
28 Postdoctoral Fellowships at University of Copenhagen, Denmark

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University of Copenhagen, Denmark invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Fellowships in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Depending on seniority, the monthly salary begins around 35,624.36 DKK (ca. 4,788 EUR). Depending on qualifications, a supplement may be negotiated. The employer will pay an additional 17.1 % to your pension fund.

1. 12 Postdoc to LEADership in research programme (LEAD)

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

12 fully paid postdoc positions are open at BRIC, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) for talented young researchers who want to pursue a research leadership career in life sciences. You will be part of an excellent research centre at one of the top European universities, with a vibrant extended biomedical research environment in the ‘Medicon Valley’. Selected candidates will join one of BRIC’s research groups, to work with an original project addressing ambitious research questions in biomedicine.

Application Deadline: 09-01-2023

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2. Postdoctoral Position in BUDDHISM AND WASTE

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We seek someone with expertise in contemporary Buddhism, who is able to design and undertake a research project on Buddhism and waste. The postdoctoral position is opened in the framework of the international, collective research project Waste: Consumption and Buddhism in the age of garbage, which is funded by the VELUX FONDEN (September 2021 – August 2025). The postdoc will join a research team of five scholars working within the project Waste under the leadership of the PI, Associate Professor Trine Brox. This project will generate new understandings of how Buddhist communities and individuals generate and interpret waste, and how waste practices are intimately related to cultural imaginaries.

Application Deadline: 25-11-2022

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3. Postdoctoral Position in Epidemiology and Economics 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The successful candidate will develop quantitative risk assessment and mathematical models as tools to quantify the probability of introduction and within-farm spread of pathogens. These models will be used to estimate the impact of biosecurity measures on pathogen transmission, to prioritise which biosecurity measures should be implemented and/or to reduce the probability of introduction and spread of pathogens at farm level. Within the epidemiological models the cost-effectiveness of implementing critical biosecurity measures will be assessed for both endemic and epidemic/emerging infectious diseases relevant for intensive and extensive production systems.

This requires development of computational models to quantify the relative importance of different transmission routes, allowing a deeper understanding of the impact of biosecurity practices on the introduction and spread of pathogens in the herds, and to demonstrate the value of improved biosecurity by quantifying the cost of biosecurity measures and their relationship to the effectiveness or monetary savings for the private industry.

Application Deadline: 21-11-2022

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4. Postdoctoral Position in Textile Archaeology and Sudanese Medieval History

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The successful postdoctoral candidate will focus on the textile material of the medieval period, while contributing to the overall research aims of Fashioning Sudan. Textile research in Sudan has predominantly focused on the cataloguing of existing collections, excavated in the beginning of the 20th century and often without clear contextual information. Efforts have been mostly dedicated to establishing technical benchmarks, especially for weaving techniques.

In contrast, the postdoctoral candidate will engage on a thoroughly archaeological study, combining the identification of raw material, the documentation of the textile chaîne opératoire, and – more importantly – the interpretation of the different uses of textiles during the life of the owner and within the graves. Together with the project’s team, the postdoctoral candidate will empirically and theoretically analyse the different types of garments and corresponding dress practices.

Application Deadline: 16-11-2022

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5. Postdoctoral Position in Economics of Religion

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are looking for an excellent candidate with a strong background in applied econometrics, preferably applied to topics of religion or cultural values more broadly. Candidates are expected to have completed, or be close to completing, their doctoral studies in one of the topics indicated above. The Postdoc position is part of a larger project financed by a Sapere Aude research grant from the Independent Research Foundation Denmark, received by Jeanet Sinding Bentzen.

The Postdoc will join a team of researchers led by Jeanet Sinding Bentzen and a broader research group within economic history and development economics, all focused on empirical research of the deep determinants of economic outcomes. The Postdoc is expected to contribute to joint projects with other team members, but will also have space for independent work.

