Postdoctoral Positions at Los Alamos National Laboratory Archives - FellowshipBard Sun, 30 Oct 2022 15:20:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Postdoctoral Positions at Los Alamos National Laboratory Archives - FellowshipBard 32 32 45 Postdoctoral Positions at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico Fri, 29 Jul 2022 00:02:36 +0000 Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Positions in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. 1. Postdoctoral Positions  Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships: The position is part of LANL’s Advanced Network Science Initiative (ANSI). ANSI performs basic ... Read more

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Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Positions in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The position is part of LANL’s Advanced Network Science Initiative (ANSI). ANSI performs basic and applied research focused on modeling and understanding the nation’s critical infrastructures, such as electric power transmission, water distribution, and natural gas. Our expertise covers statistics, stochastic methods, machine learning, control theory, dynamical systems, discrete and continuous optimization, statistical physics, and graphical modeling. We ensure the scientific and technological validity of our approaches by working closely with physicists, engineers, mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, and economists through interdisciplinary collaborations. Our typical customers include the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Defense (DOD), and other agencies. Our work typically requires close collaborations within and outside the Laboratory as well as with universities and other national laboratories.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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2. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

In collaboration with the Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management’s Minority Serving Institution Partnership Program (DOE EM MSIPP), the Geophysics Group in the Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is seeking a postdoc researcher for an opening. Hydrologists and climatologists lack an effective and efficient geophysical method that can provide timely, city-scale, and kilometer-resolution information regarding human- or climate-induced groundwater changes for urban water resource management. The selected postdoc will work with us to develop a cost-effective, high-resolution approach using Optical Fiber (OF) based Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) to monitor city-scale groundwater changes, and thus to mitigating the flooding and drought risks due to climatological changes. By utilizing DAS to continuously record ambient seismo-acoustic vibrations in pre-existing OFs running through and nearby facilities, the status of the groundwater and can be monitored for both long-term climatological changes and short-term changes due to (under)overabundance of water due to (de)increased precipitation.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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3. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

MST-8 is seeking outstanding advanced microstructure characterization postdoc candidates for characterization and analysis related to metals deformation and failure processes. Characterization and analysis will include defect structures (dislocations, twins, transformed phases) and their dependence on evolving microstructures (grain size/morphology, grain orientation, boundary misorientation, phase structure, twin network, etc.). Samples may come from a variety of metal systems including hcp metals, alloys that deform by transformation induced plasticity, metallic laminates, and others. Techniques may include SEM, EBSD, TKD, (S)TEM, and/or high energy x-ray diffraction microscopy (HEDM). The successful candidate will work with a team of experimentalist and modelers to develop and validate models of deformation and failure.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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4. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

MST-8 is seeking postdoctoral candidates for a position focusing on fundamental and applied research projects pertaining to the use of novel materials under the extreme conditions present in many nuclear applications. The proposed investigations seek to understand the chemical stability and compatibility of material couples under nuclear operating conditions. In particular, materials of interest will include ODS FeCrAl alloys and high temperature ceramics. A large aspect of the project will include in-depth characterization via SEM and/or TEM as well as measurement of material properties including mechanical and thermophysical properties. MST-8 supports a variety of nuclear related programs and provides world-leading, innovative, and agile materials and technology solutions for national security missions. The selected candidate will play a key role in the fabrication, property measurement, and microstructural characterization of materials. They will be expected to collaborate with scientists in different groups/divisions. The core of the proposed work is based around experimental investigations.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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5. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Nuclear and Particle Physics and Applications (P-3) group in the Physics division is looking for one or more postdoctoral researchers to work in the Low Energy Nuclear Physics Team on direct and indirect measurements of neutron induced reactions. The successful candidate(s) will perform measurements and analysis at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) or external charged particle and rare isotope beam facilities. There are additional opportunities to develop the suite of instruments located at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center and as part of P-3’s external measurement programs. At LANSCE, tools include the Detector for Advanced Neutron Capture Experiments (DANCE), the Low-Energy (n,Z) (LENZ) instrument, the Chi-Nu Prompt Fission Neutron Instrument, the fission Time-Projection-Chamber, the SPecrometer for Ion DEtermination Research (SPIDER), the Device for Indirect Capture Experiments on Radionuclides (DICER) and the Irradiation of Electronics Chips (ICE) program. The teams are actively involved in developing new instruments to take advantage of the unique time-of-flight neutron beams made available at LANSCE. Outside Los Alamos, we pursue measurements studying the underlying nuclear physics used to infer nuclear reaction rates for short-lived nuclei.