Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Multiple Universities invite online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in Economics.
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal.
1. Fully Funded PhD in Agricultural Economics at Washington State University
Summary of PhD Program:
Washington State University provides a PhD in Agricultural Economics that is fully funded. The PhD in Agricultural Economics is intended to offer students with a solid basis in economic theory and methodology, as well as hands-on experience with agricultural, agribusiness, and/or resource economics challenges.
The School offers graduate assistantships to around 80% of admitted students. Ph.D. students who receive a 9-month assistantship plus one month of summer compensation earn a total stipend of $19,490 per year. In addition to the stipend, you will be given with health insurance and the majority of your tuition costs.
Application Deadline: Jan 10, 2026
2. Fully Funded PhD in Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics at University of Guelph
Summary of PhD Program:
The University of Guelph in Canada provides a PhD in Food, Agricultural, and Resource Economics that is completely funded. The Department of FARE offers the program, which focuses on two major areas of study: 1) food and agricultural economics, and 2) natural resource and environmental economics. PhD students concentrate on an area of specialty relevant to their thesis research, as well as courses in microeconomic theory and economic research methodology.
PhD students are paid up to $30,000 per year.
Application Deadline: Feb 01, 2026
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3. Fully Funded PhD in Agricultural Economics at University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Summary of PhD Program:
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln provides a PhD in Agricultural Economics that is fully funded. Through courses in production economics, agricultural industrial organization, international agricultural trade, agricultural development, natural resource economics, and agribusiness, Nebraska’s STEM-certified agricultural economics program provides a foundation for professional problem-solving.
The most popular type of financial help is graduate research assistantships. A GRA includes a stipend as well as benefits. Students on assistantships do not pay tuition. GRAs cover a large percentage of the student health insurance fee. Assistantships do not require a separate application.
Application Deadline: Dec 31, 2025
4. Fully Funded PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics at University of California Davis
Summary of PhD Program:
The University of California, Davis, provides a PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics that is fully funded. Graduate programs are available in agricultural economics, international development, and the environment and natural resources.
The ARE program provides Ph.D. candidates with complete funding for at least five years through a combination of fellowships, readerships, teaching assistant roles, and research assistant posts. During the nine-month academic year, students will earn tuition and fees as well as a monthly stipend. The majority of pupils also receive summer assistance.
Application Deadline: Jan 15, 2026
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5. Fully Funded PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics at University of California Berkeley
Summary of PhD Program:
A fully funded PhD in agriculture and resource economics is available at the University of California, Berkeley. Outstanding researchers are produced by the graduate program in development economics, environmental and energy economics, international commerce, and agricultural and resource policy. Students in our PhD program follow a demanding curriculum that includes microeconomic theory, econometrics, and field courses.
The department’s policy is to ensure that all students are fully financed for at least five years as long as they are making good academic progress. Student fees, nonresident tuition, and a stipend are all included in full funding.
Application Deadline: Dec 02, 2025
6. Fully Funded PhD in International Economics and Finance at Brandeis International Business School
Summary of PhD Program:
Brandeis International Business School in Waltham, Massachusetts, provides a PhD in International Economics and Finance that is completely supported. The doctoral program emphasizes research, teaching, high-level policy development, and consulting. After graduation, international students are eligible for up to 36 months of practical training in the United States.
Almost all Ph.D. students are awarded full tuition scholarships, health insurance, and living stipends.
Application Deadline: Jan 15, 2026
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7. Fully Funded PhD in Business and Economics at Lehigh University
Summary of PhD Program:
Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, provides a PhD in Business and Economics that is completely supported. The Ph.D. in Business and Economics at Lehigh University is a full-time economics program with specializations in health economics, applied econometrics, empirical macroeconomics, and labor economics.
All students accepted into the Ph.D. programs are granted funding packages that promise four academic years of tuition remission and a monthly stipend (9 months per year) to support living expenses, subject to satisfactory progress. Though not guaranteed, practically all students got financing in their fifth year in the past.
Application Deadline: Jan 01, 2026
8. Fully Funded PhD in Economics at Rice University
Summary of PhD Program:
Rice University in Houston, Texas, provides a PhD in Economics that is completely funded. Rice University’s doctoral program in economics prepares students to perform high-quality research. There is coverage of all major disciplines of economics, with specific strengths in theoretical, applied, and empirical microeconomics, as well as econometrics.
