
4 Characteristics of Clinical Dentistry

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4 Characteristics of Clinical Dentistry

If you are going to do Dentistry, it is worth knowing the main characteristics of Clinical Dentistry. Ever heard of her? Understanding how these field works is very important, especially for those who have not yet entered the job market or are at the beginning of their career.

And you’ll understand better why right below! Find out what the characteristics of the area are, what a general dentist does, and the differences from other specialties.

What is Clinical Dentistry?

Upon finishing the Dentistry course, most professionals seek a specialization. That is, choose an area of expertise to work. But not everyone knows what to specialize in or when that will be possible. Therefore, it is common for early-career dentists to work with Clinical Dentistry, a very broad field.

Although it seems like a generic function, it is very important. And therefore, it is still a great choice for future dentists. It is the area that makes the first contact with patients, to identify which are the oral problems and the most appropriate types of treatments. In addition, Clinical Dentistry is responsible for several more common procedures, indicated to be performed every year.

Clinical Dentistry: know 4 characteristics

1. Carrying out common procedures

You have probably already been to a general dentist and done some simple treatments, such as tartar removal, fluoride application, restoration, among others. All dentistry graduates are capable of performing these basic procedures. In addition to them, clinicians also provide emergency care and provide technical guidance on oral hygiene for patients of all ages.

2. Wide field of action

Due to the treatments linked to the area, the field of action is usually filled with job opportunities. This is because the procedures performed by general practitioners are part of the oral health care routine. Therefore, it may be easier to find vacancies to work in this area than in other specialties.

3. Maintenance of oral health

The general practitioner dentist is the professional that everyone should visit every 6 months or at least once a year. This recommendation is valid for people of all ages. Since baby, it is important to prevent cavities, going through the other stages of life. Professionals in the field teach you how to brush your teeth and floss the right way. In addition to providing guidance on how to perform oral hygiene, Clinical Dentistry also identifies bacterial plaque, cavities and other common problems.

4. Disease prevention

These guidelines help people keep their teeth and gums healthy to avoid complications in the future. By understanding how to fight plaque and tartar, it is possible to avoid more complicated problems that require complex treatment. Through proper follow-up, Clinical Dentistry is able to diagnose problems and refer the patient to a specialist.

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What is the profile of the general practitioner dentist?

In addition to being interested in the area, this professional needs to have characteristics common to dentists in general, such as:

  • Good motor coordination;
  • Ability to concentrate;
  • Technical knowledge;
  • Practice experience;
  • Manual skill.

And, of course, you need to master the knowledge necessary for professional practice and have the habit of keeping up to date with the news in the area. In dealing with people, it is important that the general practitioner has good interpersonal skills as well. That is, who knows how to talk clearly, solve problems and is preferably not so introspective.

After all, the service offered counts a lot for career success. It is necessary to be prepared to deal with different patient profiles. Having the flexibility to face unexpected situations is also a positive point. This is because you never know what can happen in each case, especially in emergency care.

How is Clinical Dentistry different from other areas?

If you have already researched a little about Dentistry, you should know that it is divided into several areas of activity, such as:

  • Orthodontics;
  • Periodontics;
  • Hospital Dentistry;
  • Surgery;
  • Implantology;
  • Aesthetic Dentistry;
  • Pediatric Dentistry;
  • Work Dentistry.

All these areas are specialties, that is, they demand specific theoretical and practical knowledge. On the other hand, Clinical Dentistry can be practiced by any trained dentist. After primary care, the clinician indicates the appropriate specialty to take care of each patient’s oral problems.

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