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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6. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Are you looking for opportunities to grow your vegetation modeling skills while answering pressing questions about how climate extremes will impact on crop yields? The Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has immediate openings for one postdoctoral research associates with experience in crop or vegetation modeling. You will work as part of an interdisciplinary modeling and observational team to assess the impact of climate change on crop production. You will contribute to collaborative projects with a focus on shared outcomes, publish results in high-impact peer-reviewed journals and present your work at professional conferences. The term of the appointment is two (2) years, with the option to extend to a third year depending on performance and funding availability.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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7. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The US DOE Office of Science Isotope Program develops isotope products and regularly produces and purifies radionuclides for a wide application spectrum in industry and research. It also has a strong radioisotope chemistry R&D mission. We are seeking outstanding candidates for a postdoctoral position in radiochemistry to perform laboratory research involving the production and purification of main and transition element radionuclides, as well as short-lived actinide isotopes. The successful candidate will be joining an experienced team of chemists and physicists within LANL’s Chemistry Division.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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8. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

As a postdoctoral research assistant, you will be an integral member of a team tackling a variety of welding and additive manufacturing challenges involving laser and electron beam welding, and electron beam additive manufacturing (directed energy deposition). In particular, you will be working on projects for determining properties of welds/AM builds and the machines on which they are made to demonstrate the capabilities of the processes represented. You will work with a mentor, but will be assigned portions of projects over which you will have responsibility.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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9. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Come join the best and brightest minds in the world at one of the most innovative and creative multidisciplinary research institutions! The Space Remote Sensing Group (ISR-6) in the Intelligence and Space Research Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) are recruiting a highly motivated postdoctoral research associate. As a Postdoc, you will be part of a team working on development of state-of-the-art LIBS, Raman, and fluorescence instruments that will help build the next generation of planetary exploration mission instruments with destinations that include the Moon, Mars, Europa, Enceladus, and Ceres. You will be expected to work in an interdisciplinary team environment and interact with scientists working in planetary science, spectroscopy, and statistical machine learning. The you will optimize an existing time-resolved Raman and fluorescence microscope, and analyze a suite of analog, synthetic, meteorite, and returned samples relevant to planetary science. You will also help develop new laser-based spectroscopic instruments for planetary exploration.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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10. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Postdoctoral (Postdoc) Program offers the opportunity for appointees to perform research in a scientifically rich research and development environment, present and publish research, and contribute to the research efforts at the Laboratory, the advancement of knowledge in the areas of basic and applied research, and the strengthening of our national scientific and technical capabilities. Postdoc opportunities are available in a wide spectrum of scientific fields that include, but are not limited to: Bioscience; Chemistry; Computing; Earth and Space Science; Engineering; Materials Science; Mathematics; and Physics.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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11. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Are you looking to increase your experimental geochemistry skills while solving problems of national importance? The Earth Systems Observation Group (EES-14) in the Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has multiple openings for postdoctoral research associates in experimental geochemistry. The selected individuals will work in multidisciplinary teams that perform experiments under a range of geochemical conditions and use advanced computational techniques to answer questions relevant to one or more of the following focus areas: The speciation, reactivity, structure, and transport of radionuclides under a variety of geochemical conditions including high temperature and pressure; Extraction and separation of critical mineral resources; Science of signatures and the use of stable isotopic signatures and tracers to answer questions related to transport phenomena under various geochemical conditions.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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12. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

We have immediate openings for creative and resourceful postdoctoral researchers with strong computational; skills and experience in solving inverse and parameter estimation problems at the intersection of physics and machine learning. Our areas of interest are in computed tomography 4D, hydrodynamics, and nuclear engineering applications. The highly motivated individuals will join our multi-disciplinary team of physicist, applied mathematicians, and engineers to develop and apply computational techniques to develop algorithms in one or more of these areas algorithms in one or more of these areas.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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13. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

