
23 Postdoctoral Fellowships at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

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Are you holding PhD degree and looking for Postdoctoral Fellowships? Delft University of Technology, Netherlands invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Fellowships in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. Postdoctoral Position in Optical Nanoscopy

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Optical nanoscopy is a super-resolution microscopy technique to study subcellular structures and function via specifically targeted fluorescent labels in molecular biology. Localisation microscopy in particular offers a much better resolution (~10-50 nm) than conventional diffraction limited microscopy (~250 nm). This project aims at shifting the resolution obtainable in an optical light microscope even further towards 1 nm. The researcher will work in a team of experimentalists and theorists who share the common goal to imaging at the nanometer scale. She/he will work on simulation/theory of image formation and parameter estimation. The image formation description is based on the so-called 4pi microscope where the self-interference of the fluorescent emission can be used to estimate the axial position of a single emitter with nano meter precision.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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2. Postdoctoral Position in Optical Nanoscopy at Cryogenic Temperatures

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Optical nanoscopy is a super-resolution microscopy technique to study subcellular structures and function via specifically targeted fluorescent labels in molecular biology. Localisation microscopy in particular offers a much better resolution (~10-50 nm) than conventional diffraction limited microscopy (~250 nm). This project aims at shifting the resolution obtainable in an optical light microscope even further towards 1 nm. The researcher will work in a team of experimentalists and theorists who share the common goal to imaging at the nanometer scale. She/he will work as an experimentalist designing and performing experiments with cryo fluorescent microscopy. In order to achieve very high spatial resolutions from single molecule emitters in 3D will be use a so-called 4pi setup with two opposing objectives.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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3. Postdoctoral Position in Analog and Mixed-Signal IC design

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

In this fully funded 3-year Postdoc position (UPSIDE EU grant – EIC Pathfinder Challenges), you will investigate novel system level architectures for energy and area-efficient FUS and EEG devices at the integrated circuit level, using advanced CMOS technologies. You will be embedded in the research group of Dr. Tiago Costa and Dr. Dante Muratore, and will have close collaboration with colleagues in both groups. You will also work closely with collaborators in the fields of microfabrication, microsystem integration and neurobiology. The outcome of your work will be tested in vivo towards unraveling the promising effect of FUS in the complex neural circuits involved in treatment-resistant depression.

Application Deadline: July 2, 2023

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4. Postdoctoral Position in Low-power DC-DC Converters

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

IoT sensor nodes should have minimum form factor, low cost, accurate, and requires minimum maintenance, therefore, ideally environment powered. Getting sufficient energy from the environment then requires energy harvesters such as PV cells and highly efficient power converters. Such power converters must provide accurate MPPT, high conversion efficiency with a large power dynamic range, and a wide conversion ratio with minimum power consumption. Meanwhile, multi-input and output topologies will be preferred since they enable the use of multiple energy resources.

Application Deadline: June 1, 2023

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5. Postdoctoral Position in ensuring data security in blockchain

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Our group conducts research in a range of cybersecurity topics, including, secure data analytics, applied cryptography, privacy, cloud security, system security, and network security. We aim to make the world a safer place as most of our activity and data move online. We design, develop, and evaluate interdisciplinary solutions that combine all fields of computer sciences: artificial intelligence, systems, and theory. Examples include the development of deep learning methods that are immune to common side-channel defences, machine learning algorithms that can operate on encrypted data in the cloud, detection and mitigation of large scale distributed denial of service attacks, and analysis of the latest security threats.

Application Deadline: 31 May 2023

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6. Postdoctoral Position in Network Security 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Cybersecurity (CYS) group at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) invites applications for full-time post-doc candidates in the area of cybersecurity. Our group conducts research in a range of cybersecurity topics, including, secure data analytics, privacy, cloud security, system security, and network security. We aim to make the world a safer place as most of our activity and data move online. We design, develop, and evaluate interdisciplinary solutions that combine all fields of computer sciences: artificial intelligence, systems, and theory. We aim to publish our results at top conferences and journals, transfer our scientific know-how and technologies to students and our public and private partners in the field of cybersecurity, and have impact in society and the research community.

