDROGENi’s activities are a collaborative effort from Norwegian and European partners (industry, universities, and research institutes) that cover the entire hydrogen value chain.

Hydrogen’s role in the energy transition was previously thought to be a “clean” alternative to fossil fuels in cars. However, it can also replace fossil fuels in industrial processes, such as coal in the steel industry, and in the maritime sector. Hydrogen is now considered to be one of the main drivers of the green shift. To realise hydrogen’s full potential, there are important knowledge- and technology gaps that need to be filled.

Application Deadlines: Continuously

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7. PhD Programs in Structural Engineering

Summary of PhD Positions:

We have a vacancy for a PhD Candidate in Structural Engineering at Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering at NTNU in Ålesund, Norway. We are looking for a candidate who is motivation to improve existing and develop new resilience assessment frameworks that can be applied to aging coastal infrastructure. NTNU Ålesund is currently focusing on asset management and resilience of critical transport infrastructure.

Resilience can be defined as the ability to anticipate, prepare for, adapt to changing conditions, and withstand, respond to, and recover rapidly from disruptions. The expected increase in the frequency of extreme hazards together with aging infrastructure and following it structural deterioration are two main concerns threatening the resilience of existing coastal infrastructure that consists of multiple bridges, roads and ferry quays that play a crucial role in Norway’s economy and society. This in turn put strains on infrastructure owners that need to prioritize which assets needs retrofit and repair the most.

Application Deadlines: 10th April 2023

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8. PhD Programs in Computational Tools for the Maritime Industry

Summary of PhD Positions:

We have a vacancy for a PhD Candidate to work with computational tools for the maritime industry at Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering in Ålesund, Norway. This position is connected to the SEUS – Smart European Shipbuilding EU Horizon project. The PhD fellowship appointment runs for three years without teaching duties. The maritime domain and shipbuilding industry have a significant impact on the European economy. It enables society’s waterborne logistics through shipping, transportation, and tourism activities, technological development through requiring the highest expertise, and driving environmental sustainability. Industrial technology for the design and construction of high value and complex vessels is interconnected with the development of efficient computational tools.

Application Deadlines: 10th April 2023

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9. 02 PhD Programs in Statistical Machine Learning and Signal Processing

Summary of PhD Positions:

PhD Position N.1 – Data Fusion in Maritime IoT The activities related to this position include: (i) exploring advanced solutions for distributed detection/estimation based on cooperative algorithms and data fusion; and (ii) defining a maritime IoT framework for enhanced situational awareness and decision support to autonomous navigation.

PhD Position N.2 – Transient Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis for Digital Twins of CCS Systems The activities related to this position include: (i) time-series transient modeling and monitoring of start-up and shut-down filling process in CCS systems; and (ii) defining a simulated environment based on data-driven machine learning for water/CO2 transferability and full-scale design optimization.

Application Deadlines: 31st March 2023

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10. PhD Programs 

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a highly motivated candidate who is interested in joining our collaborative team composed of an international and multidisciplinary environment consisting of physicists, biologists and clinicians in which creativity and scientific dialogue across fields is highly valued and encouraged. The PhD candidate will be hosted at the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience (KISN) and work in close collaboration with the Institute of Neuromedicine and Movement Science (INB) and Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology at St. Olav’s University Hospital.

Application Deadlines: 16th April 2023

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11. PhD Programs in aluminium structures

Summary of PhD Positions:

At the Department of Structural Engineering, we have a vacancy for a PhD candidate in the testing, modelling and optimisation of aluminium extrusions under extreme loads. The position is linked to the research group SIMLab (Structural Impact Laboratory). For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. The advent of electric vehicles has brought about new challenges related to the design of efficient yet lightweight aluminium structures.

The development of more and more complex aluminium extruded profiles has been motivated by the need for increased protection of battery trays and the gradual substitution of steel for aluminium in the automotive industry. Thicker walls, multiple chambers and complex cross-sections are just some of the aspects that challenge current FE modelling technologies, while the demand for accurate simulations of vehicle parts within reasonable timeframes is maintained.

Application Deadlines: 3rd March 2023

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12. PhD Programs in Machine Learning in Microbial Bioprocesses

Summary of PhD Positions:

Our digital Microbial feedback Laboratory is coordinating a large EU project with cross-disciplinary collaboration with 16 academic- and industrial partners throughout Europe, and seeking skilled candidates motivated for a PhD position targeted towards the following area: Reinforcement learning is one of the three machine learning disciplines.

