
30 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at Uppsala University, Sweden

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Uppsala University, Sweden invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. 02 PhD Programs in peace and conflict research

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD candidate will be part of the Research School on International Water Cooperation as well as the Centre for Natural Disaster Science (CNDS). The PhD position will be placed at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research (DPCR). The successful candidate is expected to participate in and contribute to the research milieus at DPCR, the International Centre for Water Cooperation (ICWC) and CNDS.

The overarching purpose of the Research School of the UNESCO Category II International Centre for Water Cooperation (ICWC) is to develop knowledge on water cooperation in its broadest sense with a primary focus on water for peace and development (here). The Research School aims to critically analyse the linkage between water sharing and international conflict and cooperation, and thereby improve the understanding of the mechanisms by which water sharing can act as a catalyst for peace.

Application Deadlines: 2023-04-04

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2. PhD Programs in Combinatorial Probability Theory

Summary of PhD Positions:

The duties of a PhD student are primarily directed at their own research education, which lasts for four years. The work may also involve, to a limited extent (maximum 20%), other departmental duties, mainly related to teaching undergraduate courses – in which case the position may be extended to maximum five years. The aim of the research is to study various problems in combinatorial probability theory and to develop methods for the study of such problems. This includes, for example, random graphs, random trees, and probabilistic problems from the study of algorithms.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-10

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3. 03 PhD Programs in interdisciplinary mathematics

Summary of PhD Positions:

A PhD student should mainly focus on her/his own graduate education, which comprises four years of study. The position can also include other departmental duties (up to 20%), in which case the position is extended accordingly. The PhD student will work with an interdisciplinary research project, with at least two advisors representing different scientific areas. The PhD students are expected to engage actively in the activities of CIM, such as seminars and workshops.They will be required to take at least 30hp (6 months full time study) PhD courses in mathematics, modelling, statistics, scientific computing and similar, offered by e.g. Department of Mathematics and Department of Information Technology.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-24

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4. PhD Programs in Chemistry

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD position in Chemistry for the design and chemical synthesis of chemoselective probes is available in the laboratory of Associate Professor Daniel Globisch. The Globisch laboratory is an international and multidisciplinary research group, with a research focus on the development of new Chemical Biology methodologies to enhance the scope of metabolomics-based research. (Example literature: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 23232, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 13805, RSC Chem. Biol. 2021, 2, 1479, check the homepage for updates).

This highly interdisciplinary project will include a combination of chemical synthesis, mass spectrometric analysis of metabolites in biological samples, techniques at the interface of Chemistry and Biology, and the investigation of microbiome metabolism. Our team is currently searching for a highly motivated and enthusiastic PhD student with passion and enthusiasm for research to develop new chemoselective methodologies.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-15

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5. PhD Programs in Physical Chemistry with focus on dye-modified perovskite solar cells

Summary of PhD Positions:

The main duties of doctoral students are to devote themselves to their research studies which includes participating in research projects and third cycle courses. The work duties can also include teaching and other departmental duties (no more than 20%). The PhD student should design, plan, perform the experimental work, as well as critically analyze and discuss the results, initially with close guidance by the supervisor. As the PhD student develops they are expected to become more independent in taking the initiative and planning the research. The student is expected to participate actively in WISE workshops and to present their results at scientific conferences as well as in scientific peer-reviewed journals.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-14

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6. PhD Programs in Gender Studies with an orientation toward Cultural analyses of Illiberal Populism in times of Crises (FUDEM)

Summary of PhD Positions:

The graduate school The Future of Democracy: Cultural Analyses of Illiberal Populism in Times of Crises (FUDEM) is a multidisciplinary environment funded by the Swedish Research Council, within which junior and senior researchers in Cultural Studies, Ethnology, Gender Studies and Musicology are researching the varied shapes and expressions that illiberal populism might take in times of multiple crises, as well as different forms of resistance against illiberalism and populism. The graduate school is a collaboration between six Swedish universities: University of Gothenburg, Linnaeus University, Linköping University, Lund University, Södertörn University and Uppsala University.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-17

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7. 03 PhD Programs in Gender Studies with an orientation toward Gender, humanities, and digital cultures

