
29 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Delft University of Technology, Netherlands invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Extreme Mechanics of Ultralight Architected Materials

Summary of PhD Program:

Ultralight architected materials leverage carefully engineered artificial structures (inspired from bone, bamboo, etc.) miniaturized to micro/nano material lengthscales to unlock unprecedented and tailored properties such as high strength and toughness at very low relative densities. However, little attention has been devoted to understanding the behavior of these materials under extreme deformations — particularly since existing theories for continuum materials breakdown due to the presence of architected microstructures. Understanding such behavior is critical to enable the adoption of such ultralight architected materials in the aerospace industry.

Application Deadline: 10 July 2023

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Hybrid Intelligence

Summary of PhD Program:

We are seeking a highly motivated and talented PhD researcher to work on an exciting project focused on hybrid memory modelling based on human affective responses to within deliberative conversations. The successful candidate will be part of a dynamic team of researchers at the forefront of research in hybrid intelligence and affective computing.

Application Deadline: July 14, 2023

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum Nanoscience

Summary of PhD Program:

You will conduct research on how quantum effects can be exploited for functional device components on the nanoscale. Depending on your interests in ferromagnets, your research may be dedicated to nanomaterials for the storage of information. You will be responsible for the fabrication of devices and exfoliation techniques in the state-of-the-art cleanroom at our famous Kavli Nanolaboratory. In addition, you will measure the dynamic mechanical properties of the membranes at varying temperatures (resonant frequency and damping) and interpret/model the results.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in multimodal interaction with neural tissue

Summary of PhD Program:

The successful applicant will be embarking on a new project in which multimodal electrophysiology will be used as a means to create a fundamental understanding of neural interaction. State-of-the-art equipment, including multichannel neurostimulator and recording setups, microscopy and ultrasound experimental platforms, as well as, cell culture facilities are available in our department. To be successful in this project it is foreseen that you will need to combine these into novel tailored in vitro setups, trained on performing in vitro experiments and expand your knowledge into various mechanisms of neural activation.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in NLP for Supporting Climate Dialogues

Summary of PhD Program:

In this position, you will co-design and co-develop an Integrative Forum (IF) that aims to facilitate two-way transdisciplinary exchange and dialogue on climate risk management. The IF, on the one hand, provides a ‘soft space’ for debate and reflection between research teams, societal partners, and citizens at large. On the other hand, the dialogue in the IF provides an opportunity for innovative research on institutionalized logics, tactics, and procedures that hinder or enable effective cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Application Deadline: June 18, 2023

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Edge-AI-assisted Advanced Phenotyping

Summary of PhD Program:

To develop edge computing and AI-assisted solutions for resource-efficient and robust mobile crop monitoring, the Embedded System Group is offering a 4-year Ph.D. position funded by the Dutch National Growth Fund NXTGEN Hightech program. We are seeking a highly qualified candidate to work on this challenging but impactful project. The candidate will be supervised by Dr. Guohao Lan and Prof. dr. Koen Langendoen and collaborate with the TU Delft AgTech Institute and our industry collaborator Sobolt.

Application Deadline: July 31, 2023

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in transport phenomena

Summary of PhD Program:

The main objective of this project, called ReZilient, is to demonstrate the first non-critical-raw-materials-based zinc-air flow battery of its kind. It aims to fill the gap between short-term electrochemical energy storage (Li-ion) and long duration chemical energy storage (e.g. hydrogen storage). ReZilient is funded by the European Commission and is executed by a consortium of Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Portuguese, Belgian and Dutch organisations.

Application Deadline: June 16, 2023

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Structural Biology of Neurodegeneration

Summary of PhD Program:

A 4-year position is available for a PhD candidate in the research group of Dimphna Meijer, Department of Bionanoscience, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. The long-term goal of our research is to understand how neurons form networks in health and disease. We address questions such as: What is the underlying structural basis of synapse formation? What happens at the nanoscale levels in diseased brain? We have recently determined cryo-EM structures of synaptic cell adhesion molecules that reveal part of the molecular recognition code underlying synapse formation.

Application Deadline: 1 August 2023

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in quantum transport

Summary of PhD Program:

The theory of quantum transport explains the properties of nanodevices that are used as elements in modern quantum technologies, and suggests their novel non-trivial implementations. It incorporates the most channelling concepts and methods of modern theoretical physics in potentially applied context. You will make several projects in this area under supervision of Prof. Yuli Nazarov, one of the founders of the field of quantum transport.

Application Deadline: 5 August 2023

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI for Building Energy Retrofit Planning

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for candidates highly motivated to work at the confluence of AI, building physics, and energy simulation, in order to address the energy transition needs of our aging and growing building stocks. Recent advances in AI provide us with unprecedented capabilities to scale up and automate our information processing and intervention strategies in complex large-scale settings. In this direction, of particular interest to this research is how we can harness these advances in AI and integrate them with physics-based simulators to make informed building energy retrofit decisions under uncertainty.

