Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal.
1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Solar Cells and Wearable Electronics
Summary of PhD Program:
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join our team working on solar cell, bioelectronics and wearable electronics. The aim to design sustainable materials for future. The project is supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The project brings together 5 research groups from Chalmers University of Technology and Linköping University, led by Christian Müller, Anna Martinelli, Eva Olsson, Mats Fahlman and Simone Fabiano. The mission of the project is the realization of doped organic semiconductors that display truly stable electronic behaviour. You will be part of a team of five PhD students, as well as several Postdocs, who will together develop and study new materials concepts that facilitate stable doping. We have an extensive international collaboration network that is a resource for your work where you will have access to the forefront expertise and top-of-the-line facilities.
Application Deadline: 31-03-2024
2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Sustainable Wood Materials
Summary of PhD Program:
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join our team working on wood based materials for future applications in energy technology and wearable electronics. The aim to design sustainable materials for future. The project is supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and carried out within the framework of the Wallenberg Wood Science Center. It is a research center with a focus on new materials from trees. The center creates knowledge and builds competence that has the potential to form the basis for an innovative and sustainable future value creation from forest raw materials.
Application Deadline: 31-03-2024
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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics
Summary of PhD Program:
The Department of Physics provides a creative and innovative environment for research, learning and outreach. The research topics at the department span from fundamental to applied research with the aim of contributing to the development of a sustainable society. A wide range of experimental, computational, and theoretical methods are developed and used to meet a multitude of research challenges. As a PhD student, you will be associated with one of our graduate schools. The Department of Physics offers a stimulating and creative workplace in a modern setting with state-of-the-art research facilities. The Department of Physics strives to combine world leading research with a good work/life balance including paid vacation, parental leave, and other employment benefits. We actively promote diversity and gender equality.
Application Deadline: March 31th, 2024
4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Recycling of electrolyte from batteries by supercritical fluid process
Summary of PhD Program:
Battery development and recycling are the critical subjects towards e-mobility and green transition, and you will build knowledge and competence which will be needed for decades. As the team member of the research group, you will challenge to advance the current technology and support the society to reach sustainability goals. You will work with a dynamic and ambitious team and have a chance to participate conferences and workshops. This position at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical engineering will allow you to develop skills and knowledge on not only the battery technologies, recycling, processing technologies, and advanced material characterization techniques but also communication, reporting, and creative thinking.
Application Deadline: 2023-12-15
5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Applied AI/ML and modelling of battery materials
Summary of PhD Program:
The research at the division of Materials Physics is directed towards fundamental molecular level understanding of structure and dynamics of materials in relation to macroscopic function. A particular focus is materials for next generation batteries. The main purpose with this PhD project is to advance the application of AI/ML and modelling to improve our understanding of the basic physics governing battery relevant properties at the materials level – which stretch all the way from design to recycling. A particular goal is to create master equations to guide future development by for example multiple symbolic regression approaches to experimental and computational data. Electrolytes are a particular focus and advanced data treatment and models are indispensable tools.
Application Deadline: December 19, 2023
6. Fully Funded PhD Position in BECCS & corrosion
Summary of PhD Program:
The goal of the project is to further the development of Chemical-Looping Combustion (CLC), a concept related to Fluidized-Bed Combustion (FBC), but which involves the use of chemically active bed materials. CLC provides two important advantages over FBC, namely inherent CO2 sequestration and separation of corrosive ash elements and vulnerable heat-transfer surfaces. These advantages make CLC an ideal technology for Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) as well as increase the electricial efficiency when combusting renewable fuels. BECCS involves capturing and storing CO2 absorbed by biomass from the atmosphere during its utilization, and allows for co-generation of negative CO2 emissions, power and heat , which has been identified as a necessary technology for achieving climate policy targets.
