Are you holding PhD degree and looking for Postdoctoral Fellowships? Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Fellowships in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.
1. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
Tulane University is welcoming applications for a postdoctoral fellow for the Department of Physiology with a focus related to studying the molecular mechanisms regulating blood pressure and kidney dysfunction. The postdoctoral fellow will supervise and guide students (i.e. undergraduate and graduate levels) and technologists. Generate publications; Contribute to grants; and Collaborates as a team to help with day-to-day operations of the lab.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
2. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
Tulane University invites applications from advanced graduate students or postdoctoral scholars for an interdisciplinary fellowship in Africana studies and art history. The appointment is for one year and can be renewed for a 2nd year pending a successful annual review. The successful candidate will primarily support the inaugural class of the Crossroads Cohort, a unique new graduate program offering MA and MFA pathways for artists and historians whose work engages the intersection of Africana studies and art while continuing to pursue their own research projects.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
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3. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The Gragert Lab focuses on investigating the role of immune gene variation (HLA and KIR) in transplantation, cancer, and immune-mediated diseases. The role of this postdoctoral researcher will be to develop software and bioinformatics workflows for analysis of immunogenetic data, conduct genetic association studies, and build population genetic models. This position will specifically involve analyzing HLA immunogenetics and antibody data in the context of solid organ allocation and transplant outcomes and other projects as assigned by the principal investigator Dr. Loren Gragert.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
4. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The Postdoctoral Fellow applicant will work in conjunction with the Principal Investigator to lead the Sex-Based Precision Medicine Research Core (SPMRC). The SPMRC will promote and support sex- and gender-based precision medicine (SPM) research at the Tulane Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in Sex-Based Precision Medicine (COBRE in SPM), assist Research Project Leaders (RPLs) and Pilot Project Leaders (PPLs) in obtaining independent research funding, and serve the broader scientific community by performing high-impact, sex-based biology and precision medicine (SPM) research.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
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5. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The Mathematics Department at Tulane University invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow position to begin in the Fall of 2025. This postdoctoral fellow appointment is for one year and can be renewed for a second year after a successful annual review. There is a possibility of an extension for a third year depending on the department’s funding availability and job satisfaction. The position carries a teaching load of three courses in two semesters.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
6. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
A postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Tulane University based in the historic Uptown New Orleans. The postdoctoral researcher will work with Dr. Matthew Montemore’s group study and design catalysts and other materials for energy applications, using a variety of computational techniques including quantum chemical methods and kinetic models. Collaboration with other research groups, especially experimental groups, is expected.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
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7. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The Environmental Biogeochemistry Modeling Group at Tulane University is seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Scholar to join our team. The successful candidate will lead research on the development and application of Earth System models to investigate the transport, transformation, and fate of emerging and legacy contaminants, including mercury, plastics, PFAS and antibiotics.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
8. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Division of Psychology is pleased to accept applications for one full-time post-doctoral fellow who will provide assessment, treatment, psychoeducation, and consultation services to maltreated children under the age of 6 years and their families involved with the child welfare system. The fellow should be able to clinically conceptualize a wide variety of cases involving young children and their caregivers with challenging behaviors, attachment and/or relationship problems, developmental delays, and/or other mental health problems and make appropriate referrals. The fellow may also carry cases involving older children and their caregivers.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
9. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The Forensic Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship at Eastern Louisiana Mental Health System is offered through the Forensic Neuropsychiatry division of the Tulane Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. The goal of the fellowship is to enhance and broaden the fellow’s forensic assessment skills. Under supervision, fellows will conduct forensic evaluations at an inpatient forensic hospital (Eastern Louisiana Mental Health System – ELMHS) and in private cases. Fellows will perform a wide variety of forensic mental health assessments with forensic patients, incarcerated individuals, as well as those in the community.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled