Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Utrecht University, Netherlands invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal.
1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Care for Young Children and Gendered Division of Labour
Summary of PhD Program:
Early childhood education and care is a topic that receives attention both for its contributions to improving later schooling and development outcomes of the children themselves, and as an essential service for working parents (as demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic). Reliable and widely available childcare is also essential to enable women’s work in particular. However, how this is provided, what the uptake is and what the further impact is on parental working patterns differs across countries. Given current Dutch proposals to make childcare free or heavily subsidised, this topic is pertinent to assess policy. This project aims to look at how (pre-)school childcare institutions have co-evolved with norms around mother’s work, maternity and paternity leave, postnatal care, etc.
Application Deadline: 7 July 2024
2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cancelling as a Postcolonial Strategy for Repairing Cultural Heritage
Summary of PhD Program:
We are looking for a PhD candidate for a project that delves into the meaning and applications of canceling practices within antiracist and decolonial movements. The specific focus is on cancelling as a reparative strategy aimed at addressing the enduring impact of historical injustices in the present. Termed ‘reparative canceling,’ these practices seek to rectify symbols, art, knowledge, cultural heritage, and ingrained cultural norms that are deemed harmful and unjust, thus perpetuating the legacy of colonial history.
Application Deadline: 15 August 2024
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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Urban Geography and Platform Real Estate
Summary of PhD Program:
Participation in urban life is increasingly reliant on the use of digital platforms (for example, Uber, Airbnb, and Funda). These platforms territorialize urban processes, including housing, promising to connect different stakeholders in flexible and transparent ways; however, they also dictate the terms of connectivity. Platforms limit interactions between selected stakeholders and participants, (re)creating patterns of inclusion, exclusion, and inequalities, where the most vulnerable people lose out.
Application Deadline: 15 July 2024
4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Young migrant men’s contested care work and caring masculinities
Summary of PhD Program:
Today’s increasingly diverse and complex cities produce new and dynamic ways of relating to one another. Globalisation, migration and societal change on the one hand produce contested understandings of caring for each other. On the other, opportunities arise to (re)define caring in relation to changing economic conditions, social meanings and cultural norms. In many capitalist societies, however, existing unjust social structures and conditions continue to reinforce uneven geographies of care. Rather than a focus on how economically competitive cities are, this project explores the ‘caring city’ by investigating how cities ‘work’ and are understood as places that intersect with interpersonal caring, care relations and care work.
Application Deadline: 4 July 2024
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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Resilience Optimisation of Spatially Extended Tipping-prone Systems
Summary of PhD Program:
As a consequence of global climate change and local human activities, such as the occurrence of droughts and deforestation, many ecosystems and climate subsystems are put under pressure. It is feared that the response of these systems to these anthropogenic forcings might include large, abrupt and irreversible critical shifts when they are pushed beyond their tipping points. However, it has become clear that for spatially extended systems – such as ecosystems and climate subsystems – it is also possible that only part of the spatial domain is affected, thus potentially limiting the impact of tipping of those systems. This is due to the possibility of finding spatially heterogeneous states, such as regular Turing patterns or coexistence states, in which part of the domain is in one state and part of the domain in another.
Application Deadline: 4 July 2024
6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantification of Sediment Pathways within Nourished Coastal System
Summary of PhD Program:
Large-scale sand nourishment has been essential in the Dutch government’s strategy to sustainably maintain flood protection levels along the Dutch coast for more than 30 years. Nourishment volumes will have to increase to keep up with the expected acceleration in sea level rise. Currently, however, there is a lack of fundamental knowledge on how the nourished sand finds its way through the coastal system, and what the long-term, cumulative effects are for the coast as an ecosystem. Long-term (50+ years) datasets and satellite imagery of the nourished Dutch coast, combined with novel data from dedicated SOURCE Living Labs, provide the opportunity for learning how coastal zones respond to repeated and large-scale nourishment.
Application Deadline: 7 July 2024
7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Benchmarks for Spatial Optimisation
Summary of PhD Program:
The transition towards a sustainable and livable urban future requires resolving multiple issues. Potential solutions for these issues may be compatible (synergies), or may conflict (trade-offs). For example, under the current pressing housing demand, the objective to maximise peri-urban landscape biodiversity and food provision results in high residential densities within the existing urban fabric. This may conflict with the objectives to minimise the decline of open space and the congestion and air pollution in the city. Quantifying synergies and trade-offs between these objectives can serve the spatial planning process. Multi-objective spatial optimisation algorithms offer such quantification.
Application Deadline: 1 July 2024
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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Geography of Online Labour Platforms
Summary of PhD Program:
Online labour platforms play an important role in organising the global outsourcing of tasks. Online labour platforms bring together providers and requesters of short-term tasks that can be executed completely online, such as visual design or annotating data to train AI models. Online labour platforms come with the promise of allowing individuals located in more remote or less connected regions to benefit from economic opportunities. Yet, initial evidence suggests that participation in online labour platforms is spatially uneven, hence their benefits and implications too.
