
44 Funded PhD Programs at Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

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Technical University of Denmark, Denmark invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD programs in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. PhD scholarship in Sustainability Dynamics

Summary of PhD Positions:

Do you want to break new ground and push the boundaries of sustainable design towards higher impact? If you have a MSc in System Dynamics, System Engineering, or related areas and you want to work at the very front of the new scientific revolution within sustainable design, this is a job for you to thrive. At DTU Construct you will break new ground at the absolute forefront for enabling the design of sustainable solutions and be an active part of REBOUNDLESS, a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant project, recently awarded by the European Research Council. You will contribute to the development of the reboundless design theory, a paradigm shift in design science that will establish the scientific knowledge for preventing rebound effects (i.e., unintended consequences of interventions that arise due to induced changes in system behaviour leading to higher sustainability impacts). You will have the opportunity to join top interdisciplinary scientists from all over the world and make a personal impact in solving some of the most critical challenges the world is facing.

Application Deadlines: 31 July 2022

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2. PhD scholarship in Supercontinuum Laser Spectroscopy

Summary of PhD Positions:

If you have a passion for experimental laser physics and would like to pursue a career within advanced spectroscopic techniques for chemical and gas detection, then this is the ideal opportunity for you! This PhD scholarship in Supercontinuum Laser Spectroscopy will allow you to develop your skills as an independent scientist, working in a state-of-the-art photonics laboratory and combining exploratory research with a possibility for collaboration with both industry and academic partners. Your PhD project will be focused on investigating different spectroscopic techniques and combine them with broadband supercontinuum lasers to achieve sensitive and specific detection of a broad range of molecules. These techniques include: attenuated total reflectance (ATR), fiber evanescent wave spectroscopy (FEWS), and multi-pass cell (MPC) gas spectroscopy. The goal of the project is to demonstrate new applications, such as in situ soil analysis and monitoring of environmental pollutants in water and air.

Application Deadlines: 18 July 2022

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3. PhD scholarship on insitu corrosion fatigue tests for offshore steel structures

Summary of PhD Positions:

Are you interested in contributing to the development of a novel and advanced insitu corrosion fatigue test facility to improve the safety and reliability of offshore steel structures? If so, the Department of Wind Energy, Division of Materials and Components invites applicants for a PhD position in the area of experimental investigation of the effect of insitu corrosion on the fatigue lifetime of carbon steel in harsh environmental conditions. Responsibilities and qualifications The PhD project aims at advancing the state of the art in the area of insitu corrosion fatigue (CF) testing of low to medium carbon steel under realistic marine conditions. The main objective of this project is to develop an advanced insitu corrosion fatigue test facility in which a steel specimen is subject to mechanical cycling loading while fully immersed in an electrolyte mimicking offshore conditions. The system will be accommodated in an existing uniaxial servohydraulic test machine and capable of measuring the crack propagation under controlled frequency, electrolyte temperature, chemical composition and impressed electrical current from cathodic protection. The experimental results will be validated against test data from the literature.

Application Deadlines: 1 July 2022

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4. PhD scholarships (3) in Travel Behaviour Change

Summary of PhD Positions:

We offer three PhD scholarships as part of the ERC Consolidator GRANT “Choice, necessity or chance? Understanding behaviouR chanGE iN Transport – URGENT” within the EU Commission’s H2020 Framework. The URGENT project examines under which individual and contextual circumstances people change their mobility behaviour and what mental mechanisms are involved in these behaviour change processes. The project will use an interdisciplinary approach based on a unique longitudinal dataset combining data from a large panel survey, in-depth interviews and an intelligent mobility diary app.

Application Deadlines: 30 June 2022

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5. PhD scholarship in Quantum Emitters in Two-Dimensional Materials for Integrated Nano-Sensing

Summary of PhD Positions:

Single photon emitters in 2D materials have attracted a large amount of research in the last five years due to their exceptional optical properties at room temperature. Pioneering experiments have demonstrated that atomic defects in atomically-thin 2D materials such as hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) can emit single photons with lifetimes, spectral bandwidth, and photon purity similar to bulky III-V semiconductor-based quantum dots or vacancy centres in diamond [1]. A particular advantage of quantum emitters in 2D materials is the mono-atomic nature of their host material allowing the integration of quantum emitters in close contact with photonic platforms for enhanced light-matter interactions. This new class of materials represents a new paradigm for efficient single-photon sources with new functionalities [1]. The main objective of this project is to identify colour centres with optical and magnetic properties suitable for nano-sensing applications at room temperature and for integration in photonic platforms for potential on-chip quantum photonic applications.