Application Deadline: May 31, 2023

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7. Postdoctoral Position in Structural Biology of the Neuronal Synapse

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A 3-year postdoc position is available in the research group of Dimphna Meijer, Department of Bionanoscience, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. The long-term goal of our research is to understand synapse assembly and disassembly at the molecular level, during health and disease. We address questions such as: What is the underlying structural basis of synapse formation? What happens at the nanoscale in a diseased brain? We have recently determined several cryo-EM structures of synaptic cell adhesion molecules that together reveal part of a molecular recognition code. We are now aiming to understand molecular recognition and synapse formation in a cellular context using a combination of protein biochemistry & biophysics, structural biology, and mammalian cell biology approaches.

Application Deadline: 01 May 2023

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8. Postdoctoral Position in Novel materials and innovative instrumentation for energy transition

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

As a member of this team, your primary role will be to design and develop novel fixed bed reactors, optimizing their heating methods to achieve maximum efficiency. You will use both thermocatalytic and microwave-based cold plasma techniques to activate chemical reactions, aiming to enhance product yield. Working closely with a team of experienced researchers and technicians, you will collaborate to develop new technologies that can transform the energy landscape, achieving sustainability through innovation. In addition to your research responsibilities, you will also have the opportunity to supervise bachelor’s and master’s students, sharing your knowledge and expertise with the next generation of researchers in the field. Through this role, you will be able to contribute to the growth and development of the scientific community, furthering our collective understanding of how to create sustainable sources of energy.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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9. Postdoctoral Position in Generative Design for Optimized Aerospace Structures

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

For the aviation sector to meet its climate-neutrality targets, conventional methods for the design of aircraft structures and components no longer suffice. Artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques are promising alternatives for exploring the design space efficiently and for expanding it. As a postdoc at the TU Delft Department of Aerospace Structures and Materials, you will use generative design algorithms to leverage the full potential of aerospace structures. In your research, you will focus on lightweighting of structural components and their assemblies without compromising performance.

Application Deadline: 30 April 2023

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10. Postdoctoral Position in Separation Processes for Liquid and Gas Products Produced by CO2 Electrolysis

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

To meet environmental targets for CO2 emissions set forth, alternative, low-carbon emission approaches to existing manufacturing processes for base chemicals are required. This necessitates re-invention of processes that are in use since early days of the industrial revolution. Particularly novel separation methods for products from electrochemical synthesis routes need to be developed & demonstrated at pilot scale for industrial uptake. Within TU Delft, we collaborate with industrial partners and multiple research groups in the Pro2Tech institute. The position will form a bridge between research groups in the Chemical Engineering department, and the Process & Energy department of the Mechanical Engineering faculty.

Application Deadline: 30 April 2023

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11. Postdoctoral Position in 4D Ultrasound Imaging of Cellular Function

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Advances in ultrasound now enable fast, volumetric and high-resolution imaging of living organs in intact and opaque organisms. However, ultrasound plays a relatively small role in the field of molecular imaging. To go further, one needs to interface ultrasound waves with biological processes occurring within cells. This project aims at using genetically encoded acoustic biomolecules to label specific cells in combination with 4D ultrasound imaging to reveal cellular activity at the organ scale.

The candidate will work in a team of experimentalists who share the common goal of advancing the state of the art in ultrasound imaging. She/he will contribute to the development of a new ultrasound imaging method to visualize cell activity in tissues. This interdisciplinary research will combine expertise in high frame rate imaging, nonlinear pulse sequences, 3D imaging probes and genetically encoded contrast agents. Research is supported by a Dynamic Imaging grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

Application Deadline: 1st of May2023

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12. Postdoctoral Position in Quantum Nanomechanics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

In this project, you will work with a team of researchers in the SteeleLab to try to experimentally answer the question: is it possible to observe the effects of gravity on a quantum superposition of a heavy, mechanical object? To do this, you will be embedded in a team working on coupling mechanical resonators made from silicon nitride membranes to superconducting quantum microwave circuits. Based on a platform pioneered in the group, you will have the opportunity to design, fabricate, and assemble superconducting circuit chips to engineer quantum superpositions of the position of the membrane. Cooling the assembled chips to millikelvin temperatures, you will manipulate and probe the quantum state of the membrane, exploring previously inaccessible regimes of quantum physics.

Application Deadline: 25 April 2023

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13. Postdoctoral Position in Digital Twin for Green Shipping

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Digital Twin for Green Shipping (DT4GS) is a Horizon Europe project with over 20 industry and university partners aimed at delivering an “Open Digital Twin Framework” for shipping companies and waterborne industry actors to tap into new opportunities made available through the use of Digital Twins (DTs). DT4GS will enable shipping stakeholders to embrace DT innovations to support smart green shipping in the upgrade of existing ships and new vessels. DT4GS will cover the full ship lifecycle. Applications will focus on shipping companies but will also provide decarbonisation decision-support system for shipyards, equipment manufacturers, port authorities and operators, river commissions, classification societies, energy companies and transport/corridor infrastructure companies.

Application Deadline: 15 April 2023

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14. Postdoctoral Position in modelling allogeneic cell therapy processes

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Moving from autologous to allogeneic cell therapies can alleviate the current disadvantages of state-of-the-art cell therapies by benefitting from more robust starting material, economies of scales, and ‘off-the-shelf’ product availability. In addition to biological research, realising the allogeneic approach requires process technological innovations for efficient production and purification, as well as process optimization for raw materials and implementation of process analytical technology. This project is funded by the Pro2Tech Institute within Delft University of Technology to catalyze new research fields that allow multi-disciplinary research for the accelaration of novel technologies.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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15. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

During our lifetimes, we copy approximately a lightyear’s worth of DNA, and how the different components of the molecular machinery (the replisome) work together to achieve this successfully is an area of highly active research. Here, you will take on the exciting challenge of understanding the dynamics of DNA replication by purifying, reconstituting, and studying the activity of eukaryotic replisome at the single-molecule level. You will examine replisome composition, replisome motion dynamics, and the interplay between these two quantities; and examine how these change in the context of chromatin or obstacles on the DNA. To do so, you will employ a combination of biochemical approaches (protein purification, biochemical assays, DNA sequencing) and novel biophysical instrumentation (e.g. fluorescence imaging, single-molecule force spectroscopy, microfluidics, cryo-electron microscopy).

Application Deadline: 15 April 2023

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16. Postdoctoral Position in biophysics to probe the dynamics of eukaryotic DNA replication

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

During our lifetimes, we copy approximately a lightyear’s worth of DNA, and how the different components of the molecular machinery (the replisome) work together to achieve this successfully is an area of highly active research. Here, you will take on the exciting challenge of understanding the dynamics of DNA replication by purifying, reconstituting, and studying the activity of eukaryotic replisome at the single-molecule level. You will examine replisome composition, replisome motion dynamics, and the interplay between these two quantities; and examine how these change in the context of chromatin or obstacles on the DNA. To do so, you will employ a combination of biochemical approaches (protein purification, biochemical assays, DNA sequencing) and novel biophysical instrumentation (e.g. fluorescence imaging, single-molecule force spectroscopy, microfluidics, cryo-electron microscopy).

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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17. Postdoctoral Position in Besov priors for inverse problems

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The project will focus on handling statistical inverse problems with non-Gaussian priors. Gaussian process priors are often used in practice due to their fast computational properties. However, the smoothness of the resulting estimates is not well suited for modelling functions with sharp changes, met for ecample in imaging. As an alternative for Gaussian priors one can consider Besov priors that are well suited for producing piecewise smooth reconstructions and for edge and interface detection. The goal of the project is to analyse the statistical behaviour of the resulting posterior distributions and to design suitable algorithms for carrying out computations for these models. The project may focus more on theoretical or applied aspects, depending on the interests of the applicant. The project requires knowledge of functional analysis / numerical computation / inverse problems / Bayesian inference. No prior knowledge on Besov priors is required.

