
23 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Southampton, United Kingdom

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Southampton, United Kingdom invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Detecting rapid changes and tipping points in the abyssal ocean circulation

Summary of PhD Program:

The abyssal ocean circulation is key to Earth’s climate. Numerical models suggest that the circulation is slowing down dramatically. However, no approach exists to observe the circulation’s variability. This project will develop and apply the first approach to detect changes in the abyssal circulation from oceanic variables measurable from satellites.

Application Deadline: 6 May 2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantifying Discretisation Error in Climate Models

Summary of PhD Program:

The focus of the project will be on developing new methodology which takes probabilistic numerical methods from largely limited to linear PDEs to being applicable to highly nonlinear PDEs such as Navier-Stokes. The project will involve applying techniques from statistics, data assimilation and machine learning to devise and analyse new probabilistic solvers, developing high-performance implementations of those solvers, and deploying them on HPC facilities to quantify discretisation error in chaotic phenomena such as eddy diffusivity the famous MITgcm model.

Application Deadline: 6 May 2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Improved prediction and forecasting of coastal compound flood hazard around the UK

Summary of PhD Program:

In low-lying coastal regions, flooding often arises from more than one drive such as oceanographic, fluvial or pluvial, a phenomenon that is known as ‘compound flooding’. This PhD will use a new km-scale system coupling atmosphere, land, waves and ocean. Modelling experiments across weather and climate timescales will further our understanding and improve the prediction of compound events and their potential changes in the future.

Application Deadline: 6 May 2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cryosphere and Underwater Remote Inspection using Optic-fibre based Sustainable noise-Interferometry

Summary of PhD Program:

This project will demonstrate a novel, low-cost, wide-area approach using seafloor cables with natural sound to characterize the ocean and cryosphere. Tomographic techniques can be used to combine many acoustic paths to obtain the spatial structure in temperature and flow. This approach has been applied to sparsely-spread sensors; however, interrogation of fibre optics within legacy seafloor cables provides many acoustic measurements along the cable length. The larger number of sensor pairs and pair-wise separations decreases the noise averaging time from the hours-to-days typically needed to achieve oceanographically relevant accuracies to ~1 minute. 

Application Deadline: 6 May 2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in accounting

Summary of PhD Program:

We welcome applications that will develop an interdisciplinary approach to addressing real-world challenges. For example, enhancing organisational sustainability might require a combination of leadership, finance, governance, accounting, and strategy. You are invited to propose transformative research that challenges conventional disciplinary boundaries to help solve real-world problems. This will contribute to addressing the evolving challenges of business. You will have a creative and a collaborative spirit and create positive outcomes by bridging practice and intersectionality of disciplines. This will help prepare leaders and members of organisations for the future of work, business and entrepreneurship.

Application Deadline: 19 Apr 2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in banking and finance

Summary of PhD Program:

Southampton Business School has an ambitious quality-driven strategy of growth and our research is recognised throughout the global academic community. We are seeking talented and motivated individuals with expertise in Big Data Modelling to develop new approaches to identifying patterns in Big Data. We welcome applications that will develop an interdisciplinary approach to addressing real-world challenges. For example, enhancing organisational sustainability might require a combination of leadership, finance, governance, accounting, and strategy. 

Application Deadline: 19 Apr 2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in decision analytics and risk

Summary of PhD Program:

We welcome applications that will develop an interdisciplinary approach to addressing real-world challenges. For example, enhancing organisational sustainability might require a combination of leadership, finance, governance, accounting, and strategy. You are invited to propose transformative research that challenges conventional disciplinary boundaries to help solve real-world problems. This will contribute to addressing the evolving challenges of business. 

Application Deadline: 19 Apr 2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in digital and data driven marketing

Summary of PhD Program:

We welcome applications that will develop an interdisciplinary approach to addressing real-world challenges. For example, enhancing organisational sustainability might require a combination of leadership, finance, governance, accounting, and strategy. You are invited to propose transformative research that challenges conventional disciplinary boundaries to help solve real-world problems. This will contribute to addressing the evolving challenges of business. 

Application Deadline: 19 Apr 2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in HR management and organisational behaviour

Summary of PhD Program:

Southampton Business School has an ambitious quality-driven strategy of growth and our research is recognised throughout the global academic community. We are seeking talented and motivated individuals with PhD proposals in the following areas:
human resource management
organisational behaviour
industrial or employment relations
employment studies
organisational studies
labour economics
work sociology

Application Deadline: 19 Apr 2024

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Fully Funded PhD Position in strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship

Summary of PhD Program:

Southampton Business School has an ambitious quality-driven strategy of growth and our research is recognised throughout the global academic community. We are seeking talented and motivated individuals with PhD proposals in strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship. We welcome applications that will develop an interdisciplinary approach to addressing real-world challenges. For example, enhancing organisational sustainability might require a combination of leadership, finance, governance, accounting, and strategy. 

Application Deadline: 19 Apr 2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Molecular design of rare-earth-ion complexes for quantum light-matter interactions on nanophotonic platforms

Summary of PhD Program:

The University of Southampton is expanding its PhD research in the area of Quantum Technology Engineering. In addition to the research project outlined below you will receive substantial training in scientific, technical, and commercial skills. Membrane quantum well lasers contact-bonded onto the surface of sapphire or silicon carbide have been demonstrated to create perfect Gaussian beams. We have the capability to release these membranes and position them in the integrated photonics cleanroom on top of substrates and we have demonstrated external cavity lasing with them.