LANL Computational Physics is eagerly searching for doctoral-level career scientists / engineers with research interests and experience in computational physics. The Lagrangian Codes Group (XCP-1) develops and maintains large scale, massively parallel multi-physics codes as part of the Advanced Scientific Computing (ASC) Program, for both scientific research and laboratory mission interests. Our areas of expertise include: numerical fluid and solid mechanics (including particle-fluid and other multiphase flow), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), materials science, radiation hydrodynamics, plasma physics, turbulence, magnetohydrodynamics, high explosives, nuclear physics and engineering, particle transport, and mesh generation and optimization. The duties of our well-compensated professionals include: research and development of applied physics and engineering models, the implementation of these methods into production codes using excellent software development practices, the testing and validation of these methods, and the education and support of users as they adopt these methods. We encourage mentoring for new staff to build skills quickly, and we work within a dynamic multi-physics team environment that facilitates productive and collaborative relationships with our software users, other software teams, and with theoreticians and experimentalists across LANL.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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14. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

We are seeking several highly motivated candidates for postdoctoral appointments to work with Ping Yang, Enrique R. Batista and Danny Perez at the Theoretical Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory. The successful candidates will work in a very dynamic multidisciplinary research team. The positions are in support of several exciting research projects including coordination chemistry, chemical bonding and reactivity dynamics studies using electronic structure approaches, and methodology development and application for long-timescale methods for molecular dynamics at the quantum level.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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15. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The successful candidate will design, perform, and analyze mechanical testing experiments supporting the development of next-generation polymer materials for national security applications. The testing will involve environments and variables not considered in standard (i.e., ASTM) procedures and will involve the development of new equipment for specific tests. The ideal candidate will therefore be familiar with standard mechanical testing protocols, equipment, and software but will also have the ability to design robust tests for extreme environments. This position will be supported by the Engineered Materials Group (MST-7). Exceptional candidates may be considered for a Director’s Fellowship and outstanding candidates may be considered for the prestigious Darleane Christian Hoffman, Richard P. Feynman, J. Robert Oppenheimer, or Frederick Reines Fellowships.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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16. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Materials Synthesis and Integrated Devices Group (MPA-11) is seeking postdoctoral candidates to work on a range of fundamental and applied research projects in acidic polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), alkaline electrolyte membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs), and flow batteries. Research opportunities include fuel cell electro catalysis (precious metals and non-precious metals), ion exchange membranes, catalyst layer architectures, fuel cell durability, fuel cell water management, operation and testing of fuel cells including the effect of impurities, synthesis/characterization of novel fuel cell materials including nanoscale catalysts, supports and polymer membranes, and non-aqueous flow battery materials and system development.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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17. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Inorganic, Isotope, Actinide Chemistry group (C-IIAC) group at Los Alamos National Laboratory is seeking outstanding candidates for a postdoctoral position in the Heavy Element Chemistry team, which specializes in the study of fundamental actinide properties through synthesis, spectroscopy, and theoretical studies. Responsibilities will include experimental synthetic research and development in the areas of plutonium, neptunium, and uranium chemistry and the associated spectroscopic studies to characterize novel complexes of the actinide elements. Successful candidates will join a team of chemists, spectroscopists, and theoreticians to conduct research that explores the nuanced behavior and singular electronic and coordination properties of actinide complexes in order to better understand and control their chemistry.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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18. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

This posting is for a postdoc in the Internal Dosimetry team within the Radiation Protection Services Group (RP-SVS). We are seeking an exceptional candidate to join us to work in the field of Internal Dosimetry. We study the kinetics of radionuclides – particularly plutonium, americium, uranium, and tritium – inside the human body. We typically rely on very noisy and limited data to make inference on a relatively large set of forward-model parameters. We take a Bayesian approach to this problem, and success depends on accurate forward models (a.k.a. biokinetic models), as well as on a range of informative priors. Much of our research is focused on improving the forward models, refining the priors, and improving the MCMC algorithm for interpreting data. This requires combining knowledge from a wide range of fields, including physics, radiation protection (i.e., health physics), mathematics, statistics, computer science, biology, and medicine. Naturally, true expertise in all of these fields cannot reside in any one person, so we are seeking candidates who are extremely strong in at least one of them, but interested in learning about the others.