
25 Fully Funded PhD Programs at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Large Language Model inferencing

Summary of PhD Program:

The advertised doctoral student positions are within an ambitious, 5-year Wallenberg Scholar project titled “Scalable and adaptive inferencing for democratizing AI. In this 18 Million SEK project, we want to dramatically reduce the cost and power for serving large language models such as ChatGPT. 

Application Deadline: 17.Jan.2025

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in sprayed solar cells

Summary of PhD Program:

In our group, we focus on organic and electronics and solar cells based on sustainable, bio-based materials. Starting from the thinnest conductive paper, we use advanced thin film technologies to apply functional layers by spray deposition as rapid, versatile, scalable, and industrially relevant thin film technology. This project aims to develop novel all-sprayed solar cells. Here, it is crucial to elucidate the underlaying nanostructure-process-functionality (e.g. photovoltaic efficiency) relationship; thus, the work includes design and development of spray deposition for cellulose-based polymer solar cells including in situ experiments at synchrotron radiation facilities, such as MAX IV in Lund, at synchrotrons in Germany, Europe, and USA as well as neutron scattering at European and international neutron sources. 

Application Deadline: 10.Jan.2025

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Wireless Networks with Large AI Models

Summary of PhD Program:

With the development of computing and communication technologies, and emerging data-driven applications, e.g., IoT based intelligent systems, social network analysis and vehicular networks, the volume of data for various learning systems increases explosively along with the number of involving computing nodes. Thus, large artificial intelligence models (LAIM) such as large language models been attracted lots of research interests in both industry and academy. For the powerful intelligence, LAIM and applications are supposed to transform many aspects of our society. However, the application and technologies of LAIM to wireless networks are still very limited.

Application Deadline: 19.Dec.2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Programming Languages and Large Language Models

Summary of PhD Program:

The doctoral student position focuses on fundamental research combining programming languages theory, compilers, and machine learning. In particular, the emphasis is on algorithms, formal semantics, and compiler techniques for both natural languages and programming languages. This includes novel ways of combining large language models (LLMs), transformers, formal semantics, and compiler technology. The PhD student position is funded by WASP (see below) via the project High-Confidence Transformer-Based Compilation of Partially Ambiguous Programs. 

Application Deadline: 18.Dec.2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Sustainable Energy Materials

Summary of PhD Program:

The Light & Matter Physics Division conducts both fundamental and applied research across multitude scientific fields, with a strong focus on energy-related materials. The Ph.D. candidate will join the Sustainable Materials Research & Technology (SMaRT) group, dedicated to advancing the understanding of intrinsic properties in a range of materials, from alkaline battery components to photovoltaic solar cells. Research involves extensive experimental work performed in state-of-the-art in-house laboratories and at large-scale facilities, supported by a productive collaboration with theoretical researchers. The Ph.D. candidate will also be part of the WISE Graduate School.

Application Deadline: 16.Dec.2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Critical cartography and spatial analysis

Summary of PhD Program:

In this project, you will develop spatial analysis and mapping as knowledge challenges from a critical cartography and mapping perspective – how can analyses be used to elucidate hidden or overlooked groups, species, life patterns, structures, or aspects – and an architectural spatial analysis perspective – how can analytical precision be increased concerning the field of architecture. Developing theories and practices to critically and productively contribute to one another, and knowledge about the interaction between architecture, urban design, and society, is central.

Application Deadline: 09.Dec.2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Networked Systems Security

Summary of PhD Program:

We invite applications for doctoral student positions with the Networked Systems Security (NSS) lab at EECS/SCS. We are looking for highly motivated individuals to pursue a PhD in security and privacy. The positions involve activities leading to original research and results in peer-reviewed publications. 

Application Deadline: 06.Dec.2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in soil and rock mechanics (climate adaption)

Summary of PhD Program:

We are seeking a doctoral student to join the Division of Soil and Rock Mechanics and contribute to the climate adaptation of society’s infrastructure. This position is part of a novel interdisciplinary research project focused on developing sustainable solutions for climate adaptation strategies. The project has high practical relevance and is expected to make an important impact on society’s climate transition. As a doctoral student, you will work closely with both geotechnical engineers and risk philosophers to study how deep uncertainties in climate change predictions influence the reliability of geotechnical structures.

