
7 tips for your study to look like a vacation

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7 tips for your study to look like a vacation

The long year of studies is coming to an end, the holidays are getting closer. What to do during this long-awaited period? Leave your studies completely aside and take the opportunity to rest, increase your study time since there will be more free time or find a balance between the two?

In this post, we are going to give you valuable tips on how to continue studying, while still enjoying the holidays. A good part of the students, when it arrives at the end of the year, are counting the minutes to go on vacation and start enjoying their free time with friends, family, doing the things they like.

But, what if the holidays are for a pre-college course or final year of high school, then there will be an important exam to be taken? You have to keep studying. But many must ask themselves how to create a study plan that is effective, but also allows you to have time to rest and enjoy your vacation in some way?

It is important to find a balance between these points so that the study is effective and you can also have free time to do what you want.

Planning your studies while on vacation

The starting point and probably the most important for the study of vacations is the creation of a specific plan for this period, taking into account the necessary moments for rest and leisure. From there, you can visualize how your days will be and what to do at each time.

Planning is not something immutable and fixed, it can be changed and adapted over time. The idea is that it works as a guide for your days so that you wake up knowing that there are tasks on your to-do list, as well as moments of rest and relaxation.

When planning your days, it is important to get to know yourself and understand at what time of day you are most productive studying and at what times you lose some of your income and start to lose focus. Knowing this, it is easier to concentrate the heavy part of the studies at the right time.

And leaving the less productive part for rest or leisure. We have separated for you some practical tips that will help you plan your studies in a lighter way, being able to absorb a lot of content and prepare for the entrance exams and, at the same time, have free time to rest and enjoy moments of leisure.

1) Alternate the studied content

You will hardly be able to stay focused on the same content for more than 2 hours. It’s not a problem uniquely and exclusively yours, it’s something of the human being. Focus can only be maintained for an interval of time, after which concentration tends to decrease. So, separate your studies into alternating blocks of content.

2) Study watching movies

There are many movies available that can be instructive, provide some useful content for your studies, and, at the same time, be light and relaxed. It is easier to remember some content when viewed this way, as they end up holding your attention in a more focused way. Choose a subject and look for movies that portray a little of that subject to enhance your learning.

3) Have leisure time between studies

An interesting way to motivate yourself during your studies is to know that you will soon have a free moment to relax and have some leisure. If your Study Plan is well designed and followed to the letter, you will have spaces to go to the movies, take a nap, see friends, watch a series or do anything else you feel like. These intervals are important to rest the mind and recover energies.

4) Read books unrelated to exams

Reading is always a very welcome activity. Many college entrance exams have a mandatory reading list, which can be tiring. Another very useful way to learn and, at the same time, relax a little is to read books on different subjects. It is always possible to learn something when you open a book and read it. Reading is an enriching activity and can bring a lot of information.

5) Tourist programs can also serve as a learning

An effective Study Plan involves multiple forms of study so that the content is absorbed in different ways by the student. A very important one is to use sightseeing tours, such as visits to museums, zoos, and parks as a time of learning in a lighter environment. It is possible to learn about history, geography, biology, among other subjects in itineraries like this.

6) Do not study more than you are used to

The year of preparation for the entrance exam is long and needs to be managed well. One way to avoid physical and mental exhaustion is to keep the balance of the number of studies every month. The body gets used to the routine it is in, and drastic changes made to that routine can have unwanted impacts. So don’t use your vacation free time to study a lot more than you’re used to, keep the pace and ensure a balanced study.

7) Cherish the moments of rest

As important as dedicated study and moments of dedication to learning, is the time you invest in rest and in your physical and mental recovery. It is essential to find moments during the day to rest, rest, forget about studies and recharge your batteries. After a while, fatigue starts to affect performance. To ensure that this does not happen, rest periods are essential.

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