
31 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Material Development for the Next-Generation Bioelectronics based on Conductive Protein Fibers

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD thesis project aims to develop novel nanobiotechnological approaches for the manipulation of conductive cable bacteria fibers with the goal of obtaining a new material for biodegradable electronic circuits. The core conductive structure of Cable Bacteria are the periplasmic protein fibers, for extraction of which the intact cable bacterium filaments should be treated chemically and mechanically. The extracted fibers will serve as the raw substance for the protein fibers-based material. The quality of the fibers’ extraction and reproducibility of the method should be evaluated using such methods as SEM, TEM, and AFM. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Membrane Electrode Assembly System for CO2 Reduction with Anion Exchange Membrane

Summary of PhD Program:

The electrocatalytic interface engineering department led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Simon Thiele focuses on manufacturing, analysis, and simulation of functional materials to find an optimum structure on small scales from the micrometer to the nanometer scale. The investigated materials and systems play an essential role in sustainable technologies like water- and CO2-electrolyzers, as well as in fuel cells. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Catalyst Development in the Department Chemical Hydrogen Storage

Summary of PhD Program:

You will be part of the top-class scientific department “Chemical Hydrogen Storage” at the renowned HI ERN. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Peter Wasserscheid and Dr.-Ing. Michael Geißelbrecht, our department researches and develops a wide range of topics related to chemical hydrogen storage along the entire process chain. In particular, issues in the field of the LOHC technology are addressed across different scales. These topics include the development of tailor-made catalysts, the development and modeling of reactors, and the realization of demonstrators. The department is a world leader in the field of LOHC technology. Become part of this innovative research team!

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in CO2 Electrolysis and Real-Time Mass Spectrometry Monitoring

Summary of PhD Program:

Organic Electrosynthesis has recently emerged as a powerful application for future sustainable chemical processes, Its selectivity and efficiency however rely on developing dedicated catalytic materials. Due to the poor time resolution of offline analytical methods, conventional try-and-error experiments are generally non-informative concerning monitoring electrode process transients and thus inapplicable for high-throughput experimentations, essential for the complexity of reaction parameters to optimize. You will be part of a team to advance and utilize a unique platform for online real-time analysis employing Mass Spectrometry for the investigation of selective and efficient chemical CO2 utilization in electrochemical processes.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Understanding the solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) signal of tree canopies from remote sensing data

Summary of PhD Program:

IBG-2 plays a globally leading role in retrieving and interpreting solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) measured with imaging and non-imaging sensors at different spatial scales (from leaf up to satellite observations) to monitor the dynamics in vegetation photosynthesis. In this context, the offered PhD position is embedded in a collaborative project together with partners from the German Aerospace Center (PBA) and Bonn University (RSRG). The main goal of the collaborative project is to derive leaf biochemical and canopy structural information from optical and LiDAR data and use this information in the 3D Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART) model to disentangle the functional (photosynthetic) and structural (architectural) contributions to forest canopy SIF derived from remote sensing observations.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Exascale computing for quantum transport simulations

Summary of PhD Program:

You will join our research team, the Simulation and Data Lab Quantum Materials, and carry out cutting-edge research to extend a scientific software (libNEGF) used to simulate quantum transport in nano-electronic devices. You will be part of a pan-European Center of Excellence (EoCoE) co-funded by the EU with the ultimate goal of advancing large scale “in silico” simulations with application to energy production and transport. You will play a key role in enhancing code scalability on European pre-exascale and future exascale systems (LUMI, LEONARDO, JUPITER, etc.), implementing novel parallel algorithms and ensuring the overall scalability of the code.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Isotope-specific monitoring of atmosphere-ecosystem exchange of greenhouse gases

Summary of PhD Program:

The work will be conducted in the BMBF project “Long-term high-frequency ISOtope-specific MONitoring of H2O, CO2, CH4 and N2O Exchange between Atmosphere and Ecosystems (ISOMONEAE)”, which is part of the Integrated Greenhouse Gas Monitoring System (ITMS) in Germany. The central aim of this project is to establish long-term isotope-specific monitoring of H2O, CO2, CH4 and N2O ecosystem-atmosphere exchange with high temporal resolution at an agricultural field site.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Simulation-based development of high-voltage cathode materials for Na-ion batteries