Summary of PhD Positions:

The graduate school Gender, Humanities, and Digital Cultures is a collaboration between Uppsala University, Stockholm University and Södertörn University that will offer PhD training to a group of nine PhD students over the period 2023-2027, funded by The Swedish Research Council and the three universities. More information about the graduate school here. The aim of the graduate school is to strengthen the integration of gender studies and digital humanities, and to contribute to knowledge about the role of gender in the continued co-constitution of digital technologies and culture (in its aesthetic/media sense). The main objective of the graduate school is therefore to explore how gender impacts digital transformations in the humanities.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-17

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8. PhD Programs in compound climate extremes

Summary of PhD Positions:

G. Messori’s research group hosts three H2020 research projects and several national projects, focussing on multiple aspects of mid and high latitude climate extremes. More information on ongoing research can be found at https://gmessori.eu/. The PhD candidate will work within the frame of G. Messori’s ERC grant: “Compound Climate Extremes in North America and Europe: from Dynamics to Predictability”. The project focusses on cold spells in North America and wet and windy extremes in Europe. By using a multidisciplinary toolkit, the candidate will contribute to investigate the dynamics and medium-range predictability of the extremes studied in the project, in both present and future climates. The candidate will also have the opportunity to engage in teaching/supervising and other duties at the department, which may extend the position up to a maximum of 20%.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-03

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9. PhD Programs in Tandem solar cell

Summary of PhD Positions:

The division of Solar Cell Technology was founded in 2020, but the solar cell activities at Uppsala University started already in 1994 and developed into a well-established research group. The Solar Cell Technology division consists of about 20 full time active researchers and will expand further in 2023. Read more here

The research within the division of Solar Cell Technology is dedicated to fundamental understanding as well as development of effective and potentially low-cost solar cells based on thin film technologies. The focus is on materials containing chalcogens such as sulfur and selenium, e.g. (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) and Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 (CZTS), but also perovskites, such as ZrBaS3 and lead-based perovskites. The division has onw laboratories in the Ångström clean-room lab and much of the research is carried out in smaller or large collaborations.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-28

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10. PhD Programs in Biomedical Engineering

Summary of PhD Positions:

This position is based at the Division of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Ångström Laboratory. The research at the division is focused on basic mechanisms for the development and evaluation of new materials in interaction with biological systems and it comprises two research groups, the BMS group and the EMBLA group. The BioMaterial Systems (BMS) group, headed by Prof. Cecilia Persson, focuses on the development of new biomaterials and implants, mainly through additive manufacturing (3D-printing). There are currently approximately 20 people in the research group.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-28

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11. PhD Programs in Pharmacometrics

Summary of PhD Positions:

A doctoral position on the topic of translational pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics is available in the research area of ​​pharmacometrics, within the theme global health and neglected tropical diseases, at the Department of Pharmacy. The overall aim is to develop pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PKPD) and physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models for the preclinical-to-clinical translation of various novel oral drugs for the neglected tropical disease cutaneous leishmaniasis.

Within the project, model-based methods and tools will be developed to characterize exposure-response relationships in animal infection models of cutaneous leishmaniasis and translate these relationships to human to inform future clinical trials with these compounds. To enable future interspecies translation and prediction of human efficacious dosages in skin infections, novel PBPK models will be developed focused on translation of systemic and skin pharmacokinetics in murine infection models to human.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-20

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12. PhD Programs in Automatic Control focusing on Secure Learning and Control

Summary of PhD Positions:

The rapid advances in computation technologies and increase in data bring new possibilities for embedding intelligence in cyber-physical systems and allowing them to safely interact with dynamic environments. Intelligent cyber-physical systems are achieved by the seamless integration of hardware, software, communication technologies, systems and control engineering, and machine learning. They have enabling applications in areas such as robotics and autonomous vehicles, industrial processes, or energy systems and other critical infrastructures.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-28

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13. PhD Programs in Pharmacometrics 

Summary of PhD Positions:

A doctoral position with a focus on the optimization of antiparasitic therapy for leishmaniasis is available in the research area of ​​pharmacometrics, within the theme global health and neglected tropical diseases, at the Department of Pharmacy. The overall aim is to develop precision medicine tools to improve the treatment of neglected tropical diseases such as the parasitic disease leishmaniasis. Within the project, model-based methods will be developed to optimize and individualize current and future oral combination therapies for the parasitic disease leishmaniasis, adapted to the largely pediatric patient population. Innovative sets of biomarkers to monitor treatment response will be identified to enable more effective personalized therapy of neglected tropical parasitic diseases.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-22

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14. PhD Programs in AI-aided computational chemistry

Summary of PhD Positions:

The main task for a doctoral student is to perform doctoral studies, which includes both participation in research projects and doctoral courses. The tasks may also include participation in teaching and other departmental work; however, normally to a maximum of 20% of working hours. The current PhD project concerns machine learning and computer simulations, with the objective to explore atomic-level phenomena. We will build strategies to speed up the way computer simulations are performed and use them to understand the physical/chemical processes that may be important for the functionality of future battery chemistries. Quantum-mechanical calculations, statistical-mechanical simulations, machine learning and data analysis will be tools used in the PhD project.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-27

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15. PhD Programs in Information Studies: Archives and Authenticity

Summary of PhD Positions:

The recruited doctoral student will be working in the research project Artificial Intelligence as a risk and opportunity for the authenticity of archives, a Wallenberg NETX (Networking Excellence Projects in the Humanities and Social Sciences for the Study of Consequences and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems) funded research network between Uppsala University and Linnaeus University. Two doctoral students will be recruited for the project, one (information studies) based at Uppsala University and one (computer and information science) at Linnaeus University. The project is multidisciplinary and combines perspectives from AI and archival and heritage studies.

Application Deadlines: 2023-05-08

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16. PhD Programs in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development/ Food Security

Summary of PhD Positions:

The work of the PhD student will focus on the following objectives: 1) to examine three selected case studies (selection of three municipalities based on the results of a regional survey) and investigate how the municipalities work with preservation of agricultural land and food preparedness in terms of policy, planning and practice; 2) to identify the conditions, opportunities, obstacles and goal conflicts in realizing it; 3) to investigate innovative municipal and regional initiatives that contribute to the preservation of agricultural land and food preparedness; 4) explore intra- and inter municipal governance as well as collaborations with other local and regional key governance actors for the preservation of agricultural land and strengthen food preparedness.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-24

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17. 02 PhD Programs in Philosophy

Summary of PhD Positions:

Uppsala University hereby announces two positions as doctoral students at the Department of Philosophy. The positions are open with respect to area. The department offers supervision in many areas of philosophy, including Analytic Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, Ancient Philosophy, Ethics, Metaethics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, and Philosophy of Science. The successful applicant will be employed by the department as a PhD candidate (“doktorandanställning”) for 4 years full-time, and as an employee they will be eligible for Swedish social benefits, including, e.g., paid parental leave.

The starting salary is currently 29000 SEK (ca. €2600)/ month and at present increases to 34300 SEK (ca. €3100)/month after the candidate has completed 80% of their research. Doctoral students are expected to engage in their studies full-time and to participate in the activities of the department. The position may include teaching and other assignments. Certain kinds of work for the department, including teaching, qualify the student for an extension of their contract. The positions are available from 1 September 2023.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-01

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18. 03 PhD Programs in Philosophy

Summary of PhD Positions:

The school is a cooperation between the departments of philosophy at the universities in Uppsala, Gothenburg and Stockholm. The aim of the school is to provide a cutting-edge education to students who seek a fully funded PhD degree in philosophy by pooling the supervision and other resources at the collaborating departments. Each of the departments will hire PhD-students who will (also) be connected to the research school. Norms are ubiquitous both in our individual lives and when we act collectively, and the norms we accept shape our behavior and thus also society as a whole. The norms that will be addressed include moral and ethical norms but also norms of practical rationality, epistemic norms that pertain to theoretical reasoning, aesthetic norms, and norms of interpretation, to mention a few.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-01

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19. PhD Programs in probabilistic combinatorics/ network science

Summary of PhD Positions:

A position is available in the department of mathematics, to work with Fiona Skerman. Possible research topics include random graphs, inference on networks, average-case complexity and structural graph theory. A background in probability and / or combinatorics would be an advantage. The position is funded by a WASP NEST grant and there will be opportunities for collaborations within this group: Alexandre Proutiere (KTH), Anders Rantzer (Lund University), Emma Tegling (Lund University).

