
32 Funded PhD Programs at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

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Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD programs in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. PhD Position – Development of Biodegradable Neural Implants

Summary of PhD Positions:

With the ultimate goal to characterize and understand neuronal networks, as well as to restore lost sensory and motor functions, we aim to develop neural implants for reading and modulating the neural activity of the central and peripheral nervous system in in-vivo applications. One of the main challenges that neural implants face up to date is their long-term stability and the generation of foreign body reactions, such as inflammation and scarring tissue, which can lead to implant malfunction and rejection, and finally to the removal of the device. To extend the lifespan of neural implants, strategies such as design miniaturization and the use of polymeric materials have been implemented to mimic better the mechanical properties of the nervous tissues, however, efforts have not been sufficient for implants to last longer than a year. To circumvent the long-term stability of such devices and to achieve a real seamless integration with the nervous tissue, biodegradable and miniaturized implants will be developed.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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2. PhD Position – Metaplasticity of redox-based memristive thin film devices

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PGI-7 is involved in a Marie-Curie training network “Materials for Neuromorphic Circuits” (MANIC) (https://etnmanic.eu/) that is aiming to synthesize materials that can function as networks of neurons and synapses by integrating conductivity, plasticity and self-organization. Within MANIC, the PGI-7 offers a PhD project that aims to engineer the synaptic plasticity of epitaxial and polycrystalline memristive oxide thin film devices from short-term plasticity to long-term potentiation. This so called metaplasticity inherent to biological systems will be employed to implement different types of learning algorithms. The plasticity will be modified by the interplay of thin film processing conditions (defects, interfaces) and the sequence of electrical stimuli. The project should clarify the interplay between pristine microstructure, filament formation, dynamics of oxygen vacancy movement and synaptic plasticity. The memristive devices will finally be co-integrated into a neuromorphic CMOS chip designed at Bielefeld University.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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3. PhD Position – Neuromorphic Engineering / Computing

Summary of PhD Positions:

There are multiple openings for new PhD students interested in the co-design of neuromorphic circuits and systems with novel algorithms. You will work in a diverse team, targeting societally relevant computing applications to build more energy-efficient technologies to tackle them. Multiple funded projects are available, please see PGI-14 webpage for some research areas: https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/pgi/pgi-14

Application Deadlines: 6.9.2022

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4. PhD Position – Molecular Mechanisms of Glutamate Transport

Summary of PhD Positions:

The laboratory of Christoph Fahlke in the Institute of Biological Information Processing – Molekular und Zellphysiologie (IBI-1) is looking for a PhD student with a thesis project that aims at studying molecular mechanisms of secondary active glutamate transporters. Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain. Glutamatergic neurotransmission is initiated by exocytosis of synaptic vesicles from presynaptic nerve terminals and terminated by the uptake of glutamate from the synaptic cleft into surrounding neuronal and glial cells. Glutamate accumulation in synaptic vesicles and glutamate uptake from the synaptic cleft is mediated by two classes of secondary active transporters, vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) and excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs). We are using a combination of molecular dynamics simulations, heterologous expression and cellular physiolology to study transport mechanism of such transporters.

Application Deadlines: 14.9.2022

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5. PhD Position – Modelling the Fabrication Process of Organic Solar Cells

Summary of PhD Positions:

Would you like to contribute to the energy transition in Germany through your work? Then the Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg (for Renewable Energy) (HI ERN) is the right place for you! The HI ERN forms the core of the close partnership between Forschungszentrum Jülich, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin for Materials and Energy, and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg at the Erlangen site. The collaboration relates to the areas of innovative materials and processes for photovoltaic energy systems and hydrogen as a storage and carrier medium for CO2-neutral energy. Support us researching and developing solutions for the climate-neutral, sustainable, and cost-effective utilization of renewable energies. You will be part of the research department “Dynamics of Complex Fluids and Interfaces”, headed by Prof. Dr. Jens Harting. The research focus of this HI ERN department is to contribute to the fundamental understanding of the physics underlying the formation of thin films and the development of simulation and modeling techniques for printing and coating processes.