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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19. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Are you looking to increase your hydrothermal geochemistry skills while solving problems of national importance? The Earth Systems Observation Group (EES-14) in the Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has an opening for a postdoctoral research associate in experimental mineralogy/geochemistry. The selected individual will work in multidisciplinary teams that perform experiments under a range of geochemical conditions to answer questions relevant to one or more of the following focus areas: Laboratory research in the field of nuclear waste repository science Design and function of geologic repositories for spent nuclear fuel and waste Stability of engineered barrier materials (e.g., bentonite clay, shale/granite host rock, cement) at elevated temperatures and pressures.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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20. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Come join some of the brightest minds at one the most innovative R&D facilities supporting our national security! The Geophysics Group in the Earth and Environmental Science (EES) Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral research associate. We seek applicants with a background in computational mechanics and numerical modeling. This work will support theory/algorithm development and numerical modeling for computing solutions to address environment, energy, and national security challenges involving the earth and environmental sciences. Research topics may include, but are not limited to, modeling the dynamic response of rock to shock and impact loading, simulation of faults and fractures for earthquake hazards, multi-scale/multi-physics modeling, clean energy development, environmental management, nuclear waste disposal, and resource extraction impact among others. We are looking for candidates who are enthusiastic about laboratory work and creative problem solving/innovation and who enjoy working in a team environment. You will be expected to publish results in high-impact peer-reviewed journals and present your work at conferences. The term of the appointment is two (2) years, with the option to extend to a third year depending on performance and funding availability.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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21. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Come join the best and brightest minds in the world at one of the most innovative and creative multidisciplinary research institutions engaged in strategic science on behalf of U.S national security. The work we do at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) matters to our country and the world. Postdoctoral Position in Actinide Chemistry: The Actinide Chemistry Team in the Materials Synthesis and Integrated Devices (MPA-11) group is seeking outstanding postdoctoral candidates to apply to join a multi-disciplinary team with on-going research in fundamental and applied actinide chemistry and materials science. Research opportunities include developing novel lanthanide and actinide separations chemistry, developing and implementing analytical techniques for characterizing actinide solution species and solid-state compounds, and applications of ionic liquids and molten salts to actinide science and separations. Candidates are expected to publish the results of their research in the open literature and present their work at relevant conferences.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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22. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The successful candidate will join a large team of engineers and scientists working on new methods and processes to design and manufacture complex structures using Additive Manufacturing (AM) and other advanced manufacturing methods. The candidate will assist or lead in the setup, modification, and optimization of various AM machines as well as learning to operate multiple existing AM platforms in several large advanced manufacturing laboratories. Activities will include implementing novel diagnostic and control system tools to improve or better understand AM machine processing to push the technological limits of these methods in producing complex electro-mechanical systems. This effort will also include performing materials synthesis and characterization experiments supporting the development of next-generation composite materials for national security applications. The development process will encompass additive manufacturing including material formulations/characterizations, processing/building, predictive modeling, and combinations therein.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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23. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Inorganic, Isotope & Actinide Chemistry Group (C-IIAC) at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has an opening for a postdoctoral research associate in Clean Energy Research. The selected candidate will be part of a multi-disciplinary team supporting a broad range of green-house gas conversions and hydrogen production activities with a focus on developing new strategies for clean energy generation.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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24. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Physics and Chemistry of Materials group (T-1) at Los Alamos National Laboratory is seeking qualified applicants for several possible postdoctoral openings. The successful candidates will be expected to perform outstanding research at the intersection of machine learning, theoretical chemistry, and physics. The members of the T-1 group, who would sponsor the postdoctoral associate, are experts in theory and simulation of materials using a wide range of techniques, as well as data science. The Physics and Chemistry of Materials group seeks to understand how microscopic properties of materials are related to their macroscopic performance. Specifically, the research performed by the applicant will focus on the construction of high accuracy machine learning models, capable of performing large atomistic simulations and for determining material performance with quantified uncertainty. These models will be critical for defining performance margins in engineering applications. Training data for these potentials and mechanistic models will be a combination of quantum mechanics simulations of varying methods and accuracy as well as customized experiments. To accomplish this goal, this research will provide opportunities to collaborate with experimentalists at facilities such as the Linac Coherent Light Source and Argonne National Laboratory IVEM facility and guide their experiments to produce new datasets useful to machine learning applications.