
28 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

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KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. PhD Programs in Reconfigurable Neuromorphic Systems

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are seeking a Ph.D. student that will work on a Swedish Research Council (VR) funded project that aspires to create a new future-looking framework for synthesizing modern neuromorphic hardware on reconfigurable architectures. The Ph.D. student will work with all aspects of the framework, including its design, bench marking, and evaluation. The focus will be on mapping neuromorphic systems onto Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The Ph.D. student will also use the framework as a method to explore emerging technology (e.g. 3D stackable memory) in order to quantify performance and power-consumption benefits of future neuromorphic systems in the decades to come.

Application Deadlines: 09.Jan.2023

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2. PhD Programs in Experimental Particle Physics

Summary of PhD Positions:

The particle physics group at KTH is involved in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The main research interests are on measurements of the Higgs boson and in searches for new long-lived particles. We have made significant contributions to the design, construction and commissioning of the Liquid Argon calorimeter pre-sampler and are currently involved in the design of a new detector called the High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) to be constructed the upcoming years and installed in ATLAS in 2029.

Application Deadlines: 16.Jan.2023

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3. PhD Programs in active suspension for rail vehicles

Summary of PhD Positions:

Active suspension on rail vehicles is used today to allow higher speeds while maintaining good ride comfort. A new focus is that active suspension should enable vehicle configurations that today have low ride comfort and cause high maintenance costs for vehicles and tracks. Within the framework of the EU-funded research program EU-Rail, we have the chance to be involved in developing the rail vehicles of the future for regional traffic. Therefore, we are looking for you who have interest and knowledge in vehicle dynamics and control technology for this doctoral position.

Application Deadlines: 12.Jan.2023

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4. 03 PhD Programs in mathematics

Summary of PhD Positions:

Applications are invited within the areas listed below. For further details, please contact the corresponding advisor. Applications in other areas may also be considered; inquiries may be directed to the head of the Ph.D. program. The Ph.D. student positions primarily involve graduate studies with the goal of a doctoral degree. Some departmental duties are included, mainly teaching basic level courses. Here is general information on doctoral studies at KTH and information about the graduate program in mathematics.

Application Deadlines: 10.Jan.2023

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5. PhD Programs in Machine Learning: Theoretically motivated deep learning

Summary of PhD Positions:

In our research, we develop deep networks for processing image data that handle scaling transformations and other image transformations in a theoretically well-founded manner. Our research in this area comprises both theoretical modelling of the influence of image transformations on different architectures for deep networks as well as experimental evaluations of such networks on benchmark datasets to explore their properties. The work also comprises the creation of new benchmark datasets, to enable characterization of properties of deep networks that are not covered by existing datasets.

Application Deadlines: 30.Jan.2023

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6. PhD Programs in Human-Computer Interaction

Summary of PhD Positions:

The research will include task analysis, visualization and prototype design based on field studies, workshops and interviews with practicing operators. Applicants must have a broad interest in how operators work with complex tasks and IT systems and have a strong interest in participating in an interdisciplinary project with competencies from electrical power, behavioral science, human-computer interaction and visualization. The work includes collaboration with two other doctoral students with different specializations who have the same common goals; a sustainable work environment for sustainable energy sources.

Application Deadlines: 2023-01-31

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7. PhD Programs in Polymer Technology

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a graduate student interested in developing novel biobased polyethylene-like materials with attractive properties and built-in circularity. Ideally the materials will be designed to be both chemically recyclable and fully biodegradable by strategic placement of reversible linkages sensitive to different external triggers. The work will span from polymer synthesis and characterization to testing chemical recyclability and biodegradability. The materials created within this project will contribute to sustainable society by reducing plastics environmental impacts.

Application Deadlines: 16.Jan.2023

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8. PhD Programs in Prototypic Two-phase Flow Experiment and Analysis

Summary of PhD Positions:

The project aims to develop and validate modelling approaches to analysis of thermal hydraulic transients in LWRs including currently deployed SMRs (SMART and NuScale) with the focus on two-phase transient flows and development of correlations for wall heat transfer using data for prototypic flow conditions. New experimental data for model development and validation will be obtained by the student using HWAT experimental facility. The project includes: Experimental investigations of two-phase flows; Advanced post-processing of experimental data; Development and validation of two-phase flow closure models; Demonstration of application of the new models for the analysis of relevant transients in Nordic BWRs and PWRs with extensive uncertainty quantification.