Application Deadlines: 26 June 2022

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6. PhD scholarship: Organometallic Frameworks

Summary of PhD Positions:

A 3-year PhD scholarship in synthetic metal-organic framework (MOF) and organometallic chemistry is available as a joint project between the Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), and the Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire, École Polytechnique (EP). The project will be under supervision of Professor Kasper S. Pedersen (www.kasperpedersen.org) and Associate Professor Grégory Nocton (http://www.gregory.nocton.fr). Responsibilities and qualifications The PhD project will focus on the design and synthesis of new types of magnetic and magnetically frustrated organometallic network structures based on the lanthanide elements. This includes also the detailed elucidation of structural and physical properties, and electronic structures. The PhD candidate will be based at DTU but will spend one year at EP, which will be divided into two periods. In addition, the PhD candidate will spend a significant part of the project period at international large-scale facilities (synchrotron and neutron sources) in Europe and in the US. The project will have significant impact on the understanding of chemical design of novel magnetic ground states in organometallic lanthanide-based materials. Active dissemination of the obtained results, in scientific articles and through participation in international conferences, is an integral part of the job.

Application Deadlines: 15 June 2022

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7. PhD scholarship in Startup Formation & Equity

Summary of PhD Positions:

DTU, The Technical University of Denmark, Centre for Technology Entrepreneurship invites applicants for a 3-year PhD position on “Carbon as a Startup’s Currency”, starting on 1st Sept 2022. This PhD project will be supervised by Associate Professor Thomas J. Howard, Head of Tech Ent in Practice Group. The Centre for Technology Entrepreneurship (DTU Entrepreneurship) puts evidence-based research in focus on a wide range of management, pedagogic, and policy issues related to entrepreneurship and innovation. Our research promotes technology-based entrepreneurship by generating, disseminating, and applying knowledge and competencies to education and business development within and beyond DTU. We collaborate closely with a range of industry partners, as well as private and public organizations. We strive to develop the entrepreneurial capabilities of students, civil society, executives, researchers, and policymakers to create positive social and economic change. At the Centre, the interplay between research, education and start-ups creates a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Application Deadlines: 15 June 2022

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8. PhD scholarship in Carbon as a Startup’s Currency

Summary of PhD Positions:

We collaborate closely with a range of industry partners, as well as private and public organizations. We strive to develop the entrepreneurial capabilities of students, civil society, executives, researchers, and policymakers to create positive social and economic change. At the Centre, the interplay between research, education and start-ups creates a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem. There is an increasing trend towards impact related start-ups, in particular for those relating to CO2 reduction and climate action. Although carbon credit trading has been a possibility for many years, the demand has been lacking in the voluntary carbon market and documentation and certification process is both costly and time-consuming, making it difficult for startups. Perhaps for the first time, the value of a Carbon credit and the maturity of market has made it possible for startups to exist with revenue streams entirely from carbon reduction and trading. This combined with the maturation of CO2 negative technologies changes the landscape for cleantech entrepreneurs and the financing opportunities.

Application Deadlines: 15 June 2022

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9. PhD scholarship in Plant microbiome ecology

Summary of PhD Positions:

We seek an enthusiastic and motivated candidate to reveal ecological interaction within plant microbiomes. You will be involved in a fun PhD project on examining and engineering synthetic microbial communities on the plant root, with strong international connections, a productive scientific environment, and a good work-life balance. This INTERACT consortium-connected PhD project will be carried out in the Bacterial Interactions and Evolution Group headed by Professor Ákos T. Kovács at DTU Bioengineering. INTERACT is funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation via the Collaborative Crop Resiliency Program (CCRP). The overall aim of INTERACT is to decode microbial interactions in the complex soil matrix, in relation to soil biogeochemical status, water stress as well as pathogen attack, and establish the impact of these interactions on plant performance.

Application Deadlines: 15 June 2022

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10. PhD scholarship in enzyme technology and biophysics

Summary of PhD Positions:

If you are seeking to establish your career as a scientist and you are looking for the best possible foundation to do so, then the opportunity is right here. At DTU Bioengineering you will break new ground at the absolute forefront of enzyme technology and biophysics with plant biomass conversion. We seek a full time PhD student for 3 years to join a new project on the discovery of new enzymes and proteins for modification of plant biomass and development of new biophysical methodology. Responsibilities and qualifications The PhD scholar will be part of the research that leads DTU Bioengineering into the future for sustainable plant biomass utilization. The position will focus on discovery of new proteins and enzymes for plant cell wall deconstruction and developing a new understanding of the biophysical parameters that govern the plant cell wall composition. This will significantly strengthen the knowledge base for improving current technological solutions to plant biomass utilization

Application Deadlines: 15 June 2022

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11. PhD student for studying spin-charge conversion phenomena in oxide heterostructures

Summary of PhD Positions:

Do you want to contribute to a future where we can create the new generation of electronic logic device? At DTU Energy our research efforts are aiming at developing spintronic applications. Spintronics is a promising approach which goes beyond the operating principle in present-day electronics where the logic operation relies on the electron spin instead of its charge. Recently, heterostructures based on complex oxide systems have attracted a lot of interest in spintronics where the interconversion between electron spin and charge occurs through the spin-orbit coupling. Realising breakthroughs in such conversion phenomena will pave the way for a next generation of logic devices based on spin rather than charge. As the material choice for the next stage of spintronics we are aiming at apply freestanding oxides which are characterized by radically new properties and functionalities. We currently have an opening for a PhD-student to participate in developing freestanding oxide membranes with desired spintronic properties. The position is supported by a PhD scholarship from DTU within the Nordic Five Tech alliance. The project is carried out in close collaboration between DTU Energy in Denmark and Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.

