
05 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Brunel University London, England

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Brunel University London, England invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Interoception and Stress in Medically Unexplained Symptoms

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD student’s work will be critical in advancing our understanding of MUS and may potentially contribute to the development of more effective treatment approaches for patients with these conditions. The project offers an exciting opportunity for the student to gain valuable research experience and make meaningful contributions to the field of medical science and patient care. Prospective PhD students with a background in Neuroscience, Psychology, or Neuroimaging are strongly encouraged to apply for the project. However, having this specific background is not an absolute requirement for consideration. The selection process will involve an interview with the Supervisor, during which candidates will have the opportunity to showcase their enthusiasm and interest in the topic of the project.

Application Deadline: 03/08/2025

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Control and monitoring of laser DED technology

Summary of PhD Program:

Advanced manufacturing technologies such as additive manufacturing (AM) and surface engineering is used across industry for making end use parts. Laser technology such as laser beam directed energy deposition is a technology that can be applicable to coatings, repair and AM. However, uncertainty still exists around part to part consistency and repeatability, which is limiting greater adoption. A fundamental solution to help address this problem is the need for simple, yet agile, monitoring and control systems augmented by artificial intelligence.

Application Deadline: 30/11/2023

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Origins and Spread of Spiritual Beliefs

Summary of PhD Program:

The Centre for Culture and Evolution at Brunel University London is offering 3 funded PhD studentships to study the origins and spread of spiritual beliefs. Human cultural capacities are uniquely expressed in spiritual belief, practice, and community. Our project applies cultural evolutionary theory (e.g., The Secret of Our Success, Henrich, 2017) to study how spiritual but not religious (SBNR) practitioners seek and build spiritual community, and how those communities shape the learning of new beliefs. Our project combines robust quantitative methods with context-rich observations and interviews, while engaging with participants and community groups to hear what our findings mean to them. We will test predictions derived from cultural evolutionary theory via a case study in the town of Glastonbury, England–a nexus of spirituality, home to diverse SBNR communities, and a destination for thousands of spiritual pilgrims annually.

Application Deadline: 23/10/2023

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cilia and Ciliary Signalling in Polycystic Kidney Disease

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD studentship will investigate the function of cilia and ciliary signalling in polycystic kidney disease by bringing together previous research from the Tanos lab and current knowledge in the field. This project involves using different techniques like cloning, cell biology, microscopy, and tissue culture on in vitro kidney models. We envisage that data generated from this PhD will help to provide rationale for future therapeutic strategies for kidney disease. Later stages of the project will involve research in collaboration with Professor David Long at UCL GOS-ICH. The student will also benefit from Dr Tanos’ extensive collaborative network.

Application Deadline: 16/10/2023

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in liquid spraying systems

Summary of PhD Program:

The research carried out by the successful applicant will start with the setting up of an experimental facility, followed by a systematic study of single and two-phase spray cooling. The project will include an assessment of the effect of fluid properties, spray nozzle diameter, height-surface area ratio, volume flow rate and surface characteristics on possible heat transfer rates from the area to be cooled. The heat flux to be dissipated and the degree of superheat (difference between the surface and the spray fluid temperature) will be gradually increased to study transition from single-phase to two-phase heat transfer in the area covered by the spray. Flow visualization experiments will also be carried out with high-speed, high resolution cameras. Our results will be compared with the experimental and modelling results obtained by Imperial and Edinburgh.

Application Deadline: 16/10/2023

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