Application Deadline: 15-11-2022

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6. Postdoctoral Position in Statistics and the Mathematics of Insurance and Economics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Postdoctoral Positions in Statistics and the Mathematics of Insurance and Economics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen is seeking top early-career researchers for a number of attractive one to three year postdoctoral positions. The application deadline is November 15, 2022, at midnight local time (11:59 p.m. CET), with starting date in 2023, ordinarily September 1 or October 1.

Application Deadline: 15-11-2022

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7. Postdoctoral Position in Mathematics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Department of Mathematical Sciences has strong research groups in many areas of mathematics, and has an active postdoc and visitors’ program; we refer to our homepage for more information. Applicants in all areas of mathematics covered by the research groups of the department will be considered. In particular there will be postdoc stipends in the following specific areas/centers of the department:

Algebraic and arithmetic geometry, applied algebra, combinatorics, geometric group theory, geometry and geometric analysis, Lie theory, representation theory, number theory, and topology, as covered by the Section for Algebra & Geometry and the Copenhagen Center for Geometry & Topology (GEOTOP).

Functional analysis, operator algebras, geometric group theory, descriptive set theory, harmonic and classical analysis, history of mathematics, mathematical physics, partial differential equations, quantum information and quantum computing, as covered by the section Analysis and Quantum, the Center for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH), the Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum for Life Center, and the DFF project Operator Algebras, Groups and Quantum Spaces.

Application Deadline: 15-11-2022

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8. Postdoctoral Position in aphasiology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Postdoc will be part of the project Grammar and agrammatism in Greenlandic (GreenGram), financed by Independent Research Fund Denmark. This project addresses a challenge raised by the first study of agrammatism in a polysynthetic language, Greenlandic. In this study, we found slow speech rates and short utterances, as expected of agrammatic speech, but almost none of the grammatical problems that gave agrammatism its name.

The challenge raised by the study can be formulated in two questions:

  • Can the findings in the pilot study be replicated on a larger set of data collected from a group of well-diagnosed subjects?
  • What makes Greenlandic grammar, and presumably polysynthetic grammar in general, (seemingly) immune to agrammatism?

The project brings together linguists, aphasiologists and neuroscientists to answer these questions based on the first coherent functional-cognitive theory of what grammar is. The answer to the second question is a key to understanding the neurocognitive mechanisms behind grammar and agrammatism, and a key to aid Greenlanders with agrammatism.

Application Deadline: 14-11-2022

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9. Postdoctoral Position in barley genomics at Globe Institute

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are generating genomic data from 50 carefully curated barley lines. Your job will be to perform hybrid assemblies on data for these. It is hoped a pipeline can be established so that the high-performance computing cluster can process genomes in parallel, allowing for the candidate to explore genomes in ways that best interest them. Assembled genomes will be used within the BarleyMicroBreed project, a large project with 12 different partners from 10 different countries. The candidate will be fully integrated into this network of PhD and postdocs, attending annual meetings etc. Additionally, they will have a chance to work closely with another postdoctoral researcher studying the microbiome of these 50 barley lines in various different locations and environmental stresses.

Application Deadline: 13-11-2022

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10. Postdoctoral Position in invertebrate Evo-devo

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The postdoc position will be part of a larger project where we aim to answer large-scale questions on cellular and genetic mechanisms controlling sexual differentiation, dwarfism and sexually divergent development of nerves, muscles and body plan. In this project we are studying one of the most aberrant marine annelids, the bone-eating Osedax (Siboglinidae, Annelida). The sex of Osedax (Siboglinidae, Annelida) seems to be environmentally determined with the larvae either developing into sessile macroscopic females that use their symbiotic bacteria to decompose whale bones, or into microscopic males arrested in somatic development, with a larva-like anatomy.

