Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Stockholm University, Sweden invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal.
1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Inorganic Chemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
Structure information is essential for understanding the properties and functions for all materials and molecules. Powder X-ray diffraction and single-crystal X-ray diffraction are the most commonly-used techniques for phase analysis and structure determination, but encounter challenges when analyzing multiphasic samples and nanocrystals. During the discovery of new materials, major efforts and time are often spent to optimize synthesis conditions to obtain large crystals and pure samples. Recent development of new electron crystallographic techniques can overcome these challenges and provide new opportunities for discovery of novel structures and materials. Prof. Zou’s research group has more than 35 years’ experience in developing new electron crystallographic techniques and is internationally leading in crystal structural analysis by electron crystallography.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Materials Chemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
The position will synthesize functional nanoporous separators for Na-ion batteries by controlled wet-chemical method (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135 (15), 5549–5552), focusing on facile and up-scalable preparation. The resulting separators will exploit electrostatic complexation between a cationic poly(ionic liquid) and a polyacid-based polyanion. A comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the structure-property relationship will be conducted with respect to wettability, and the impact of porosity, morphology and tortuosity on the effective conductivity in the presence of liquid electrolyte. The best performing separators will be up-scaled to produce quantities sufficient for their implementation in Na-ion pouch cells.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Structural elucidation of chemcials from mass spectrometry
Summary of PhD Program:
This project aims to generate the structures of novel chemicals detected with non-targeted screening with liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry (LC/HRMS) that are yet lacking in the spectral and structural libraries. The project aims to develop a workflow to assemble the chemical structure of the detected chemicals based on the molecular formula as well as other empirical analytical information, such as fragmentation spectra, retention time, and collision cross-sections. For this purpose, different graph-based generative AI models such as graph generative adversarial networks, flow-based models, and diffusion models are of interest.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
4. Fully Funded PhD Position in High resolution Mass spectrometry
Summary of PhD Program:
This project aims to discover toxic and structurally novel chemicals in high resolution mass spectrometric data (HRMS) used for non-target analysis. The projects aims to develop a combination of supervised and unsupervised machine learning stragaties for pinpointing chemicals that are structurally novel and/or have high toxicity. For this purpose different clustering, encoding , and regression techniques will be used and combined. It will address research challenges in dealing with toxicity data, multidimetional HRMS data as well as decoding structure relevant information from spectral data.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Astronomy
Summary of PhD Program:
One position is for a PhD student who will work with Dr. Dan Kiselman and Prof. Jorrit Leenaarts on current problems in solar physics using observations with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) on La Palma. The focus will be on the analysis of data from the advanced hyperspectral imaging instruments HeSP and MiHI. These are microlens-based 3D spectrographs of a kind that represent the future in observational solar physics and are planned for the European Solar Telescope (EST). Potential projects include searching for signatures of Alfvén waves in spicules shooting off the solar limb by measuring their magnetic fields and studying time-dependent formation of molecular spectral lines.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantitative RNA Biology
Summary of PhD Program:
This PhD student position is available in the laboratory headed by Associate Professor Marc Friedländer – part of the MBW Institute and located at the SciLifeLab. The group seeks to answer fundamental questions in RNA biology through quantitative approaches such as single-cell omics and new screening methods in combination with computational biology. Our group also has a research line on Paleotranscriptomics and has recently sequenced RNA from the extinct Tasmanian tiger. The project revolves around our new agoTRIBE method, to experimentally map miRNA targets transcriptome-wide in single cells. The PhD student will computationally analyze single-cell data and integrate it with Omics data modalities to gain new insights into miRNA biology. The student will be working closely with wet-lab and dry-lab researchers in our team.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
7. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI for Drug development
Summary of PhD Program:
This PhD student position is available in the laboratory headed by Dr. Patrick Bryant. The project addresses the creation of new AI tools for the evaluation and design of molecular interactions. The project will specifically be related to the 3D structure of proteins and other molecules such as DNA, RNA and pharmaceuticals and the prediction of interactions between these. There will be a strong focus on developing machine learning tools and novel molecular representations. Fundamental knowledge of machine learning and programming as well as molecular biology is necessary. The tools developed will be tested rigorously through laboratory analyses to create new classes of pharmaceuticals and/or repurposing known drugs.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Organic Chemistry in the area of studies in sustainable synthesis of composite materials
Summary of PhD Program:
The Department of Organic Chemistry has an extensive research program, covering many areas of experimental and theoretical chemistry. Method development involving catalysis, sustainable chemistry, asymmetric synthesis, carbohydrate chemistry and enzyme chemistry are central themes. The research project comprise development of a reactive fractionation method to generate building blocks for synthesis of recyclable composite materials using green and sustainable chemistry.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Organic Chemistry in the area of heterogeneous catalysis for sustainable organic synthesis
Summary of PhD Program:
A PhD position is offered in the group of Prof. M. Rivero-Crespo at Stockholm University. The candidate will work on the synthesis and characterization of porous materials that will be tailored with catalytically active sites of different nature and used as more efficient heterogeneous catalysts for organic reactions. This project is highly interdisciplinary combining organic chemistry, materials science, mechanistic investigations and catalysis. Sustainability will be one of the main pillars of the project. In particular, the aim to develop more sustainable chemical processes minimizing the use of energy and resources and generation of waste, in turn reducing the environmental impact of the production of chemicals. Moreover, the sustainability of the new process will be assessed by different metrics such as life cycle analysis (LCA).
