
19 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Cambridge, England

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Cambridge, England invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Small Animal Cardiology

Summary of PhD Program:

The Scholarship is for one year in the first instance, renewable for periods of one year up to a total of three years. The Scholarship provides an outstanding opportunity to receive specialist training in all aspects of small animal cardiology and is available to start from December 2024. You will receive core training in all aspects of clinical cardiology, including interventional procedures and transoesophageal echocardiography. You will also be required to undertake and publish a research project. The training programme is approved by the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ECVIM-CA).

Application Deadline: 19 May 2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Modelling of strain-rate effects in pharmaceutical tabletting

Summary of PhD Program:

During early-stage formulation and process development, scientists undergo extensive experimental screening campaigns and, although the tablet failure risk is reduced, there still exist risks that remain undetected and often cause issues during upscaling to production settings, leading to delays and at times undesired process changes. Being able to predict the compaction behaviour at different compression speeds, densities and compositions before formulations are transferred to large-scale production, will be a game changer in the tabletting field. Develop an experimental protocol to investigate the effect of the compression speed, tablet composition and powder characteristics on the tabletting performance.

Application Deadline: 16 May 2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computational Modelling of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantations

Summary of PhD Program:

The heart has four valves that work together to ensure unidirectional flow of blood. These valves are the aortic and mitral valves on the left side, and the pulmonary and tricuspid valve on the right side. Heart valve disease is when one or more of these valve do not function as they should, for instance the valve may not open fully (valve stenosis) or close fully (leaky valve or valve regurgitation). Aortic valve stenosis is one of the most common and serious heart valve diseases that, if left untreated, may lead to heart failure. Aortic valve replacement is used to treat affected patients ¿ this involves replacing the diseased valve with a prosthetic valve made from synthetic materials (e.g. mechanical valve) or animal tissue (e.g. bioprosthetic valve).

Application Deadline: 16 May 2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Colonial Natural Historical Collecting in the South Asian Indian Ocean

Summary of PhD Program:

The University Museum of Zoology and Cambridge University Herbarium have exceptional collections from South Asia and the Mascarene Islands (taken to include Mauritius, Réunion and Rodrigues). These collections have underpinned scientific research into evolution, extinction and natural history, but their human social stories have yet to be explored. Together with the team of supervisors, the successful candidate will develop a project to interrogate the history of these collections or some parts of them with respect to colonialism and Indigenous, local and indentured practices and contexts.

Application Deadline: 12 May 2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Architecting Scalable Quantum Computers 

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for a PhD student to work on developing computer architecture for quantum computers, under the supervision of Dr. Prakash Murali. Quantum computers hold immense potential for applications that can revolutionise society, including domains such as drug design, agriculture, climate change and more. To cater to applications in these domains, we require fault-tolerant systems that can suppress physical errors using quantum error correction techniques. This project aims to develop computer architecture and systems research techniques to enable the transition from current noisy devices to early fault tolerant systems and accelerate progress towards real-world applications.

Application Deadline: 16 May 2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in framework of the MSCA Doctoral Network GLITTER: Antenna technology 

Summary of PhD Program:

Full-time 3 year PhD position funded by UKRI, in the context of the ERC doctoral network GLITTER (12 PhD students), to perform doctoral research in the development of modern antenna technology and radio instrumentation for GNSS-R and Radio Astronomy from space. The PhD candidate will join a multidisciplinary team and will be supervised by faculty from the Radio Astronomy group of the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. The PhD candidate will benefit from the GLITTER events in order to further improve technical and complementary skills: four one-week training schools, and three workshops. In addition, the PhD candidate will do a research stay (6 months) at the Universite catolique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Nuevue, Belgium, to work with Prof. Christophe Craeye, lead of the GLITTER project.