Application Deadline: 06.Dec.2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in physical chemistry & environmental chemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

The composition of Earth’s atmosphere and its ability to respond to pollution and climate change is maintained by oxidation reactions involving short-lived radicals. In particular, thousands of different organic radicals are present in the atmosphere, such as Criegee intermediate (CI), resulting from the reactions of unsaturated organic compounds with Ozone. Despite several decades of research, these CI remain very difficult to observe in laboratory and have never been observed in the atmosphere. Thus many questions remain on their reactions. 

Application Deadline: 05.Dec.2024

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Fully Funded PhD Position in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

Summary of PhD Program:

One of our research topics is the emerging field of composite order: In a recent year, experimental discoveries were made that revised half-century-old paradigms: the discovery of electron quadrupling condensate, and topological defects carrying an arbitrary fraction of magnetic flux quantum. The discovery opened up many fundamental questions on the nature of this new state of matter and its possible applications. Other topics include other new quantum symmetry-breaking and topologically-ordered states, unconventional phase transitions, and application of newly developed methods, such as Diagrammatic Monte-Carlo to understand the long-standing problems. 

Application Deadline: 02.Dec.2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Sustainable scaling of seaweed production and processing

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD project is a collaborative knowledge exchange initiative between Sweden (KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the FORMAS-funded Blue Food Centre) and China (Shanghai Jiao Tong University). The project focuses on the sustainable scaling of blue food production and processing. KTH brings its expertise in sustainability assessments of the emerging European seaweed industry, the Blue Food Centre brings a vital network of key Swedish seafood producers and retailers, while SJTU has extensive experience in large-scale blue food production in China. The PhD student will play a pivotal role in bridging these areas of expertise, facilitating critical knowledge exchange between the institutions.

Application Deadline: 02.Dec.2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in production of metal powder via efficient gas atomisation

Summary of PhD Program:

The doctoral student shall perform research in a large European project together with collaborators from various industries that produce, process or use metal powder. The aim of the project is to increase the efficiency of gas atomisation to produce metal powders that are suitable for additive manufacturing by using CFD simulations, new types of optical sensors and data-driven models. The doctoral student should have a background in on or more of: materials science or metallurgy, CFD modelling, measurements with optical sensors and analysis of such results. The research shall be reported to the project consortium and supervisors at KTH.

Application Deadline: 28.Nov.2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in development of sustainability tools for infrastructure projects

Summary of PhD Program:

Climate action infrastructure projects (comprising mitigation and adaptation objectives) to achieve the Paris agreement have a wide range of synergies and trade-offs with the Sustainable Development Goals. However, stakeholders have limited access to the knowledge for mitigating those impacts, including on the impacts of relevant climate risks. This myopic approach means that siloed-planned climate action may cause a variety of detrimental tradeoffs, from social unrest or inequality to other environmental and economic issues. In response, KTH researchers have developed leading tools to assess the sustainability of infrastructure projects using detailed analysis of interlinkages between the characteristics of various types of energy and infrastructure projects and all social, economic and environmental targets of the SDGs.

Application Deadline: 28.Nov.2024

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Membrane integration/intensification for CRM recovery

Summary of PhD Program:

This doctoral position is offered by the Division of Resource Recovery, within the Department of Chemical Engineering. Our research focuses on novel techniques for resource recovery aiming at developing economically and environmentally sustainable processes. Critical raw materials (CRMs) are elements categorized by the EU commission as crucial for technological development, often in industries like electronics and renewable energy, that are limited in supply. Many of these can be found in significant amounts in mining tailings or landfills, due to challenges in their recovery. This PhD position focuses on advancing membrane technology for the treatment of mining tailings, with the aim of improving the recovery of CRMs and enabling water remediation and reuse. 

Application Deadline: 28.Nov.2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in crystallization for CRM recovery

Summary of PhD Program:

The objective of this PhD project is the development of novel, green and sustainable methods to enable the recovery of CRMs from various mining waste streams. The project will investigate hydrometallurgical methods combining selective dissolution by green solvents and advanced crystallization/precipitation methods, allowing recovery of pure fractions of the important metals in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable way.

Application Deadline: 28.Nov.2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in industrial crystallization

Summary of PhD Program:

At the division of resource recovery at the department of chemical engineering, research is conducted to develop novel sustainable chemical engineering separation processes. We are looking for a PhD student to develop knowledge in controlled crystallization. Something that is of great importance in many industries, for example in the metal and mineral, food, and pharmaceutical field. The work includes design and experimental studies of simple model systems as well as more applied studies. Specifically, fundamental understanding of crystallization phenomena and of the links between process and product properties will be investigated. 