Application Deadline: 2023-12-07
7. Fully Funded PhD Position in diagnostics and modeling of gas-solids flow
Summary of PhD Program:
Modeling of gas-solids flow is currently limited by: i) insufficient reliability due to inaccurate descriptions of the flow parameters at the micro-scale, and ii) unaffordable computational costs of full-scale simulations. Having this, this project serves the purpose of developing reliable modeling of gas-solids flow by experimentally gaining novel knowledge of the gas-solids flow at the micro-scale and use it to improve the critical modeling expressions for sub-grid momentum transfer with validated descriptions. This is a critical aspect, since micro-scale gas-solids flow phenomena remain largely unknown despite they are recognized to govern the flow picture at the larger scales.
Application Deadline: 2024-01-15
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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Designing free energy landscapes by machine learning
Summary of PhD Program:
In this project you will combine accurate quantum mechanical calculations with machine learning techniques and methods for sampling free energy landscapes. To this end, you will be able to draw from three areas of expertise in our group ( pertaining respectively to MOST systems, materials dynamics, and model building. Crucially, the computational results will also directly impact experimental research via several well established experimental collaborations.
Application Deadline: December 10, 2023
9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum thermodynamics of electronic devices
Summary of PhD Program:
The position – desired starting date in the first half of 2024 – will be placed in the theory division of the department for Microtechnology and Nanoscience at Chalmers, where diverse research from quantum transport, quantum information, and quantum materials to quantum thermodynamics is carried out. The hired PhD student will work in the group “Dynamics and Thermodynamics of nanoscale devices”, lead by Janine Splettstoesser . The specific research project of this position will deal with the unique properties of the energy conversion of electronic devices, with a special focus on nonthermal resources. In small-scale devices, nonthermal distributions are ubiquitous, occurring due to the competition between coupling to different baths and partial thermalisation and equilibration processes, due to external driving and irradiation, or as a result of filtering effects.
Application Deadline: December 22, 2023
10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum thermodynamics & fluctuations in electronic devices
Summary of PhD Program:
The position will be placed in the theory division of the department for Microtechnology and Nanoscience at Chalmers, where diverse research from quantum transport, quantum information, and quantum materials to quantum thermodynamics is carried out. The hired PhD student will work in the group “Dynamics and Thermodynamics of nanoscale devices”, lead by Janine Splettstoesser . The specific research project of this position will deal with the thermodynamics of energy conversion of nanoscale devices. The focus will be on the role of fluctuations, which in contrast to macroscopic systems can be of high relevance in nanoscale devices. It is envsioned to address fluctuations both as resource of conversion processes and as limitation in the precision of the outcome of the conversion process.
Application Deadline: March 10, 2023
11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Leaching of molten nuclear fuel
Summary of PhD Program:
As a PhD student you are supposed to focus on the research questions relating to your project. In this case the fabrication and leaching of nuclear core melts. It is expected that a variety of different core melt compositions will be produced based on nuclear accident scenario. These different melt simulates will be subjected to detailed leaching stduies to elucidate the behaviour of both actinides as well as fission product leaching under different conditions. There will be considerable hands-on laboratory work involving radioactive nuclides which will be performed in dedicated laboratories with special requirements. In addition, as a PhD student you are supposed to take an active part in the teaching of both B.Sc. and M.Sc. students and be included in some departemental work.
Application Deadline: 2023-12-31
12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Formulating delivery vehicles for cartilage recovery
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD student will be employed by Cline Scientific, while part of the PhD will be taken within the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers. Cline Scientific develops advanced cancer diagnostics and regenerative medicine treatments. Cline’s unique patented surface nanotechnology provides solutions to critical challenges for cell-based products and process in Life Science. Cline is driving two projects through to a clinical stage, StemCART – a stem cell therapy for joint repair, and CellRACE- a cancer diagnostic to predict metastasis. The PhD student will be involved in the the StemCART-project.
Application Deadline: 2023-12-18
13. Fully Funded PhD Position in sustainable mobility
Summary of PhD Program:
As a PhD student in Sustainable Mobility, you will engage in collaborative, interdisciplinary research investigating the impacts of such measures and strategies. Specific research topics center around the provision of shared mobility, cargo bikes, parking reform, neighborhood accessibility, and broader issues about the interactions between transport and urban environments. You will work mainly on the project “Car-goNE City”, an international project funded through the Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) programme of JPI Urban Europe. Car-goNE City is an applied research project that investigates the extent to which shared cargo bike mobility can increase accessibility by active transport to essential urban functions in 15-minute cities, lower transportation costs, and reduce private car use.