Application Deadlines: 15 June 2022

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12. PhD scholarship in new “element test” specimens for the study on damage evolution in composites structures

Summary of PhD Positions:

“Elements test” specimens are purposely-designed structures with the aim of checking the accuracy of model predictions of damage evolution in composite structures subjected to static and cyclic loading. For wind turbines blades, there is a need for such element test specimens for the study of damage at structural details. The project involves both design and simulation of damage growth in 2-4 different types of element specimens, and subsequently manufacturing and testing of the element specimens. The design and simulation of damage evolution of the element specimens will be made by the use of finite element modelling and cohesive zone modelling. Input to the simulations will be fracture mechanics properties of interfaces (e.g. mixed mode cohesive laws and fatigue crack growth rates) that are determined independently from mixed mode fracture experiments. The predicted damage growth from the models will be compared with the damage evolution in the real element specimens. The characterization of the damage evolution can be supported by sensors (e.g. acoustic emission), thermal and high-speed cameras and fractography in port-mortem analysis.

Application Deadlines: 15 June 2022

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13. PhD scholarship in structural health monitoring and damage prognostics of composite wind turbine blades using computer vision and machine learning

Summary of PhD Positions:

Are you interested in advancing the state-of-the-art research in wind turbine blade structures using computer vision and machine learning? If so, the DTU Wind & Energy Systems, Division Wind Energy Materials and Components invites applicants for a 3-year PhD position starting in October 2022. The Ph.D. project will be supervised by Associate Professor Xiao Chen, Chief Development Engineer Malcolm McGugan and head of section Senior Scientist Kim Branner. The PhD project will develop novel methods to identify and evaluate typical damages of composite wind turbine blades at structural level using the sate-of-the-art computer vision algorithms and machine learning technologies. The project aligns with several on-going research projects in the areas of structural health monitoring and damage prognostics of composite wind turbine blades using computer vision and data analytics, taking advantage of excellent testing and modelling capabilities at our department. The project is expect to combine both physics-based and data-driven approaches to achieve efficient and reliable damage assessment for future large offshore wind turbine blades and similar large-scale structures.

Application Deadlines: 15 June 2022

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14. PhD Scholarship in Bioinformatics

Summary of PhD Positions:

DTU Health Tech is looking for a qualified candidate for a PhD position in Bioinformatics. In this position, you will develop algorithms and computational methods to deal with the analysis of large datasets from modern and ancient sources. More specifically, these algorithms will be aimed at analyzing human genomes from sedimentary DNA. The bioinformatics section of DTU Health Tech performs research in different areas including metagenomics, machine learning, cancer genomics and population genomics. Current bioinformatics algorithms and software are often ill-equipped to deal with DNA extracted from ancient soil samples. This ancient DNA shows high levels of fragmentation and accumulated chemical damage. Furthermore, ancient sediments often contain DNA from multiple species and often multiple individuals. Fortunately, several problems pertaining to ancient DNA can be described in a maximum-likelihood framework and computer science techniques can help us to solve such numerical problems efficiently via numerical algorithms and data structures. You will work in collaboration with other partners including the University of Copenhagen and McMaster University in order to develop the next generation of algorithms and software applied to DNA extract from fossils, ancient soils and sediments.

Application Deadlines: 14 June 2022

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15. PhD scholarship in Infection Microbiology

Summary of PhD Positions:

Prof. Ivan Mijakovic advertises a PhD position in his group at DTU-Biosustain. This PhD position is partly associated to the PEST-BIN Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovation Training Network (ITN), funded by the European Commission, Horizon 2020 Program. PEST-BIN consortium comprises six universities, three research institutes, a hospital and five private companies with one common mission: to pioneer novel technologies to fight bacterial infections. All PEST-BIN PhD students will be trained in an interdisciplinary environment and experience a collaboration among academia, healthcare and the private sector. PhD project title: Proteome dynamics of bacterial pathogens during infection: new drug targets

Application Deadlines: 11 June 2022

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16. PhD scholarship in (Un)sustainable Behaviour

Summary of PhD Positions:

Do you want to break new ground and push the boundaries of sustainable design towards higher impact? If you have a MSc in Economics (behavioural/ecological/energy), Psychology (environmental/ evolutionary), Social Sciences or related areas and you want to work at the very front of the new scientific revolution within sustainable design, this is a job for you to thrive. At DTU Construct you will break new ground at the absolute forefront for enabling the design of sustainable solutions and be an active part of REBOUNDLESS, a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant project, recently awarded by the European Research Council. You will contribute to the development of the reboundless design theory, a paradigm shift in design science that will establish the scientific knowledge for preventing rebound effects (i.e., unintended consequences of interventions that arise due to induced changes in system behaviour leading to higher sustainability impacts). You will have the opportunity to join top interdisciplinary scientists from all over the world and make a personal impact in solving some of the most critical challenges the world is facing.

Application Deadlines: 31 July 2022

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17. PhD scholarship on Very High Cycle Fatigue behaviour of glass fibre reinforced polymer composites

Summary of PhD Positions:

Are you interested in contributing to the understanding of the Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) behaviour of fiber-polymer composite materials? If so, the Department of Wind and Energy Systems, Division of Materials and Components invites applicants for a PhD position in the field of experimental and numerical investigation of the temperature- and frequency dependency of composite materials in the VHCF regime. Responsibilities and qualifications The PhD project aims at advancing the state of the art in the area of VHCF fatigue testing of fiber-polymer composite materials in the very low stress/strain amplitude regime. The main objective of this PhD project is to study the fatigue limits at strain amplitudes and cycle numbers relevant for wind turbine blades, to quantify and mitigate the effects of accelerated testing due to high strain rates and hysteresis heating, and to investigate the existence of a fatigue cut-off limit in composites. For this purpose high frequency fatigue tests will be conducted using resonance test machines, the visco-elastic properties of the resins will be studied using Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). FEM material modelling will be performed to investigate the correlations between temperature, frequency, and fatigue life.

Application Deadlines: 1 August 2022

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18. PhD scholarship in Deep Learning for Super Resolution Ultrasound Imaging

Summary of PhD Positions:

A 3-year PhD scholarship is available at the Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging (CFU), Department of Health Technology (DTU Health Tech) from September 2022 sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC) and the Department of Health Technology at DTU. It is conducted in collaboration between CFU and the MEMS group at DTU Health Tech, the University of Copenhagen, and the Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet) in the ERC Synergy Grant “3-D Super resolution Ultrasound Real time imaging of Erythrocytes” – SURE. The SURE project develops and researches a new super resolution ultrasound imaging method capable of resolving 3-D capillary flow in the human body. The approach tracks the motion of the individual red blood cells (erythrocytes) in a three-dimensional volume for a full visualization of anatomy, flow, and perfusion. The approach can potentially yield a paradigm shift in the scientific study, diagnoses, and treatment of cancer, diabetes, and vascular diseases at the capillary level, as it enables the possibility of volumetrically visualizing capillary perfusion in real-time at frame rates above 20 Hz without injection of contrast agents.

Application Deadlines: 10 June 2022

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19. PhD scholarship in Academic Engagement and Entrepreneurship

Summary of PhD Positions:

Besides traditional missions of human capital development (teaching) and scientific enquiry (research), the ‘third mission’ (knowledge transfer through innovation) has become an integral repertoire of university’s responsibilities toward socio-economic development. The portfolio of third-mission activities ranges from informal to formal interactions between universities and industry partners. Formal interactions, academic entrepreneurship –associated with generating and licensing IP and commercial exploitation via spinouts/start-ups, has attracted most attention in policy research. However, studies have shown informal interactions such as academic engagement – via collaborations, sponsored and contract research, consulting, personnel exchange and networking, also represent valuable ways to pursue third mission. These two ends of the third mission might require faculties and researchers at university to have different but related mind-sets and skills. Yet, a contextualized understanding about potential tensions between academic engagement and academic entrepreneurship and how the tensions affect universities to undertake innovation and perform the traditional missions is largely missing.

Application Deadlines: 7 June 2022

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20. PhD scholarship in organic chemistry

Summary of PhD Positions:

A 3-year PhD fellowship is available in organic chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, DTU from September 1, 2022 or soon thereafter. The fellowship is funded by a grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark and the project will be carried under the supervision of Professor Robert Madsen. Responsibilities and qualifications The main task of the candidate will be to develop novel photoredox catalysts based on earth-abundant metals for activating alcohols. The new complexes with be subjected to visible light to catalyze the formation of carbon-carbon bonds between alcohols and alkenes/aromatic compounds. The transformations will be optimized, the scope investigated with a variety of substrates and the mechanism studied with experimental and computational methods. The successful candidate will have a degree in chemistry or chemical engineering with a strong experimental and theoretical background in organic synthesis.