Application Deadline: 30 June 2024
9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Accelerating the Transition to a Circular Textile Economy
Summary of PhD Program:
This PhD project aims to accelerate the transition to a circular textile economy by leveraging the Mission-specific Innovation Systems (MIS) framework. This framework provides a systems perspective to study the dynamics of diffusion and implementation of innovation. It maps the actors, networks, and institutions involved, assesses system performance, and identifies barriers to achieving societal missions through innovation. Until now, the MIS has mainly focused on technological innovation but in this project we also want to focus on the social innovations that are needed to accelerate the transition towards circular textiles.
Application Deadline: 15 September 2024
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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Food Education and Young People’s Everyday Geographies of Food
Summary of PhD Program:
In recent years, a plethora of food education programmes and various other forms of food pedagogies aiming to educate youth about healthy and sustainable food have sprouted in The Netherlands and in other countries. While these are crucial to foster food literacy among future generations in the face of the climate crisis, food insecurity, and increasing corporate food regimes, they can also exclude youth with a migration and/or low socio-economic background and their everyday geographies of food, as research has concluded in British and American settings. Youths’ geographies of food entail their embodied engagements and experiential learning with food in the everyday cultural, socio-spatial contexts and relations in which they live, learn, play and identify with.
Application Deadline: 30 June 2024
11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Evolution of Stress Response Networks across the Plant Kingdom
Summary of PhD Program:
With a budget of 96 million Euro over the next decade, CropXR focuses on creating eXtra Resilient (XR), sustainable, and climate-adaptive crops. By combining plant biology, simulation modelling, and artificial intelligence we aim to develop ‘smart breeding and cultivation’ methods to speed up breeding for complex resilience traits in different growing systems for several crops. This collaborative effort involves four universities, numerous companies, and encompasses scientific research, data collection and sharing, education, and practical applications in agriculture and plant breeding.
Application Deadline: 3 July 2024
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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Health Technology Assessment
Summary of PhD Program:
The uncertainty about the added value of orphan medicinal products (OMPs) is often substantially high because the available clinical studies contain limited information about clinical outcomes and long-term effectiveness. Despite the uncertainties, there is social pressure to make these highly prized OMPs quickly available for a small group of patients with life-threatening conditions. The question is whether a cyclic Health Technology Assessment (HTA) approach could contribute to more controlled and affordable access to these medicines.
Application Deadline: 1 July 2024
13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cancer cell biology
Summary of PhD Program:
Are you interested in fundamentally understanding the molecular mechanisms that allow cancer cells to persist despite therapy? Are you excited to become an expert in single cell analysis? Then this PhD position might be a great match for you! We offer a PhD position in a project that is funded by the Dutch Cancer Foundation (KWF). This project is aimed at better understanding how some cancer cells manage to escape chemotherapy treatment, focusing on patients with metastatic ovarian cancer.
Application Deadline: 29 June 2024
14. Fully Funded PhD Position in History of Global North-South Public Health Cooperation
Summary of PhD Program:
As a PhD candidate you will be working on a subproject within the Consolidator Grant project COOPERATION (2024-2029) funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and directed by Dr Ozan Ozavci external link (Principal Investigator, PI) at the Department of History and Art History. COOPERATION project will recapture the lost archives and historical knowledge of international public health cooperation between the ‘global north’ and the ‘global south’ by analysing its first and longest-lasting instances: the sanitary councils in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Established in Tangier, Alexandria, Tunis, Istanbul and Tehran, these unprecedented institutions strategised against waves of epidemics and pandemics between the 1790s and the 1940s.
Application Deadline: 28 June 2024
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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Innovation/Global Governance for Earth and Space Sustainability
Summary of PhD Program:
Activities in outer space have grown exponentially in recent years, led by an increasing variety of actors from technologically advanced states to billionaire companies and small ventures. While space-based infrastructures such as satellites are essential for basic operations on Earth, space technologies are also presented as the frontier of opportunities and solutions for addressing sustainability crises: global accessibility to the Internet with thousands of satellites, giant solar power stations in Earth’s orbit, resources near and on the Moon, and billionaires’ vision of building space settlements such as on Mars to prevent the extinction of human species.
Application Deadline: 30 June 2024
16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Molecular Mechanisms of Protein Biogenesis
Summary of PhD Program:
The research group of Professor Christian Kaiser external link, which just relocated from Johns Hopkins University to Utrecht, has established single-molecule optical tweezers assays for probing nascent protein folding on the ribosome. These studies have shown how the ribosome and molecular chaperones counter misfolding and help large, multi-domain proteins attain their functional structures. The group is now combining mechanical manipulation with single-molecule fluorescence detection. These in vitro studies are complemented by cellular assays. Collectively, the work is revealing fundamental principles of cellular protein biogenesis.