Application Deadline: 07-11-2022

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11. Postdoctoral Position in Nonlocal Aspects of Topological Superconductivity

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Center for Quantum Devices is seeking one or more postdoctoral fellows to investigate nonlocal aspects of topological superconductors under the ERC Synergy Grant “NONLOCAL” from 1 February 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter. Research projects range from charge detection of Majorana modes, realization and manipulation of Majorana states in artificial Kitaev chains, phase-controlled topological states, and anyons in fractional quantum Hall effect. Candidates should have a PhD in condensed matter experimental physics, mesoscopic electron transport, or experimental solid-state quantum information science.

Application Deadline: 03-11-2022

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12. Postdoctoral Position in Health Complexity

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The postdoc will be working on the application of complexity science, in particular system dynamics, to complex problems in epidemiology. The postdoc will be part of a large research program on sleep and health, which will seek to map the landscape of sleep problems in young adults. The project will leverage multi-dimensional life-course data and combine them with conceptual insights from complex systems theory.

The program will build on two globally unique data resources; the Danlife Study which include multi-dimensional biological, social, and environmental phenotyping of more than 2 million individuals from birth into adult life, and the SmartSleep study which represents an innovative combination of large-scale repeated survey information, high-resolution sensor-driven smartphone data, and in-depth clinical examination. The work tasks include development of system dynamics methodology for complex health problems, scientific work related to sleep and health, statistical analyses of large complex data materials, writing scientific papers, and teaching.

Application Deadline: 02-11-2022

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13. Postdoctoral Position in Biostatistics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We invite highly qualified, thorough and motivated applicants to apply for the positions. The postdoc will be involved in the project listed below as well as participating in the daily duties of the Department. The project will focus on a project in biostatistics, specifically in two subprojects (Causal estimation and optimal treatment targeting with and without identification of the causal effect of interest).

The project aims to develop methods and software that allow for the bounding and or targeting of optimal personalized treatment and the estimation of effects under such treatment decisions. The Postdoc will work on three overarching topics and is encouraged and expected to drive the ideas and solutions within these topics, but also potentially other topics selected and driven by the postdoc.

Application Deadline: 02-11-2022

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14. Postdoctoral Position in Plant nutrition and analytical chemistry

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The main goal of the AnaGrain project is to investigate the potential of nutrient analyses of cereal grains for developing novel and sustainable fertilization strategies for future crop production. This will be achieved by fast and cost-effective nutrient analyses of grains post-harvest using the high-throughput technology: Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). LIBS will initially be calibrated against traditional methods for multi-element analysis (ICP-OES).

Potential links between plant nutritional status during critical time-points in the growth season and its impact on the nutrient content of grains and harvest yields will be investigated by greenhouse and field based growth experiments. On this basis, it is expected that LIBS analysis of cereal grains can be used as a predictive measure of fertilization requirements for the succeeding growth season. The AnaGrain project consortium involves partners from University of Copenhagen, the Danish industry and the agricultural sector.

Application Deadline: 01-11-2022

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15. Postdoctoral Position in gut microbiome modulation in animal models

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The postdoctoral research will focus on characterizing gut microbiomes of animal models under normal conditions, following induced inflammation, and various pre- and probiotic intervention. Samples from human clinical studies with comparable intervention will be available for identification of common responsive components in microbiome of the animal models and man. The candidate will be expected to work collaboratively with project partners and perform high-throughput nucleic acid sequencing (Oxford Nanopore and Illumina platforms) and participate in bioinformatic analyses of the resulting data. The successful candidate will be expected to publish results in international peer-reviewed journals and, to some degree, to engage in supervision. The post may also include performing other duties, such as applying for external funding.

Application Deadline: 01-11-2022

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16. Postdoctoral Position in the Andersen Group at BRIC

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The successful candidate will join a research group that utilizes genome-wide technologies, proteomic and metabolomic profiling, high-throughput screening, as well as approaches in patient-derived 3D cell culturing and in vivo models. We use `omics´-driven strategies to characterize and classify patient subgroups to identify oncogenic drivers and addiction networks as well as to understand the tumor onset. We unite research directly on patient samples and clinical data with basic molecular in vitro and in vivo models. A requirement for this position is a strong track record in biomedical research and informatics with prior experience within liver cancer biology. Emphasis will be given to a candidate with a proven background in biomedical informatics (spatial aspects, single cell transcriptomics, immunology).