Application Deadlines: 6 June 2022

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21. PhD scholarship in GPU Processing for 3-D Super Resolution Ultrasound Imaging

Summary of PhD Positions:

A 3-year PhD scholarship is available at the Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging (CFU), Department of Health Technology from August 2022 sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC) and the Department of Health Technology at DTU. It is conducted in collaboration between CFU, DTU Compute, the MEMS group at DTU Health Tech, the University of Copenhagen, and the Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet) in the ERC Synergy Grant “3-D Super resolution Ultrasound Real time imaging of Erythrocytes” – SURE. The SURE project develops and researches a new super resolution ultrasound imaging method capable of resolving 3-D capillary flow in the human body. The approach tracks the motion of the individual red blood cells (erythrocytes) in a three-dimensional volume for a full visualization of anatomy, flow, and perfusion. The approach can potentially yield a paradigm shift in the scientific study, diagnoses, and treatment of cancer, diabetes, and vascular diseases at the capillary level, as it enables the possibility of volumetrically visualizing capillary perfusion in real-time at frame rates above 20 Hz without injection of contrast agents.

Application Deadlines: 3 June 2022

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22. PhD projects

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are now seeking PhD students to do a 3-year PhD research program within different projects over a broad area of topics covered by the department. All our research are to some extend related to national or international research programs and the PhD study will usually be related and integrated into one or more of these activities. Approval and Enrolment The scholarship for the PhD degree is subject to academic approval, and the candidate will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes at DTU. For information about our enrolment requirements and the general planning of the PhD study programme, please see DTU’s rules for the PhD education.

Application Deadlines: 3 June 2022

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23. PhD Scholarship in Trait-based Modelling of Life in the Global Ocean

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD candidate(s) will become part of the vibrant, cross-disciplinary, and international research environment at the Centre for Ocean Life. The centre is a collaborative effort to develop a fundamental understanding and predictive capability of marine ecosystems through the use of trait-based approaches. We currently have a group of about 20 young scientists associated the Centre (PhD and Postdocs). They are working on various aspects of marine life using diverse approaches (observational, experimental, theoretical) while collaborating through weekly science meetings, annual science retreats, numerous working groups, and collaborative projects. Their backgrounds are as diverse as are those of the PIs of the Centre, from physics and mathematics to biology and chemistry, and we spend considerable effort developing cross-disciplinary communication and projects since we believe that the potential for discovery and progress may be achieved by confronting the different disciplines.

Application Deadlines: 1 June 2022

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24. PhD scholarship in Machine Learning Techniques for Communication over the Fiber-Optic Channel

Summary of PhD Positions:

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD position funded by the European Commission’s ERC consolidator grant: ‘FRECOM – Nonlinear-Distortion Free Communication over the Optical Fibre Channel’. The objective of the FRECOM project is to develop novel machine learning based strategies for communication over the nonlinear optical fiber channel. The start date is flexible, but preferably before December 1, 2020. The project is interdisciplinary and will cover topics within the field of machine learning and optical communication. The project will be carried out in Machine Learning in Photonic Systems (M-LiPS), group. The group has a strong track record and industry collaboration in the application of machine learning techniques to optical communication systems and photonic systems in general. This Ph.D. project will explore the latest advances within machine learning to enable nonlinear-distortion free communication over the optical fibre channel. It will be explored how to explore machine learning techniques to enable spectrally efficient and robust optical communication systems covering ultra-wide band transmission (O+E+S+C+L band). More specifically, the application and efficient training for auto-encoders will be investigated. The project will cover both algorithm development as well as experimental implementations.

Application Deadlines: 1 June 2022

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25. PhD scholarship – REPLANTED

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD project will be involved in the project REPLANTED, which is part of the InnoMission partnership AgriFoodTure. REPLANTED is headed by senior scientist Claus Heiner Bang-Berthelsen, a large part of the research is conducted in a collaboration with a number of major industrial partners within food, ingredients and enzymes. The PhD project will be conducted at DTU National Food Institute primarily in the research group of Microbial Biotechnology and Biorefining, but also with collaboration with two other research groups: Gut, Microbes and Health and Analytical Food Chemistry. Additionally, an external stay will be included in the project. The research group Microbial Biotechnology and Biorefining is divided in different focus areas, that are working with dairy, brewing industry, fermented plant products as well as metabolic engineering. The area, that the PhD will be working in, aims to attain new knowledge on starter cultures using plant-derived lactic acid bacteria for plant-based dairy, focusing on removal of off-flavors and antinutrients by fermentation.