Application Deadlines: 19.9.2022

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6. PhD Position – Model Compression, Transfer Learning and Local Learning for Large Scale AI

Summary of PhD Positions:

Very large-scale neural networks and their transfer or distillation to specific problems are key to enable the widespread application of AI technologies. Training, maintaining and distilling large scale models is a very challenging task, requiring huge computational resources. However, the brain is a comparatively large neural network, and yet is able to learn and update its model of the world in an energy-efficient, local, and online manner. Research at the Peter Grünberg Institute – Neuromorphic Hardware Nodes (PGI-14) and the Peter Grünberg Institute – Neuromorphic Software Eco Systems (PGI-15) aims to design computing algorithms and hardware architectures inspired by the biological brain, thereby closing the gap between the computational abilities of modern computers and those of the brain. To expand this research to large scale transferable models and enable their compression towards brain-inspired hardware, PGI-14 and PGI-15 led by Prof. Dr. John Paul Strachan and Prof. Dr. Emre Neftci are seeking a PhD student. You will be jointly employed at PGI-14 and PGI-15.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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7. PhD Position – Neuromorphic Hardware for Event-based Computing at the Edge

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Peter Grünberg Institute – Neuromorphic Software Eco Systems (PGI-15) led by Prof. Dr. Emre Neftci explores neuromorphic computing technologies that learn and work like the brain. Our research team designs computing algorithms and architectures from the perspective of Neuroscience and physical realizations in dedicated circuits and devices. Applications of our research are targeted to improve computing in many areas, including computer vision, autonomous control, data processing in mobile and wearable devices, and (neuro-)scientific data analysis.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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8. PhD position in ecosystem functioning simulation and remote sensing

Summary of PhD Positions:

At the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences – Agrosphere (IBG-3) we conduct research to improve our understanding of biogeochemical and hydrological processes in terrestrial systems. A combination of experiments, modelling and innovative observation technologies is used to bridge the gap between model, process and management scale. Its research contributes to the sustainable and resource-conserving use of soils and water and to the quantification of the effect of climate and land use change on terrestrial ecosystems. We offer a competent and interdisciplinary working environment, as well as an excellent framework in the areas of experiments and modelling.

Application Deadlines: 30.9.2022

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9. PhD position – Explainable AI – Data Analysis Methods for Scientific Data

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a PhD scholar to join our Data Management and Analysis team. The focus of the project is on the development of state-of-the-art methods for data analysis in data mining and machine learning that support domain scientists in their work, and that permit scrutiny and validation of the results via Explainable AI techniques that provide insight into artificial intelligence models. In data analysis, we are interested in concepts and methods for learning from data, featuring both supervised and unsupervised methods. In particular, we contribute state-of-the-art deep learning methods, clustering methods for high-dimensional and noisy data, as well as unsupervised outlier detection solutions. Our research in data management concerns indexing, efficient access, as well as query processing and similarity search. Our solutions typically consist of concepts, models and algorithmic strategies that allow efficient analysis and access to relevant data, often with provable correctness guarantees. A notable focus of our research is the use of modern hardware, i.e., multi-core CPUs and graphics cards (GPUs) on standard desktop or laptop computers, with scalabilty to high performance computers (HPC).

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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10. PhD position – Phage-host interaction / Microbiology

Summary of PhD Positions:

Your PhD project will focus on novel antiviral (antiphage) strategies of bacteria. In particular, you will study the role of secondary metabolites and their mode of action in the defense against viruses infecting actinobacteria (Streptomyces). You will benefit from annual SPP meetings, workshops and trainings organized at the Forschungszentrum and within the frame of the priority program. Your methodological focus will be on genetic engineering, next-generation sequencing (NGS, RNA-seq and ChIP-seq), LC-MS/MS, and single-cell analysis (microscopy and flow cytometry).

Application Deadlines: 30.9.2022

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11. PhD Position – Development of a stationary 3D tomography measurement system for high-resolution surveying of soils using georadar

Summary of PhD Positions:

Against the background of global challenges such as climate change and the growing world population, Forschungszentrum Jülich is conducting research with a view to optimizing yields, improving soil and water conservation, and minimizing the impact of climate change. This requires a detailed understanding of the flow and transport processes in soils, as well as the dynamic development of root growth. One of several established measurement methods for such applications in geophysics is georadar. Georadar operates in the frequency range from about 200 to 2000 MHz. The coupling into the ground is done with antennas and is therefore non-invasive. In this way, characteristic soil properties such as electrical and dielectric conductivity can be determined. In cooperation with the Institute of Agrosphere (IBG-3), a novel measurement system with a large number of antennas is being developed, which enables high-resolution three-dimensional tomography of undisturbed soil columns.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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12. PhD Position – Nanoscale study of superconductors for qubits

