
25 Postdoctoral Fellowships at ETH Zürich, Switzerland

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ETH Zürich, Switzerland invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Fellowships in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. Postdoctoral Position in Cooperatives in a changing world

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

You will be responsible for conducting independent and collaborative research into the current and potential role of cooperative enterprises and business models in Switzerland and internationally and authoring corresponding scientific and popular articles. In so doing, you will need to solicit and maintain contacts with members of the scientific community at ETH and beyond, as well as relevant stakeholders from the public. The project has clear deliverables and milestones.

You will co-lead the development and (co-)teach in programs as the MSc/MAS in Management, Technology and Economics and Executive MBA as a joint program with HSG. We look for somebody who is interested in cooperatives and their dynamics, particularly in their social impact on society and its measurement. The project builds on past work done in the group, in social innovation and social entrepreneurship, which has led to various papers published in Academy of Management Journal, Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Organizational Education Behavior, etc. This project intends to continue and reinforce this research trajectory. There is, however, ample scope to design and steer their research in directions that correspond to the strengths and interests of you.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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2. Postdoctoral Position in Creating new socio-ecological incentive systems

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

You will create novel research breakthroughs and contribute to the ambitious ERC Advanced Investigator Grant on “Co-Evolving City Life” (CoCi) in subject areas connected to smart cities and digital societies. Your research focus will be on “Sustainable Cities and Coordination”. Given recent digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (sensor and communication networks), Artificial Intelligence, and Distributed Ledgers (e.g. blockchains), production and logistics are becoming increasingly smart. Ideally, you will study how the convergence of these technologies can be used to fuel new approaches towards more sustainable production and logistics in an urban context, particularly consumption and waste disposal.

Application Deadline: 15th of November 2022

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3. Postdoctoral Position in Modelling of forest development and wood production

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

In one of the Work Packages of this project, forest development and wood production in Switzerland will be modelled under anticipated future climate and for a variety of forest management scenarios. We will additionally assess a variety of ecosystem services under these scenarios. This will be a collaboration between the professorships of Forest Resources Management and Forest Ecology at ETH, and the Research Unit of Forest Resources and Management at WSL.

The projections of forest dynamics and wood production will provide the basis for elaborating alternative forest management scenarios together with stakeholders, including a focus on increased harvesting, climate-adapted management, and segregated management approaches (e.g., plantations) to meet expected future demands.

Application Deadline: 15 November 2022

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4. Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Quantum Magnetism

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The research focus is on exotic quantum phases, excitations and phase transitions in frustrated quantum magnets. The successful candidate will synthesize single crystal samples of novel frustrated compounds and study their spectroscopic, magneto-electric and thermodynamic properties using in-house measurements and neutron scattering experiments at facilities worldwide. All research in the group is performed with a direct involvement of PhD and Masters students, whom the successful candidate will help supervise.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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5. Postdoctoral Position in The situation of urban essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher who examines the experiences, struggles and policy demands of non-healthcare urban essential workers (such as bus drivers, day care personnel, waste collection workers, or delivery workers) during the pandemic. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been unequal depending on the resources and opportunities people have to cope with the multiple consequences of the pandemic.

These inequalities have been exacerbated in cities, especially with regard to urban labour issues. While some workers could continue their work from home, others had to step out and up, becoming or being identified as what we call now ‘essential’. Intersectional burdens, expressed in the overlapping of race, class, and gender, have been reproduced throughout the pandemic, as care and maintenance work have fallen disproportionately on the shoulders of women, people of color, and migrants.

Application Deadline: 14 November 2022

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6. Postdoctoral Position in climate risk and multi-criteria decision modelling

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This project is part of a larger EU-innovation project seeking to demonstrate how tools from the whole weather and climate-risk management chain (e.g., forecasting, post-disaster assessment, or appraisal of adaptation options) can be made interoperable. The arising synergies will significantly improve the various models and provide increased support to decision-makers from civil society, politics, industry, and the humanitarian sector for managing current and future risks. The full project has a strong focus on innovation, and thus researchers and practitioners from the industry are among the partners.

The advertised position is to be conducted within the WCR group, and as such integrates within the larger research program on investigating risks of extreme weather events under current and future climate.

Application Deadline: January 30, 2023

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7. Postdoctoral Position in Mechanisms of Arthritic Diseases

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

You will join a large European network interested in understanding the mechanisms of arthritic disease progression and developing interventional therapies. We offer a stimulating and multidisciplinary environment with excellent infrastructure. The ETH lab has several ongoing related projects and collaborations including studies on the role of endotoxin in osteoarthritis, biomaterials/drug delivery for OA treatment, well as image-based analysis of osteoarthritis progression.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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8. Postdoctoral Position in AI and work design

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Technology drives work design, in oftentimes unpredicted and not always desirable ways. The research to be conducted should help to foster accountable design and use of AI in view of creating high-quality jobs and effective work processes. Involvement in existing projects and collaboration with PhD students in those projects is expected, but also the creation of a personal research portfolio which combines prior own research with the research opportunities provided by this position.