Summary of PhD Program:

Sodium-ion batteries are the most promising replacement for currently-used lithium-ion batteries owing to the lower price and availability of sodium salts, for which the resources are unlimited. The aim of this project is to find superior cathode materials for Na-ion batteries. The goal is to improve voltage and stability as well as ionic and electronic conductivity of cathodes. Ab initio-based approaches (such as DFT, AIMD, ab initio thermodynamics and kinetics) will be applied to perform a rapid and reliable screening of various compositions in the search for optimal ones, so that potentially high-performing cathode materials can be found without the need for expensive and time-consuming synthesis of many possible materials.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Climate stress induced biogenic emissions and their impact on atmospheric composition

Summary of PhD Program:

Characterize and apply state-of-the-art chemical ionization mass spectrometry methods (proton transfer reaction and ammonium adduct time-of-flight mass spectrometry) for measuring biogenic volatile organic compounds and their oxidation products. Conduct experiments to quantify and characterize the emission and uptake of volatile organic compounds from/to relevant tree species under combined biotic and abiotic stressors in a plant chamber (SAPHIR-PLUS).

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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Fully Funded PhD Position in Scanning tunneling microscopy of exotic quantum phenomena in van der Waals heterostructures

Summary of PhD Program:

We look for excellent candidates who are interested in experimental work on van der Waals heterostructures for the engineering and characterization of exotic superconducting phases. Heterostructures will be fabricated on-site and studied in our state-of-the-art scanning tunneling microscopes.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Modeling and simulation of memristive devices for application in neuromorphic systems

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of this doctoral project is to develop physical simulation models for memristive devices. In particular, a compact model that describes the switching behavior of gradual switching VCM cells has to be developed. Based on the models, design rules for the usage of memristive components shall be concluded. Various commercial simulation tools and self developmed environments are available at the institute for this purpose. The work is being done as a part of a team of PhD students covering the range from atomistic calculations and modeling of compact models to circuit design.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Towards proton-conducting ceramic electrolyzers (PCCELs) with enhanced durability

Summary of PhD Program:

On European level, but also globally, green hydrogen production needs to be significantly increased to support industrial decarbonization. Currently, electrolysis technologies suffer from limitations in terms of cost, efficiency, stability, scalability, and recyclability. This is mainly due to the lack of understanding and identification of electrolyzer degradation mechanisms and improvement of current cell performance.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Development of process diagnostic methods for suspension plasma spraying

Summary of PhD Program:

You are working in a publicly funded collaborative project with a German university. The goal is the targeted improvement of the stability and efficiency of the suspension plasma spraying process by means of adapted diagnostic methods. The particular difficulty in adapting these methods for suspension plasma spraying lies in the high local and temporal resolution required, the separation of the individual plasmas, and the selection of the radiation from the droplets/particles. In addition, the deposition conditions will be investigated to identify mechanisms affecting the layer properties. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Advancing Science through Self-Supervised Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

Your position will be between the Labs “Applied Machine Learning (ML)” and “AI and ML for Remote Sensing”. You will perform independent research on self-supervised learning with a focus on the application in satellite remote sensing, but with the perspective to apply the methods to different domains.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Theory and Simulation of Electrocatalyst Materials for Water Electrolysis

Summary of PhD Program:

Economically viable and environmentally friendly hydrogen-based energy technologies, such as fuel cells and electrolysers, are of enormous strategic importance. Efficiently catalyzing the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) remains key challenge for the wide-spread commercialization of water electrolysis technologies. Owing to its excellent catalytic activity and stability, iridium oxide is the state-of-the-art anode catalyst for the OER in proton-exchange membrane water electrolyzers (PEMWE), but the price and scarcity of iridium are matter of concern. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Method development of cryogenic 4D-STEM imaging

Summary of PhD Program:

We are offering a PhD position dedicated to the advancement of cryo-STEM imaging methods at the interface of structural biology and material science electron microscopy at the Forschungszentrum Jülich. Cryo-EM has become a very powerful method to visualize ice-embedded samples including purified proteins at close to atomic resolution. Single-particle cryo-EM as well as cryo-ET are based on conventional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) exposures taken in underfocus. In this project, we aim to further develop the imaging capabilities based on 4D-STEM including differential phase contrast as well as ptychography in order to apply them to vitrified biological specimens.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Algorithm-Circuit Codesign for Neuromorphic Computing with Memristors