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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25. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) seeks candidates for postdoctoral positions in numerical modeling and theoretical analysis of outer heliospheric physics. LANL leads ongoing IBEX-Hi instrument on Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) mission and actively develops new instruments for Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP). The laboratory is currently developing innovative statistical imaging methods, data analysis tools and numerical models to understand the energetic neutral atom (ENA) observations by IBEX and outer heliospheric processes. The successful applicants will work on a newly selected internal project on theories and numerical modeling of the outer heliosphere processes. They will interact and collaborate with a team that consists of experts on heliospheric science and ENA data, theoretical and computational plasma physics, and statistical and data science.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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26. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Computational Earth Science Group (EES-16) within the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory is seeking qualified post-doctoral candidates for an immediate opening in computational subsurface hydrology. The position will focus on using discrete fracture network models to better understand subsurface systems including the long-term disposal of spent nuclear fuel and reservoir management. Los Alamos National Laboratory solves problems related to energy, environment, infrastructure, health, and global security concerns, and enhances national security by ensuring the safety and reliability of the U.S. nuclear stockpile.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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27. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Postdoctoral Associate candidate will be responsible for conducting independent research and engaging in a broad set of activities across several scientific disciplines. Projects will support research and development specifically related to chemistry, materials, and chemical engineering. The successful candidate will: apply scientific principles and methods to solve complicated technical problems; develop novel techniques or principles; analyze data (raw experimental data or within a computational domain). The position will require direct interface with colleagues, customers and sponsors, the preparation of proposals and reports, and also includes delivery of program/progress updates.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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28. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Two postdoctoral positions in Experimental Nuclear Physics are available with the Nuclear and Particle Physics and Applications Group (P-3), Physics Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory. We are seeking exceptional candidates to join us and work in the fields of fundamental neutron physics. LANL is leading major efforts in this field. Our current projects include: (1) development of a cryogenic experiment to search for the neutron electric dipole moment (the nEDM@SNS experiment), (2) precision measurement of neutron decay parameters using cold neutrons (the Nab experiment), (3) a measurement of the neutron lifetime using bottled ultra-cold neutrons (the UCNτ experiment) and development of its upgrade (the UCNτ+ experiment), (4) development of a new room temperature experiment to search for the neutron electric dipole moment using the LANL ultracold neutron source (LANL nEDM experiment), and (5) development of an experiment to measure the neutron beta asymmetry using ultracold neutrons (UCNA+ experiment). In addition, we are exploring applications of ultracold neutrons for material characterizations.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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29. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Group of Physics of Condensed Matter and Complex Systems in the Theoretical Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has an immediate postdoctoral position available for a talented and motivated researcher with a strong background in theoretical physics in one of the following areas: (i) quantum optics and photonics; (ii) metamaterials and metasurfaces; (iii) quantum electrodynamics; (iv) quantum sensing. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to engage with a dynamic, multidisciplinary theoretical and experimental research team that bridges fundamental and applied science.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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30. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Come join the best and brightest minds in the world at one of the most innovative and creative multidisciplinary research institutions! The Statistical Sciences Group (CCS-6) in the Computer, Computational and Statistical Sciences Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), in collaboration with the Geophysics Group (EES-17) in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, are recruiting an intellectually curious post-doctoral research associate. The successful candidate will be part of a multi-divisional team working on development of cutting-edge statistical methods for fusing data streams from multiple space-based and ground-based sensing domains for the purpose of improved detection and interpretation of an energetic event. The candidate will be expected to work in an interdisciplinary team environment and interact with scientists specializing in statistical inference/machine learning, seismology, acoustics/infrasound and electromagnetism, in different organizations of the Laboratory (CCS-6/EES-17/ISR-2).