Application Deadlines: 09.Jan.2023

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9. PhD Programs in Higher-order mode fiber components and applications

Summary of PhD Positions:

The research project is under the umbrella of the EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks program related to Higher-order mode technologies in optical communications, sensing, and other classical and quantum applications. The specific work will involve designing, fabricating, and characterizing specialized linear and nonlinear optical fiber components, enabling novel applications through spatial mode manipulation. The project will offer advanced training schools and research exchange stays at the partner labs.

Application Deadlines: 30.Dec.2022

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10. 02 PhD Programs in Computer Science

Summary of PhD Positions:

The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) invites applications for two doctoral student positions in Computer Science. The ScaLab (Scalable Parallel System Laboratory) is located in the main campus in Stockholm. ScaLab focuses on designing and optimizing algorithms, computer systems software, and architecture to improve the scalability of large-scale parallel computing systems, including high-performance computing and data centers. The doctoral students will work in a diversified research group with close interaction with other research groups in Sweden, Europe, and USA.

Application Deadlines: 31.Jan.2023

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11. PhD Programs in Self-learning Systems for Automated Security

Summary of PhD Positions:

The research involves mathematical and algorithmic modeling and analysis, as well as system design, implementation, and experimentation. The research follows an approach where attacks and response actions on an IT infrastructure are modeled as a game between an attacker and a defender and where strategies of attackers and defenders co-evolve through self-play. Reinforcement learning techniques are studied to approximate optimal control strategies. In addition to analytical modeling and analysis, a testbed and a simulation environment is available for experimentation, training, and evaluation of control strategies. The successful candidate will join a group of researchers that work on topics related to this project. 

Application Deadlines: 13.Jan.2023

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12. PhD Programs in Wood-based polymers for surface engineering

Summary of PhD Positions:

This project aims to use building blocks from wood-based raw materials to produce new materials that can replace fossil-based counterparts, especially in adhesives and other applications where tailored surface properties are needed. The main focus will be on the polymerization of small molecules from wood, either as extracted or after functionalization, and characterization of the properties of the resulting materials. We strive to meet the principles of green chemistry. The work is supported by advanced lab equipment and many qualified colleagues.

Application Deadlines: 20.Jan.2023

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13. PhD Programs in Fabrication processes for biobased nanomaterials

Summary of PhD Positions:

With the global quest for sustainability, there is a strong drive for developing bio-based alternatives to today’s materials to replace fossil-based materials and provide future materials with new and advanced functionalities. One of the main challenges in this development is that for water-based fabrication processes of lignocellulosic material concepts, it is essential to remove water as efficiently as possible, striving at low energy demand, specifically for drying. This is a technical challenge. Successful processes/technologies should be characterised by low energy demand and reduced water demand during processing and follow the “principles of green chemistry”.

Application Deadlines: 20.Jan.2023

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14. PhD Programs in Structure and properties of lignin materials

Summary of PhD Positions:

A significant progress in the understanding of lignin and lignin based materials have been achieved during the last decade. New refining protocols, advanced characterization techniques, and synthesis protocol has led to a better understanding of lignin. The results have shown that not only classical structural factors but also the unique morphology is of importance although numerous questions remain. The present project aims to gain a more fundamental understanding on how lignin and lignin based materials behave in this respect on molecular and nano-level. The projects covers formation (fractionantion and syntesis) of different lignin based materiels och studies of these with advanced tehcniques such as NMR, nano-FTIR, SEM, TEM, AFM, DMA, and synchrotronbased methods.

Application Deadlines: 20.Jan.2023

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15. PhD Programs in Hemicelluloses for fibre enzymatic modification

Summary of PhD Positions:

Wood is a formidable composite material with unique biological functions and outstanding properties in material applications. Hemicelluloses are key components in wood interlocking cellulose microfibrils and lignin. We have previously demonstrated that wood hemicelluloses have regular repeating motifs that modulate the interactions with cellulose fibre surfaces. This enables hemicelluloses to assemble into rigid and flexible domains on the surface of cellulose fibres. This research program will exploit the biological function of hemicelluloses for the enzymatic surface functionalization of wood fibres.

Application Deadlines: 20.Jan.2023

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16. PhD Programs in high-speed datacenter networking

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this project, we plan to build radically new frameworks for controlling network and their performance in a programmatic manner. This research aims to publish work at the top venues in network systems (i.e., SIGCOMM and NSDI) and collaborate with industrial partners (e.g., Intel, Nvidia, Ericsson, Saab). In this project, you will have great possibilities to make impact in society and industry.