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for a doctoral researcher who will explore and implement hybrid CMOS-memristor spiking neural networks, exploiting optimal neural architectures (e.g. analyzing the complexity-and-performance tradeoff in different neuron models, dendritic compartments, etc.) in task-specific hardware designs, for both training and inference for identifying complex sequential patterns. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Innovative monitoring solutions for modern energy grids

Summary of PhD Program:

The growing demand for energy transformation to counter the effects of climate change and reduce dependence on imported energy sources and raw materials is driving the European energy system towards a dynamic, supply- and demand-driven approach, often organised in local energy communities with a high penetration of renewable resources. Maintaining an efficient, sustainable, and stable energy supply requires integrating various infrastructures, including electricity, gas, and heat sectors. However, the fluctuating availability of energy presents complex challenges for local energy communities.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Development of scalable superconducting quantum systems

Summary of PhD Program:

One of the outstanding scientific challenges is the construction of an architecture and development of a methodology that can enable useful quantum computing. The mission of the newly founded Institute for Functional Quantum Systems, located in Aachen & Jülich (PGI-13, www.funqs.de), is to create the technological and scientific basis to make this a reality. We use superconducting qubits that operate at temperatures close to absolute zero and are controlled by high-speed signals. We focus on developing the quantum devices, improving their coherence and materials, and implementing quantum gates and algorithms. A key requirement is to preserve high quality quantum operations as we scale. Overcoming these exciting challenges lies at the interface between scientific research and engineering insight.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in The Performance Assessment of a Novel Satellite Instrument to Measure Atmospheric Dynamics

Summary of PhD Program:

You will deal with the instrument calibration in our laboratory on ground and the instrument performance verification in space
You will perform an intense in-orbit characterization of the stray light sensitivity of the instrument including hands-on mission planning
To this end, an existing prototype data processor to convert raw measurement data into calibrated radiance spectra, which was developed in a previous PhD thesis, must first be applied to real in-orbit measurements and be brought to an operational state

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Integrating Large-Scale Energy System Models into High Performance Computers

Summary of PhD Program:

Large energy system models optimize the size, allocation and operation of components based on simplified assumptions and finite time steps. Currently, their maximum size and level of detail is limited by the capabilities of commercial solvers such as Gurobi and the computational resources. Therefore, the integration of energy system models into high performance computers is a crucial step to optimize Europe`s future energy system to a high level of detail.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum Control Theory for scalable semiconductor Quantum Computing architectures

Summary of PhD Program:

The Peter Grünberg Institute for Quantum Control (PGI-8) at the Forschungszentrum Jülich specializes in novel optimization strategies for emerging quantum technologies. These emerging technologies aim to provide transformative changes to our society, including how we think about information, and unlocking vast calculations for the natural sciences, logistical problem solving, and high-performance computation. Our group has pioneered the application of quantum optimal control methods to quantum computation and many-body quantum systems. This includes the development of physical models and model reduction techniques as well as algorithmic advances of in-situ optimization and machine learning to tackle the complex processes inherent to scalable quantum devices. Are you looking for a new challenge? Our team is looking forward to receiving your application!

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Multi-scale tomographic analysis of porous catalysts for hydrogen applications

Summary of PhD Program:

Your ideas and work support the department Electrocatalytic Interface Engineering, headed by Prof. Simon Thiele, in the team Composite Membrane Analysis and Design, headed by Dr. Thomas Böhm. The department focuses on the production, analysis and simulation of functionally optimal structures in electrochemical systems from the nanometer scale to the micrometer scale, with a focus on tomographic analyses of porous materials. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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24. Fully Funded PhD Position in Artificial Intelligence for Air Quality Forecasting

Summary of PhD Program:

In this position, you will be an active part of our ESDE research group and take over responsibility for developing novel solutions to air quality forecasting with machine learning models. As a starting point of your thesis, you will extend and enhance our air quality forecasting tool MLAir so that it can be applied to a variety of air pollutants and in regions outside of central Europe. You shall also improve computational aspects of the model deployment and evaluation. During your PhD you will work togehter with a large and growing network of scientific AI experts from around the world. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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25. Fully Funded PhD Position in Characterization methods of PEM water electrolysis components

Summary of PhD Program:

The electrocatalytic interface engineering department led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Simon Thiele focuses on synthesis, manufacturing, analysis and simulation of functional materials to find an optimum structure on small scales from the micrometer to the nanometer scale. The investigated materials and systems play an essential role in sustainable technologies like water- and CO2-electrolyzers, as well as in fuel cells. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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26. Fully Funded PhD Position in Synthesis Automation

Summary of PhD Program:

You will be part of the Novel Catalyst Design department, headed by Prof. Dr. Marc Ledendecker. The department focuses on the fabrication of metal-based, inorganic catalysts for the global energy transition. We use many different nanoparticles to fabricate highly active supported catalysts. This PhD thesis specifically focuses on automating the synthesis route of e.g. platinum based and iridium oxide based catalysts for acidic water splitting reaction as used in polymer electrolyte membrane units.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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27. Fully Funded PhD Position in Stochastic Predictive Optimization for the Electrical Grid

Summary of PhD Program:

In response to the urgent demands posed by climate change in an increasingly global economy and in addition to the goal of reducing dependence on imported energy sources and raw materials, the European energy system is considering a shift from an energy system based on fossil fuels that relies on large power plants, to a dynamic, supply- and demand-driven approach, often organized in local energy communities where renewable energy is the main source.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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28. Fully Funded PhD Position in Interfacial structures of LOHC molecules

Summary of PhD Program:

Would you like to actively shape the structural change in the Rhenish mining area together with us? With us you have the chance to join the newly founded Institute for Sustainable Hydrogen Economy (INW) with your ideas right from the start. Together with the H2 demonstration region, the INW forms the “Helmholtz Cluster for sustainable and Infrastructure-Compatible Hydrogen Economy” (HC-H2). Here, scientific foundations are laid in the field of innovative hydrogen technologies in order to advance research and development approaches with high sustainability potential and attractive economic prospects. You will be part of the institute`s department INW-1.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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29. Fully Funded PhD Position in FAIR Data for Field Phenotyping – Developing a Data Model for Diverse Field Phenotyping Data

Summary of PhD Program:

Would you like to contribute to solutions to climate change and resource scarcity? Work with us at the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences – Plant Sciences (IBG-2). We develop novel bioeconomy concepts for the intensification and sustainability of plant production as well as the use of the produced biomass in integrated biorefinery processes. The IBG-2 has a globally leading position in plant phenotyping, focusing on dynamic plant-environment interaction combined with technology development, engineering, digitization and bioinformatics. One key aspect of the research at the IBG-2 targets alternative biomass, cell wall and secondary metabolite biochemistry and its interaction with biomass conversion techniques in integrated biorefinery processes.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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30. Fully Funded PhD Position in System-level integrated circuit design and modeling for scalable quantum computing architectures

Summary of PhD Program:

We are working on scalable electronic architectures based on semiconductor spin quantum bits (qubits) to make the vision of a universal quantum computer reality. For scaling up the number of qubits into the millions, it is crucial to move parts of the control electronics closer to the qubits. To achieve this, we design and implement cryogenic integrated circuits for qubit control and readout in state-of-the-art CMOS technologies. Since qubits are extremely sensitive and operate in temperatures at low millikelvin levels, the requirements on power consumption, noise and area are severe.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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31. Fully Funded PhD Position in Three-dimensional characterization of metal electrodes by X-ray tomography

Summary of PhD Program:

In pursuit of better energy storage solutions, IEK-9 is researching novel battery systems such as metal-air utilizing environmentally friendly, cheap, abundant materials (e.g. Zinc or Iron). The leap to practical application of metal-air batteries won’t happen without deep understanding of the degradation processes occurring at different conditions and modes of operation. The failure mechanism of a cell is often manifested by changes in the morphology of active material. However, besides the anode, such a cell consists of electrolyte, cathode (membrane providing oxygen for reaction), current collector and separator. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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