
24 Postdoctoral Fellowships at Stockholm University, Sweden

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Stockholm University, Sweden invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Fellowships in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. Postdoctoral Position in Romance Linguistics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The degree must have been completed at latest before the employment decision is made, but no more than three years before the closing date. An older degree may be accepted under special circumstances. Special reasons refer to sick leave, parental leave, elected positions in trade unions, service in the total defense, or other similar circumstances as well as clinical duty or service/assignments relevant to the subject area.

In the appointment process, special attention will be given to research skills needed for the position. As grounds for appointment, particular importance is given to scholarly competence, assessed on the basis of the applicant’s submitted publications and proposed research plan for the post-doctoral period. The applicant’s research profile should have a clear connection to the specializations mentioned in the text and in the link above.

Application Deadline: 22 November 2022

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2. Postdoctoral Position in human science

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The main responsibilities for the postdoctoral fellow is to conduct research within her/his area of specialization and collaborate with researchers across faculties. The initiative aims at strengthening the multi-disciplinary research environment at Stockholm University. Hence, researchers with different theoretical, empirical and methodological perspectives will be given opportunities to focus on their own specific research area and are expected to contribute to strengthen the cross-faculty research environment. The initiative is led by the Steering Board for Environmental Research in Human Science, which consists of researchers from the faculties of humanities, social science and law.

Application Deadline: 2022-11-30

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3. Postdoctoral Position in Mistra Food Futures

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are hiring a Postdoctoral fellow to further the work within the Mistra Food Futures program. Mistra Food Futures is a science-based platform that aims to help enable a transformation of the Swedish food system that is resilient and delivers healthy diets to all, while meeting social, economic, and environmental sustainability goals.

Application Deadline: 15 November 2022

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4. Postdoctoral Position in Just Food System

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are hiring a Postdoctoral fellow in the field of healthy and sustainable diets, with a focus on just transformation of food systems. The candidate will work with the international EAT-Lancet 2.0 Commission (herein “the Commission”) which will conduct a systematic review of food systems and how to ensure healthy diets for all at a global scale, within planetary boundaries.

The interdisciplinary commission consists of 25 Commissioners from 19 countries, with backgrounds in e.g. public health, agriculture and livestock production, political science, behaviour change, food justice and environmental sustainability. The Commission has a greater focus on justice and diversity of regional and local diets in comparison with EAT-Lancet published in 2019. At least five Postdoctoral fellows and Early Career Scientists will be hired for of which one will based at SRC, with a focus on just transformation.

Application Deadline: 15 November 2022

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5. Postdoctoral Position in project Gastronomic Landscapes

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

In the project, we are seeking to use the lens of gastronomy as an entry point for possible solutions to the challenges of the global food system, highlighting how culinary craftsmanship and innovation, from cooks in local communities to chefs of leading restaurants, have the potential to drive shifts towards sustainability. We are hiring a Postdoctoral fellow to focus on the role of gastronomy for biosphere stewardship in land- and seascapes.

The research will focus on learning from case studies of links between landscape/seascape management and gastronomy. Diverse knowledge systems have developed techniques for getting both nutrition and cultural satisfaction from diverse land- and seascapes, in ways that are also embodied in local cuisines. The Postdoctoral fellow will also analyze the potential role of gastronomy in incentivizing changes in dietary patterns, from food with high to low environmental impact.

Application Deadline: 15 November 2022

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6. Postdoctoral Position in Arctic Paleoceanography

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Department of Geological Sciences (IGV) is expanding the analytical capacity of its marine and lacustrine core-processing laboratory. We are adding an X-ray CT scanner and a Hyperspectral infrared (IR) core imaging system, as well as upgrading our current Multi-Sensor core logger and XRF-core scanner. The X-ray CT system provides detailed images of sedimentary structures, and allows volume reconstructions of pore space properties, and quantification of important sedimentary features (i.e. ice-rafted detritus and bioturbation).

Hyperspectral infrared imaging of marine and lacustrine sediments is gaining increased popularity and has been used to quantify the amount, type and source of organic matter (marine vs terrestrial), and identify crypto-tephra that can provide critical geochronological information for paleoceanographic studies. This two-year post-doctoral project is aimed at developing applications for these systems on Arctic marine, and possibly lacustrine, sediment cores on recent (Holocene) or longer (Pleistocene) timescales.This includes developing user-friendly application-specific processing routines for the large data-sets generated by both systems.

Application Deadline: 1 December 2022

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7. Postdoctoral Position in LSST DESC

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are searching for a highly motivated individual to work partly on innovative research projects and partly to develop scientific software infrastructure for the international Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC), which aims to make high-accuracy measurements of fundamental cosmological parameters using data from the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) observed by the Vera C. Rubin Observatory.