Application Deadlines: 16.Jan.2023

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17. PhD Programs in Information theory for stochastic decision problems

Summary of PhD Positions:

In many information processing systems but also machine learning algorithms, the system designer faces distributed decision-making problems. Since not all information is available everywhere, the decisions are taken based on the locally available information to achieve a common goal. Such decision problems have nonclassical information structure and are considered to be notoriously difficult because a general optimal design approach is missing. Quite recently the concept of coordination coding appeared in information theory. It basically describes what statistical relations can be achieved with the support of communications.

Application Deadlines: 12.Jan.2023

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18. PhD Programs in new binder phase for hard metals for rock drilling

Summary of PhD Positions:

At the Unit of Structures, Department of Materials Science, KTH, research is underway to replace cobalt as a binder phase in hard metals for various applications. An important driving force for this research is to contribute to the transition to a more sustainable society. In the proposed project, studies of how different binder phases in hard metals affect properties of tools for rock drilling will be in focus. The work involves both experimental work and modeling of the connection between structure and properties of hard metals, and is carried out in close collaboration with various industrial parties.

Application Deadlines: 09.Jan.2023

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19. PhD Programs in Physical chemistry and environmental chemistry

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD work is taking place within a new research project, in collaboration between the Department of Chemistry of KTH and the Lightning Research group of Uppsala University, to investigate the effects of different types of lightning discharges on the chemistry of the atmosphere, in particular on the transformations of organic compounds. The PhD work will consist in performing experiments, both at the Lightning Research facility at Uppsala University and in the laboratory at KTH, to characterize the reactions resulting from different types of lightning discharges (products, mechanisms, etc…). The results will allow to identify and quantify the contributions of lightning to atmospheric chemistry and potentially, over long term, on climate.

Application Deadlines: 31.Jan.2023

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20. PhD Programs in integrating AI and formal methods

Summary of PhD Positions:

The doctoral study aims at integrating AI (machine learning and constraint solving) into formal specification to support the design of adaptive resource-constraint systems. Our goal is to develop a multi-view modelling language, which supports expressing, learning, simulating and verifying functional and resource-related characteristics of adaptive networked systems.

Application Deadlines: 09.Jan.2023

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21. PhD Programs in Healthcare robotics

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a creative person to pursue a PhD in Health Care Robotics in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems. We conduct research on medical sensor, information and communication systems in health technologies. Candidates with biomedical, mechanical, electrical, or computer engineering profiles and research interests in robotics, sensor systems, and physiology are welcome to apply.

Application Deadlines: 05.Jan.2023

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22. PhD Programs in Sonic Interaction Design

Summary of PhD Positions:

The project you will work in is funded by the Swedish Research Council and is titled “Personalising sonic interactions”. Today’s digital objects and processes produce information that is often invisible to the user, and sound can play a major role in making this information perceivable. In this context, our individual preferences in sound and music can affect the way we experience designed sonic interactions. Based on our research on sound computing, sound design, and sonic interaction design, we will develop a systematic, evidence-based, approach to sonic interactions that takes advantage of personal sound preferences.

Application Deadlines: 31.Jan.2023

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23. PhD Programs in Sound Computing

Summary of PhD Positions:

The project you will work in is part of the EU MSCA Doctoral Network “Lullabyte” on the effects of music and sound on sleep. The network consists of 10 collaborating institutions combining the expertise of music research, psychology, neuroscience, and computer science. Based on our research on sonic interaction design and sonification, we will develop novel sonic applications that promote healthy sleeping behaviors.

Application Deadlines: 31.Jan.2023

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24. PhD Programs in AI for link-layer efficient in wireless communications

Summary of PhD Positions:

The doctoral project is part of a larger project on artificial intelligence (AI) for Wireless Communications, with funding from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF). The project brings together researchers from KTH, Chalmers and Ericsson Research, who will address several aspects of AI in and for wireless communication systems at different system levels. The currently advertised position will focus on the use of AI and machine learning for improved efficiently in the physical and link-layer. The doctoral program in Electrical Engineering provides world-class quality education, including a large list of graduate courses, enabling the development of relevant competencies and skills.

Application Deadlines: 09.Jan.2023

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25. PhD Programs in sustainable electric power systems

Summary of PhD Positions:

The recent years’ development towards increasingly weather-based electricity production, together with an ever greater integration of the electricity system in Europe, has meant that the work in the control rooms will become increasingly intensive. In the future, operators will have to work more actively to ensure that the frequency and voltage of the electric power system are around nominal values, thereby guaranteeing that consumers have access to the sustainable electricity they need. This urgent and highly topical problem is relevant for those who want to investigate how the control room for electric power systems of the future should be organized and how the computer systems should be designed so that the operators get useful and adapted interactive information systems.

Application Deadlines: 2023-01-12

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