Application Deadline: April 16, 2023

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18. Postdoctoral Position in Industrial Microbiology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We seek a postdoc with a microbial physiology background who will focus on adapting and developing microcompartmented cultivation methods for microbe-substrate combinations that are currently not accessible for this experimental approach. The developed methods will then be applied for selection, evolution and characterization of microbial strains and consortia for optimal conversion of renewable substrates. Selected strains and consortia will be further analysed by genome sequencing and quantitative physiological characterization in bioreactor cultures. The postdoc will join a team that currently consists of a PI and three PhD students and, in addition to running an independent project, will be actively engaged in activities of the other team members. Part of the research will involve collaboration with an academic group in the United States.

Application Deadline: April 19th, 2023

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19. Postdoctoral Position in development of GeoBIM 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The 3D Geoinformation group focuses on the technologies underpinning geographical information systems (GIS), and aims at designing, developing, and implementing better systems to model 3D cities, buildings and landscapes. It is a multidisciplinary group of around 25 people, including computer scientists, geomatics engineers, and geographers; 6 of them are tenured staff (1 professor, 1 associate-professor, and 4 assistant-professors). The group has a history of successful collaborations with industry and government in the past: its research has led to open source software, standards, and patents for the management of 3D geographic information and Building Information Models.

Application Deadline: April 24, 2023

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20. Postdoctoral Position in Ventilation and Airborne transmission

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Medio 2022, the Pandemic Prepardeness programme through ventilation (P3Venti) was created to develop knowledge on the role of airborne transmission of viruses and other pathogens, and on the effectiveness of ventilation as mitigation measure. As Postdoc within the group Indoor Environment, you will be working on research line III of the P3Venti programme, which is concerned with the impact of ventilation on airborne transmission, specifically in longterm healthcare facilities. The aim is to study the effect of different ventilation regimes on the infection risk through experimental research in the Experience room of the SenseLab in combination with modelling activities.

Application Deadline: April 30, 2023

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21. Postdoctoral Position in Techno-Economic Assessment and Simulation of Heat Storage

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The EU aims to have a net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) economy by 2050. At present, heating and cooling represent around 50% of the final energy use in Europe and are mainly supplied by fossil fuel derived energy. Because sustainable heat is mainly available in summer and demand is high in winter, large scale seasonal heat storage is a key strategy to decarbonize heating in order to achieve EU ambitions. TU Delft leads a large European project that will showcase and develop full-scale application of heat storage (up to 90°C) in geothermal reservoirs using three different technologies: Aquifer, Borehole and Mine Thermal Energy Storage (ATES, BTES, MTES), at 6 different sites in Europe which together represent a relevant range of geological conditions across Europe.

Application Deadline: 10 April 2023

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22. Postdoctoral Position in EU SEAMLESS Project

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The technology to support autonomous short-sea and inland vessel navigation has been actively developed and successfully demonstrated in several recent research projects. However, several technical challenges remain: 1) the lack of standardization that leads to adhoc, time-consuming, and costly vessel approval, 2) too strict requirements for system redundancy (e.g., multiple backup systems) to acquire type approval, which is a significant cost driver, 3) unclear liability assignment in case of an accident that may lead to increased insurance costs for all, 4) increased uncertainty with respect to how autonomous vessels will safely interact with conventional, crewed vessels, especially in high traffic situations25, exacerbated by thefact that COLREGs currently intended for human interpretation are too vague the Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) schemes for autonomous vessels.

Application Deadline: 12 April 2023

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23. Postdoctoral Position in Multi-frequency volumetric ultrasound probes 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This position is part of a collaborative project between the Delft University of Technology, University of Twente, and the University Medical Center Utrecht. The strategy of this SOUND-CHECK project is to make use of the potential of microbubbles to deposit drugs on the microscale level to treat head and neck cancer, including metastases. We will build new hardware (novel transducer technology, your work), and combine it with new biofabrication methods (3D printed phantoms) and new software algorithms (deep learning predictors) by the other partners to detect the unique nonlinear signatures of the microbubbles, to quantify the location and amount of drugs delivered, and to control and monitor the therapy.

Application Deadline: 14th of April 2023

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