Application Deadline: 01-11-2022

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17. Postdoctoral Position in Social Media, Representation, and Political Behavior

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The postdoc will be employed as part of the project “Social Media and Political Representation” (SoMeRep) led by Professor Anne Rasmussen and Assistant Professor Gregory Eady and funded by Denmark’s Independent Research Fund. The project uses experimental, quasi-experimental, and descriptive research to examine what the shift toward social media means for inequalities in democratic representation. It investigates how social media impacts civic engagement, political responsiveness, political discourse, and topics related to social media more broadly.

Application Deadline: 01-11-2022

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18. Postdoctoral Position in computational fluid and solid mechanics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are looking for talented, highly motivated and creative scientists interested in working in a strong interdisciplinary environment. The successful candidates must have strong programming skills and preferably direct experience with the modeling and simulations of fluid or solid mechanics (for example by use of finite element/volume methods, discrete element methods or kinetic methods). Excellent English skills, both written and oral are required. The successful candidates must hold a PhD degree in either computer science, Earth sciences, mathematics, physics, or in related disciplines.

Application Deadline: 01-11-2022

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19. Postdoctoral Position in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We invite applications for a postdoctoral fellowship on non-equilibrium statistical physics. We are looking for candidates with a background in theoretical physics and with interest in theoretical biophysics, active matter and/or non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.

Application Deadline: 01-11-2022

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20. Postdoctoral Position in social science

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The postdoc should be a theoretically oriented social scientist (with a background in social psychology, sociology, cultural or social anthropology, or political science/theory) who is familiar with classical social identity and self-categorisation theory (e.g., Tajfel, Turner, Hogg, Abrams, or Brewer), but who is also up to date with more recent discussions on group identification. During the employment, the candidate should engage with the following set of questions: What is the link between identity and identification? How does group identification affect self-identity? What kind of individual heterogeneity and plurality does group-identification (and unification) allow for? What kind of interpersonal relation is particularly conducive for group-identification?

Application Deadline: 01-11-2022

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21. Postdoctoral Position in Project Combining Digital Trace and Survey Data to Study Social Desirability Bias

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The project comprises data collection of both existing survey data and new online search data, processing and compilation of these data into comparable, community-level measures of discriminatory attitudes, analyses of the prevalence and predictors of social desirability bias across countries and communities, and the development of a computer routine (package) to correct for these predictors. The selected candidate is expected to work independently and collaboratively to contribute to all parts of the project as well as to actively disseminate and publish findings and research outputs at international conferences and leading international journals.

The position is highly research-focused and funding is available to conduct related studies and to build the selected candidate’s network with advisory board members and the larger scholarly community. Additional expectations for the selected candidate are to become an active member of the academic community at the Department of Sociology and, on occasion, to help with project-related or other academic tasks (e.g., organizing advisory board meetings, giving a relevant guest lecture).

Application Deadline: 31-10-2022

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22. Postdoctoral Position in Cell Biology and Structure of Mitochondrial DNA Surveillance

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This project entails an exciting combination of cell biology and single particle cryo-EM to investigate mitochondrial DNA repair. Damages in mitochondrial DNA are prevalent in severe neurodegenerative diseases. However, mitochondrial DNA repair pathways are still poorly characterized. This project aims to identify mitochondrial DNA repair factors using a cell biology and proteomics approach. Moreover, the project includes the structural reconstitution and characterization of known DNA surveillance factors using single particle cryo-EM and functional biochemistry. Prior experience with cryo-EM, mammalian cell culture and recombinant protein purification is therefore required.