Summary of PhD Positions:

Open positions are available in the quantum nanoscience department of the Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI-3) https://fz-juelich.de/pgi/pgi-3 and have the goal to advance fundamental physics and the material basis for quantum computing. Superconducting qubits currently are one of the most promising platforms to realize scalable quantum computing. To minimize the decoherence of the qubits is critical for their ultimate performance and requires careful material and device design. Your task will be to study novel superconductors and superconducting nanostructures relevant to the fabrication of qubits and to understand and optimize their properties. As such, you will contribute to the advancement of this technique, which holds great promises for future applications and to society in general.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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13. PhD position in applied hydrometeorologic sciences and data analytics

Summary of PhD Positions:

The work will be part of the collaborative project ClimXtreme funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany. The goal of the project is to identify and analyze extreme events especially related to drought, and study the anthropogenic impact due to e.g. groundwater pumping and irrigation. You will setup and perform unique terrestrial simulations using existing scientific software ( terrsysmp.org ) at the climate time scale in cooperation with our project partners, and develop novel data analytics technologies to analyze existing and new results from regional climate simulations. The project will be conducted in collaboration with the Centre of High-Performance Computing in Terrestrial System, Geoverbund ABC/J.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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14. PhD Position – Three dimensional mapping of epidermal tissue mechanobiology upon mechanical stretching

Summary of PhD Positions:

The human skin is the largest organ in the human body. As a multi-layered epithelium it depends functionally on a precise regulation of cell division and cellular adhesion. Faulty regulation and impaired adhesion lead to a variety of human diseases that require detailed analysis in biomimetic 3D cell culture systems. You will cultivate three dimensional, multilayered models of the epidermis on stretchable substrates and subject them to defined mechanical strain. This signal will induce cellular mechanoadaptations like reinforcement of the actin cytoskeleton and cellular adhesions that you will image and quantify in all layers. You will use photobleaching techniques to explore protein exchange upon mechanoadaptation. Moreover, you will compare cells of different genetic background.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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15. PhD Position – The role of CO2 as a resource in a global greenhouse gas-neutral energy system

Summary of PhD Positions:

Achieving a greenhouse gas-neutral energy supply is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. At the Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Techno-Economic Systems Analysis (IEK-3), we use integrated models to explore how possible cost-effective transformation strategies must be designed to achieve this. Become part of our international research team and contribute your ideas and creativity on how a future global greenhouse gas neutral energy system could look like.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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16. PhD Position – High Dimensional Multi Omics Data Integration

Summary of PhD Positions:

Your project has the aim to develop novel (interactive) workflow tools for high dimensional data integration and data mining. The data used should comprise multiple omics disciplines e.g. transcripts, metabolites and epigenetic sig-nals. Currently many analyses comprise ad-hoc methods or “standard” procedures that are disjunct. Within this project the main goals are Standardization and workflow development for such integrative data, developing integrative data mining and visualization tools and including data from public experiments and including data from different species.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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17. PhD Position – Photonics based on SiGeSn heterostructures

Summary of PhD Positions:

The integration of photonics components with electronics on the same microchip may potentially solve the bandwidth bottleneck in modern computers and allow devices with decreased power consumption. Nevertheless, light emission from Si -the material underpinning the whole digital world- is inefficient because of its indirect bandgap. Recently SiGeSn semiconductors, a Si-group alloys proved to be a strong candidate to finally add/extend the Si photonics with Si-based laser sources. Si-Ge-Sn heterostructures have been already tested in optoelectronic devices such as light emitting diodes, field effect transistors or detection pixels in the short-wave infrared range. However, energy efficient electrical pumped lasers, and more complex sensing and imaging devices are still to be demonstrated for practical applications.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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18. PhD-Position: Operation of Local Energy Communities

Summary of PhD Positions:

The concept of organizing energy systems in Local Energy Communities (LEC) coordinated across multiple energy carriers has gained significant attention in the last few years as a way to combine local coordination with the need for national and international interconnection. In the EU framework, LECs have been recognized by the EU as a key component of the energy transition. The European Commission’s Clean Energy Package has also defined a legislative framework for the operation of LECs that aim at participation of LECs in energy markets. While coupling of multiple energy carriers seems a promising solution to further reduce carbon emission and to maximize generation from renewable sources, their coordinated operation is still a challenge.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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19. PhD-Position: Data-driven modelling for power system operation

