
25 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at Umeå University, Sweden

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Umeå University, Sweden invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. PhD Programs in Computing Science with focus on Computer Security

Summary of PhD Positions:

Our societies rely on computer systems and on software stacks. Unfortunately, software systems contain bugs and vulnerabilities which can be exploited by malicious actors. This project will be conducted in the Software Engineering and Security (SES) group. The student will conduct an in-depth investigation of a class of vulnerabilities and devise static or dynamic approaches to detect them in the code or prevent their execution at runtime. Keywords for this project: code analysis, static analysis, reverse engineering, defense mechanisms, vulnerability detection, exploit mitigation techniques, scalability and software systems.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-31

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2. PhD Programs in Experimental Physics with Specialization in Organic Electronics

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD project comprises the study and development of a novel technology in organic electronics: a light-emitting electrochemical cell (LEC). Through basic studies of dynamic doping and light emission in thin semiconducting films, in combination with applied material and device development, the goal is a flexible, efficient and uniquely sustainable LEC device, which enables new and important applications in, for instance, medtech. The PhD project will be executed in The Organic Photonics and Electronics Group.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-15

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3. 02 PhD Programs in Energy Technology

Summary of PhD Positions:

Many studies merely focus on adoption energy retrofitting measures, rather than to bring a structured understanding of how these measures will influence occupant behavior and how the changes in occupant behavior will, in turn, impact expected energy savings. As a result, the modelling and analysis of the interaction between energy retrofitting and occupants’ behaviors is insufficient. The PhD student will participate in research activities at the Intelligent Human-Buildings Interactions (IHBI) lab at Umeå University.

The purpose of the project is to experimentally examine connections between energy efficiency measures and occupants’ behaviors. As a new research domain, IHBI conducts cutting-edge research on immersive virtual environment, data-driven modelling and machine learning, intelligent indoor environment for evidence-informed decision-making.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-28

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4. 04 PhD Programs in Computing Science with focus on Logic-based Methods for Data Management

Summary of PhD Positions:

We seek 4 PhD students to strengthen the group on Formal Techniques for Knowledge and Data Management at Umeå University (Sweden), funded by the WASP program (Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program). The students will join a growing group that currently consists of WASP faculty members Diego Calvanese, Magdalena Ortiz, Mantas Šimkus, as well as PostDoc researchers and other doctoral students. The main theme of our research is the applications and further development of logic-based methods and techniques for smart data management. The students will also join the WASP Graduate School, gaining access to a vast professional network involving other top institutions in Sweden.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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5. PhD Programs in Computing Science with focus on Computer Security

Summary of PhD Positions:

Our societies rely on computer systems and on software stacks. Unfortunately, software systems contain bugs and vulnerabilities which can be exploited by malicious actors. This project will be conducted in the Software Engineering and Security (SES) group. The student will improve the state of the art on testing complex software using approaches such as fuzzing.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-28

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6. PhD Programs in designing preventative physiotherapy with AI

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for one PhD candidate to design and explore AI for fall prevention among elderly people. Preventative physiotherapy training is increasingly an important part of aging well. Falls present the most common cause of injury in old age, and there is strong evidence that the number of falls and injuries can be greatly decreased through regular strength and balance exercises. Through the use of AI-based, biosensory-driven technologies the PhD student and the research team will explore how solution can be designed to fulfill the aim of preventing falls.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-27

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7. PhD Programs in chemistry with a focus in biogeochemistry

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD education will be carried out within a research project funded by the Swedish Research Council aiming to identify molecular mechanisms for formation of methylmercury in biofilms. The doctoral student will be trained in, and conduct, experimental laboratory work with anaerobic microbial cells and biofilms. A combination of advanced techniques based on microscopy, vibration spectroscopy and mass spectrometry will be used to determine physical and chemical structure and metabolism of biofilms and to determine the chemical form and cellular uptake of mercury. Results from the experimental studies will be combined with thermodynamic and kinetic modeling to understand in detail the processes controlling methylmercury formation.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-27

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8. PhD Programs in Computing Science with focus on Sustainable Algorithmic Solutions

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this project, Roman Iakymchuk leads the work on algorithmic development and enhancements for the consortium CFD applications. Our focus is on assuring sustainability and numerical reliability in linear algebra kernels and operations occurring in the consortium codes due to the fact that these properties are either violated or simply ignored under the parallel and cross-architectural executions. Thanks to the usage of various auto-tuning and performance optimization strategies, these algorithms would guarantee high performance but also cross-architectures performance portability, which is a difficult task in HPC.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-22

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9. PhD Programs in gender studies

Summary of PhD Positions:

Gender studies is a broad, interdisciplinary profiled field of knowledge, where gender in a broader sense is studied, often in relation to other aspects of power in a social or cultural interpretative framework. Research in the field of gender studies ranges from humanities and social sciences to medical, technical and natural sciences. A PhD-project in Gender Studies can be both empirically and theoretically oriented. Here, the doctoral student will have ample scope to develop her or his own research project.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-20

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10. PhD Programs in technology/ engineering education, focus gender studies

Summary of PhD Positions:

Your research as a doctoral student will have a focus on technology teaching in higher education, and we are therefore looking for a doctoral student who is curious about this research area. The problem of gender-biased recruitment to technical education has been a noticeable problem for several decades in Sweden. Various government efforts have been made to change these gender patterns, often without results. In order to understand why technology is still male-coded, better knowledge of teaching and learning processes within the subject of technology is needed. Statistics also show that students from the working class and national minorities are underrepresented in higher education in Sweden.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-20

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11. PhD Programs in political science with a focus on gender

Summary of PhD Positions:

The position as doctoral student is in political science with a gender perspective. The doctoral project will depart from one of our five research profile areas, and applicants are expected to write a research plan with a gender perspective in relation to one of the five profiles (please find information about the research profiles below). We look for a doctoral student who is creative, highly motivated for participating in the PhD programme and has an ability to think and work independently. You will be able to shape your project to a significant extent. If you are interested in one of our research profiles and strongly interested in gender studies, this position is for you.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-20

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12. PhD Programs in Medical Science, Clinical Oral Physiology and gender

Summary of PhD Positions:

A doctoral student position in a research project focusing on gender-related aspects of pain perception and pain reporting. The project is a collaboration between the Department of Odontology and The Graduate School of Gender Studies at the Umeå Center for Gender Studies, at Umeå University. Interest in gender aspects and experience of working with patients with chronic pain is a requirement. We offer four years of full-time employment.