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Symmetry-based optimal control of nuclear spins

Summary of PhD Program:

This project concerns the design and implementation of radiofrequency waveforms in order to control the quantum dynamics of nuclear magnetism with high robustness and precision, in order to optimise advanced NMR experiments, with applications over a range of areas including biomolecular structure determination, chemical structure investigations, and hyperpolarised magnetic resonance imaging. The project will be a combination of theory, simulation, and experiment.

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Driven propagation of quantum order down a nuclear spin wire

Summary of PhD Program:

This project explores a new concept which is called a “nuclear spin wire”. This refers to a molecular arrangement in which a set of nuclear spins are coupled to each other in an extended, roughly linear, arrangement. We will develop and demonstrate methods for driving nuclear spin order from one end of the wire to the other, using applied magnetic fields. If successful, this phenomenon will become an experimental tool with applications over a range of areas including biomolecular structure determination, chemical structure investigations, and hyperpolarised magnetic resonance imaging. 

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2024

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Magnetic resonance spectroscopy & imaging at the quantum mechanical performance limit

Summary of PhD Program:

Quantum mechanics sets fundamental limits on how quickly and precisely magnetic processes can run; this matters in MRI where the time a patient spends inside the magnet must be minimised. Modern equipment performs far below those limits, and the objective of this project is to design magnetic resonance methods that achieve the best performance permitted by the fundamental constraints of quantum theory.

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum spin dynamics and how to make it faster

Summary of PhD Program:

The University of Southampton is expanding its PhD research in the area of Quantum Technology Engineering. In addition to the research project outlined below you will receive substantial training in scientific, technical, and commercial skills. Spin is a relativistic property of elementary particles that is responsible for all magnetic processes used in chemistry, engineering, medicine, and computer science, such as magnetic data recording, magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging, magnetoresistance in conductors or multiferroic materials.

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum nanomaterials revolution

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD project aims to delve into the conceptualization, refinement, and evaluation of QD nanostructure devices tailored for diverse quantum technology applications. The exploration will focus on pioneering nanostructure designs capable of achieving significantly enhanced coupling between QDs and light, potentially elevating both the brightness and operational temperature of the QD photon source. 

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2024

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Integrated ultra-high-Q ring resonators for the frequency stabilisation of atom-trap clocks

Summary of PhD Program:

Join the forefront of Quantum Technology Engineering at the University of Southampton. In collaboration with esteemed partners Caltech (California Institute of Technology) and Aquark Technologies Ltd., we are offering a unique PhD opportunity to develop ultra-high-Q ring resonators, pivotal in advancing atom trap clock technology. This project is not just about research; it’s about making a tangible impact in the field of quantum engineering.

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2024

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in On-chip quantum cryptography using two-dimensional materials

Summary of PhD Program:

In this PhD project, you will use two-dimensional (2D) materials as single-photon light sources. Strain and defect engineering in 2D materials can result in in-gap discrete energy levels in the electronic structure of the material, leading to the creation of single and entangled photon sources. The wavelength can vary from visible to near IR depending on the chosen material. Once the photo-emitters are generated in the 2D materials, they can be transferred onto almost any arbitrary substrates including silicon photonic circuits (waveguides, couplers, photonic crystal cavities, etc.), making them an even more attractive candidate for on-chip photon sources. Key challenges will be understanding the nature of the single and entangled photon emission in this family of materials and tailoring their properties to their potential usage in quantum communications.

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2024

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI Powered Personalized Virtual Heart Modelling

Summary of PhD Program:

In this unique PhD project, we aim to develop advanced AI models for creating cardiac digital twins such as virtual heart models. We will employ the dataset (imaging, ECG, electronic medical records, etc) collected from the patients, to accurately modelling the anatomy and simulate the function of patients’ diseased hearts. These models, coupled with machine learning techniques, contribute to the identification of crucial mechanistic relationships and features that offer insights into the trajectory of a patient’s heart condition. 

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2024

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biological contributors to composition and structure in sea urchin teeth at developing life-stages

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of this project is to identify biological contributors to chemical and structural variation in biomineralized structures. Using synchrotron X-radiation and molecular and cell biology, You will elucidate the molecular and cellular regulators of elemental heterogeneity in the biomineralized teeth of a key model system, sea urchins.

Application Deadline: 20 Apr 2024

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum control of magnetic processes

Summary of PhD Program:

The University of Southampton is expanding its PhD research in the area of Quantum Technology Engineering. In addition to the research project outlined below you will receive substantial training in scientific, technical, and commercial skills. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging are quantum technologies that use spin, a property of elementary particles that gives them magnetic moments. Strong magnetic fields do not harm chemical systems or biological tissues, they are therefore widely used in chemistry, pharmacology, and medicine.

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2024

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Experiments to generate macroscopic quantum states

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD project will probe into macroscopic limits of quantum mechanics. You will take part in generating macroscopic quantum states by putting nanoparticles in spatial superpositions analogous to matterwave interferometry. Modifications of quantum theory such as decoherence and collapse models predict that we will fail in this attempt fundamentally at computable levels of macroscopicity which is a superb playing field for testing conventional and less conventional fundamental physics ideas. 

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2024

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mid-infrared photonics for room temperature quantum technologies

Summary of PhD Program:

The University of Southampton is expanding its PhD research in the area of Quantum Technology Engineering. In addition to the research project outlined below you will receive substantial training in scientific, technical, and commercial skills. Quantum entanglement is fragile and present-day quantum computers usually require to be cooled down at milli-Kelvin temperatures to work, which require the use of cumbersome and very expensive dilution fridges.

Application Deadline: 31 Aug 2024

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