Application Deadline: 18 May 2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Advanced Bayesian analysis and optimisation

Summary of PhD Program:

Full-time PhD position funded by UKRI, in the context of the ERC doctoral network GLITTER (12 PhD students), to perform doctoral research in the development of modern antenna technology and radio instrumentation for GNSS-R and Radio Astronomy from space. The PhD candidate will join a multidisciplinary team and will be supervised by Dr Will Handley alongside data scientists at PolyChord Ltd (a spin-out company from the University of Cambridge) and researchers from Dr Will Handley’s group based in the Kavli Institute for Cosmology, University of Cambridge. The PhD candidate will benefit from the GLITTER events in order to further improve technical and complementary skills: four one-week training schools, and three workshops. In addition, the PhD candidate will interact with CSIC and SYNTONY through 3 month secondments working with Dr Cardellach and Dr Carrie. `

Application Deadline: 18 May 2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Medical Science

Summary of PhD Program:

We are currently advertising one UKRI/MRC PhD studentship for entry in October 2024, which will be awarded on a competitive basis. The studentship pays for Cambridge University and College fees, and the student receives a generous full stipend of £21,122 per year (as at 2023), payable for up to four years. Applications are welcome from UK and International students and the closing date for these is 16 May 2024. Applicants must have (or expect to obtain) at least the equivalent of a UK upper second-class Bachelor’s or Integrated Master’s degree in a relevant subject, such as Chemistry or Biochemistry.

Application Deadline: 16 May 2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Machine-Learning Guided Compilation

Summary of PhD Program:

Creating optimised libraries is a difficult and time-consuming task, requiring significant manual engineering effort. This process must be repeated for each new processor to take advantage of additional features, especially when it implements the latest architecture with new instructions or significant new architectural extensions, like Arm’s SVE and SME. However, advances in machine learning point towards a low-cost solution to this task by automating code generation through a series of provably correct steps. A machine-learning model will guide the search for optimised code sequences, learning the best instructions to use for given intermediate code fragments and alleviating manual engineering effort.

Application Deadline: 16 May 2024

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Fully Funded PhD Position in Second Language Learning and Teaching

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD Studentship based in the Section of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at the University of Cambridge. This studentship, starting on 1 October 2024, is tied to a part-time Research Assistant position and linked to the EF Research Lab for Applied Language Learning https://ef-lab.mmll.cam.ac.uk. The lab focuses on connecting basic research in second language acquisition with teaching and learning practice. Our goal is to develop teaching methods for varying learner profiles aiming for teaching tasks and learning activities that map to the learning trajectories of individual learners. The Research Lab is funded by EF Education First through a research grant to Dora Alexopoulou.

Application Deadline: 21 May 2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in determination of the structure and performance of organic friction modifiers

Summary of PhD Program:

Improvements in fuel economy are a major driver in the lubricants industry. Fuel economy shows an inverse relationship with friction and hence there have been a number of methods employed to reduce friction in engines such as the use of organic friction modifiers and understanding how they operate will allow optimised formulations to be devised. The prize is large with over 20% of global CO2 emissions being due to road transport. Additionally internal combustion engines are being phased out, and the industrial sponsor is keen to apply their leading knowledge to new business areas, wherever moving contact points exist. It is noted that 25% of the worlds energy use is used overcoming friction.

Application Deadline: 14 May 2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Towards Sustainable Catalysis and Sustainable Aviation Fuels

Summary of PhD Program:

Two fully funded 3.5 year Ph.D studentships are available to UK nationals and outstanding international students, with Professors Lynn Gladden, Mick Mantle and Andy Sederman, to start 1 October 2024. The projects will be based around the development of advanced magnetic resonance techniques to optimise heterogenous catalysts and the operation of the reactor in which the catalysis occurs. Two projects are being funded, one focussing more on the development of magnetic resonance methods to study the fundamentals of molecular transport and reaction processes in catalysts, while the other project focusses more on understanding the Fischer-Tropsch catalytic process and associated reactions for the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuels and other sustainable chemicals which will play an important role in delivering the energy transition to net zero.

Application Deadline: 16 May 2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Safe Storage of Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide in Porous Rocks

Summary of PhD Program:

A fully funded 3.5 year Ph.D studentship is available to UK nationals and outstanding international students, with Professors Lynn Gladden, Mick Mantle and Andy Sederman, to start 1 October 2024. The potential for porous rocks to play an important role in gas storage is now widely recognised. This project applies our existing expertise in mapping chemical species and fluid flows in rocks to explore the mechanism of entrapment of two different gases carbon dioxide and hydrogen.