All admitted students are given a five-year financial support package in exchange for a teaching or research assistantship. The continuation of financial assistance after the first year is predicated on satisfactory academic success. Students who demonstrate remarkable promise may be eligible for funding beyond the fifth year.
Application Deadline: Jan 15, 2026
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9. Fully Funded PhD in Economics at Emory University
Summary of PhD Program:
Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, provides a PhD in Economics that is completely funded. By exposing students to cutting-edge theories and approaches, the Emory PhD Program places them on the intellectual frontier of the economic discipline.
Students pursuing a Ph.D. in Economics at Emory normally receive full funding for five years through the Laney Graduate School. Stipend of $34,317 * per year for five years as long as the student maintains acceptable academic progress. Tuition scholarships, health insurance subsidies, professional development assistance, and further fellowships that may result in an increase in stipend amount are all available.
Application Deadline: Jan 01, 2026
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10. Fully Funded PhD in Economics at Columbia University
Summary of PhD Program:
Columbia University in New York, New York, provides a fully funded PhD in Economics. This curriculum requires students to conduct research in all main fields of economics, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, international economics, labor economics, public finance, industrial organization, development economics, and urban economics. The department provides excellent instruction in both theoretical and applied and empirical economics.
Columbia University provides eligible students with multi-year financial aid packages that include fellowships and appointments to teaching and/or research positions. If they maintain high academic status, Ph.D. students get an annual stipend, tuition, and health fees for five years.
Application Deadline: Dec 15, 2025
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11. Fully Funded PhD in Economics at University of Kansas
Summary of PhD Program:
The University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas, provides a fully funded PhD in Economics. The Ph.D. program is designed for advanced economics students who want to do research. The degree provides a solid basis in modern economic analysis and allows students to specialize in two areas. They are looking for candidates who have a strong math foundation and have completed training in multivariable calculus, linear algebra, and proofs.
We bring in a class of 7-10 fully-funded students each year. Our five-year financial support package often includes a full tuition remission, a paid GTA position, conference travel funds, and other benefits.
Application Deadline: Jan 05, 2026
12. Fully Funded PhD in Economics at University of Wisconsin-Madison
Summary of PhD Program:
The University of Wisconsin-Madison in Madison, Wisconsin, provides a fully funded PhD in Economics. The PhD program in economics provides a solid foundation in economic theory and techniques, as well as a wide range of specialty options. If you submit your application by the deadline and include all needed extra materials, you will be immediately considered for funding for five years of assistance throughout your doctorate studies.
Admitted students are guaranteed financial support for years two through five, assuming they maintain excellent academic progress. For details about satisfactory progress, please visit the Graduate Program Guide.
Application Deadline: Dec 05, 2025
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13. Fully Funded PhD in Economics at Johns Hopkins University
Summary of PhD Program:
The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, provides a fully funded PhD in Economics. The department is committed to keeping strong research and teaching foundations in applied microeconomics, economic theory, macroeconomics, and econometrics.
All enrolled students are eligible for a departmental fellowship. This fellowship includes full tuition costs as well as a $33,000 annual stipend and full student health insurance coverage. The department provides financial assistance for a least of five years of graduate study through a teaching or research assistantship position, and frequently for a sixth year as well.
Application Deadline: Jan 01, 2026
14. Fully Funded PhD in Economics at University of California-Santa Barbara
Summary of PhD Program:
A fully funded PhD in Economics is available at the University of California-Santa Barbara. The PhD Program at UC Santa Barbara is designed for students who want to further their education and do original research in economics. On average, it will take five to six years to complete the Ph.D. degree.
All accepted Ph.D. students will get a full financial aid package that includes full tuition, health insurance, and a stipend. For students who make adequate progress, financial aid packages consisting of Teaching Assistantships and fellowship money are guaranteed for five years.
Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025
15. Fully Funded PhD in Economics at University of Cincinnati
Summary of PhD Program:
The University of Cincinnati, located in Cincinnati, Ohio, provides a PhD in Business Administration that is completely funded. Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management, Marketing, Operations, Business Analytics, and Information Systems are among the six concentrations offered by the Lindner PhD in Business Administration Program.
All Lindner PhD students are entitled for four years of financial support in the form of assistantships and scholarships, with additional funds available to support conference travel and research.
Application Deadline: Jan 15, 2026
16. Fully Funded PhD Program in Economics at Cornell University
Summary of PhD Program:
Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, has a fully funded PhD in Economics program. The first year of study begins with a strong foundation in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and mathematics. Following completion of the fundamental curriculum, students attend workshops to select a concentration for their thesis.