As a PhD Candidate, you will explore the possibility to control the activity, growth and processes inside bacteria and their interactions with the environment, using reinforcement learning and optimal control. The research combines modeling, simulation and most importantly novel real-time control experiments. This exciting new frontier has never been explored before and together with a large team you will have the opportunity to produce new molecules such as antibiotics by a novel method. At your disposition is a state-of-the-art laboratory with automatic robots and sophisticated analytical instrumentation.

Application Deadlines: 3rd March 2023

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13. PhD Programs in digital design of structures according to the circular economy rules

Summary of PhD Positions:

We have a vacancy for a PhD position in Structural Engineering Design at the Department of Structural Engineering. For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. The building industry is currently facing significant challenges. The increasing cost of building materials, low productivity, little automation and becoming more environmentally friendly are some of the challenges that need to be overcome. Reusing elements from deconstructed buildings is a significant step forward, but considerable progress must be made before this is cost-effective.

Application Deadlines: 6th March 2023

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14. PhD Programs in particle resolving modeling of sediment transport

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. As part of the ERC Consolidator grant “Particle Resolving Fluid-Sediment Interaction” (PARTRES), we have a vacancy for a 3-year PhD position at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering within the Marine Civil Engineering group. Representing the interconnected processes of current, waves and sediment transport constitutes an interdisciplinary challenge.

In the current PhD project, a particle-based sediment transport model will be created. Together with the underlying high-resolution and turbulence resolving flow solver, this will take a step towards a more realistic representation of these processes. The sediment transport will be described through a particle centric numerical framework. The turbulent flow calculations will be performed on a Eulerian background mesh using an immersed boundary method for the solid boundaries and a two-phase flow solver to capture complex free surface dynamics.

Application Deadlines: 5th March 2023

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15. PhD Programs in machine learning in neurology

Summary of PhD Positions:

Do you want to participate in a groundbreaking interdisciplinary research project combining neurology, advanced computational science, and technology? We have a vacant position as PhD candidate in machine learning in neurology for 3 years. For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.

In this PhD project you will work with developing and evaluating a machine learning tool that can be used to forecast when an individual will have a headache. Using a smartphone app and wearable sensors we will collect detailed day-to-day data on hundreds of individuals with migraine. We will develop machine learning models that identifies complex patterns within the data to predict when the next headache attack will occur. This allows individuals with migraine to take precautionary measures and improve their quality of life. We will also set up a clinical trial that evaluates the effect of the forecasting tool compared to standard-of-care.

Application Deadlines: 4th March 2023

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16. PhD Programs in development of smart collectors for mineral and metal extraction

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a motivated person who is interested in joining our team as a PhD candidate at the Mineral Processing Laboratory at NTNU. Research and education at the Mineral Processing Laboratory at NTNU provide vital knowledge on sustainable processing of ores and minerals and the recovery of valuable components from industrial waste. The laboratory is unique in Norway and plays a strategically important role in the shift towards a greener and more circular economy.

Application Deadlines: 10th March 2023

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17. PhD Programs in optimization models for identifying solutions for emission reductions

Summary of PhD Positions:

PhD Candidate position on optimization models for identifying cost-effective solutions for emission reductions in the seafood industry This PhD position is available at the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management – section of Managerial Economics, Finance and Operations Research.

The position is resident at NTNUs campus in Trondheim. There is a PhD position available at the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management – section of Managerial Economics, Finance and Operations Research. The position is resident at NTNUs campus in Trondheim. This is an educational position, which will provide promising research recruits the opportunity for professional development through studies towards a PhD-degree.

Application Deadlines: 10th March 2023

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18. 02 PhD Programs in Rock Engineering

Summary of PhD Positions:

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. Department of Geoscience and Petroleum (IGP) has two vacant PhD research positions with focus on 1) Stability Assessment of Underground Excavations and 2) Rock slope stability assessment. The PhD positions are funded by NORAD under the NORHED II PROJECT 70141 6 Capacity Enhancement in Rock and Tunnel Engineering at Paschimanchal Campus (WRC), Institute of Engineering (IoE) of Tribhuvan University (TU) in Nepal. These positions are only relevant to the permanent faculties of Paschimanchal Campus (WRC) of Institute of Engineering (IoE), Trubhuvan University (TU) in Nepal.

Application Deadlines: 6th March 2023

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19. 02 PhD Programs in Electrochemistry

Summary of PhD Positions:

We have two vacancies for PhD fellows at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in the field of Electrochemistry. Electrochemistry is a truly interdisciplinary field drawing on chemistry, physics, materials science, electronics, and nanotechnology alike. Electrochemistry therefore offers unique possibilities for interesting scientific work and an exciting career.