Summary of PhD Positions:

The increasing availability of data has motivated the whole scientific community in developing data-driven approaches (e.g. based on machine learning) for the analysis and operation of modern power systems. At IEK-10, you will focus on the development of new methodologies for the development of data-driven models using probabilistic machine learning approaches and demonstrate the use of such models in power systems operation. A large volume of data is available at IEK-10 for validation of the developed methods.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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20. PhD Position – Chemical mechanism development of atmospheric VOC degradation aided by pattern analysis of high-resolution mass spectrometric data

Summary of PhD Positions:

At the Institute for Energy and Climate Research, Troposphere (IEK-8), we investigate the chemical and physical processes in the troposphere that impact the chemical composition of the atmosphere. Organic compounds impact the air quality and climate change. Their oxidation chemistry leads to highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOM) and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. We explore photochemical degradation of organic compounds by applying chemical ionization mass spectrometry. The high resolution mass spectrometry provides a multitude of simultaneous information about the oxidized organic species evolving in the degradation process.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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21. PhD-Position – Development of scalable superconducting quantum systems

Summary of PhD Positions:

The mission of the newly founded Institute for Functional Quantum Systems (PGI-13) is to create the technological and scientific basis to enable useful quantum computing. We focus on developing quantum devices, improving their coherence and materials, and implementing quantum gates and algorithms. We use superconducting qubits that operate at temperatures close to absolute zero and are controlled by high-speed signals. A key requirement is to preserve high quality quantum operations as we scale. Overcoming these exciting challenges lies at the interface between scientific research and engineering.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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22. PhD position – Development and application of high-performance models for the analysis of European energy systems

Summary of PhD Positions:

At the Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Energy Systems Engineering (IEK-10 we focus on the development of models and algorithms for simulation and optimization of decentralized, integrated energy systems. Such systems are characterized by high spatial and temporal variability of energy supply and demand as well as by a high degree of interdependence of material and energy flows. Our research aims to provide scalable and faster than real-time capable methods and tools which enable the energy-optimal, cost efficient and safe design and operation of future energy systems.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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23. PhD position – Use of Hardware Solutions for Modern Energy System Simulation and Control

Summary of PhD Positions:

At the Institute of Energy and Climate Research Energy Systems Engineering (IEK-10) we focus on the development of models and algorithms for simulation and optimization of decentralized, integrated energy systems. Such systems are characterized by high spatial and temporal variability of energy supply and demand as well as by a high degree of interdependency of material and energy flows. Our research at the IEK-10 aims to provide scalable and faster than real-time capable methods and tools which enable the energy-optimal, cost-efficient and safe design and operation of future energy systems.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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24. PhD Position – Methodical Conception, Design and Development of Modern Multi-Modal Energy System Simulation

Summary of PhD Positions:

Your Job: Analysis of the current state of the art in continuous and discrete simulation, Development of innovative approaches for the simulation of multi-modal energy systems with the aid of hybrid simulation and co-simulation, Validation of the approaches with benchmark and real-world energy system models.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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25. PhD-Position – Conception, Design and Development of Multi-FPGA Simulation Methods for Real-time Verification of Power Electronics enabled Energy Systems

Summary of PhD Positions:

Your Job: Analysis of the current state of the art in real-time simulation methods, Development of simulation methods for multi-FPGA platforms, Programming of a simulation solution that is able to execute on multi-FPGA platforms with execution time below 50ns, Development of test case and scenarios for the evaluation of the developed platform, Development of simulation interfaces between the developed simulator and commercial products.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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26. PhD Position – Conception, Design and Development of Modern Power System Simulation and Control Solutions

Summary of PhD Positions:

Your Job: Analysis of the current state of the art in control of multi-modal energy systems, Develop innovative control solutions for multi-modal decentralized energy systems, Support the design and development of a Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) laboratory, Development of real-time capable models for the energy infrastructures on the campus Forschungszentrum Jülich.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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27. PhD Position – Non-invasive imaging of flow and transport in porous media

Summary of PhD Positions:

You will be part of the collaborative research center SFB1313 on “Interface-driven multi-field processes in porous media – flow, transport and deformation” (https://www.sfb1313.uni-stuttgart.de/). The SFB1313 consortium investigates interfaces in porous media, which are known to have large impact on flow, transport and deformation. An important step is to quantify how the dynamics of fluid-fluid and fluid-solid interfaces in porous-media systems are affected by pore geometry, heterogeneity, and fractures. This will be achieved through the development of experimental knowledge as well as mathematical and computational models. IBG-3 participates in the SFB1313 and is leading the project C05 with a focus on non-invasive imaging of porous media.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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28. PhD Position – Development of new UHV Technologies for the “Einstein Telescope for Graviational Waves Detection”

Summary of PhD Positions:

Gravitational waves from colliding black holes, exploding stars or maybe from dark ages of the universe tell us about the evolution of our cosmos. Following the Nobel Prize in physics of 2017, we are now planning the next generation of even more sensitive observations. The so-called “Einstein-Telescope” (ET) is European`s future in gravitational wave detection. It might be built in the Euregio. Gravitational waves are detected by laser interferometers based on the concept of the Michelson Interferometer. The ET will include six of those interferometers with arm lengths of 10 km each in an underground, triangular configuration. To avoid interaction of the laser beams with air or any residual gas the laser beams will travel in ultrahigh vacuum tubes (UHV) with a diameter of approximately 1 m. In total, there will be 120 km of those tubes. It will be by far the largest UHV system ever built. You will work on the design of the vacuum system.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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29. PhD Position – Multi-Qubit Control

Summary of PhD Positions:

Our team is working on electronics for Quantum Computing (QC) based on integrated circuits (ICs) which combine analog and digital components from modern CMOS technologies. One research focus is the development of ICs for scalable control and read-out of semiconductor quantum bits (qubits). Up to now most of these electronics have been for single qubit examples but are getting towards larger numbers. Our modeling efforts focus more on the overall research goal of a compact, scalable machine. For implementing a computer, additional hardware components are needed next to control and readout electronics. One example is a digital unit managing and monitoring the control and readout of many qubits. The focus of this research part is the modeling of a scalable electrical unit able to coordinate the operation of larger qubit numbers.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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30. PhD Position – Negative Emissions – Potentials of Direct Air Capture and Storage Technology to Realize Greenhouse Gas-Neutrality

Summary of PhD Positions:

Besides of a strict defossilization, negative emission pathways for taking care of hard to abate emissions need to be trod in order to reach the goal of greenhouse gas-neutrality. Sequestration of CO2 out of the air combined with underground storage can be an important puzzle piece within these pathways. The efficient operation of Direct Air Capture and Storage facilities is dependent on a variety of different site-specific factors. Due to the high electrical and thermal energy needs site-specific assessments of renewable potential is necessary. Local climate conditions can have an impact on the sequestration efficiency and need to be taken into consideration. Geological characteristics vary from site to site and need to be thoroughly assessed. Within your thesis you will combine all of theses factors to allow a model-based site-specific Direct Air Capture and Storage potenial assessment for different regions globally including economic aspects.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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31. PhD Position – Computational investigation of ion channels and transporters

Summary of PhD Positions:

Using a combination of molecular simulations, patch-clamp electrophysiology, and molecular biology, the Computational Neurophysiology group of Jan-Philipp Machtens at the Institute of Biological Information Processing 1 investigate the structure-dynamics-function relationships of physiologically and clinically important membrane proteins. Furthermore, we study pathologic alterations of these proteins towards novel strategies to pharmacologically correct protein and cell function under disease conditions. The PhD project will focus on permeation and selectivity mechanisms in ion channels, mechanisms of ligand and voltage activation, or functional principles of thermodynamically coupled transporters.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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32. PhD position – Photoelectrochemical characterization of the ion transport

Summary of PhD Positions:

Batteries move our world and are ubiquitous – they start the engine of our cars, they move the hands of your clocks and allow us to take pictures with our cell phones. The Helmholtz Institute Münster for Ionics in Energy Storage as part of the Institute of Energy and Climate research focusses on electrolyte research as a key area for future battery concepts. Major research activities comprise the design, synthesis, characterization and processing of more sophisticated battery electrolytes and chemistries. Our institute operates as a branch office of Forschungszentrum Jülich in close cooperation with the University of Münster and RWTH Aachen University, in this way fostering joint research efforts while promoting this important forward-looking field of electrochemical energy storage. The Young Investigator Group “Interface phenomena in solid-state batteries”, led by Dr. Nella Vargas-Barbosa, is looking to expand its research portfolio in the field of light-driven ion transport.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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