Application Deadlines: 1 June 2022

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26. PhD position on Digitalization

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for very ambitious PhD candidates interested in working with us on the digitalization of our research infrastructure. The core topic will be to implement the DTU Maritime Test Centre in the Hundested harbour into a state-of-the-art SCADA system for remote monitoring and automated data logging. The development of advanced and automated coating characterization methods to increase the amount of gathered data will also be a big part of the project. Other relevant topics are data structuring in SQL relational databases, data visualization, and data analyses. The successful applicant should have a very hands-on attitude and ideally experience in areas such as automation, communication, image analysis, SQL, Git, plus some programming experience. We welcome applications from high performing newly graduated graduates as well as from experienced people from industry having a strong desire to turn towards research.

Application Deadlines: 1 June 2022

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27. PhD positions on Organic Coatings

Summary of PhD Positions:

The CoaST Research Centre at DTU Chemical Engineering seeks qualified candidates for PhD positions on Organic Coatings. In the broad perspective, CoaST supports development, production and use of high performance organic coatings. Working along the whole value chain our research activities cover organic, polymer based coating technologies from raw materials, over formulation, test and characterization to production and application. Overall, our research is focused on improving the sustainability profile of heavy duty coatings, reducing the use of unwanted substances, facilitating the use of renewable raw materials, improving formulation and test methods through the use of mathematical modelling – we also focus on the invention of totally new types of coatings technology with superior performance or functionality. Areas of our present research are e.g. anticorrosive coatings for steel structures, blade coatings for wind turbines, intumescent coatings for passive fire protection, fouling control coatings for ships and other constructions.

Application Deadlines: 1 June 2022

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28. PhD position on Synthesis of Functional Pigments

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for very ambitious PhD candidates interested in working with us in our goal of improving the sustainability and performance of functional pigments. The project will mainly use high temperature aerosol processes for the pigment synthesis. The successful candidate should have a very hands-on attitude and keen interest in high temperature reactions, particle formation mechanisms, particle characterization techniques, and coating formulation and testing. The most promising pigments will also be integrated into coating formulations and exposed to various test environments. We welcome applications from high performing newly graduated graduates as well as from experienced people from industry having a strong desire to turn towards research.

Application Deadlines: 1 June 2022

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29. PhD scholarship in Greenhouse Gas Emission Research

Summary of PhD Positions:

If you made the decision to go for an academic career in science and engineering and you want to develop and apply micrometeorological theory and methods and at the same time solve a severe environmental problem, you might be interested in joining the project “Greenhouse Gas Observation network for Denmark” as one of our new PhD students. Responsibilities and qualifications You will work with a novel technique that allow observing fluxes of greenhouse gasses (GHG) at the landscape scale. The task is both technically and theoretically demanding and requires understanding of boundary layer processes and the technological and natural processes that govern GHG emissions and sequestration of atmospheric CO2. Academic training in one or more of the following fields, (bio) meteorology, physics, biogeochemistry, environmental sciences and engineering, and terrestrial ecology will be of great help. The technique that you will be using requires processing of larger data sets and programming, preferably in R. We will use advanced statistical modelling tools to evaluate the results.

Application Deadlines: 1 June 2022

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30. PhD Scholarship in Data Science Pipeline for Cardiovascular Diseases

Summary of PhD Positions:

DTU Health Tech is looking for a PhD candidate in data science for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The purpose of this project is to research, design, implement, and test a workflow pipeline for training of machine learning prediction algorithms for cardiovascular events. You will join the Digital Health section of DTU Health Tech. We are a multi-disciplinary team of biomedical engineers, computer scientists, and UX researchers who research digital technologies for health, healthcare, and life science, in order to improve healthcare delivery and make healthcare more personalized and precise. We have an extensive research record within data science in CVD and you will join a team of senior researchers and other PhD students working with us. You will also work closely with cardiologists at the Department of Cardiology at the Copenhagen University Hospital (Danish: Bispebjerg-Frederiksberg Hospital) who will provide clinical supervision.

Application Deadlines: 31 May 2022

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31. PhD Scholarship in Supramolecular and Bioorganic Chemistry

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD project will explore the use of enzyme-catalysed reactions in templated dynamic covalent synthesis – combining supramolecular chemistry and enzymology in a biotechnological approach to oligosaccharide synthesis. This methodology will be used towards the synthesis of novel oligosaccharide-based receptors and foldamers. The work will include the design, organic synthesis and characterisation of molecular building blocks and templates, enzymatic synthesis and analysis of dynamic oligosaccharide mixtures, and physical studies using spectroscopy (NMR, UV-Vis, fluorescence and CD spectroscopy) to investigate conformation, binding phenomenon and self-assembly. Active dissemination of the obtained results, in scientific articles and through participation in international conferences, is an integral part of the job.