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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31. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Join our world-class team! Now is your chance to make a difference in supporting our national security mission. XTD is the nuclear weapons design division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). We use sophisticated multi-physics simulations on high-performance supercomputers to ensure the safety and reliability of the U.S. nuclear deterrent and assess global nuclear threats. We are staffed by scientists and engineers who come from a variety of disciplines, including physics, astrophysics, applied mathematics, nuclear and mechanical engineering, and material science. The successful candidate will work with XTD researchers in areas such as hydrodynamics, non- linear fluid dynamics, plasma physics, and dynamic material properties. This research will typically use computational tools to analyze experimental data, design new experiments, and advance the state-of-the art in modeling and simulation. The successful candidate will collaborate with LANL scientists and engineers, as well as scientists at other laboratories and universities.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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32. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral candidate in the area of computational material science, with an emphasis on atomistic modeling to understand deformation mechanisms in polycrystalline metals. A successful applicant will work with computational materials science models to investigate defect evolution in metals at the nanoscale with particular interest in the interaction of dislocations and defects such as grain boundaries. This position is primarily focused on developing a high-throughput approach using LAMMPS to understand GB-dislocation interactions, the data from which will be an input to a machine learning model for scale bridging to phase field mesoscale models. A successful applicant will be expected to publish results in peer-reviewed journals and present at well-known conferences. This work is part of a larger project. A successful applicant will also be expected to work well in a team environment and have the ability to coordinate sharing information with lower and higher length scale models. In addition, a successful applicant will be expected to coordinate with experimentalists to validate new model enhancements incorporated as part of the project.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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33. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Los Alamos National Laboratory is a multidisciplinary research institution of science on behalf of national security. This is a two-year position for two post-docs available immediately. The Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics of Theoretical division at Los Alamos National Laboratory is seeking candidates for two postdoctoral appointments in the fields of computational physics. The postdoc researcher is expected to conduct fundamental, applied, or interdisciplinary research towards improving predictive capabilities of model in modeling behavior of high explosives. The successful candidate will pursue model development, implementation, and validation against experimental data. Collaboration with experimental investigators, theoretical and computational chemists, are also desirable.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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34. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

MST-8 is seeking a postdoctoral researcher for advanced fusion materials synthesis, characterization and investigation under severe environments (high thermal load and irradiation). The characterization techniques will include conventional diffraction contrast (S)TEM, in situ straining TEM, HR-TEM, EBSD, and micromechanical testing at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Nano-beam diffraction, precession electron diffraction (PED), and other EM techniques may also be performed at other EM user facilities. The successful candidate will work with a team of experimentalists and modelers to develop and validate models of materials irradiation resistance and mechanical properties. The position will be awarded to the candidate demonstrating exceptional talent with a successful collaborative and scientific track record.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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35. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The T-2 group (Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology) in the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory invites applications for one or more postdoctoral positions in theoretical modeling of nuclear reactions and nuclear data evaluations, to begin in the Fall of 2022. Candidates are expected to have obtained a PhD in Physics or closely related field by the beginning of the postdoctoral appointment (within five years of receiving their PhD). This position is for 2+1 years, contingent upon performance and funding. The applied nuclear theory group has seven staff members. We conduct research on a broad set of topics, including developing phenomenological and microscopic models of nuclear reactions, nuclear data evaluations, nuclear many-body theory, and high performance/quantum computing with applications in basic science (nuclear astrophysics and cosmology), nuclear energy (fusion and fission) and nuclear safety and security. The group also actively engages in collaborations with theorists and experimentalists at LANL and worldwide.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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36. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Come join the best and brightest minds in the world at one of the most innovative and creative multidisciplinary research institutions engaged in strategic science on behalf of U.S national security. The work we do at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) matters to our country and the world. Postdoctoral Position in Separations Science: the Materials Synthesis and Integrated Devices Group (MPA-11) is seeking outstanding postdoctoral candidates to join a multi-disciplinary team with on-going research efforts in fundamental and applied separations science and engineering. Our projects range from developing novel chemical systems for improved separations or novel contactors for efficient separations, to flowsheet testing and evaluation and scale-up testing. Active areas of research include CO2 capture, critical materials separations (including rare earth elements), heavy metal waste treatment, radioisotope purification, and actinide separations. We also utilize a broad variety of separations techniques including solvent extraction, ion exchange, chromatography, absorption, precipitation/crystallization, and electrochemical separations (e.g., electrophoresis or electrorefining).