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Organic Chemistry in the area of Sustainable organic synthesis using mechanochemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
The announced position is in the Olofsson research group, which focuses on development of efficient synthetic methodology under metal-free and sustainable conditions. The group utilizes hypervalent iodine reagents, which are low-toxic and selective reagents for a range of transformations. The PhD student will combine mechanochemistry and hypervalent iodine chemistry to develop new sustainable synthesis methods under mild conditions. By using the unique activating platform of mechanochemistry, byproduct formation can be minimized, and hazardous organic solvents and isolation of high-energy reagents are avoided. The sustainability of the new process will be compared to their solution-based counterparts using a number of different metrics.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Organic Chemistry in the area of studies in modern organoboron chemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
Organic boron compounds are important as reagents in organic synthesis, in pharmaceutical chemistry and even in material science. The subject area includes synthesis and transformation of organoboron compounds. The project is directed to development metal- and organocatalysis in organoboron chemistry for synthesis of chiral target molecules.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Bioinformatics
Summary of PhD Program:
Protein structure is essential for understanding their function and developing drugs targeting proteins. Recently, a deep learning method that can predict the structure of most proteins was made freely available and released a database with predicted protein structures. However, proteins do not act alone – they work together with other proteins. Therefore, the next major challenge is using these methods for predicting protein-protein interactions. Our initial studies have shown that it is possible to predict accurate structures of a large part of dimeric proteins using either a modified version of AlphaFold2 or AlphaFold-multimer. However, many proteins cannot be built accurately, nor can we always distinguish interacting from non-interacting protein pairs and building larger complexes accurately is still an unsolved problem.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biophysics
Summary of PhD Program:
We are seeking PhD candidates with strong and documented backgrounds in biophysics, biochemistry, molecular biology, or related fields. Proficiency with molecular cloning, protein purification, cell culture, fluorescence microscopy, image analysis, mathematical modeling of dynamical systems, and machine learning is advantageous. Priority will be given to candidates with the overall highest experience in these fields, however prior experience with all the listed techniques is not a requirement and we encourage applicants of different backgrounds to apply. We are looking for candidates who work well in a team and contribute to a positive work environment. The selected PhD candidate will be joining a dynamic and interdisciplinary lab that aims to do ambitious science based in SciLifeLab in Stockholm, a vibrant hub for scientific research.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biochemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
The botulinum neurotoxins are the most toxic substances known; they are one million times more toxic than the cobra toxin. In spite of their extreme toxicity the toxins are used in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions. We use structural biology, mainly X-ray crystallography and single particle cryo-EM, and several other methods to investigate questions concerning the botulinum neurotoxins and their interactions with both receptors and the neuronal membrane itself.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biochemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
We search for PhD candidates for mechanistic studies of proteins catalyzing biological energy conversion, in particular enzymes responsible for cellular respiratory or photosynthesis. The project is focused on how membrane-bound enzymes systems capture chemical or light energy, and catalyze electron transfer coupled proton transport across biological membranes. The project will address the structure, function, and dynamics of these fascinating proteins by experimental biochemical, biophysical or structural methods (mutagenesis, spectroscopy, proteoliposome experiments, cryoEM) or computational multiscale simulations approaches (QM/MM, molecular dynamics, free energy methods, machine learning).
