
16 Postdoctoral Fellowships at Vanderbilt University, Tennessee

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Are you holding PhD degree and looking for Postdoctoral Fellowships? Vanderbilt University, Tennessee invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Fellowships in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing (VUSN) is pleased to announce an opening for a Postdoctoral Fellow in the area of health-related data science with Dr. Alvin Jeffery. This full-time position will provide a mentored training experience in preparation for an academic/industry research position. Training opportunities will be related to data science, machine learning, biomedical informatics, and health phenomena. Activities will include scientific computing, preparing research study protocols, data analysis, disseminating research findings, developing scientific manuscripts as lead author or co-author, presenting research findings at conferences, grant writing, mentoring undergraduate and graduate students, and performing other related duties.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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2. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The fabulous Blind Lab is looking for a recent PhD who would like to continue their training in structural biology, specifically in X-ray crystallography and/or integrative structural approaches to studying how small molecules and lipids regulate nuclear receptor structure. We also study a kinast and several several other structural projects I’m more than happy to run through with you. The ideal candidate is a recent or soon-to-be PhD with strong enthusiasm for science exploration. We have a very healthy, happy group that is extremely diverse scientifically. We are multidisciplinary to the bone! Postdocs currently in the lab have done their PhDs in rainbow trout microbiome genomics, yeast DNA-repair and bile acid mass spectrometry method development. We also have a 2nd year PhD student, 2 RAs, a postbac and 7 undergrads running around helping out!

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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3. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This is an exciting post-doctoral opportunity to carry out collaborative research focused on the design, implementation, and evaluation of a clinical informatics (patient portal) and mhealth program to support self-management in youth with diabetes. The fellow will work in the laboratory of Dr. Shelagh Mulvaney, with an interdisciplinary team of behavioral scientists, clinicians, statisticians and informatics professionals at Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center. For this position, funded jointly by the Vanderbilt School of Nursing and a grant from the American Diabetes Association, we seek a talented and highly motivated individual interested in further developing their informatics, research and academic skills to support an independent research career.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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4. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science (VUIIS) is seeking a postdoctoral research fellow for a 2-year mentored research training opportunity supported by the Education and Research Foundation for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. The position will focus on molecular imaging, radiochemistry, and development of novel automated manufacturing techniques. This is an exciting career opportunity to join a leading molecular imaging translational effort at Vanderbilt with all of the basic, translational, and clinical resources under the direction of Dr. Adam Rosenberg. The successful candidate will participate in collaborative research with scientists and physicians in fields such as oncology, neuroscience, and immunology.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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5. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center (VKC) for Research on Human Development and the Department of Pediatrics in the VUMC Division of Developmental Medicine is accepting applications for a clinical psychology postdoctoral fellowship in the area of autism and related developmental disabilities. The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center provides an exceptional research and training environment, reflecting synergy across our NICHD-supported Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC), MCHB-supported Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) grant, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), and programs within TRIAD.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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6. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The High Energy Nuclear Physics group at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, is inviting applications for the position of Postdoctoral Research Associate for the fall of 2024. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in high energy nuclear or particle physics and have demonstrated experience in data analysis/simulation/phenomenology studies and computational proficiency in either C++ or Python. The Vanderbilt group are members of the sPHENIX collaboration at RHIC (Brookhaven National Laboratory), the CMS collaboration at the LHC (CERN), ePIC collaboration at the upcoming EIC and the theory/experiment JETSCAPE/XSCAPE collaboration. The group, comprised of Profs. Vicki Greene, Julia Velkovska, Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, Yi Chen and Jean-Francois Paquet, have made major contributions in the study of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) with detailed investigations of collective phenomena, hydrodynamic flow, jet-medium interactions and jet substructure.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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7. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Learning And NeuroDevelopment Lab (LAND) Lab works to understand how the interplay between action and perception is related to human learning and, more specifically, how the brain mediates that relationship throughout the lifespan. The lab employs a variety of methods, including several MRI-based neuroimaging techniques, training paradigms, behavioral assessments, and eye tracking to uncover the neural mechanisms by which the action-perception process facilitates the learning of foundational literacy skills in early childhood and affects longer-term educational outcomes.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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8. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We have an immediate opening for a postdoctoral fellowship in the Markham Lab. The project opportunities extend from recent work identifying C. difficile as a component of the human colorectal cancer microenvironment. (Drewes, Chen, Markham, et al. 2022 Cancer Discovery). Our investigations examine the role of C. difficile toxins using mouse models of colonic neoplasia and human 3D organoids. Individuals with expertise in mouse modeling, tissue culture, and high-resolution microscopy are particularly desired. Familiarity with modern methods of high-dimensional computational analysis for multiplex spatial data are desirable. Experience working in teams and the ability to apply independent management skills are important. Long-term funding is secure, along with a highly competitive salary and fringe benefits.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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9. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Schaefer Lab in the Department of Psychology at Vanderbilt University seeks applicants for a postdoctoral researcher position. The lab’s research program focuses on understanding the relationship between environmental exposures (including environmental toxicants, psychosocial stressors, substance use, and poverty) and brain and behavioral health, using longitudinal and twin methods to approach causal inference