The development of carbon dioxide entrapment methods in rocks (more often referred to as a carbon sequestration technology) is more widely recognised. Carbon dioxide can be recovered from the atmosphere and pumped underground and stored for long timescales. However, understanding the storage mechanism is important. What rock core types are most effective? Carbon dioxide can react with the porous rock structure under certain conditions and cause re-emission of carbon dioxide. By mapping the physical and chemical degradation of the rocks during carbon dioxide storage we can begin to understand and hence optimise selection of rocks for carbon dioxide storage. 

Application Deadline: 16 May 2024

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Enzymatic conversion of blood group antigens in human kidneys

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship funded by Kidney Research UK under the supervision of Dr Sarah Hosgood. The studentship will be based in the University of Cambridge Department of Surgery on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. The proposed start date is 1 October 2024. In kidney transplantation, blood group compatibility is a major barrier to donor¿recipient matching. Patients with more restrictive blood types like type O or B often wait twice as long for a kidney compared to patients with blood group A. Longer waiting times are associated with poorer outcome and a higher chance of patient death. To overcome this barrier, a major research theme of our group is the use of novel machine perfusion technology for the enzymatic conversion of blood group A and B kidneys to O-type.

Application Deadline: 6 May 2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Small Animal Studies

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for this one-year post-graduate training programme based in the Queen’s Veterinary School Small Animal Hospital. Junior Clinical Training Scholars will receive training and tuition as they rotate through anaesthesia, cardiology, diagnostic imaging, orthopaedics, dermatology, ophthalmology, internal medicine, neurology, oncology, clinical pathology and soft tissue surgery and be supervised by recognised specialists in each field. Scholars will also have responsibility for primary care cases seen at the hospital’s charity clinics, and be involved in supervision and guidance of final year veterinary students. Scholars will be an integral part of the out of hours care of animals within the hospital, especially within the intensive care unit.

Application Deadline: 31 December 2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Turbomachinery for Future Energy Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

This project addresses this by developing design methods to improve the performance of turbomachines operating with non-conventional or ‘advanced’ fluids, which can be used to reduce energy demand and improve energy efficiency. These advanced fluids include dense-gases (such as organic vapours) and supercritical fluids (such as super-critical CO2) and are fundamental to low-carbon energy systems using Organic Rankine Cycles and sCO2 cycles. These systems are important for a range of technologies including Heat Recovery and CHP, Carbon Capture, Hydrogen Gas Turbines and Renewables. Advanced fluids can be used as working fluids for heat management systems and to augment the performance of a gas-turbine prime mover. By exploiting the very high-power densities achievable with high pressure advanced fluids, these systems can be relatively compact and therefore minimize overall system cost and size.

Application Deadline: 16 May 2024

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Effects of scattering models on LWR core analyses

Summary of PhD Program:

A fully paid PhD studentship is offered at the Cambridge University Engineering Department in the area of nuclear reactor core analysis methods development. It is offered under Industrial Cooperative Awards in Science & Technology (iCASE) scheme of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) in collaboration with EDF Energy, the owner and operator of the UK nuclear reactor fleet. The safety and operational performance of reactor cores relies on simulation tools which are used, with appropriate uncertainties, to set operating limits and determine operational practices on the nuclear fuel and the reactor core. Improved accuracy of tools as well as understanding of their deficiencies can ensure safety margins are appropriately set and allow more flexible and less constrained operation, contributing directly to cost reduction of nuclear power.

Application Deadline: 16 May 2024

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

We have funding for a number of 4-year PhDs, in collaboration with industry, as part of our EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment: Unlocking Net Zero (FIBE3 CDT), under the four following themes:

  • Current and disruptive technologies
  • Circularity and whole life approach
  • Al-driven digitalisation and data
  • Risk-based systems thinking and connectivity
  • Studentships are fully-funded (fees and maintenance) for eligible UK students.

Application Deadline: 16 May 2024

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Characterising Interfaces to Drive Next-Generation Halide Perovskite Development 

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for 3.5-year fully funded PhD studentship based in the Department of Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology, University of Cambridge and industry partner Swift Solar. This proposed project will comprise the development and utilisation of advanced characterisation tools based on electron, X-ray and/or photon modalities to understand power losses and instabilities in next-generation halide perovskite photovoltaic technologies. This information will drive further device development and facilitate commercialisation of this exciting technology.

Application Deadline: 16 May 2024

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