Application Deadline: October 31, 2022

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9. Postdoctoral Position in diagnostic assays based on polymeric coacervates

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The candidate will build on zwitterionic polymeric coacervates that we recently developed (U. Capasso Palmiero et al. Advanced Materials, 2104837, 34, 4, 2022). In this project you will work on these coacervates towards applications for diagnostic assays, in particular for the detection of analytes in complex fluids.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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10. Postdoctoral Position in noninvasive imaging and therapy of neurodegenerative diseases

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Functional and Molecular Imaging Laboratory, jointly affiliated with the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, seeks for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to develop new groundbreaking methods for noninvasive monitoring of ultrasound-based treatments of neurodegenerative diseases.

Our Lab is devoted to development of novel structural, functional, metabolic and molecular imaging systems and methods. State-of-the-art infrastructure for in vivo imaging includes advanced multi-spectral optoacoustic tomography, high-field magnetic resonance scanners, fluorescence microscopy, ultrafast ultrasound, as well as hybrid imaging platforms not available elsewhere. The preclinical phase of the project will mainly focus on studies in mouse models, with clinical translation of the methodology expected at a later stage.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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11. Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Quantum Engineering group

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Experimental Quantum Engineering (EQE) group seeks for one or two highly motivated postdoctoral researchers to start a project aiming for building a new architecture for quantum computation and simulation with dual-type dual-element arrays of neutral atoms. The EQE group is led by Prof. Wenchao Xu. Arrays of individual atoms trapped in optical tweezers are promising for quantum simulation and quantum information processing.

The new apparatus in our group combines arrays of individual atoms and arrays of small atomic ensembles, with the individual atoms for encoding qubits/spins and atomic ensembles for ancillary operations. This project is devoted to implementing new schemes for scalable local qubit operations, fast and non-demolish measurements, and a significant higher experimental repetition rate. These developed schemes enable the study of out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics, quantum information processing protocols with mid-circuit measurement and feedback, and eventually quantum error correction.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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12. Postdoctoral Position in the Jurapark Aargau project

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Jurapark Aargau is one of 16 Swiss regional nature parks of national importance. The project “Jurapark Aargau as a real laboratory for sustainable development” is funded by the ETH domain in the strategic focus ” Commitment and dialogue with society ” . The aim of the project is for local actors in the Jurapark Aargau to identify sustainability problems and corresponding ideas for solutions together with researchers from the ETH area (ETH Zurich, WSL, Eawag, Empa). Solution-oriented measures are then implemented in so-called real experiments in order to find out how they work and what unwanted side effects they show. The project will start in spring 2023 and last 3 years.

Application Deadline: November 13, 2022

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13. Postdoctoral Position in Geodesy/ Engineering Geodesy

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

To strengthen the team, the Professorship for Geosensors and Engineering Geodesy (GSEG) at the Institute for Geodesy and Photogrammetry (IGP), headed by Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser , an employee in the postdoc function. In research and teaching, we deal with geomonitoring, geodetic measurement technology and evaluation methods. The main research areas are area-wide monitoring with terrestrial laser scanning and radar interferometry, development and calibration of geodetic measurement systems, and in-depth analysis of observation data with the help of machine learning.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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14. Postdoctoral Position in Aerosol Microbiome Research

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Airborne microbes impact key climatological processes such as cloud formation and precipitation. However, the communities they form remain one of the least studied microbial systems on Earth, especially in remote areas such as the open oceans. Studying processes at the ocean-atmosphere interface is thus of particular importance, given that they underpin the distribution of marine microbes, which may affect ecosystem structure and health even thousands of kilometres away from their source.

To advance our understanding, it is thus essential to establish an inventory of airborne marine microbial diversity and to study the factors that shape their diversity and drive their emission and dispersal across large geographic distances.

Application Deadline: December 31st 2022

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15. Postdoctoral Position in Urban Building Energy Modelling

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The objective of your work will be to gain knowledge and evaluate the GHG reduction potentials of innovative building materials across typical Swiss settlement types. Your work will be centred around building, expanding and analysing Swiss UBEM archetypes and representative buildings using the City Energy Analyst (CEA). This includes identifying the future trends in building properties, materials and building energy systems, developing the UBEMs that reflect the trends, and integrating the research outcome into the City Energy Analyst platform. Furthermore, you will expand the CEA to address lifecycle emissions from a material and temporal perspective. As part of the UBEM team at the chair, you will discuss and, if complementary, contribute to other ongoing research projects with your knowledge and experience.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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16. Postdoctoral Position in cosmic dust and heliosphere science

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The goals of the project are to constrain the interstellar dust and (dynamic) heliosphere properties, using in situ data and computer simulations. The project encompasses numerical modelling of interstellar dust in the solar system and/or data analysis of dust impacts on satellites and dust detectors.

