
25 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computing Science with focus on Software Security

Summary of PhD Program:

The project is funded by WASP. Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) is Sweden’s largest individual research program ever, a major national initiative for strategically motivated basic research, education and faculty recruitment. The program addresses research on artificial intelligence and autonomous systems acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to their environment through sensors, information and knowledge, and forming intelligent systems-of-systems. The vision of WASP is excellent research and competence in artificial intelligence, autonomous systems and software for the benefit of Swedish industry.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-31

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in chemistry with a focus on environmental chemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

Per- and polyfluorinated substances, commonly referred to as PFAS, is a group of highly stable compounds which can be widely distributed in the environment. PFAS are present in a wide range of products and when these products reach their end-of-life, the PFAS substances will end up in our household waste, and subsequently in the waste incineration process. However, the fate of PFAS in the incineration process is unknown, and will therefore be explored in this project.

You will study the fate and degradation of PFAS in the waste incineration process, and what potential byproducts are formed. The main objective is to assess to what extent the incineration process may serve as a source of dispersal, reduction and destruction of PFAS, while elucidating the fate of these compounds. This will mainly be performed by combustion trials at different operation conditions and thorough characterization of resulting residuals.

Application Deadline: 2023-07-31

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in ecology

Summary of PhD Program:

Aquatic ecosystems are fueled by terrestrial organic matter in the form of riparian plant litter and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) inputs. In the boreal region, intensive forest management with focus on coniferous monocultures is altering riparian plant species composition and productivity. In addition, the boreal region is already experiencing higher temperatures and altered patterns in precipitation and terrestrial runoff due to climate change. This inevitably leads to changes in quantity and quality of terrestrial organic matter input to streams.

As these changes are projected to continue, there is a need to understand how they will interact to influence the role of terrestrial organic matter in aquatic systems and, thus, the ecosystem functions that these systems provide. The aim of this project is therefore to study and quantify how the riparian plant community composition influences carbon uptake by microbes in streams and how this, in turn, may be influenced by the quantity and quality of DOC. This project will thereby advance our understanding of how land use and climate change impact the ecological functioning of boreal streams.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-25

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computing Science

Summary of PhD Program:

Our societies rely on computer systems, and increasingly so. Unfortunately, computer systems can be the target of malicious applications—malware. These malicious applications can be complicated pieces of software developed by well organized criminal gangs or by government agencies to attack anything from private computers and smart phones to critical national infrastructures. There has been an increased interest in adapting and developing the latest machine learning methods for the purpose of malware detection, and preliminary results are encouraging. The specific goals of this project include to develop novel machine learning methods to improve malware detection.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-18

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in informatics

Summary of PhD Program:

At the Department of Informatics, research and education is conducted with a focus on digitization of society, organizations and interaction. Digital technology has become an enabler for changed ways of living and doing business. In our research, we study these changes and change processes and we study the interaction between humans and technology to understand technology’s possibilities and its limitations. In our studies of digitalization, we move in many contexts such as the public sector, media, games, entertainment, financial companies, entrepreneurship, IT companies and manufacturing industry.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-16

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Experimental Physics

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD project comprises the study and development of a novel technology in organic electronics: a light-emitting electrochemical cell (LEC). Through basic studies of dynamic doping and light emission in thin semiconducting films, in combination with applied material and device development, the goal is a flexible, efficient and uniquely sustainable emissive LEC device, which enables new and important applications. The PhD project will be executed in The Organic Photonics and Electronics Group.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-15

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in computational science

Summary of PhD Program:

We are seeking a highly motivated and skilled Ph.D. student in computational science to join our research team. In recent years, the life sciences have experienced an explosion of data from a variety of sources, including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and imaging technologies. While statistical and machine-learning approaches have been widely used to extract valuable insights from this data, they can only provide correlations between critical variables, not cause-and-effect relationships. To make reliable predictions, we need such relationships. As a result, there is an increasing need for mechanistic models that can integrate diverse data sets and provide a deeper understanding of biological processes.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-15

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Economic History

Summary of PhD Program:

Those who are employed as a doctoral student shall primarily devote their time to doctoral studies, aimed to result in a doctoral degree. Work carried should consists of own research as well as participation in postgraduate courses (third-cycle studies). You will be part of the department’s research work where you work closely with researchers at the unit. The doctoral employment is carried out as an independent work within your own chosen field. Therefore, great importance is attached to the attached dissertation plan. Those appointed to doctoral position may also work, to a limited extent, with educational tasks and administration at the Unit of Economic history. However, duties of this kind may not comprise of more than 20 percent of full-time. If so, the period of employment will be extended from up to five years.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-15

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computing Science

Summary of PhD Program:

This project aims to identify trustworthiness issues (e.g., explainability, bias and privacy) for multimodal architectures, develop baseline trustworthiness models, implement advanced trustworthiness models on text and image data, and finally validate the models with stakeholders and visualize the ethical governance procedure. The project is part of the European project COMFORT (Improve Diagnosis and Treatment of Urologic Cancers with Artificial Intelligence-Driven Decision Support Tool) which is developing a cutting-edge decision support system using artificial intelligence (AI) and data-driven approaches to assist medical professionals in delivering improved care for people affected by prostate cancer (PCa) or kidney cancer (KC).