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biophysics
Summary of PhD Program:
We search for PhD candidates for mechanistic studies of proteins catalyzing biological energy conversion, in particular enzymes responsible for cellular respiratory or photosynthesis. The project is focused on how membrane-bound enzymes systems capture chemical or light energy, and catalyze electron transfer coupled proton transport across biological membranes. The project will address the structure, function, and dynamics of these fascinating proteins by experimental biochemical, biophysical or structural methods (mutagenesis, spectroscopy, proteoliposome experiments, cryoEM) or computational multiscale simulations approaches (QM/MM, molecular dynamics, free energy methods, machine learning).
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Bioinformatics
Summary of PhD Program:
The goal of this project is to develop computational algorithms and methods that use omics data to infer gene regulatory networks (GRNs), and apply these to understand regulatory mechanisms that lead to cancer formation. Cancer cells are subjected to scRNA-seq to measure the transcriptomic response of gene knockdown perturbations via CRISPR interference on a large scale. The Sonnhammer group has recently shown that such data data offers a significant improvement in GRN quality compared to non-perturbed data. The project involves developing and applying computational methods that can work optimally with this new type of data, either by adapting and optimizing existing methods, or designing new methods based on deep learning neural networks and variational autoencoders. Also new methods for quality assessment need to be developed. The resulting predicted regulatory mechanisms will be forwarded for evaluating their clinical relevance.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Medical Radiation Physics
Summary of PhD Program:
The project aims at developing a personalized radiotherapy strategy with focus on imaging-based methods to optimise and/or adapt radiation treatment plans targeting areas more likely to develop recurrence, such as the more radioresistant regions that can be identified and characterized with the use of functional imaging. Modelling the radiation-induced anti-tumour response of the immune system will also be considered. The project will focus on development of radiobiological models for defining the radiobiological target accounting for the particular pathological characteristics of the tumour and its microenvironment as well as the integration of the models into the research version of a treatment planning system for radiotherapy.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in High Energy Theory and Gravity
Summary of PhD Program:
The project will involve studies of quantum field theory models, possibly with applications to fundamental questions in gravity, black holes and the nature of spacetime. The CoPS (Cosmology Particle astrophysics and Strings) division at Stockholm University investigates fundamental physics questions from cosmology, dark matter searches and axion models to quantum field theory, extended gravity theory and holographic approaches to quantum gravity. For the present PhD position we invite applicants with an interest in fundamental theoretical physics. For such a PhD student the location of Nordita (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics) next door, with programs, workshops and schools, will be a valuable asset.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biochemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
Targeted spatial omics is a new technology field that allows cellular resolved mapping of gene and protein expression profiling in the preserved morphological context of tissue specimens from organs or whole organisms. These methods are very powerful, but they are complex, low in throughput and expensive. In order to scale targeted spatial omics methods to allow large studies of clinical cohorts, or for diagnostic applications, new approaches are needed. The aim of this project is to work on such approaches, and apply them for analysis of tissue specimens from mainly human tumors.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Neurochemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD project is aiming to investigate roles of transcription factors in early human brain development with focus on mapping the targets and function of transcription factors. The student will use combination of cutting-edge single-cell and spatial epigenome mapping technologies together with CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing and bioinformatic data analysis to characterize known and unravel novel transcription factors important for human brain development. We employ state of the art in vitro model systems including human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells and 3D brain organoid cultures. The project is intended to be part wet-lab and part computational and can be partially tailored to the student’s interests. The computational expertise is present in the lab and training will be provided.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Neurochemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD project is aimed to perform computational analysis of multimodal single-cell and spatial epigenomic analysis. The student will use data analysis approaches such as dimensionality reduction, clustering and visualization in combination with advanced tools of machine learning and neural networks to build models of epigenetic regulation of gene expression during early human brain development. We will use the obtained data to model gene regulatory networks and categorize and prioritize cis-regulatory elements that are variably active during neuronal differentiation.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Ecotoxicology
Summary of PhD Program:
This PhD project will shed light on the causes behind deteriorated Baltic cod health but also contribute to understand how biological stress responses influence interpretations of stable isotope data in consumers. Focus is on analysis of nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) in amino acids (AA) and how exposure to stress can change isotope fractionation. The PhD student will primarily base the work on stress exposure experiments with cod and sticklebacks as model species. The work will be done in collaboration with the project ReCod at Uppsala university and DTU, Denmark, as well as with researchers from Gothenburg University.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
24. Fully Funded PhD Position in Ecology and Evolution
Summary of PhD Program:
The Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences invites applications for a four-year PhD position part of the project “Convergent evolution and loss of a classic floral polymorphism – genetic basis and genomic consequences” in Prof. Tanja Slotte’s research group. This project will investigate the genetic basis and genomic consequences of convergent evolution and loss of the floral polymorphism distyly in Linum (wild flaxseed species). By combining functional studies and comparative genomics, the project aims to investigate the genetic basis of distyly and the genomic consequences of repeated loss of distyly associated with evolution of higher self-fertilization rates. The results are of broad importance for an improved understanding of the genetic basis of convergent evolution and the genomic consequences of plant mating system evolution. The project is funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
25. Fully Funded PhD Position in Atmospheric Sciences and Oceanography, focus Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Summary of PhD Program:
In this project, we have a vision of further developing the so called Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique for the atmospheric boundary layer, in particular for computationally complex problems, such as simulating the full diurnal cycle with both the night time and daytime turbulence well resolved. The focus for the PhD student will be on transport and mixing of scalars in the turbulent boundary layer, exchange at the surface as well as with the free atmosphere. We intend to examine all numerical aspects, and especially the lower boundary condition, with the aim of making the code efficient for exascale computing. The long-term goal is that the LES, besides the turbulence and transport of scalars, will be able to simulate clouds.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
26. Fully Funded PhD Position in Ecology and Evolution
Summary of PhD Program:
There is currently a pressing need to adapt crops to future climates by breeding more resilient varieties, and crop wild relatives are a promising yet underutilized source of genetic variation for breeding. In this project, we will test whether population genetic methods that identify genetic variants associated with environmental variation can efficiently identify adaptive genetic variation for crop improvement in collections of crop wild relatives. The project will focus on wild relatives of wheat and flax, which are promising sources of genetic variation for drought tolerance. The results are broadly important for more efficient utilization of crop wild relative collections to unlock wild genetic variation for food security and fibre production in a changing climate. The project is funded by Formas and will include collaborations with researchers at the Swedish Agricultural University (Uppsala and Alnarp, Sweden), Durham University (United Kingdom), and University of Granada (Spain).
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
27. Fully Funded PhD Position in Environmental Science focusing on biogenic volatile organic compounds and aerosols
Summary of PhD Program:
We are looking for two PhD students to work with us on the project “Feedbacks between a changing climate and vegetation: The role of volatile organic compounds and biogenic aerosols (CLIVE)” funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Goal of the project is to study a small fraction of the carbon taken up by plants and which is released back into the atmosphere as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A small fraction with a big impact on climate as the VOCs are precursors for atmospheric organic aerosols. The research will focus on better quantification of the current and future climate impact of forests via VOC emissions and their interactions with clouds, aerosols and related feedbacks. We also aim on improved understanding of connections between VOCs emissions and their composition and plant physiology and evapotranspiration.
Application Deadline: 30 April 2024
28. Fully Funded PhD Position in Pollinator Genomics
Summary of PhD Program:
The Department of Zoology invites applications for a four-year PhD position based at the Centre for Palaeogenetics in Stockholm. The project is aimed at investigating temporal patterns of population structure and genomic diversity in pollinating insect populations. The analyses will use state-of-the-art genomic and palaeogenomic methods with focus on recovering DNA from museum specimens collected throughout the last 200 years. This will be a conservation genomics project part of a research programme funded by the Swedish Research Council and focused on investigating the genomic effects of population decline in insect pollinators. The PhD student will join the research group led by David Díez-del-Molino (see at the Centre for Palaeogenetics located on the Stockholm University campus.
Application Deadline: 30 April 2024
29. Fully Funded PhD Position in Statistics
Summary of PhD Program:
The Department of Statistics has 1 open doctoral studentship in Statistics beginning 1 September 2024. The Department is one of the largest statistical departments in Sweden. We conduct research and education in Bayesian Statistics, Computational Statistics, Design of Experiments, Linear Models, Official statistics, Sampling Theory, Survival Analysis and Time Series Analysis.