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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10. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A postdoctoral position is available in the Communication and Language Lab in the Department of Psychology and Human Development at Vanderbilt University. We are recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to support joint research projects at Vanderbilt University (PI, Dr. Duane Watson) and the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. These projects explore the perception and production of prosody, rhythm, hearing, and speech in patient populations. The ideal candidate will bring knowledge of speech sciences and expertise in language perception, production, and pro

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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11. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Meng Lab (https://my.vanderbilt.edu/lin-meng/) at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Vanderbilt University is seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral scholar interested in cutting-edge research on modeling edge effect, degradation, carbon sequestration, and forest fires in tropical regions, focusing on Amazonia. The post-doctoral scholar will join a NASA project and work with a diverse team across several universities/institutes on modeling forest edge effects on carbon cycle and fires in Amazon using remote sensing and terrestrial biosphere models. This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of a fast-evolving and active research field, with significant potential for high-impact publication and visibility of your research.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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12. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Vanderbilt University Department of Psychology and Human Development and the Department of Special Education are seeking to hire a full-time Postdoctoral Fellow to collaborate on multiple grant-funded projects focused on youth violence and suicidality prevention, gun-related injury prevention, social and behavioral developmental trajectories, community-based partnerships on positive youth development, and research syntheses. The position will be supervised by Dr. Krista Mehari and Dr. Jason Chow.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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13. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The ideal candidate is a recent PhD with infectious enthusiasm for science and wants to work hard and play hard! We have a very healthy, happy group that is extremely scientifically diverse. We are multidisciplinary to the bone! Postdocs currently in the lab have done their PhDs in Rainbow trout microbiome genomics, computational physical chemistry, yeast DNA-repair, bile acid mass spectrometry method development, and DNA crystallography. We also have a 1st year PhD student, 2 RAs, a postbac and a million undergrads running around helping out!

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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14. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A postdoctoral position is available in Dr. Frank Tong’s lab in the Department of Psychology at Vanderbilt University to pursue behavioral and computational studies of medical image perception. This project focuses on characterizing the visual-cognitive mechanisms underlying radiological expertise in lung nodule detection. The project is funded by an NIH R01 grant from the National Cancer Institute. Candidates should have a PhD with expertise in one of more of the following areas: visual perception and attention, object recognition, psychophysical methods, image processing and analysis, computational modeling. Candidates should be fluent and versatile at coding in MATLAB and/or Python, ideally with a background in neuroscience, psychology, data science, computer science or biomedical engineering. We seek individuals who enjoy working on challenging problems with enthusiasm and creative rigor in a collaborative, synergistic research environment. This position is open to both US citizens and foreign nationals. Start date is flexible.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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15. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Dr. Frank Tong’s lab at Vanderbilt University seeks to recruit 1 or more postdoctoral fellows to develop and test new deep neural network (DNN) models to better capture the robustness of the human visual system and its ability to recognize highly challenging object images. This work, supported by a newly funded NIH R01 grant, will leverage state-of-the-art AI methods and models, high-field fMRI at 7 Tesla, and advanced psychophysical and computational methods to characterize human behavioral and neural responses to complex visual stimuli.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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16. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Dr. Amanda Lea at Vanderbilt University is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on questions at the interface of evolutionary anthropology and genomics. Work in the lab uses genomic tools to study human evolution, biology, and health. This work is done in partnership with subsistence-level human populations that are currently transitioning to more urban and market-integrated lifestyles, with a focus on how urban exposure across the life course impacts gene regulatory variation and physiology. A complementary focus of the lab is using massively parallel reporter assays to understand causal molecular relationships.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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