
24 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Copenhagen, Denmark

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Copenhagen, Denmark invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Trustworthy Machine Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

As machine learning algorithms become increasingly prevalent in everyday life, needing substantial volumes of user data, it is critical to consider their societal impacts. This project aims to enhance the trustworthiness—encompassing privacy, fairness, and robustness—of contemporary machine learning algorithms, particularly when faced with inadequate data (e.g., noisy, unlabelled, biased, etc.). Consequently, this project will offer an opportunity to delve into a wide array of topics within modern machine learning, including differential privacy, semi- and self-supervised learning, robust machine learning techniques, and ensuring fairness within machine learning models.

Application Deadline: 13-05-2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Ancient DNA and Palaeoecology of Arctic Marine Mammals 

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD project, as part of the Carlsberg Foundation funded project INTERACT, will examine the Holocene history of Arctic marine mammals, by investigating fossil specimens of several species (incl. beluga, bowhead, polar bear) with ancient DNA and stable isotope analysis. Specifically, your research would focus on investigating patterns of demographic change and shifts in foraging ecology. The fossil data will be understood in the context of the genomic diversity and structuring of contemporary populations. The project includes working in a clean lab environment for ancient DNA data generation, and bioinformatic processing and analysis of the data. The PhD student is expected to first-author papers in international peer-reviewed journals. The PhD student will work closely with collaborators in Canada and Greenland during the project, and with the other members of the Molecular Ecology and Global Climate Change group.

Application Deadline: 13-05-2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computational researcher

Summary of PhD Program:

The overarching aim of the research project (and the PhD traineeship) is to develop and test new methods for creating synthetic health datasets that can be used to support projects in precision medicine, health IT, and AI methods development. Synthetic health datasets are generated datasets that should capture the complex patterns of real, restricted-access clinical datasets via deep learning, yet pose minimal risk to patient privacy. The PhD traineeship will be a part of an NNF-funded collaboration with researchers from Aalborg University at the Center for Clinical Data Science and the Department of Law, and include interaction with the established Sandbox network. Together we aim to develop synthetic health datasets via benchmarked generative AI workflows, privacy metrics based on Bayesian statistics, and a framework for GDPR compliance of the developed methods.

Application Deadline: 12-05-2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in posttranslational modifications in the chemokine network

Summary of PhD Program:

We are seeking 1 highly motivated and intellectually curious PhD candidate to contribute to this project at the University of Copenhagen under the supervision of Prof. Mette Rosenkilde and Associate Prof. Martin Gustavsson. The successful candidate will characterize ligand binding and receptor signalling under the influence of post-translationally modified ligands and/or receptors using state-of-the-art methods for molecular pharmacological research. This includes temporal and spatial resolution of receptor signalling in heterologous receptor expression systems. Moreover, the project involves the development of novel methods for quantification of ligand binding under native receptor expression conditions as well as in genetically engineered cell lines. We provide close supervision and comprehensive training on scientific and technical aspects and foster a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive work environment.

Application Deadline: 07-05-2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Theoretical Astrophysics

Summary of PhD Program:

The detection of gravitational waves ignited one of the most exciting revolutions in modern science by opening up a new window into our Universe. We will soon have access to statistical information about the distribution of masses, eccentricities, and spins of black holes in merging binary systems. Our lack of knowledge on how black hole binaries evolve and merge is one of the biggest sources of uncertainty when connecting theoretical models with gravitational wave observations. This PhD project will address this important problem relying on sophisticated computer simulations, complemented with analytical and semi-analytical approaches.

Application Deadline: 05-05-2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Neuroscience

Summary of PhD Program:

The project entails virus injection, optogenetic stimulation, and electrophysiology in rodents performing behavioral experiments. The work will consist of training animals (rats) to perform a visual attention task in a modified Skinner box. When the rats have learned the task, they will undergo surgery to inject a virus that will express an opsin, to allow optogenetics to perturb the neural activity in brain circuits. The effects of this perturbation will be evaluated in the visual attention task. Further, the effects will be measured using electrophysiology (Neuropixels probes) in the cerebral cortex and other parts of the brain and nervous system. The Project also entail development of optical methods and testing new tools in neuroscience in connection with using viral strategies in neuroscience.