Application Deadline: 2024-01-10
14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital Health for Synthetic Data in Health Care
Summary of PhD Program:
This position aims to develop a better and more cost-effective, equal health care using digital solutions including decision support based on AI. The position is also part of a strategic investment to develop and expand the Digital Health research and innovation activities at our department. In our Digital Health group, we focus on developing clinical decision support (CDS) tools using e.g. AI to support informed clinical decisions and the transformation of healthcare. Our aim is to increase decision precision in crucial clinical decisions in the addressed care chains with the long-term goal to decrease mortality and suffering from major public health problems such as trauma, stroke, cardiac disease and falls.
Application Deadline: 2023-12-18
15. Fully Funded PhD Position in space geodesy and geodynamics
Summary of PhD Program:
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to develop the DORIS segment (data processing and implementation in the c5++ software package) at the Onsala Space Observatory. The research topics to be addressed are primarily the fields of DORIS, space geodetic technique combination, reference frames, geocenter, earth rotation and orientation, and global geodynamics. The PhD project is divided into two phases. The first phase will allow the student to acquire knowledge on the space geodetic technique DORIS and its data processing using the GEODYN software package, which is developed by the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) of NASA, in the USA.
Application Deadline: 2024-01-14
16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Human Body Model for Improved Neck and Torso Injury Prediction
Summary of PhD Program:
The two PhD students will be part of a international group of researchers that are developing and validating Human Body Models for industrial applications. You will be responsible for improving the biomechanical properties of the tools that not only predict pre-crash and in-crash kinematics and risk of injury but should also reflect the diverse biomechanical properties of our population in terms of height, weight, age, sex, muscle activity and tissue properties. The tools are to be validated and verified using available data and subsequently applied to studies such as accident reconstructions. The successful candidates will be challenged to keep pace with advances in biomechanics, material modelling, and computational mechanics.
Application Deadline: December 23, 2023
17. Fully Funded PhD Position in satellite measurements of clouds and precipitation
Summary of PhD Program:
A primary research area of the division is to utilise passive microwave satellite data for weather forecasting and climate studies. In particular, we are leading in introducing sub-mm wavelengths (frequencies above 300 GHz) by being involved in the upcoming ICI (Ice Cloud Imager) and AWS (Arctic Weather Satellite) missions. Despite these novel observations, we will still need to face that no single technique provides complete coverage of all parameters of interest. The way forward here is to combine information from different types of sensors. However, making consistent and rigorous simulations of multiple observations is very challenging today, drastically slowing down progress.
Application Deadline: 2024-01-01
18. Fully Funded PhD Position in solid state chemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
The position is centered around creating and characterizing novel materials for the transition to sustainable energy. In the newly founded Multiscale Inorganic Energy Materials group within Chalmers’s Energy and Materials division, we aim to create materials with novel structural motifs on different length scales as catalysts towards water splitting and CO2 reduction. The candidate will elucidate the relationship of the materials structure to their functional properties. For this mission, we seek motivated and skilled PhD students to contribute to groundbreaking research at the interface between solid state chemistry, materials science, and catalysis. You will focus on the creation of new main group and transition metal oxide catalysts as well as the modification of their structure on several dimensions.
Application Deadline: 2024-01-08
19. Fully Funded PhD Position in field of Nanocience and Nanotechnologies
Summary of PhD Program:
We are looking for up to four highly motivated and skilled graduates interested in nanoscience and nanotechnology. The selected candidates are awarded with a PhD position, which they can place at any Nano research group at Chalmers and with which they coordinate their specific PhD program. This is the nineth in a yearly recurring call. These positions are special in the sense that most PhD student positions at Chalmers are announced by a specific research group, funded by a specific research project. However, with an Excellence PhD student position you have your own funding, which of course gives you far more freedom in choosing both research group and research project.