Application Deadline: 31-10-2022

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23. Postdoctoral Position in experimental superconducting qubit development

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We seek an outstanding candidate for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in the field of experimental superconducting qubit development, with a focus on protected qubit encodings and demonstrating novel qubit-qubit coupling mechanisms. The project is sponsored by the US Army Research Office and will take place at the Center for Quantum Devices, located at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, and is part of a new international collaboration between University of Copenhagen (Denmark), University of Colorado Boulder (USA) and Universite de Sherbrooke (Canada).

Applicants should hold a PhD degree in Physics or Applied Physics with relevant experimental experience and a track record within their fields. Experience with superconducting circuits and/or superconductor-semiconductor hybrid devices will be considered a plus.

Application Deadline: 28-10-2022

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24. Postdoctoral Position in Skills INCORP – redefining incorporation of high-skilled professionals

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Skills INCORP, which is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, has three research objectives: (i) mapping how high-skilled professionals’ skills become incorporated into workplaces, and how this is understood to foster company growth and innovation; (ii) developing theory to illustrate how high-skilled professionals and their families become socially incorporated into local networks and spaces; (iii) examine how skills and social incorporation intersect, and what influence this has on high-skilled professionals’ current and future mobility for work.

Application Deadline: 26-10-2022

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25. Postdoctoral Position in Metabolic Data Science

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

In the Pers Group, we study molecular processes in the brain driving susceptibility to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Our vision is to accelerate translation of genetic discoveries into mechanistic understanding and therapeutic options for individuals living with obesity and/or type 2 diabetes. Our goal is to understand how the brain regulates body weight and blood glucose levels and; in particular to identify specific genes, biological processes pathways and cell types regulating metabolic homeostasis.

To address this goal, we leverage combinations of single-cell transcriptomics and chromatin accessibility assays, in vivo mouse studies, large-scale human genetics datasets, machine learning and computational data integration techniques. Our team is interdisciplinary (molecular biologists, mathematicians, computational biologists and neurobiologists), international (five nationalities), and gender-balanced and maintains research group with strong international alliances.

Application Deadline: 23-10-2022

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26. Postdoctoral Position in studies of automated welfare provision in Europe

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The position is part of the Automated Welfare (AUTO-WELF) research project which runs 2022-2025 and is funded by CHANSE. AUTO-WELF approaches automated welfare from the perspective of the people implicated in the processes of automated decision-making (ADM)—the infrastructural engineers and designers of automated decision-making systems, the case workers who collaborate with automated decision-making systems about welfare and service provision, and the people whose data feed the systems and who are targeted in processes of enhancing welfare through automation.

AUTO-WELF addresses digital transformations of work by focusing on development, data work and human-machine collaboration in ADM processes; as well as the role of technological, social, and cultural dynamics in enhancing or hindering advances in automating welfare for the benefit of the people. The candidate’s research activities will contribute to the aims of the project through the planning and execution of empirical studies of case workers and citizens’ experiences of automated welfare provision in Denmark, and to comparative studies of these across EU countries.

Application Deadline: 26-10-2022

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27. Postdoctoral Position in Siblings’ Intergenerational Social Class Mobility

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

SIBMOB, which is funded by the European Research Council, has two objectives: (i) to develop a new methodological approach to characterize the social class mobility of siblings, and (ii) to apply this approach in an empirical study of more than 10 countries. The main role of the postdoc is to contribute to the empirical part of the project, especially the comparative analyses of sibling data from different countries and in-depth analyses of selected countries.

The postdoc will assume key responsibility for the empirical part focusing on cross-country and over-time comparisons of siblings’ class mobility, including literature review, data compilation, preparation, and analysis, and drafting manuscripts for journal articles/book chapters. SIBMOB is a collaborative project, and the postdoc will be part of a research team which, in addition to the PI in charge of the SIBMOB project (Associate Professor Kristian Bernt Karlson), includes two other postdocs (Dongjie Wu and Jesper Fels Birkelund).

Application Deadline: 26-10-2022

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