The Vera C. Rubin Observatory is a next-generation astronomical facility currently under construction in Chile. Rubin’s LSST will be one of the largest and most comprehensive astronomy surveys of its kind, enabling countless discoveries in astronomy and physics. To take best advantage of the LSST data, DESC develops new methods for obtaining state-of-the-art, robust cosmology constraints and builds robust, high-throughput software pipelines to simulate, re-process and analyze images and catalogs at LSST scale.

Application Deadline: 7 November 2022

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8. Postdoctoral Position in Ecology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The position will be associated with the project “Developing a cost-efficient control program for the invasive plant Lupinus polyphyllus” financed by the Swedish Transport Administration and the research council FORMAS. The overall aim of the project is to develop a cost-efficient program to control the invasive species Lupinus polyphyllus in Sweden. To reach this aim, we use a two-fold approach. First, we examine in what geographic regions and under what environmental conditions that Lupinus constitute a potential problem. Second, we assess how cost-efficient different management practices are to reduce long-term population growth rates in areas where the species constitute a potential problem.

Application Deadline: 30 November 2022

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9. Postdoctoral Position in Environmental Analytical Chemistry

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The position will be associated with the project “Persistent organic chemicals in high-altitude atmosphere and ecosystems” financed by the Swedish Research Council FORMAS. Persistent organic chemicals (POCs) were recently found also at high altitude at the world’s highest atmospheric observatory (5240 masl), the Chacaltaya GAW station (CHC) in Bolivia.

This project examines the hypothesis that the free troposphere is a critical long-range transport medium and leads to increasing POC contamination and subsequent risk to humans and ecosystems at high altitudes. The project aims to understand FT-mediated pollutant transport and potential sources, through close collaboration with atmospheric, meteorological, geological, and environmental scientists from European and South American institutes.

Application Deadline: 30 November 2022

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10. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The new colleague will be part of a team of several research engineers that works tightly with research group leaders, post-docs and PhD students. We do not expect anyone to cover all tasks listed below. Specific tasks and responsibilities will be divided within the tech group and the research group, and will depend on the particular skills and match of the incoming new colleague. This position is likely to include a combination of these key tasks:

Installation, operation and maintenance of both permanent facility/infrastructure and instruments used both continuously at remote atmospheric observatories and for specific field campaigns in both our atmospheric and Arctic research tracks. Instruments include those used for gases (e.g., Picarro cavity ring-down laser spectroscopy, Horiba CO monitors and gas chromatography) and for aerosol chemistry and physics (e.g., aethalometers, nephelometers, DMPS and Digitel high-volume filtration systems). This also includes programming of dataloggers, instrument calibration, efficient data management and quality assurance.

Application Deadline: 15 November 2022

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11. Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Physics and Topological Phenomena

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The position involves research in the theory of topological phases in collaboration with Emil J. Bergholtz and other researchers in Stockholm as well as with our collaborators elsewhere. A suitable background is a PhD in theoretical physics specializing in theoretical condensed matter physics, high energy physics or mathematical physics.

Application Deadline: 1 November 2022

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12. Postdoctoral Position in Practical Philosophy

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

SCEWP has a broad research profile. Previous researchers have worked on duties of rescue, moral responsibility, partiality, heritage protection in war, humanitarian intervention, rights against harm, authority, and compensation. Our recruitment aims to reflect the fact that the best work in moral and political philosophy is informed by research across philosophy, as well as other cognate disciplines.

We welcome applications from researchers from a range of backgrounds (e.g., those working on causation, moral responsibility, rights, collective action, or authority) as well as those already working directly on the ethics of war and peace. We currently have particular interests in duties to refugees fleeing war and natural disaster, duties in the face of climate change, and the ethics of immigration policy, as well as the ethics of direct and indirect humanitarian intervention.

Application Deadline: 4 November 2022

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13. Postdoctoral Position in Instrumentation for Axion Experiments

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are advertising a postdoctor position to work with an extensive group of researchers at Stockholm University on the development of a novel axion dark matter detector prototype using wire metamaterials. Such wire metamaterial designs can dramatically improve the sensitivity of direct detection axion experiments in high-mass ranges (≳ 20 μeV).

We are conducting a search for an independent and driven experimentalist that is capable of leading design and verification for this detector prototype. The work includes the design process oversight, simulation, fabrication, assembly, and testing. The candidate will work with members of Dr. Jon Gudmundsson’s experimental group at the Stockholm University Physics Department as well as researchers specializing in fundamental axion theory development and the study of astrophysical axion signatures. The candidate will join the vibrant AxionDM research environment at Stockholm University.