Application Deadlines: 31 May 2022

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32. PhD scholarship in Electrical topologies for Hybrid Power Plants

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a highly motivated and skilled candidate to join us as PhD scholar. DTU Wind and Energy Systems is a world-leading wind energy department that puts knowledge to work through cutting-edge research, innovation and development of technology. We have internationally leading research environments, and we prioritize strong cross-disciplinary collaborations within DTU, with leading international universities and facilities, and with private companies. We have a strong focus on the development of wind energy as the backbone of the future energy system and collaborate with the full sector. You will be part of the international team carrying out research in the GRID section where the working language is English. Our research in GRID is dedicated to Grid Integration and Energy Systems related to renewable energy in general.

Application Deadlines: 31 May 2022

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33. PhD scholarship in Electrical topologies for Hybrid Power Plants

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a highly motivated and skilled candidate to join us as PhD scholar. DTU Wind and Energy Systems is a world-leading wind energy department that puts knowledge to work through cutting-edge research, innovation and development of technology. We have internationally leading research environments, and we prioritize strong cross-disciplinary collaborations within DTU, with leading international universities and facilities, and with private companies. We have a strong focus on the development of wind energy as the backbone of the future energy system and collaborate with the full sector. You will be part of the international team carrying out research in the GRID section where the working language is English. Our research in GRID is dedicated to Grid Integration and Energy Systems related to renewable energy in general.

Application Deadlines: 31 May 2022

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34. PhD scholarship on AI based surrogate models for integrated optimization of wind power plants

Summary of PhD Positions:

Do you want to be involved in the green energy transition? Do you wish to contribute to the development of wind energy and are you looking for a career in R&D or academia? Then we have an opportunity! We are looking for a highly motivated and skilled candidate to join us as PhD scholar. DTU Wind and Energy Systems is a world-leading wind energy department that puts knowledge to work through cutting-edge research, innovation and development of technology. We have internationally leading research environments, and we prioritize strong cross-disciplinary collaborations within DTU, with leading international universities and facilities, and with private companies. We have a strong focus on the development of wind energy as the backbone of the future energy system and collaborate with the full sector.

Application Deadlines: 31 May 2022

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35. PhD positions in Digital Methods for Life cycle analysis, O&M and Prognostics

Summary of PhD Positions:

Do you want to become part of the solutions that deliver the green energy transition? Do you wish to contribute to the development and further digitalization of wind energy, and are you looking for a career in R&D or academia? Then we have an opportunity for you. DTU Wind and Energy Systems seeks candidates for several PhD positions within the general topic of Digital Methods for Life Cycle Analysis, O&M (Operations and Maintenance) and Prognostics. We invite applications with a talent and passion for numerical simulations, software tool development, data analytics and statistics for a position as PhD student at DTU Wind Energy. DTU Wind and Energy Systems is a world-leading wind energy department that puts knowledge to work through cutting-edge research, innovation and development of technology. We have internationally leading research environments, and we prioritize strong cross-disciplinary collaborations within DTU, with leading international universities and facilities, and with private companies. We have a strong focus on the development of wind energy as the backbone of the future energy system and collaborate with the full sector, from sub-suppliers of materials and components, the wind turbine industry to the developers, planners and authorities.

Application Deadlines: 31 May 2022

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36. PhD scholarship in Applied Environmental Chemistry

Summary of PhD Positions:

A PhD scholarship is available in the Section on Circularity and Environmental Impact at the Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering (DTU Sustain). The topic of this scholarship is persistence research and testing of UVCBs, which are Substances of Unknown or Variable composition, Complex reaction products or Biological materials. The specific focus is on developing and applying novel approaches for determining the biodegradation kinetics of essential oils in waste water treatment plants and the aquatic environment. The research combines elements of environmental engineering, environmental chemistry and analytical chemistry, and the overarching context is the environmental risk assessment of organic chemicals.

Application Deadlines: 29 May 2022

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37. PhD scholarship in the development of electronic structure methods for energy materials

Summary of PhD Positions:

You will develop, implement, validate, and apply new computational methods and algorithms for electronic structure calculations of materials. The project will be defined in the general framework of density functional theory (DFT). The intended application area is versatile atomistic simulations of energy materials in the solid, liquid, and gaseous phases. Candidates should have a two-year master’s degree (120 ECTS points) in physics, chemistry, materials science or similar and demonstrated aptitude for theoretical and computational research. Excellent communication skills in English, both written and spoken, are a requirement.

Application Deadlines: 27 May 2022

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38. PhD scholarship in Optimal Dynamic Operation of Power to Ammonia Processes

Summary of PhD Positions:

As our new PhD student, you will conduct research with focus on optimizing operations of novel power to ammonia processes and facilities. You will focus on achieving reliable, stable and optimal performance over a large operating window. The work includes detailed modelling and analysis of individual components in the process as well as the plantwide facility. The work will be simulation based with the ambition of test on a demonstration facility in Denmark. The PhD project is a part of Innomisson Roadmap 2 on green fuels for transportation and industry and is connected to the research project DYNFLEX which is a collaboration between three DTU departments, other Danish research institutions and a number of industrial companies. The overarching goals is to mature technology for production of green transportation fuels through P2X technology development and demonstration.