Application Deadline: 05-05-2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor signal transduction

Summary of PhD Program:

The project aims to characterize and understand the cellular signaling properties of the adhesion GPCR ADGRL3. ADGRL3 has been implicated in ADHD and other psychiatric disorders that involve dopamine dysfunction, such as schizophrenia. ADGRL3 is expressed in the brain, and is composed of a giant protein structure that both binds ligands across the synapse and controls intracellular signaling. Yet many of ADGRL3 basic functions remain unexplored, and understanding the cellular actions of ADGRL3 is a critical milestone towards future drug development efforts.

Application Deadline: 05-05-2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor signal transduction

Summary of PhD Program:

The project aims to characterize and understand the cellular signaling properties of the adhesion GPCR ADGRL3. ADGRL3 has been implicated in ADHD and other psychiatric disorders that involve dopamine dysfunction, such as schizophrenia. ADGRL3 is expressed in the brain, and is composed of a giant protein structure that both binds ligands across the synapse and controls intracellular signaling. Yet many of ADGRL3 basic functions remain unexplored, and understanding the cellular actions of ADGRL3 is a critical milestone towards future drug development efforts. The successful candidate will primarily use a combination of plate-based GPCR signaling assays, biophysical assays and advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques to study ADGRL3. The project will also involve general molecular biology techniques and data analysis of both plate-based and microscopy-based results.

Application Deadline: 05-05-2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Food Material Science

Summary of PhD Program:

Protein bars constitute modern lifestyle products containing 20 to 50 % proteins (often of dairy origin), fat, carbohydrates/sugars and humectants, providing water activity in the intermediate moisture region (typically between 0.5 and 0.8) and giving microbiological stability outside the cooling chain. The ideal protein bar has a soft bite texture that does not develop hardness over a typical shelf life of about one year. However, protein bars are highly concentrated non-equilibrium systems, and in reality thermodynamically favoured physicochemical changes occur during storage, more often than not, resulting in component segregation. From a consumer perspective, this is observed as an unstable growth of product hardness that ultimately renders the product unattractive and, therefore, effectively limits shelf life.

Application Deadline: 05-05-2024

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Fully Funded PhD Position in Consumption of Volatile Organic Compounds by Plant-Associated Microbial Communities

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for an enthusiastic and ambitious candidate with an MSc degree in biology, ecology, microbiology, molecular biology or similar fields obtained before the initiation of the PhD position. Experience with microbial ecology, measurements of VOC production and consumption rates, analyses of microbial communities using DNA- or RNA-based tools, and biostatistical tools to annalyse large multivariate data sets are an asset. Good English language skills are required. The main criterion for selection will be the research potential of the applicant; thus, scientific publication(s) will be a strong asset.

Application Deadline: 05-05-2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cardiovascular Physiology with focus on cardiac ischemia and microvascular disease

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD student will part of the team investigating the mouse model of Heart Failure with preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF) and potentially INOCA. After model characterization, the project will focus on charactering the mechanisms underlying the disease and aligning this with data from the patients. The student will be trained in performing scientific experiments on isolated, beating mouse hearts, and is expected to run these experiments independently. Moreover, the student will design and run experiments testing the effects of exercise training on INOCA on mice. Finally, the student will learn ultrasound echocardiography of anesthetized mice to assess the effects of exercise training in vivo as well as wire myography to investigate changes in contractility of mouse coronary arteries.

Application Deadline: 15-05-2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in conservation science

Summary of PhD Program:

The overall aim of this PhD project is to develop and validate indicators for naturalness or ecosystem integrity, both in terms of biotic integrity, habitat-generating ecosystem processes and efficiency of legal protection in preventing threats to integrity. Transparent and auditable naturalness indicators are essential in conservation prioritization and in the assessment of goal attainment of area-based restoration actions. As a point of departure, the work will use the Danish Nature Indicator (https://naturindikator.dk/), which is a nation-scale mapping of biotic integrity, legal protection and naturalness of key ecosystem processes. The key focus will be on developing and validating key indicators in an ameliorated nature indicator. This will be carried out through 1) Developing and validating indicators for the naturalness of hydrology and nutrient status from GIS layers and field assessments; 2) Developing and validating a simple indicator for the naturalness of diversification of carbon resources with succession (“ecospace expansion”); 3) Validating an indicator for the strictness and efficiency of legal protection measures and legal obligations that limits natural processes; 4) Validating indicators of ecosystem intactness in relation to reference conditions.