Application Deadline: 28.Nov.2024

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Integrated CMOS-photonics

Summary of PhD Program:

We invite applications for a doctoral student position in the field of integrated CMOS-photonics. The division of Electronics and Embedded system conducts research in CMOS technology as well as photonic device technologies, and this project aims for the integration of optically active III-V semiconductor components in CMOS circuitry. The work is mainly experimental in character and will involve process development in a clean room environment, but it also electro-optical simulations for component design and optimization as well as materials and component analysis. 

Application Deadline: 28.Nov.2024

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in transparent electronics

Summary of PhD Program:

We invite applications for a doctoral student position in the field of transparent electronics. The division of Electronics and Embedded system conducts research in CMOS technology. In this project the PhD student will explore and evaluate experimental methods to enable transparent CMOS. The research will be conducted within the Competence Center Advanced Chip Technologies that gathers academia, institutes and companies with the aim to develop future semiconductor technologies.

Application Deadline: 28.Nov.2024

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Surface Reaction Dynamics

Summary of PhD Program:

The main goal of this project is to build a new understanding of how the structure of catalytic surfaces controls their reactivity and, in particular, how structural changes caused by the presence of reactive gases alter catalyst properties. We will achieve this understanding using a new experimental technique developed in the group, near-ambient pressure velocity map imaging, which combines molecular beams, laser spectroscopy and ion imaging to study the kinetics and dynamics of surface reactions at elevated pressures. The results of these experiments can help develop new catalysts and provide benchmark data to test theory.

Application Deadline: 28.Nov.2024

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in AUVs for Optimizing Use of Ocean Spaces

Summary of PhD Program:

KTH Royal Institute of Technology is part of Blue Food – Centre for the Future of Seafood, a nationally funded initiative aimed at promoting sustainable and innovative seafood production in Sweden. Recently, the Swedish research council Formas approved continued funding for Blue Food, providing an additional 40 million SEK for the next four years. In this next phase, Blue Food will focus on integrating sustainability across all dimensions—environmental, economic, and social—while emphasizing health, AI & digitalization, and regulatory frameworks. The centre’s vision is to support increased production, processing, and consumption of innovative, sustainable, and healthy seafood in Sweden through cutting-edge research, knowledge-building, and collaboration with all sectors of society.

Application Deadline: 28.Nov.2024

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Robotics – deep learning and multimodal data

Summary of PhD Program:

The doctoral student will work on representation learning where we aim at exploring the synergies between different modalities when learning representation models to allow for the efficient adaptation of pre-trained task pipelines to novel modules, be it of previously observed or novel modalities. 

Application Deadline: 28.Nov.2024

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Robotics – signal processing and machine learning

Summary of PhD Program:

The doctoral student will be a part of an EU project, “Digitising Smell: From Natural Statistics of Olfactory Perceptual Space to Digital Transmission of Odors”. The goal of the project is to digitalize the sense of smell, pave the ground for understanding how the sense of smell works in humans and build AI models of these. 

Application Deadline: 28.Nov.2024

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Summary of PhD Program:

Turbulent flow has a major impact in many areas of engineering, not least in terms of efficiency of turbomachines. The project aims to enhance the understanding of the non-isothermal unsteady fluid flow interacting with the high-pressure axial turbine stage and to develop optimal flow control blade cooling solutions within this context. Supersonic flow conditions associated with the high-pressure axial turbine cascade are to be assessed. 

Application Deadline: 28.Nov.2024

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24. Fully Funded PhD Position in Forests, resilience and climate change

Summary of PhD Program:

The project focuses on developing a framework for spatial and temporal assessment of forest resilience under future hydroclimate changes and increasing frequency, severity and duration of ecological drought while considering all relevant aspects (e.g., social, political, environmental). This framework will facilitate the identification of areas within forests that are most vulnerable to degradation and will provide information on strategies to enhance their resilience. The proposed framework will be implemented in case studies to investigate the current status of different forest ecosystems and the potential outcomes of different management scenarios that aim at enhancing the resilience. 

Application Deadline: 28.Nov.2024

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25. Fully Funded PhD Position in Robotics and geometric machine learning

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD students will work on robot learning and control algorithms that build on differential geometry and physics-informed priors to allow for data-efficient and safe robot motion generation and for robot manipulation with strong guarantees. We seek candidates who have experience in control and/or machine learning. 

Application Deadline: 27.Nov.2024

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