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-06

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20. PhD Programs in energy efficiency of buildings with a focus on life cycle optimization

Summary of PhD Positions:

The building sector accounts for almost 34% of total energy use and 20% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Sweden. Therefore, to achieve the long-term target of net-zero GHG emissions in Sweden by 2045, it is necessary to realize buildings with net-zero energy use (or GHG emissions) from a life cycle perspective. Besides passive energy-efficiency measures (e.g. building materials, building shape, and energy-efficient windows), active and renewable energy efficiency measures (e.g. solar panels, and wind turbines) play a key role in the design of such buildings due to their potential to offset the surplus energy use in a building’s life cycle.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-27

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21. PhD Programs in Automatic Control

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this project, we seek to design closed-loop control schemes that can be deployed in devices with low computation and battery capabilities. The closed-loop schemes should leverage the system dynamics and leverage recent developments in model predictive control that enable the satisfaction of medical safety constraints by design. Additionally, the nature of the research is highly interdisciplinary as we seek to transition the methodologies to practice. Therefore, the prospective Ph.D. student will interact with researchers from different fields (i.e., control theory, machine learning, neuroscience, and medicine).

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-28

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22. PhD Programs in Chemistry

Summary of PhD Positions:

The main duties of doctoral students are to devote themselves to their research studies which includes participating in research projects and third cycle courses. The work duties can also include teaching and other departmental duties (no more than 20%). The PhD student is expected to synthesize and explore organic compounds for applications within an emerging branch of photovoltaics that is based on a photophysical process called singlet fission.

The project will include organic synthesis of molecules capable of singlet fission. These molecules will be studied by laser spectroscopy techniques, primarily time-resolved fluorescence and transient absorption on timescales ranging from femtosecond to millisecond. The PhD student is expected to learn and develop their skills in both organic synthesis and laser spectroscopy, and hence, will obtain a broad expertise relevant for answering fundamental questions in materials and chemical science.

The PhD student should design, plan, perform the experimental work, as well as critically analyze and discuss the results, initially with close guidance by the supervisor. As the PhD student develops they are expected to become more independent in taking the initiative and planning the research. The student is expected to participate actively in WISE workshops and to present their results at scientific conferences as well as in scientific peer-reviewed journals.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-01

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23. 03 PhD Programs in Computer Science and Embedded Systems

Summary of PhD Positions:

The project will develop the following: a new system architecture for embedded systems that supports the ability to deploy incremental updates, allowing components to be seamlessly integrated and updated, while guaranteeing the deterministic behavior of systems; scalable methods and verification tools that automatically verify, in-the-field, that intended updates preserve and ensure safety conditions; efficient scheduling algorithms for optimal resource utilization for state-of-the-art computing platforms to enable dynamic updates; robust protocols and run-time techniques for secure deployment and enforcement of verified and accepted updates even in safety- and security-critical environments such as drones/blimps.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-01

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24. PhD Programs in Law

Summary of PhD Positions:

The overall purpose of the doctoral studies is to provide future newly qualified doctors of law with good prospects for a successful career within or outside of higher education. This includes in-depth knowledge of the chosen subject in the field of research, a capacity for independent and critical thinking, proficiency in scientific methods and modes of working, an ability to identify interesting and researchable issues, teaching skills, and the ability to express himself or herself well both orally and in writing, an ability to operate in an international context and an ability to understand and deal with ethical issues concerning research.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-01

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25. PhD Programs in collaboration between Department of Business Studies and Department of Law

Summary of PhD Positions:

The overall purpose of the doctoral studies is to provide future newly qualified doctors of laws with good prospects for a successful career within or outside of higher education. This includes in-depth knowledge of the chosen subject in the field of research, a capacity for independent and critical thinking, proficiency in scientific methods and modes of working, an ability to identify interesting and researchable issues, teaching skills and the ability to express himself or herself well both orally and in writing, an ability to operate in an international context and an ability to understand and deal with ethical issues concerning research.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-01

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