
03 Funded PhD Positions at IRTA, Catalonia, Spain

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IRTA, Catalonia, Spain invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD positions in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

The financial remuneration for the PhD Candidate contract will be €1,247.52/gross per month (€17,465.28/gross per annum) for the first and second years. For the third year, it will be €1,336.63/gross per month (€18,712.82/gross per annum) which will be subject to the corresponding withholdings, pursuant to prevailing regulations, and to the collective employment agreement of IRTA. 

IRTA is a research institute owned by the Government of Catalonia adscribed to the Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda. It is regulated by Law 04/2009, passed by the Catalan Parliament on 15 April 2009, and it is ruled by private regulations.

It takes part of the CERCA centres system of Catalonia. IRTA‘s mission is to contribute to modernising, improving, boosting competitiveness, and fostering sustainable development in the sectors of agriculture, food, agroforestry, aquaculture, and fishing, as well as in all areas of activity directly or indirectly related to the supply of healthy, high-quality foodstuffs to end consumers, while also contributing to food safety and safe processing of foodstuffs and in general enhancing the health and well-being of the population.

1. PhD Position in Animal welfare

Summary of PhD Positions:

The present PhD research project proposal pursues the following main objectives: • To improve protein extraction from lupin, fava bean, buckwheat and microalgae, as alternative sources of proteins, by using US and MW and optimizing technological parameters. • To obtain protein ingredients with tailor-made techno-functionality, by using extrusion and HPP, and high nutritional value, by mixing proteins from different origins.

Application Deadlines: October 23, 2022

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2. PhD Position in river biodiversity management 

Summary of PhD Positions:

IRTA is currently seeking an enthusiastic and motivated PhD candidate to join the Marine and Continental Waters Program. We invite applications from ambitious candidates with relevant research experience and passion to conduct research and innovation activities on the PhD project “Applied metacommunity perspectives for river biodiversity management”. The goal of this PhD project is to provide new insights for the adequate conservation and management of rivers in a context of global change.

To do so, we will use novel measurements of biodiversity change that consider spatiotemporal variability and apply conservation planning tools to obtain conservation and restoration opportunities that promote climate change adaptation. Specifically, we will: (1) analyse spatiotemporal trends of biological communities (catchment scale) and determine the drivers of these changes.; (2) study metacommunity dynamics (sub-catchment scale) and translate it into practical management practices.; and (3) apply a systematic conservation planning approach. The project will involve knowledge and outputs transfer to different relevant stakeholders, such as NGOs, water agencies, and the general public.

Application Deadlines: 25/11/2022

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3. PhD Position in Postharvest and the Genomics and Biotechnology Programs

Summary of PhD Positions:

IRTA is currently seeking an enthusiastic and motivated PhD candidate to join a collaborative project between the Postharvest and the Genomics and Biotechnology Programs. We invite applications from ambitious candidates with relevant research experience and passion to conduct research and innovation activities on the the field of plant breeding and postharvest technologies. In the framework of sustainable agriculture, the aim of the study is to develop new melon varieties with slow maturation and higher performance at postharvest to reduce food lost and waste. In this context, the candidate will be engaged in a multifaceted and innovative project to provide insight on the role of different genes/QTL

Application Deadlines: 11/2022

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