Electrochemistry is essential in current pursuit of the green transition and the establishing of a sustainable society, as it is critical to some pivotal technologies such as hydrogen technology (water electrolysis and fuel cells), and batteries. It is also critical to the manufacture of materials that go into a diverse set of technologies related to energy storage and renewables. The demand for staff with expertise in Electrochemistry is therefore soaring.

Application Deadlines: 10th March 2023

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20. PhD Programs in Artificial Intelligence for Public Health Applications

Summary of PhD Positions:

We have a vacancy for a PhD or Postdoctoral candidate at the Department of Computer Science in the Data and Artificial Intelligence group. This position is part of the SmaRTWork project funded by the Research Council of Norway. SmaRTWork aims to develop a digital system for personalized return to work recommendations for sick-listed with musculoskeletal disorders. In the SmaRTWork project we are developing a case-based reasoning (CBR) system that provides recommendations to self-manage with the goal that the personalized intervention facilitates a sustainable return to work. SmaRTWork is an interdisciplinary research project led by the Department of Public Health and Nursing at NTNU with researchers with a healthcare and Artificial Intelligence (AI) background.

Application Deadlines: 10th March 2023

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21. PhD Programs in ultra-high field MRI

Summary of PhD Positions:

We have a vacancy for a 100% position as PhD candidate in MR physics at the Department of Physics, NTNU. The period of employment is 3 years, with the possibility of up to 6 months extension, based on available teaching duties and agreement with the department. The PhD candidate will be part of a new project entitled IMPARK, funded by The Liaison Committee for Education, Research and Innovation in Central Norway. The main goal of IMPARK is to identify novel imaging biomarkers for Parkinson’s disease using 7T MRI.

Parkinson’s disease (PD) affects 1-2% of the population above the age of 65 and is a major cause of death and disability with a devastating global socioeconomic impact. Current treatments for PD are purely symptomatic and have no impact on disease progression. A major obstacle against development of new treatments is the lack of biomarkers to stratify PD according to potential underlying mechanisms. The overarching hypothesis behind IMPARK is that quantitative information derived from 7T MRI combined with molecular and clinical data will enable the identification of novel biomarkers for diagnosis and stratification in PD. IMPARK is a sub-project of STRATPARK, which is an ongoing large multi-center trial, hosted by Neuro-SysMed Center of Excellence for Clinical Treatment Research, Haukeland Universitetsykehus (HUS).

Application Deadlines: 10th March 2023

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22. PhD Programs in Semantic Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD candidate will work on the challenging research problem of resilient autonomy in complex industrial environments where precise mapping and reasoning over the different objects and structures is necessary. Accordingly, the envisioned research focuses on the problem of “Semantic and multi-modal Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM)”. In particular, the envisioned research will aim to combine diverse sensor data (including from visual cameras, and automotive-grade LiDARs) in order to infer a high-fidelity map of the environment – and the pose of the robot in it – in real-time while simultaneously performing semantic scene segmentation reflecting the distinct structures within an industrial environment. The envisioned contributions shall break new ground in the domain of robot autonomy and Spatial AI with a particular focus on a holistic view on the SLAM and semantic segmentation problem. The activity will be part of a research project that further involves industry participation.

Application Deadlines: 12th March 2023

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23. PhD Programs in Hydrogen-Based Zero-Carbon Marine Power Systems

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD position is dedicated to the development of zero-carbon marine power systems based on hydrogen and including both onboard power systems and port infrastructure. The position is connected to the Centre for environment-friendly energy research – FME HYDROGENi as a cross-disciplinary effort between research areas “Transport and storage” and “Maritime end-use”. Hence, the research will be performed in collaboration with the project partners and other researchers in the centre. Given the emerging research field, the PhD scope may cover flexible research questions including marine power system modeling and design, energy management and optimization, port sustainable energy system, and smart hydrogen integration.

Application Deadlines: 12th March 2023

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24. PhD Programs in Aerial-Ground Robot Teaming for Inspection of Industrial Environments

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD candidate will work on the challenging research problem of aerial-and-ground robot teaming for the problem of autonomous inspection of industrial environments. Of particular focus is a) exploiting the synergies of ground and flying robots, b) considering their marsupial combination, and c) performing multi-robot path planning research for the semantics-driven inspection that focuses the robots’ attention on the distinct value of different structures (semantics) in the environment. The envisioned contributions shall break new ground in the domain of robot autonomy, path planning algorithms and tightly-integrated robotic systems-of-systems. The activity will be part of a research project that further involves industry participation.