Application Deadline: 2 July 2023

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Flight Control Law Design for a Flying Wing Aircraft Concept

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD position focuses on the design, testing and validation of a full flight control system for the Flying-V, aiming to improve its handling qualities and provide with robustness against varying flight conditions, model (aerodynamic and mechanical) uncertainties and external disturbances such as wind gusts. To this end, high-fidelity aerodynamic models issues from various sources will be used annd the handling qualities will be validated using TU Delft SIMONA research simulator and also through flight tests of the aircraft prototype.

Application Deadline: 2 July 2023

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Design for Values and Innovation for Quantum Technology

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD position aims to develop and tailor approaches for ethical technology guidance, specifically Design for Values and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), so that they can be effectively applied to quantum technologies. The development of quantum technologies largely takes place within large tech companies and is increasingly organised within the borders of global geopolitical blocks. As a result, research and innovation in quantum technology has become less transparent to society, which in turn challenges approaches in ethics of technology aimed at guiding technology development through moral values.

Application Deadline: 2 July 2023

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Adaptive/ Collaborative Weather Radar Networking

Summary of PhD Program:

We seek a motivated PhD student to work on a 4-year NWO funded project called SMARTER (Strategic Monitoring of Atmospheric Threats using Enhanced Radar). The goal of this project is to develop a new adaptive and collaborative weather radar network for the Netherlands in which individual radars can adapt their behavior and react (in real-time) to what the other sensors in the network are seeing or doing. This is an open challenge in the current literature, that can be applied also to other scenarios of radar-based surveillance of manmade objects and not only to atmospheric phenomena.

Application Deadline: 2 July 2023

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Integrated Smart Gate Driver for SiC Inverters in EV

Summary of PhD Program:

SiC inverters are an essential part in the EV motor system. As SiC technology is still not very matured nowadays, a smart gate driver to drive the transistors efficiently while monitoring the state-of-health would be beneficial. Meanwhile, issues related to EMI, over-voltage/current protection, short-circuit protection should also been taken care of. In this project, a highly integrated, multi-functional smart gate driver will be proposed to tackle these issues.

Application Deadline: July 3, 2023

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Collaborative Practices in Computer Science Education

Summary of PhD Program:

This research will focus on practices applied by students and instructors for group software projects. You will explore several topics, such as skill development in student projects, best practices in group project setup, team formation and its effects, grade fairness, and gender effects via both qualitative and quantative studies. You will also develop and evaluate tools for monitoring project contributions and fair grading.

Application Deadline: 3 July 2023

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Robustness and Control of Probabilistic Machine Learning Models

Summary of PhD Program:

On this PhD project you will investigate the combination of probabilistic methods and formal methods from computer science and control theory to devise solutions to problems in the context of data-driven control systems. In particular, the project will shift towards Bayesian (deep) models for enabling probabilistic reasoning over the correctness of AI based control systems.

Application Deadline: 8 July 2023

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Dynamic Modelling and Design of Smart Metamaterial for Impact-absorbing Mounts

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for an enthusiastic PhD candidate to be the main developer of the analytical & numerical methods that will allow us to better understand these challenges. The outcomes of this project will be disseminated to the scientific community and to a general audience through presentations at (inter-)national conferences and through publications in peer-reviewed journals. Additionally, the candidate is expected to take part in educational activities within the department (for example, assist in teaching or supervise master thesis work).

Application Deadline: 7 July 2023

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Organic Bioelectronics

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of our research is to develop multifunctional and multidimensional bioelectronic interfaces that can be used to answering fundamental questions in biology, and to developing technologies that can treat diseases. By combining organic electronic materials with silicon-based electronic technologies, we aim to develop electrically and optically active devices that can interact with human cells and tissue, with high spatial and temporal resolution.

Application Deadline: July 9, 2023

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Enhancing Machine Learning Education in Computer Science

Summary of PhD Program:

This project will focus on gaining insight into those 3 categories of unknown. You can choose to explore the topics such as existing strategies/instructional designs to teach ML, identifying basic concept and skills, and their order in the Computer Science curricula, reliably recognizing progress in ML learning, discovering the pre- and misconceptions that influence learning of ML, etc. Based on the results of empirical studies you will propose innovations in teaching Machine Learning and evaluate them in Machine Learning courses.