Application Deadline: 2023-06-05

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Nursing

Summary of PhD Program:

The ongoing societal transformation and large green investments in northern Sweden create enormous opportunities and complex challenges. For Umeå University, conducting research about – and in the middle of – a society in transition is what it is all about. But also about delivering education to enable regions to expand quickly and sustainably. This is simply where the future is built.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-31

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computing Science

Summary of PhD Program:

This project aims to investigate and develop a serverless edge AI (SEAI) framework where edge AI utilises serverless computing to address key challenges including learning and inference ability on the edge for smart workload relocation and orchestration, mobility of FaaS applications, and prediction of energy consumption and workloads across the continuum. By developing an efficient framework and associated algorithms (e.g., continual learning, sequence modelling, multi-objective optimization), the project will improve performance of learning and decision making for optimizing and managing resources on serverless edge nodes in comparison to traditional centralized cloud approaches.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-30

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Business Administration, accounting

Summary of PhD Program:

The doctoral student will work at the Department of Business Administration at Umeå School of Business, Economics, and Statistics (USBE) at the accounting section. As a Ph.D. student, you should take doctoral courses and conduct independent research project within accounting. The course part of the doctoral education amounts to 90 ECTS, while the research (thesis) to 150 ECTS. As a doctoral student you are expected to contribute to the research environment through active participation in seminars, conferences and other research activities that support your research as well as the research environment. The doctoral education equals four years of full-time studies (240 ECTS). From the second year, the student may teach and carry out other school tasks which correspond to 20% of the working hours.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-29

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Business Administration

Summary of PhD Program:

The doctoral student will work at the Department of Business Administration at Umeå School of Business, Economics, and Statistics (USBE) at the management section. As a Ph.D. student, you should take doctoral courses and conduct independent research project within management. The course part of the doctoral education amounts to 90 ECTS, while the research (thesis) to 150 ECTS. As a doctoral student you are expected to contribute to the research environment through active participation in seminars, conferences and other research activities that support your research as well as the research environment. The doctoral education equals four years of full-time studies (240 ECTS). From the second year, the student may teach and carry out other school tasks which correspond to 20% of the working hours.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-29

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Business Administration with specialization in Marketing

Summary of PhD Program:

The doctoral student will work at the Department of Business Administration at Umeå School of Business, Economics, and Statistics (USBE) at the marketing section. As a Ph.D. student, you should take doctoral courses and conduct independent research project within marketing. The course part of the doctoral education amounts to 90 ECTS, while the research (thesis) to 150 ECTS. As a doctoral student you are expected to contribute to the research environment through active participation in seminars, conferences and other research activities that support your research as well as the research environment. The doctoral education equals four years of full-time studies (240 ECTS). From the second year, the student may teach and carry out other school tasks which correspond to 20% of the working hours.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-29

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Medical Science with an orientation towards Physiology

Summary of PhD Program:

This project concerns genetic epidemiology of aging. The work will involve statistical analyses of human data, including genetics (genome-wide association data), cognitive tests, diagnostics, biomarkers, and brain imaging data.Neuroinflammation is an important player in cognitive aging and dementia and partly links to chronic systemic inflammation. Risk genes for Alzheimer’s disease are overrepresented among genes with impact on immune system functions. The aim of the project is to investigate how genetics, sex, and peripheral inflammation interplay to influence the development of age-related neurocognitive impairments and dementia.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-28

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Medical Science with an orientation towards Pharmacology

Summary of PhD Program:

Cognitive decline compromises health for a great number of older individuals. Dopamine decline has been highlighted as one key brain change that may underlie cognitive decline in aging. More knowledge is, however, needed for the dopamine-cognition link, and how dopamine integrity can be spared in aging. This project will employ brain imaging technique to assess in vivo dopamine system integrity in relation to cognition and other aging-related brain changes, e.g. cerebrovascular dysfunction and accumulation of misfolded proteins (Ab and tau), in healthy, older adults. Causal chain of events will be assessed via longitudinal brain imaging and histological assessments in animal models. The student will handle and integrate large amounts of data from brain imaging, cognitive tests, and blood-samples; conduct brain imaging in animal models and perform statistical analyses.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-28