Application Deadline: 15-05-2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Food Microbiology

Summary of PhD Program:

The successful candidate will be part of the research project “Data-driven design of synergistic microbial communities targeting high-quality plant-based food (MiCoP)”. The project is funded by the Novo Nordic Foundation – Plant2Food and carried out together with University of Wageningen, The Netherlands and several industrial partners. The overall goal of the project is the use of fermentation to enhance taste and nutritional properties of plant based food. Specifically, the project aims to introduce an AI framework to design microbial cultures for fermentation of Nordic varieties of pulses and to fulfil scientific knowledge gaps. The candidate will specifically focus on microbial interactions with plant-based materials, genomic diversity and the ability of microorganisms to improve flavour and remove antinutrients.

Application Deadline: 15-05-2024

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14. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in Social Data Science

Summary of PhD Program:

The Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS; https://sodas.ku.dk/), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for two PhD candidates in Social Data Science, broadly defined. The PhD projects should deal with important problems and phenomena related to social (data) science. At SODAS, our research spans multiple vibrant areas in social data science. We are interested in a range of topics, anchored in an interest in understanding fundamental aspects of human behavior and life outcomes, such as education, mobility, environmental behavior, the science of science, social media consequences for politics, the social aspects of the climate change, or the impact of AI on society including its implementations. The PhD projects can relate to ongoing research by SODAS-researchers, but we similarly welcome applications suggesting projects complementing ongoing SODAS research activities. Examples of potential PhD topics are algorithmic fairness and respective policy evaluation, challenges of digitalization, computational hermeneutics and natural language processing, machine behavior, misinformation, social network analysis, or social data science method development and application. 

Application Deadline: 20-05-2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Asylum Decision-Making and the Reception of International Rulings

Summary of PhD Program:

Over the past few years, several international courts have faced critique by policymakers for developing international law too dynamically. Consequently, scholarly literature argued that we are entering a period of backlash, with states actively trying to hedge against the domestic impact of international rulings. Yet, little is known about how – and under what conditions – interpretive shifts are accepted or resisted within the day-to-day work of domestic legal systems. The research project ANCHOR, led by Associate Professor Nora Stappert and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, focuses on international refugee and migration law to understand the reception of international rulings: While an area of frequent political contestation, there also has been a significant increase in international case law in this field. The project draws on an extensive dataset of case law from the Danish Refugee Appeals Board (Flygtningenævnet) and combines legal doctrinal and computational methods.

Application Deadline: 26-05-2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in computational social science

Summary of PhD Program:

The global expansion of science is lauded for its potential to drive economic and social progress. Yet, key components of this expansion, such as international collaboration, migration and knowledge transmission, reflect persistent Global North-South disparities. Using large-scale scientific metadata and cutting-edge methods from quantitative- and computational social science, this project will provide much-needed evidence on (i) the roles and influence of Global South scientists in international research collaboration, (ii) the consequences of scientific migration for Global South countries’ domestic research activities, (iii) and the presumed citation disadvantage facing Global South scientists in the transmission of scientific knowledge. As part of the project team, the PhD will work on a sub-project focusing on the role and influence of Global South scientists in international research collaboration.

Application Deadline: 05-05-2024

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in molecular microbiology

Summary of PhD Program:

BoostR is an innovative and multidisciplinary research program to identify and characterize small molecules regulating specialized metabolism in biotechnologically relevant bacteria. Specialized metabolites are an important and often untapped source of bioactive compounds with vast applications in industrial and environmental biotechnology. However, under laboratory conditions specialized metabolites are often produced in low quantities or not at all. The overall aim of the project is to gain a molecular level understanding of the regulators and genetic networks controlling specialized metabolism in bacteria to boost the production of high-value bioactive compounds for biotechnology. The PhD candidate will be trained in both lab techniques and personal skills including fundamental microbiology and molecular genetics techniques, bioinformatics, scientific writing and communication, self-and project management. Moreover, the candidate will learn advanced molecular biology techniques and omics data analysis and develop an international interdisciplinary network through international lab exchange.

Application Deadline: 03-05-2024

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Energy, Environment and Ocean’s Law

Summary of PhD Program:

The development of offshore wind is a high priority for the achievement of the Paris Agreement mitigation goals. It is estimated that, for a trajectory consistent with the target of net-zero emissions by 2050, global wind energy capacity must increase 11-fold by 2050, with the offshore component reaching 20% of global wind installations. The European Union, in particular, has recently adopted its first offshore wind strategy, setting the target of at least 300 GW installed capacity by 2050. Beyond the need to tackle climate change, expanding the offshore wind power capacity is paramount for the EU to reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels and strengthen its energy security, especially in light of the recent geopolitical tensions with Russia. At the same time, the development of offshore wind at the planned scale will have an impact on ocean dynamics as well as marine biodiversity and habitats, at a time when the ocean is already facing numerous challenges.