Students may work on projects that are not directly described in earlier concentrations, but they must have the support of two faculty members to do so. The student will collaborate closely with their research advisor until their thesis is completed. Tuition, health insurance, and a living allowance are all included in funding packages.
Application Deadline: Jan 15, 2026
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17. Fully Funded PhD Program in Economics at Harvard University
Summary of PhD Program:
Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, offers a fully funded PhD in Economics program. Students in economics are expected to have a fundamental understanding of economics and mathematics, but a major or master’s degree in economics is not required. Students can focus their doctoral research on a variety of topics, including environmental economics, economic growth and development, monetary and fiscal policy, international economics, law and economics, behavioral economics, labor economics, and economic history.
Tuition, single-person health insurance, a living stipend for the first two years, teaching and research assistant stipends, and a completion fellowship in the final year of the program are all provided to students in our program.
Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025
18. Fully Funded PhD Program in Applied Economics at University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business
Summary of PhD Program:
The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, offers a fully financed PhD program in Applied Economics. Behavioral Economics, Development Economics, Energy and Environmental Economics, Industrial Organization, Market Design, Public Economics, Risk Management, and Urban Economics and Real Estate are some of the topics in which students might specialize.
Students can also establish an inter-disciplinary focus by taking courses and collaborating with instructors from other Wharton departments such as Finance, Health Care Management, Management, and Marketing. Every approved student receives a fellowship that covers tuition, expenses, and a stipend.
Application Deadline: Dec 15, 2025
19. Fully funded JD-PhD in Law and Economics at Vanderbilt University
Summary of PhD Program:
Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, provides a fully funded JD-PhD program in Law and Economics. In a completely integrated curriculum that combines economic theory and methods with the study of law, dual-degree students pursue a law degree and a Ph.D. concurrently. The curriculum is designed to allow students to obtain both degrees in as little as six years. The Ph.D. Program in Law and Economics is one of a kind.
A competitive package of fellowship support comprising both tuition and stipend is provided to law and economics students.
Application Deadline: Jan 15, 2026
20. Fully Funded PhD in Economics at MIT
Summary of PhD Program:
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts, offers a fully funded PhD in Economics program. Every year, roughly twenty students enter the PhD program. Microeconomic theory, macroeconomics, and econometrics are mandatory courses for doctoral students.
Full tuition for the academic year, health insurance, and a stipend/salary to cover living expenses for the nine-month academic year are all included in scholarship offers. Financial aid is contingent on acceptable academic advancement in years two through five. Financial aid in the third through fifth years is often in the form of a Teaching or Research Assistantship. The compensation for a 9-month teaching assistantship is around $35,000.
Application Deadline: Dec 15, 2025
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21. Fully Funded PhD in Economics at Fordham University
Summary of PhD Program:
Fordham University in New York City provides a fully funded PhD in economics program. The Ph.D. program in economics at Fordham will provide you with specialized expertise. Students will develop a broad understanding of economic theory and quantitative tools while concentrating on one of four tracks: Development Economics, Financial Economics, International Economics, and Monetary Economics.
They provide a three-year fellowship package with the opportunity of further financing for two to three years. The GSAS provides a variety of merit-based financing opportunities, including assistantships, fellowships, and tuition scholarships.
Application Deadline: Jan 08, 2026
22. Fully Funded PhD in Economics at Binghamton University State University
Summary of PhD Program:
The State University of New York’s Binghamton University provides a fully funded PhD in Economics. The PhD in Economics program requires at least 60 credit hours and often takes four to five years of full-time study. Econometrics – applied and theoretical, Labor economics, Advanced macroeconomics, Environmental economics, and Development economics are the two elective fields of study for Ph.D. students.
Fellowships and assistantships with an annual salary, as well as a tuition scholarship and medical insurance, support approximately two-thirds of full-time Ph.D. students in the Economics Department. These awards are solely based on academic achievement.
Application Deadline: Feb 01, 2026
23. Fully Funded PhD in Economics at Duke University
Summary of PhD Program:
Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, provides a PhD in Economics that is completely funded. The faculty is committed to strongly grounding all teaching and research in the basic disciplines of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics.
Each year, roughly 15 new Ph.D. students are admitted, with 90 percent or more receiving six years of funding as long as they maintain high academic standing, and the balance supported by external financial sources or self-support. The department makes an effort to build partial aid programs for such self-supporting students by paying hourly for grading papers or tutoring.
Excellent post.Thanks a lot