Application Deadlines: 12th March 2023

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25. PhD Programs in Bioinformatics

Summary of PhD Positions:

The position is one of three PhD positions within the project Personalized treatment of small-cell lung cancer, which is an interdisciplinary project involving oncology, bioinformatics, and materials science. The overall aim of this project is to develop an affordable, cost-effective, and easily implemented diagnostic classification system for small-cell lung cancer (SCLC). This will enable us, among other things, to assess the extent of disease, predict treatment response and disease development including risk of brain metastases, and estimate time to relapse and survival time.

Application Deadlines: 15th March 2023

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26. PhD Programs in Reservoir Engineering

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD project is an interdisciplinary initiative between NTNU and SINTEF. The PhD student is assigned to the Department of Geoscience and Petroleum (IGP) at NTNU, but the PhD candidate is expected to spend considerable time at the Department of Applied Geoscience of SINTEF Industry. The candidate is supervised by Prof. Carl Fredrik Berg from the Department of Geoscience and Petroleum (IGP), and Research Scientist Per Bergmo from SINTEF Department of Applied Geoscience will act as co-supervisor.

Application Deadlines: 14th March 2023

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27. PhD Programs in Artificial Intelligence for Understanding Health Risks in Elderly

Summary of PhD Positions:

The DigiFrailCare project targets digitalization and the use of digitised health data to improve health services for older people at risk of or with frailty. Frailty refers to age-related physical debility; a complex condition characterised by a cumulative decline across multiple physiological systems and increasing vulnerability to adverse health outcomes and death. Sustainable health services for frail older people are highly needed. Three PhDs and one postdoc will work together with an interdisciplinary supervision project team from three faculties and departments to tackle the grand challenges of frailty.

Application Deadlines: 14th March 2023

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28. PhD Programs in cancer biology

Summary of PhD Positions:

The position is one of three PhD positions within the project Personalized treatment of small-cell lung cancer, which is an interdisciplinary project involving oncology, bioinformatics, and materials science. The overall aim of this project is to develop an affordable, cost-effective, and easily implemented diagnostic classification system for small-cell lung cancer (SCLC). This will enable us, among other things, to assess the extent of disease, predict treatment response and disease development including risk of brain metastases, and estimate time to relapse and survival time.

Application Deadlines: 15th March 2023

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29. PhD Programs in Solid State Electronics/ Physics

Summary of PhD Positions:

The aim of the candidate is to explore design and synthesis of magnetic perovskite oxide thin films for studies of phonon-magnon coupling. Main focus will be PLD synthesis, structural and magnetic characterization as well as ultra fast spectroscopy. The research will be performed in a combined local at NTNU and international team. The local team is a collaboration between the oxide Electronics Group at Department of Electronic Systems and the oxide group (Professor Thomas Tybell, 1 PhD student) and the Physics department / QuSpin (Professor Erik Wahlstrøm – 1 PhD student and 1 PostDoc). Internationally the group will collaborate with Stockholm University, University of Barcelona and JAIST Kanasawa.

Application Deadlines: 15th March 2023

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30. PhD Programs in tissue engineering

Summary of PhD Positions:

The position is one of three PhD positions within the project Personalized treatment of small-cell lung cancer, which is an interdisciplinary project involving oncology, bioinformatics, and materials science. The overall aim of this project is to develop an affordable, cost-effective, and easily implemented diagnostic classification system for small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) which enables us, among other things, to assess the extent of disease, predict treatment response and disease development including risk of brain metastases, and estimate time to relapse and survival time.

Application Deadlines: 15th March 2023

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31. PhD Programs in Smart Windows

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD candidate position is funded through the EU Horizon project ”An Open Innovation Ecosystem for Exploitation of Materials for Building Envelopes towards Zero Energy Buildings” (Exploit4InnoMat) and will thus also be part of a larger international research team. The building sector is responsible for 40 % of the energy consumption and 36 % of the CO2 emissions in the EU. As near zero emission buildings (nZEB) becomes the new standard, the role of building materials and smart envelope systems is becoming more and more important.

Application Deadlines: 17th March 2023

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32. PhD Programs in Marine Hydrodynamics 

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Department of Marine Technology, NTNU has a vacancy for a PhD candidate focusing on ship maneuvering in adverse weather conditions in open sea, with limited installed power on-board. This PhD position is part of the project SeaWorthy (Hydrodynamic Aspects of Green Shipping). SeaWorthy is a four-year duration project between SINTEF Ocean, NTNU and several Norwegian industry partners. The ambition is to improve our understanding and develop knowledge and improved tools related to the IMO requirements for less installed power on vessels. The focus is on coastal vessels.

Application Deadlines: 15th March 2023

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33. PhD Programs in AI for automatic quantification of heart function by ultrasound

Summary of PhD Positions:

The purpose of this project is to develop and evaluate next-generation methods for automatic quantification of heart function based on artificial intelligence and echocardiography. More specifically, you will have the opportunity to explore novel AI methods for regional myocardial function estimation by echocardiography, with the goal of improving non-invasive measurements of the heart’s condition. To achieve this goal, you will conduct research on approaches such as convolutional neural networks, vision transformers, diffusion and generative models, and adapt them to the domain of echocardiography. We work closely with clinical experts, and to improve translation of developed methods and potential deployment at the hospital, emphasis is also on real-time capabilities and interpretability/explainability.

Application Deadlines: 15th March 2023

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34. PhD Programs in floating structures

Summary of PhD Positions:

The focus of the PhD project is floating membrane structures for the support of solar panels or aquaculture closed cage systems. The membranes are made of flexible polymeric materials that will deform statically when exposed to current loads and dynamically when subjected to waves. The connections to buoyancy elements and stiff solar panels must be carefully designed as stress concentrations will be introduced, potentially violating the lifetime performance of such structures.

Application Deadlines: 1st March 2023

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35. PhD Programs in designing hydrogen resistant metallic materials by additive manufacturing

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MTP) has a vacancy for a PhD candidate in the materials research group, with special focus on the design and development of hydrogen resistant metallic materials by additive manufacturing. Hydrogen is considered as a clean energy carrier for the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. However, the application of hydrogen energy can be decelerated due to the inevitable embrittling effect when hydrogen interacts with metal. Additive manufacturing (AM) has shown its uniqueness in producing complex multifunctional components for existing applications. It has also been proposed as a promising approach to develop metallic materials that can tolerate hydrogen damage, not only in the hydrogen value chain, but also for subsea service in the oil and gas sector.

Application Deadlines: 1st March 2023

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36. PhD Programs in Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Process and Power Program, Department of Energy and Process Engineering (EPT) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is seeking a PhD Candidate in Sustainable Energy Process Systems. One of the key goals is to identify the most promising technologies for implementation as part of a new Trans-Atlantic Energy Bridge to provide new sources of clean and reliable energy to Europe, and subsequently make recommendations to governments for development based on critical analysis and data.

Application Deadlines: 1st March 2023

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37. PhD Programs in experimental physics

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are searching for a creative, skilled and ambitious candidate for our activities on 3-dimensional in-situ X-ray imaging, funded under the FRINATEK program of the Norwegian Research Council. The PhD student will be supervised by NTNU and SINTEF and will work in an international team of several principal investigators, PhD students, postdocs and master students. External collaboration with other academic research groups and industry actors is an important part of the position.

Application Deadlines: 1st March 2023

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38. PhD Programs in 

Summary of PhD Positions:


Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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39. 03 PhD Programs in Molecular Inflammation

Summary of PhD Positions:

3 PhD positions are available in the research groups of prof. Trude Helen Flo and prof. Terje Espevik at the Centre of Excellence in Molecular Inflammation Research (CEMIR), NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. The Flo group seeks to understand how early cellular responses to pathogens are initiated and regulated in space and time, and how this shape infection outcome.

We have a particular interest in the cellular host responses to bacterial- and viral pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and we are setting up human stem-cell-based model systems to study how cellular crosstalk regulates inflammation, cell death and the infection outcome. The Espevik group is focusing on functions of the complement system, inflammasomes and Toll-like receptors in relation to intracellular signals induced by microbes and cholesterol crystals. The aim is to find new targets and strategies for regulating immune responses that may result in new therapeutics for treating pathological inflammation.

Application Deadlines: 28th February 2023

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40. PhD Programs in Deep Learning

Summary of PhD Positions:

The candidate will be a member of a well-established and dynamic research team with mix between young and more experienced scientists working on solar energy in Nordic built environments. The research team is designed in collaboration with National and International partners and other faculties at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). NTNU represents academic eminence in engineering, technology, and the natural sciences in Norway as well as in other academic disciplines ranging from the social sciences, the arts, medicine, teacher education, architecture to fine art. Cross-disciplinary cooperation results in innovative breakthroughs and creative solutions with far-reaching social and economic impact.

Application Deadlines: 28th February 2023

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