Application Deadline: July 9, 2023

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Theoretical Biophysics

Summary of PhD Program:

One of the coronavirus proteins is involved in gene regulation and the initial stages of packaging, but how it fulfills these different roles is unclear. We will study this question as an example of how efficient and precise certain intracellular processes are. The practical work will use tools from statistical physics (e.g. Ising models), simulations (stochastic Gillespie as well as polymer simulations) and analytic calculations, connected to information theory and stochastic/non-equilibrium thermodynamics. During your PhD, you will need to develop these techniques. You should be interested in the broader as well as concrete biological questions, and collaboration with our colleagues.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2023

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Field of Wind Farm Control

Summary of PhD Program:

Wind energy is crucial for realizing climate neutrality, energy independence, and energy security. With the increased penetration of renewables in the electricity grid, there is a strong need for control technology to determine the number of electrons to produce and their destination (e.g., grid, storage, hydrogen) for maximum value to the energy system. Whereas the technology available on the market exclusively maximizes the energy yield, the future lies with optimization for cost of valued energy, which considers energy security, storage, fluctuating electricity prices, turbine component wear, and turbine lifetime. With several partners in the EU we will develop open-source technology for resilient, and data-enabled offshore wind farm control and co-design.

Application Deadline: 1 July 2023

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Monitoring and Safety Verification for the Dutch Railways

Summary of PhD Program:

We consider human feedback to be essential for achieving reliability of automation in the real world. We believe in the hidden synergies between formal and machine learning. You will conduct both theoretical and empirical research on real-time monitoring and safety verification of automated plans under the real-world uncertainties. We envision the project to have both significant scientific and practical impact for the Dutch Railways.

Application Deadline: June 30, 2023

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Data-enabled systems and control co-design for large-scale wind turbines

Summary of PhD Program:

In the last decades, the classical control theory has proven its effectiveness in terms of analysis and control (design) methodologies. Control theory has been a key enabler in the realization of complex systems. However, increasing system complexity leads to an increasingly indirect relationship between linear to practically meaningful performance. Moreover, the intricate requirements for system performance complicate controller design through the sole use of the classical control theory. Synergizing established fundamental control with promising data-enabled machine-learning techniques could effectively solve these present-day design challenges.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2023

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24. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cooperative and Distributed Data-Driven Control with Applications in Agriculture

Summary of PhD Program:

This project focuses on the development and application of cooperative and distributed data-driven control approaches in agriculture. Rapid human population growth results in high global food demand. Producing nutrient dense foods with minimal environmental impact has become crucial. As control engineers, our opportunities lie in developing advanced control approaches to increase production efficiency, reduce climate impact, and improve sustainability.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2023

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25. Fully Funded PhD Position in 3D super-resolution microscopy

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD position is part of the ERC-Advanced Project Nanocubic of prof. Sjoerd Stallinga, in which we target 3D super-resolution microscopy by breakthrough designs of illumination patterns that are sequentially projected into the sample volume, together with advanced image reconstruction techniques. We strive for isotropic resolution on the 100 nm scale in standard fluorescent samples and 1 nm in single-molecule imaging based techniques. The envisioned advances in microscopic imaging further open the nanoscopic world for scientific exploration. The project builds on the lab’s track-record in the field of computational imaging techniques for super-resolution microscopy.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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26. Fully Funded PhD Position in Systems Integration for Clinical AI

Summary of PhD Program:

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) methods has made the healthcare sector curious about improving decision support tools. New data-driven methods may aid decision-making in all subsequent steps of patient care. The hype around AI triggers hope, with the rise of available electronic health record data, and the increase in computational power. AI can be used in all aspects of healthcare; from faster diagnosis, improving prognostics or gaining insights to improve efficient use of resources. However, many AI applications have not yet made it to clinical practice.

Application Deadline: 1 July 2023

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27. Fully Funded PhD Position in Decentralised Machine Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

Your home base with be our twelve-strong, internationally diverse team of developers, postdocs, PhD candidates, academic staff and ethicist. Embracing the principles of fairness, openness and democracy, we share a mission to transform the Internet into a global brain for the benefit of all mankind. We conduct fully funded and groundbreaking research, covering topics like the digital European passport and the digital euro. You’ll be joining a group of peers trained in computer science, which makes for riveting sparring and knowledge sharing. Fostering a highly collaborative and friendly atmosphere, we will give you all the support you need to develop and grow.

Application Deadline: 1 July 2023

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28. Fully Funded PhD Position in Musical Robot for People with Dementia

Summary of PhD Program:

Imagine being able to enhance the quality of life of 55 million people with dementia worldwide. With nearly 10 million new cases every year, dementia is a leading cause of disability and dependency among the elderly. Considering the ageing population and ongoing shortage of caregivers, dementia patients need all the support they can get. In this PhD position, you will co-create a prototype musical social robot that guides the daily activities of dementia patients through games, physical activities, and more. You’ll gain valuable experience in music cognition and human-robot interaction at TU Delft, a leading university in the field, with great prospects for a professional future career.

Application Deadline: July 2, 2023

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29. Fully Funded PhD Position in iCELL

Summary of PhD Program:

The iCELL flagship consortium brings together computational scientists, molecular biologists, geneticists, and physicists with the goal of building a platform to develop large-scale individualized cellular models. These will be applied across the population to characterise (genetic) diversity among individuals in complex disease, initially focusing on DNA repair and fibrosis.

Application Deadline: July 2, 2023

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