Application Deadlines: 25 May 2022

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39. PhD scholarship in Development and Realization of Cellulose Particles for Oral Drug Delivery

Summary of PhD Positions:

The aim of the PhD project is to develop, optimize and explore cellulose microparticles intended for oral drug delivery. Our focus will be on i) develop particles with high specificity to selected areas in the gastro-intestinal tract and ii) to optimize the drug delivery system to be able to deliver high amounts of drugs at a specific location. In the group, we are exploring and developing targeted and advanced drug delivery systems to be able to e.g. deliver vaccines and peptides and proteins by the oral route. With the ultimate goal of enhancing the systemic uptake to prevent and/or cure diseases. The PhD candidate will be a part of the Drug Delivery and Sensing (IDUN) section at DTU Department of Health Technology. The IDUN section is highly cross-disciplinary with more than 40 members focusing on development of micro and nanotechnology based sensors, detection systems and drug delivery systems.

Application Deadlines: 23 May 2022

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40. PhD Scholarship in Organic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis

Summary of PhD Positions:

A 3-year PhD fellowship in organic chemistry, photocatalysis, and homogeneous asymmetric metal catalysis under the supervision of Associate Professor Søren Kramer is available at the Technical University of Denmark. The project will be performed in the Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Section at DTU Chemistry. The position is available from October 1, 2022, or as soon as possible thereafter. Research in the Kramer group is focused on development of novel methods involving organic chemistry, transition-metal catalysis, photocatalysis, asymmetric catalysis, and C-H functionalization as well as reaction mechanism elucidation. The research group is young and highly ambitious.

Application Deadlines: 23 May 2022

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41. PhD scholarship in Digital Vibration Control & Sensing

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a PhD-candidate to develop and promote the future digitalization of engineering structural analysis. As digitalization affects all aspects of our daily life, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has defined it as one of its main strategic pillars. By this PhD-project you will be offered the unique opportunity to engage yourself in this endeavor towards an improved use of digitalization, both scientifically via the project’s research content, and strategically as member of a Digitalization Task Force that operates across DTU’s departments. The primary scientific objective concerns the design and implementation of digital shunts for controlling and sensing structural vibrations via piezoelectric or electromagnetic transducers. The project requires a multi-physics solution strategy, in which novel mathematical and numerical solutions are realized by advanced laboratory experiments at DTU and with our international collaborators at Cnam in Paris. Join us if you want to be at the research front within smart structural dynamics.

Application Deadlines: 23 May 2022

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42. PhD scholarship in Reproductive Toxicology

Summary of PhD Positions:

If you’re interested in how environmental chemicals can impact reproductive development, then this PhD is for you. We are seeking a candidate for a 3-year PhD to study how fetal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals can disrupt reproductive development. This project is particularly concerned with development of genitalia and how disrupted signaling early in life can cause reproductive diseases such as genital malformations. Genital malformations are among the most common congenital disorders in newborn babies. Up to 1 in 125 boys, are affected by defective penis development and are born with e.g. hypospadias; a displacement of the urethral opening. What molecular mechanisms are involved in hypospadias formation and how chemical exposures can contribute to this disease etiology we know little about.

Application Deadlines: 22 May 2022

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43. PhD scholarship in catalytic stabilization and upgrading of biomass pyrolysis oil to fuels for heavy transport and aviation

Summary of PhD Positions:

We offer you an exciting opportunity to join DTU Chemical Engineering and partners in the HyProFuel project recently funded by Innovation Fund Denmark with the aim to develop and study catalytic processes to stabilize and subsequently convert biomass pyrolysis oil to a high quality liquid fuel for heavy transport and aviation by hydrotreating. You will be enrolled at DTU Chemical Engineering within the CHEC research center in a dynamic research environment. The project involves collaboration with Aarhus University, Copenhagen University and several industrial companies, including Alfa Laval, Equinor, Kalundborg Refinery and foremost Haldor Topsøe and will provide research with an international and practical impact.

Application Deadlines: 20 May 2022

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44. Novo Nordisk Foundation PhD student in Downstream Processing for Extraction and Purification of Biochemicals produced by Bacterial Cell Factories

Summary of PhD Positions:

If you are an ambitious chemical or biochemical engineer who would like to develop your career on a solid basis of knowledge of unit operations for separation and purification of novel bioproducts with high interest at industrial level, this position funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation is the perfect one to fulfill your dreams and ambitions. Biomanufacturing is one of the fastest growing fields and a driver for the transition from a fossil-based to a circular bio-based economy and a sustainable future. If you would like to become an expert in this strategically important interdisciplinary field and contribute to the green transition, we have an opportunity for you.

Application Deadlines: 20 May 2022

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