Chronic pain is a challenge for the individual, for healthcare and for the society. Chronic pain in the orofacial region is usually related to the jaw joint or the jaw muscles and embraced by the term temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The prevalence of TMD is high and women report TMD pain about twice as often when compared to men.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-20

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13. PhD Programs in social work

Summary of PhD Positions:

The doctoral studentship is directed towards research on user influence at the organizational and system level in the field of mental health. What forms and methods of influence are used within the state, municipalities and regions? What is the experience of these among user representatives and other actors? And how can influence be strengthened? The project relates to issues of power sharing and democracy, the relationships between public and non-profit actors, and the tensions and hierarchies that exist in forums for influence. The project will be carried out in a research group within the UserInvolve program and take place in co-creation with a reference group consisting of, among other things, representatives from the user movement, municipalities and regions.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-19

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14. PhD Programs in Computing Science

Summary of PhD Positions:

As the need for Trustworthy AI-based decision support systems keeps increasing, this project aims to provide effective methods to assess and detect undesired bias in AI systems, and provide guidelines, methods, and software technology for fair design of new bias-free systems. The project is part of AEQUITAS, the new Horizon Europe project funded by the European Commission, building on a strong consortium of AI and domain experts, social scientists and representatives of minorities and at-risk groups. The project will address the challenges on how to translate fairness into technical, functional, and lawful requirements in AI system design, by developing an experimental test environment to detect, diagnose and address injustice, bias, inequality and discrimination in AI systems. More information about the project can be found here.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-15

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15. PhD Programs in Computational Science with focus on Mathematical Statistics

Summary of PhD Positions:

As a PhD student, you will work within an interdisciplinary project that aims to develop theories and methods for data-driven decision support with applications to the Swedish ambulance care with a special focus on gender. Healthcare in Sweden must by law be equal, so that care and treatment are provided on equal terms to everyone regardless of gender, age, place of residence, or sexual orientation. An organizational change may give most residents better ambulance care but may also increase differences between men and women. To optimize ambulance care, we need to define relevant cost functions that penalize unequal care.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-13

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16. PhD Programs in Medical Science within occupational therapy

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, the unit of Occupational Therapy is looking for a PhD student in medical science, with a focus on occupational therapy. Admission as soon as possible or by agreement. As a PhD student, you will be part of an interdisciplinary research group with a focus on combined physical and cognitive exercise for older people to promote physical and cognitive function and prevent falls. The PhD student position involves full-time education for four years. As a doctoral student, you are part of a doctoral education program at the Faculty of Medicine at Umeå University together with all doctoral students at the faculty irrespective of profession.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-07

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17. PhD Programs in Mathematics

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD student will carry out research within discrete mathematics, as part of a Swedish Research Council-funded project with a focus on the Traveling Salesman Problem and will be supervised by Gerold Jäger. The aim of the project is the development of novel algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem and will include both practical implementations of heuristic algorithms based on sensitivity analysis and theoretical research.

Currently, the research group in discrete mathematics consists of 18 persons. The group is very active and has a weekly seminar, different workshops, and a frequent flow of visitors and international collaborators. We have several PhD students and postdocs. Our research covers a wide range of areas and touches upon extremal, probabilistic, algorithmic, game theoretic, computational, topological, geometric and algebraic combinatorics.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-07

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18. PhD Programs in Molecular Biology

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD student will investigate how integrins are regulated and re-used by intracellular transport in leukocyte adhesion. These integrins are vital for the body to be able to fight infections, as nonfunctional integrins, as in the immunodeficiency disease LADIII, lead to mortality early in life. A person who is employed as a PhD student shall primarily devote his-/or herself to his/her own education. The project and research environment will give the dedicated student the opportunity to train as a first-class researcher.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-06

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19. PhD Programs in Phychology

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Department of Psychology is a dynamic research and teaching environment in several areas. The department conducts successful interdisciplinary research in cognitive neuropsychology with ongoing collaborations across faculty boundaries, with the county council and with other universities within and outside Sweden. Within the framework of this research environment, there are good conditions for new collaborations. The department offers several educational programs with elements of neuropsychology.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-06

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20. PhD Programs in oral microbiology

Summary of PhD Positions:

Periodontitis (tooth loss) is an infection-induced disease that affects a large part of the world’s population and leads to an increased risk of stroke and heart attack. When young people suffer from more aggressive forms of periodontitis, with a rapid loss of the tooth support, large amounts of the bacterium Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) are often found adjacent to the affected tissue.

In our research, we have seen that in deep periodontal pockets (≥5 mm), Aa has largely disappeared. Earlier in the infection, however, Aa and the obligate anaerobic bacterium Filifactor alocis appear to favor each other. How these bacteria interact is not known, but we hypothesize that pocket formation is initiated by Aa, after which F. alocis is one of the bacteria that gradually takes over and drives the disease forward.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-05

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