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Applied Physics

Summary of PhD Program:

In a circular and carbon neutral economy, non-recyclable waste can be used for energy recovery through incineration together with material recovery from the bottom ash and carbon capture. One obstacle for efficient implementation is that the instantaneous waste composition is usually unknown. Also, due to the EU emission trading scheme and increasingly strict emission regulations, the industry is required to measure and compensate for fossil carbon dioxide emissions. However, established techniques are not suitable for fast, online monitoring of waste composition and fossil carbon dioxide emissions.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-23

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in human geography

Summary of PhD Program:

The current doctoral project will be carried out within the framework of an ongoing research project called Senior entrepreneurs – the role of social capital for supporting inclusive silver economy in the Swedish countryside. This project examines the impact of population ageing on entrepreneurship from an economic geography perspective. The project is based on two fundamental dimensions of entrepreneurship research in relation to the regional context: firm formation and firm performance. In particular, the project focuses on the role of local social capital (LSC) in relation to how entrepreneurship may contribute to development of rural Sweden.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-22

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in human geography

Summary of PhD Program:

Employment as PhD-student aims to reach a doctoral degree and is normally full-time employment for 4 years starting 2023-09-01 or when mutually agreed. Your salary is determined in accordance to a stipulated scale for PhD positions. If departmental duties (e.g., teaching) can be offered that will be a maximum of 20% and the position will be prolonged accordingly. As a PhD student you are expected to work independently with your PhD project as well as collaborate with the research group, participate in seminars and other department activities.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-22

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in medical science

Summary of PhD Program:

The overarching aim of this project is to gain a better understanding of the global distribution of important vector mosquitoes and their respective habitats, as well as how mosquito communities are affected by environmental change. The project involves, among other things, searching for existing data on the geographic distribution and habitats of mosquitoes, as well as conducting field studies in Kenya among other potential locations, with a focus on the relationships between mosquito communities and the degree of ecosystem disturbance. It may also be relevant for virological analyses of biological data from mosquitoes and infection prevalence in related human communities. While the emphasis is on field studies and data analyses, modeling may also be applied as a method to understand public health effects on larger spatial and temporal scales.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-21

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics

Summary of PhD Program:

The ongoing societal transformation and large green investments in northern Sweden create enormous opportunities and complex challenges. For Umeå University, conducting research about – and in the middle of – a society in transition is what it is all about. But also about delivering education to enable regions to expand quickly and sustainably. This is simply where the future is built.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-16

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Energy Technology

Summary of PhD Program:

Solar energy is an important renewable energy resource that can be used for different thermal applications such as space and water heating in residential buildings. To integrate solar energy in district heating systems (DHSs) medium-high temperatures are needed that could be achieved with a concentrating solar thermal collector even in high latitude regions such as the Nordic countries. Such integration could contribute to decarbonizing our society by replacing biomass- and fossil-based energy resources in the Swedish DHS and to enhance energy security. The scope of this call for new PhD students is to use system approach to investigate the environmental effects and the economic effects of integrated solar thermal in the Swedish DHSs.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-16

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Experimental Physics

Summary of PhD Program:

The project is focused on preparation graphene related materials optimized for application in supercapacitors. The project aims to prepare materials with high surface area using chemical modification of graphene and graphene oxide, introducing different defects and addition of nanoparticles. Important part of project is aimed on design of environmentally friendly water based dispersions based on graphene related materials for preparation of electrodes with high surface area. Dispersions and inks will be optimized for best performance in supercapacitors and for several electrode manufacturing methods including spray deposition and printing.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-15

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24. Fully Funded PhD Position in Applied Physics

Summary of PhD Program:

Fatty acids are a group of lipids with important cellular functions, including energy production, energy storage and signalling, to control cell proliferation and metabolism. Inside cells, fatty acids can form lipid droplets, whose size, number and dynamics are related to the cell state. Uptake and metabolism of fatty acids occur fast and are tightly regulated in healthy cells. If deregulated, lipid signalling contributes to inflammation, cancer and metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Exactly how fatty acids enter cells and form lipid droplets is still poorly understood, mainly due to the lack of non-invasive imaging techniques that simultaneously provide high speed, sensitivity and spatial resolution.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-15

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25. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computing Science

Summary of PhD Program:

This 4-year project is funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet, VR). You will work in the Spatial Cognitive Engineering group at the Department of Computing Science. The group conducts research in cognitive issues of human-computer interaction, human-in-the-loop computing, and smart assistance systems. We collaborate with several national and international research groups. We use principles and methods of Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Cognitive Science, and Geographic Information Science.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-15

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