Application Deadline: 01-05-2024

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Organic Chemsitry

Summary of PhD Program:

In this project, we will use macrocycles, provided by members of the ENSCC network, for selective temporary protection of hydroxy groups on various carbohydrates. The substrates will be common carbohydrates with a minimum of protective groups. The temporally non-covalent “protection/activation” by the interaction with the macrocycle will allow for selective chemical derivatization of specific hydroxy groups, giving site-selective modifications. This could, as examples, be the installment of protective groups like esters, glycosylations or oxidation reactions. Initial studies will be performed using already available macrocycles, but in time, new types of macrocycles will be developed based on the results obtained. Some initial screening of host-guest interactions will be performed at UCPH and followed up by members of the ENSCC network. 

Application Deadline: 01-05-2024

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Environmental and Health Psychology

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for a PhD candidate for a project spanning environmental and health psychology, investigating the relationship between physiology and psychology in response to extreme heat. The position is part of a larger interdisciplinary project, ICARUS, which will study the interactions between physiology, psychology, and culture to improve the mitigation of health threats associated with global warming. Combining expertise in physiology, pharmacology, photobiology, psychology, behavioral science, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) the project aims to develop an improved framework for identifying individuals at risk, but also for improving advice adherence and effective mitigation measures.

Application Deadline: 01-05-2024

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Intimate Partner Violence Conceptualization and Measurement

Summary of PhD Program:

The Self, Health and Romantic Processes (SHaRP) group seeks to examine how relational factors impact mental health and health behaviors. We recently received grant funding to develop a better understanding of perceptions of IPV as well as the intra-personal and interpersonal factors that lead people to become violent in their romantic relationships (see description below). Data suggests that up to 28% of Danish women and 12% of Danish men experience intimate partner violence (IPV) at some point in their lives, and international data suggests that the numbers might be even higher; it is internationally acknowledged that these numbers likely underestimate the prevalence of IPV, depending on how IPV was measured. The research and clinical practice literature is wrought with inconsistencies regarding definitions and measurement of IPV, and lay persons’ perceptions of what is IPV are even less clear.

Application Deadline: 01-05-2024

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Ancient Pollen DNA

Summary of PhD Program:

The successful candidate will be part of an exciting new initiative under the new Centre of Excellence to advance recovery and analysis of ancient pollen DNA using state-of-the-art single-cell sequencing technologies. Ancient DNA (aDNA) preserved in macrofossils has emerged as a powerful proxy for studying past human, animal, and plant populations over the last million years. In contrast, the potential of pollen DNA for reconstructing past population dynamics of plant species has been poorly explored to date. Yet DNA from pollen grains is a highly promising approach for reconstructing ancient plant populations because i) it offers the possibility of retrieving a large number of individual plant genomes in parallel, ii) the number of pollen grains of a particular species is strongly linked to its relative population size, and iii) fossil pollen is prevalent in most depositional environments around the world.

Application Deadline: 01-05-2024

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Psychology

Summary of PhD Program:

The larger project develops and tests a new theory of basic cognitive selection mechanisms by combining methods and perspectives from experimental psychology, cognitive neuroscience, mathematical modelling, and philosophy. The core idea is that selection in cognition may be understood as a biased competition between representations in a stochastic race (Grünbaum, Oren, & Kyllingsbæk, 2021). In a series of experiments, we have consistently shown that tasks-sets are competing biased by their importance and that this selection process is severely capacity limited. We will extend our new experimental procedures and mathematical models to the study of selection in planning and problem-solving. If our conjecture is true, higher-order cognitive processes like task selection, planning, and problem-solving depend on the same type of selection.

Application Deadline: 01-05-2024

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24. Fully Funded PhD Position in Avian Influenza Pathology

Summary of PhD Program:

The purpose of the PhD project is to achieve more knowledge of the transmission of high pathogen avian influenza between species. The aims are to determine 1) which cellular receptors are present in different animal species and 2) where in the cells the virus is located 3) are there species dependent differences in disease development and expression. Techniques employed will include gross pathology, histopathology and molecular biological methods.

Application Deadline: 30-04-2024

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