Application Deadline: 25 April 2024
30. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mathematics
Summary of PhD Program:
The Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University has with its long tradition of excellent research a prominent place in Scandinavian mathematics. The department consists of three divisions: Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics and Computational Mathematics. The research at the Division of Mathematics ranges over many different areas of mathematics, from algebra, geometry and analysis to mathematical logic.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
31. Fully Funded PhD Position in Environmental Science focusing on the biodegradation of micropollutants in the water cycle
Summary of PhD Program:
Join us in a research project focusing on pollutant biodegradation as a critical ecosystem service. We seek a motivated PhD candidate to contribute to this trans-disciplinary effort aimed at understanding the self-purification capacity of aquatic ecosystems. This capacity is primarily driven by microbial biodegradation. It counterbalances the limitations of wastewater treatment plants by eliminating relatively stable and mobile chemical compounds from the water cycle. These micropollutants, which include pharmaceuticals and pesticides among others, pose significant risks to both ecosystems and human health.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
32. Fully Funded PhD Position in Environmental Science focusing on Mercury in Permafrost Soils
Summary of PhD Program:
Mercury (Hg) has been sequestered in Northern permafrost soils for thousands of years. If some of this Hg is released into Hg’s modern biogeochemical cycle, it could worsen Hg pollution and counteract global efforts to protect human and wildlife health from Hg exposure. Climate-driven release of Hg upon permafrost thaw has already been demonstrated. A robust understanding of the underlying soil Hg remobilization processes is, however, still missing. This program aims to unravel the climate vulnerability of Arctic Hg stocks by investigating the reduction and desorption processes of Hg along permafrost thaw gradients. We will do this by applying both field- and laboratory-based approaches.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
33. Fully Funded PhD Position in Environmental Science focusing on Toxic Metals in Contaminated Soils
Summary of PhD Program:
Contaminated soils consist of various natural materials, including various inorganic and organic particles and microorganisms, and a mixture of toxic metals and organic contaminants. To what extent these pollutants are transported with the mobile phase (e.g., groundwater) depends on the type of contaminant and the nature of the particulate matter, microbial activity, and chemistry of the surrounding pore water. Thus, the total concentration of a specific contaminant, often used in risk assessments, is not a very informative parameter for contaminant mobility.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
34. Fully Funded PhD Position in Materials Chemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
The increase in digitalization and use of short-lived electronic devices is leading to an ever growing stream of e-waste. Transient technologies aim to ensure that all device components degrade after the intended use into non-toxic and even biologically friendly products. A key challenge in the development of these technologies is to develop organic semiconductors that combine the mixed ionic/ electronic conductivity and formation of stable thin films in contact with aqueous electrolytes desired for applications with biodegradation at the end of device life. The project aims to synthesize new organic semiconductors using traditional and/or green routes of synthesis. The newly developed materials will find immediate application within the organic bioelectronic devices developed by Zeglio´s group, such as organic electrochemical transistors.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
35. Fully Funded PhD Position in Organic Bioelectronics
Summary of PhD Program:
Transient technologies aim to ensure that all device components degrade after the intended use into non-toxic and even biologically friendly products. Key challenges are to develop materials that combine compatibility with fabrication processes, stable performance in environmental and/or physiological conditions (humidity, temperature, etc.) and safe biodegradation into non-toxic products. The project aims to develop organic bioelectronic devices for power generation that combine the properties needed for efficient function with a route for biodegradation in biological environments.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
36. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mathematical statistics
Summary of PhD Program:
The Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University has with its long tradition of excellent research a prominent place in Scandinavian mathematics. The department consists of three divisions: mathematics, computational mathematics and mathematical statistics. Researchers at the division of mathematical statistics have competence that ranges over many different areas, including theoretical and applied statistics, discrete probability, insurance mathematics and epidemic modelling.
Application Deadline: 23 April 2024
37. Fully Funded PhD Position in Environmental Science, the implementation of in vitro methods for developmental neurotoxicity of chemicals
Summary of PhD Program:
The primary objective of this project is to inform the development and implementation of reliable and sensitive DNT NAMs with new scientific evidence on critical knowledge gaps. These include questions related to the consistency of in vivo and in vitro DNT tests; aspects of assay reproducibility; the sensitivity of NAMs; the role of NAMs in hazard classification according to specific EU rules (CLP Regulation) as well as in a possible future tiered approach for the assessment of DNT; who should perform the testing and how biases can be avoided.