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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37. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Come join the best and brightest minds in the world at one of the most innovative and creative multidisciplinary research institutions! In collaboration with the Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management, the Computational Earth Science Group (EES-16) in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory is seeking an intellectually curious post-doctoral research associate for an immediate opening in applied machine learning and remote sensing. The successful candidate will use advanced deep learning techniques to develop a framework to augment airborne passive optical sensors’ data collection and processing for fast and accurate methane leak detection. The Earth and Environmental Sciences Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory employs about 120 scientists, 40 postdocs, and many students with expertise in various facets of Earth sciences. The successful candidate will join the interdisciplinary Computational Earth Science Group which includes more than 30 researchers working on strategic national and global problems related to energy and environmental security, such as energy production, climate change, environmental management, carbon sequestration, and waste storage. Our research includes active collaborations with industry, universities, and other national laboratories.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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38. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Materials Compatibility Team within Sigma Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory is seeking a postdoctoral candidate to study chemical reaction and diffusion in solids and gases via experiment, modeling, and simulation. As a postdoctoral research assistant, you will investigate the chemistry and kinetics of gas/solid reactions, the chemistry and kinetics of material degradation and outgassing, and gaseous and solid-state diffusion rates. These experiments often require use of custom-built ultra-high vacuum and pressure systems, together with multiple chemical analysis methods. You will integrate data from diverse experiments and synthesize models of material chemistry and chemical reaction kinetics applicable to various thermal, radiation, and gas atmosphere environments. You will incorporate these chemistry and kinetic models into finite-element computer simulations of system behavior. Safe handling of flammable, toxic and/or radioactive materials will be part of the experimental research. As a postdoc you will work with a mentor, but will be assigned portions of projects over which you will have responsibility. You will be expected to work with limited instruction, interface with internal and external teams, communicate your research in both internal and external peer-reviewed publications, and present your results at appropriate conferences and meetings. Optionally, you will have the opportunity to develop ideas of you own for inclusion in, or to form the basis of, new proposals.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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39. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Group of Condensed Matter and Complex Systems in the Theoretical Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has an immediate postdoctoral position opening in the area of digital quantum simulations for quantum matter out of equilibrium. The opened position provides an opportunity to pursue the discovery of novel phases in driven quantum matter via time-dependent simulations on noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices. It will involve calculating the quantum state propagation and fidelity in both spin- and fermion-based model systems.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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40. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Solid Mechanics-Damage and Failure team, within T-3 group of the Theoretical Division, is seeking a highly motivated and productive postdoc candidate to accomplish advancements in the area of shock compaction, with a focus on simulating the microstructure evolution of granular materials using explicit 3D microstructures. You will learn to skillfully use a Lagrangian hydrocode, develop high-performance simulations of granular compaction, quantify and make inferences on the energy dissipation mechanisms, and thoroughly assess the ability of continuum shock-compaction constitutive models in reproducing the realistic compaction behavior. You will be responsible for demonstrating credible simulation results-numerically accurate and comparable with experimental datasets. You will develop and apply (a) pre-processing techniques for generating statistically-meaningful granular microstructures, which may include image analysis of data from X-ray computational tomography, and (b) post-processing statistical analysis techniques, in addition to instructional visualization of simulated data. Engage in weekly communication of accomplishments with the primary mentor, contribute know-how in technical discussions, fulfill technical goals, and satisfy required deliverables, such as codes, models and know-how in the form of LANL reports, peer-reviewed publications, presentations, and software. Follow LANL safety and security procedures.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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41. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Systems Design and Analysis Group (NEN-5) is seeking one or more high-performing Postdoctoral researchers to work in the area of nuclear systems, ranging from nuclear systems design, development of computational methodologies, high-fidelity simulations of nuclear systems, to system-level synthesis of results, data, and models. Our staff focuses upon a broad spectrum of nuclear system applications including special purpose reactor design and demonstration for space and terrestrial applications, radiation transport code applications, high fidelity simulation of nuclear systems and nuclear fuels, systems modeling, nuclear fuel cycles and nuclear security. Recent successes include the design, development, and testing of a prototype fission reactor named Kilowatt Reactor Using Stirling Technology (KRUSTY). Our diverse workforce enjoys a collegial work environment focused on creative problem solving, where everyone’s opinions and ideas are considered.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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42. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Physical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy group is seeking a well-rounded chemistry, physical chemistry, biophysics, chemical biology, or biochemistry PhD graduate to join their team as a postdoctoral researcher. The team works on the development of medical countermeasures that include diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics using physical chemistry techniques to study biology. The postdoc will provide technical expertise for the development of novel medical countermeasures that can include diagnostic assay development, biomarker characterization and the study of host-pathogen interactions. They will act as a representative for the team by attending group and team meetings. The postdoc will be responsible for reporting research results back to the team at weekly meetings and keeping official laboratory notebooks. In addition, the postdoc will be encouraged to attend seminars that interest them and will be given networking opportunities within the laboratory. They will also be expected to present their work at conferences and to sponsors.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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43. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

This postdoctoral position is focused on the development of novel and deployable solutions for identifying critical flaws and defects in nuclear material storage containers. A major role of the position will require developing a robust machine learning-driven analytical tool to characterize container defects during infrequent and opportunistic inspections in dynamic environments. Emphasis will be placed on integrating a wide range of architectures with an easy-to-use front end user interface. The position will also require the development of characterization systems to study the surface chemistry and the microstructure of nuclear material storage containers. Linking visible defects to underlying phenomena will be used to build a large knowledge database for future nuclear material storage surveillance. A successful candidate will collaborate with a team of experience technical staff to explore and understand, in detail, nuclear material storage container health and characterization tools that provide the most relevant information for health screening. Candidates with a background in this research area, willingness to work with others, and a strong academic profile are encouraged to apply.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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44. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Eulerian Codes Group (XCP-2) in the X-Computational Physics (XCP) Division is seeking talented and motivated postdoc candidates. The Eulerian Codes Group is responsible for developing and maintaining large scale, massively parallel multi-physics codes used in national security applications. This appointment will focus on development and implementation of a new hydrodynamic method and high explosive model for high explosive safety applications. The successful candidate is expected to work in a team environment with computational scientists, theoreticians, and experimentalists, become familiar with production software carpentry practices, and publish results.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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45. Postdoctoral Positions 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Partnerships and Pipeline Office (PPO) is responsible for planning and executing pipeline and workforce development programs. As the Laboratory workforce needs in technical mission areas increase, the Laboratory remains focused on a high-quality Postdoc Program as a key element of our R&D workforce pipeline. The LANL Postdoc Program is one of the largest within the DOE complex and we capitalize on this vibrant program to develop future technical staff members for all our missions. The breadth of the program is significant as LANL Postdocs support the diverse set of LANL missions and have backgrounds from a range of disciplines in the physical sciences and engineering. As part of the Partnerships and Pipelines Office, the Program Manager for the Laboratory’s Postdoc Program Office oversees the execution of all Postdoc Program activities, initiatives, and processes. This leadership position includes the day-to-day administrative and operational management of all activities and functions within the Program, integration with a wide array of institutional stakeholders and partners, strategic planning to ensure a vibrant, diverse, and technically excellent Postdoc Program.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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