Application Deadline: 31 December 2022

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14. 02 Postdoctoral Position in Fundamental Physics from Populations of Compact Object Mergers 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are searching for individuals to conduct original research on developing scalable gravitational wave data analysis methods for the efficient scientific exploitation of populations of compact object mergers in the LIGO A+ era. The candidate will work with Hiranya Peiris, Daniel Mortlock and external collaborator Samaya Nissanke (UvA). Up to two positions are available, funded by the Swedish Research Council and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Applicants will be members of the European Research Council Advanced Grant CosmicExplorer project, led by Hiranya Peiris. They will also benefit from a vibrant local environment in multimessenger astrophysics and cosmology; faculty with related interests include Ariel Goobar, Stephan Rosswog, Jesper Sollerman and Anders Jerkstrand.

Application Deadline: 15 Jan 2023

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15. Postdoctoral Position in astroparticle physics, theoretical particle physics, and cosmology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are searching for an outstanding individual to conduct original research on theoretical, phenomenological or observational aspects within astroparticle physics and cosmology, with a particular focus on axions and dark matter. The recruited candidate will benefit from the lively interdisciplinary research environment in axion physics at Stockholm University. Primary funding is provided by the grant “Detecting Axion Dark Matter In The Sky And In The Lab” from the Swedish Science Foundation. Faculty members involved in this programme include: David Marsh, Hiranya Peiris, Alexander Balatsky, Stefano Bonetti, Jan Conrad, Ariel Goobar, Jon Gudmundsson, Tim Linden, Igor Pikovski, and Frank Wilzcek, in addition to several postdocs and PhD students.

Application Deadline: 08 December 2022

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16. Postdoctoral Position in Observational Cosmology and Astrophysics with LSST

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Fellow to conduct original research on large scale structure cosmology, time-domain cosmology and astrophysics, low surface brightness extragalactic science, and/or intersections between these areas. Funded by a Wallenberg Foundation research project grant to Hiranya Peiris, Jens Jasche, Ariel Goobar, Jesper Sollerman, and Matthew Hayes, the position is focussed on our involvement in the Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) and the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration.

Application Deadline: 15 January 2023

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17. Postdoctoral Position in Extragalactic Astronomy

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The position will be to work on spectroscopy of a large sample of galaxies in the early universe, and is coupled to a recently-awarded ‘Large Programmes’ with JWST, HST, and ground-based spectroscopy (ESO/VLT). Main responsibilities: The position involves analysis of data obtained from JWST Slitless Spectroscopy, HST imaging, and ground-based spectrographs.

Application Deadline: 2 December 2022

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18. Postdoctoral Position in Environmental Microbiology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The position will be associated with the interdisciplinary project “Safe Water Reuse in a Changing Environment – Microbial Degradation of Contaminants in European Rivers”. Increasing water reuse is at the heart of Europe’s climate change adaptation strategy to counter water scarcity. Sustainable and safe reuse is hampered by a complex mixture of contaminants that reach recipient waters due to their incomplete elimination in sewage treatment plants. Very little is known about their fate in the environment and the self-purification capacities of natural systems.

Application Deadline: November 6 2022

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19. Four Postdoctoral Position in Multi-messenger astrophysics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The successful candidates will work in the cross-departmental “Gravity Meets Light” project (funded by the Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation), which aims to study and connect various aspects of neutron star mergers and their resulting kilonova transients. This can include modelling of kilonova light curves and spectra (working mainly with A. Jerkstrand), design and participation in upcoming observational followup campaigns using ZTF, ENGRAVE, and JWST (J. Sollerman, A. Goobar), development of rapid response strategies by using data emulation techniques (H. Peiris), and/or the study of cosmological and fundamental physics applications of neutron star mergers (A. Goobar, H. Peiris). The successful applicant will have a strong interest in the connection points between their specific area of expertise and related topics in the broader field.

Application Deadline: 15 January 2023

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20. Postdoctoral Position in Sustainability science of forest materials and circularity

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The project is called FORest materials: opportunities and obstacles for a Circular Economy in Sweden (FORCES). Forest resources are to play a major role in the emerging circular bioeconomy. The main objective of the project is to qualitatively investigate opportunities and obstacles of a transition to a circular system for forest materials. This will be addressed from the techno-economical, social-ecological and regulatory perspectives. Another dimension of the project is to assess the readiness of Swedish forest products for a circular economy and contribute to the development of open-access tools for the same. Finally, a case study assisted with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) will be presented.

Application Deadline: 18 November 2022

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