Application Deadline: 1st of November 2023

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17. Two Postdoctoral Position in Protein-based biodegradable plastics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The first project will focus on valorization of protein waste into biodegradable plastics. The successful candidate will have a strong profile in biopolymers, plastic processing and manufacturing technologies, biodegradable polymers and materials science in general. The second project will focus on CO2 capture via protein-based porous materials. The successful candidate will be experienced with CO2 adsorption and separation processes, aerogels, porous materials design, chemosorption processes and materials functionalization.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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18. Postdoctoral Position in Analytical Chemistry, Single-Cell Analysis

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

High-throughput screening methods are required to find, test and analyze new compounds and drugs. To address this challenge, we use droplet microfluidics, which allows for the creation of tiny reaction and cultivation wells. The resulting emulsion has an excellent monodispersity, with droplet volumes in the range of pico- or a few nanoliters. The technique is commonly used in combination with fluorescence spectroscopy. In addition, we employ mass spectrometry for a more detailed analysis of the enclosed compounds or reaction products.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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19. Postdoctoral Position in Negotiating Landscape Transitions for Net-Zero Carbon

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This project, to be implemented primarily in Scotland and possibly extended to Wales, will integrate different interpretations of, and aspirations for, current and future landscapes (Objective 1) with ecological knowledge (Objective 2) to construct participatory models (Objective 3) by which stakeholders can collaboratively design, test, and evaluate options for landscape transitions.

We will use the Companion Modelling approach and will draw on extensive ecological models and databases to construct participatory modelling platforms in the form of strategy games to elicit and explore scenarios of landscape change. Such scenarios will additionally be framed by the proposed policy, governance, and financing concepts.

Application Deadline: 31 October 2022

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20. Postdoctoral Position in Systems analysis of scaling wood construction

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The construction sector, in Switzerland and globally, directly and indirectly, accounts for roughly 40% of carbon emissions. Timber engineering and construction concepts have immense potential to reduce these emissions. Building with biomaterials sequesters carbon in productive forests, stores carbon in long-lived buildings, substitutes carbon-intense materials (e.g., concrete, steel), and reduces energy-related emissions in the built environment. Mainstreaming wood construction has cross-sectoral implications, including wood supply (especially under changing climatic conditions), the development and adoption of new materials and processes, relevant standards, and new design and retrofitting concepts.

Application Deadline: November 15th 2022

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21. Postdoctoral Position in Computational Metabolomics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Zamboni lab hosts the Clinical Metabolomics Analysis Center, which is a technology hub affiliated with the Swiss initiatives on personalized health (PHRT). Thereby, it is tightly embedded in numerous projects and collaborations aiming at integrating deep molecular data into clinical decisions. Here, the focus of the Center is on democratizing metabolomics and lipidomics analyses for broad adoption in clinical research and diagnostic data streams. A speciality of the group is the development of high-throughput untargeted LC-MS methods. These are critical to swiftly screening large cohorts of clinical samples, drug libraries, or genetic mutants. With a steadily growing volume of samples and studies, novel opportunities emerge. These opportunities include learning across studies, implementing novel MS2 fragmentation strategies that maximize the amount of non-redundant information obtained in each study, aggregating different types of information for the task of structural elucidation, and exploiting novel types of fragmentation technology.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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22. Postdoctoral Position in Stem Cell Technology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

You will focus on the development of tools to reproducibly steer cell fate and morphogenesis based on stem cell self-organisation properties in response to intrinsic and extrinsic cues to control the development of engineered tissues.

Application Deadline: October 30, 2022

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23. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The main task will be to conduct innovative research in the context of a proposed research project and to work in a collegial and cooperative manner with superiors, supervisors and other team members. As a person who is curious to find answers, you will assume primary responsibility for the development of your research and career while keeping in mind that your work and openness to interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral opportunities will contribute to the strengthening of the research capacity of the PSI.

An energetic role in seeking career and research advice and in the participation of opportunities for career development and reviewing processes will be valued. Communication of results at meetings, conferences, etc. and through high-impact publications is integral to your development as a scientist at the PSI.

Application Deadline: 30 November 2022

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24. Postdoctoral Position in International Corporate Taxation 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Chair of Public Economics at D-MTEC invites applications for a postdoc position. The group`s main focus is on theoretical and empirical research in the area of public economics such as corporate taxation, fiscal federalism and public economy aspects of the digital economy, for instance. The starting date is flexible.

Job description: The research strategy involves normative as well as political economy analyses. Preferences will be given to candidates with a specialization in international corporate taxation or local public finance/urban economics.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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