Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? King’s College London, London, England invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal.
1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Understanding how tyrosine phosphatases regulate the cytoskeleton
Summary of PhD Program:
This project will focus on the spatiotemporal regulation of the phosphatases PTPRA and PRL-2, both of which can bind membranes. Using CRISPR and RNAi-based approaches, we will replace these proteins in mammalian cell lines with truncated, mutant and fluorescently tagged variants and assay for localisation to the virus, cell membrane and the impact on actin dynamics. To identify interactors and substrates of PTPRA and PRL-2, we will use proximity-labelling and mass-spectrometry to identify host and viral, protein and lipidic interactors. Candidate interactions will be verified in cells by immunoprecipitation and co-labelling, and functionally tested in infected and uninfected cells.
Application Deadline: 10 February 2025
2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Theoretical Physics
Summary of PhD Program:
The Theoretical Physics Group in the Department of Mathematics invites applications for PhD students to undertake research under the supervision of a member of the Group. The Group’s interests cover a wide range of topics in modern Theoretical Physics including Gravity, Quantum Field Theory, Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, String Theory and Supersymmetry.
Application Deadline: 15 January 2025
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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Restoring brain health in steatotic liver disease
Summary of PhD Program:
This project will advance understanding of the abnormal physiological processes occurring in the brain during MASLD. By combining analysis of animal samples and human bio banked data, we will investigate whether brain blood vessel changes can be reversed by treating MASLD, or if the changes are irreversible.
Application Deadline: 09 February 2025
4. Fully Funded PhD Position in The hydrodynamic principles for many-body systems out of equilibrium: understanding fluctuations and entanglement
Summary of PhD Program:
The general principles of hydrodynamics give a powerful framework to understand large-scale behaviours, much beyond hydrodynamics from textbooks. For instance, in integrable systems, which admit many more conservation laws than the usual energy and momentum, the hydrodynamic equations are very different – the theory is called Generalised Hydrodynamics. Most interestingly, in general, there are powerful “hydrodynamic field theories” to describe fluctuations, which show unusual non-equilibrium effects. The project will explore correlations and fluctuations at large scales using and extending these powerful new theories.
Application Deadline: 10 January 2025
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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Search for Neutrinoless double beta decay with SNO+
Summary of PhD Program:
The SNO+ experiment is a low background multi-purpose liquid scintillator experiment, operating in Canada. The experiment is currently taking data with pure scintillator allowing oscillation measurements with solar and reactor neutrinos and various other low energy analyses. Tellurium isotope addition is planned to start towards the end of 2025 to enable a search for neutrino-less double beta decay. This student will take a leading role in the SNO+ double beta analysis. They will analyse the first isotope data, with a goal of characterising the detector response using known internal sources including 2-neutrino double beta decay of 130Te, and evaluating and rejecting background contributions based on side-band samples.
Application Deadline: 31 January 2025
6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Large-Scale Continuous Nonlinear Optimisation
Summary of PhD Program:
This project will focus on the development and analysis of efficient and robust optimisation algorithms for the solution of general or application-directed nonlinear (possibly stochastic, non-smooth, or nonconvex) continuous optimisation problems of large-scale (i.e., problems with millions to billions to variables). This research will involve deriving novel first- and/or second-order optimisation methods, conducting convergence analyses and developing associated efficient implementations.
Application Deadline: 25 August 2025
7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Nonlocal correlation effects in magnets and high-temperature superconductors
Summary of PhD Program:
Strongly correlated electron systems feature a wide range of fascinating phenomena such as correlation-driven Mott metal-to-insulator transitions, different types of magnetic orders ranging from ferro- to antiferro-magnetism, high-temperature superconductivity, nematic order and many more. On the other hand, it is very challenging to describe such systems theoretically as standard mean field approaches and density-functional-theory-based methods do not provide reliable results. In this respect, the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) has presented a huge step forward as it can capture an importation portion of the correlation effects, namely the purely local ones.
Application Deadline: Open until filled
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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Nominal Specification and Verification Environments
Summary of PhD Program:
Software verification techniques have been successfully used to prove correctness of low-level programs, but verification of high-level programming languages is challenging: it requires reasoning about name binding (e.g., visible/hidden channel names, scoping rules defining local and global variable names, parameter passing and substitution of values for variables). A standard approach to deal with name binding in verification tasks is to replace names with numerical codes (de Bruijn indices). While this avoids some of the difficulties of reasoning about names in programs, conducting a formalisation in de Bruijn style is labour-intensive and imposes a significant overhead to comprehending and reusing proofs.
Application Deadline: 31 May 2025
9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mechanics of Creases in Thin Sheets
Summary of PhD Program:
In this project, you will develop fundamental understanding of how the material and geometric properties of a crease affect its out-of-plane bending behaviour and associated buckling instabilities. This will be achieved through a combination of mathematical modelling using thin shell theory and asymptotic methods; numerical simulations, either using a coarse lattice model or commercial finite element software; and laboratory experiments on thin polymeric sheets. The knowledge developed throughout this project will inform engineering applications of creased sheets across a wide variety of contexts, including origami-based materials, shape-morphing ‘groovy metasheets’ and deployable space structures.
Application Deadline: 11 August 2025
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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Interacting Particle Systems and Out-of-equilibrium dynamics
Summary of PhD Program:
The project is in Probability Theory and will consist of the study and mathematical analysis of problems involving interacting particle systems, percolation or mixing time of Markov chains. All candidates with interest in the above areas and a solid background in Probability Theory are encouraged to apply.
Application Deadline: 31 January 2025
11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Applied Mathematics Research
Summary of PhD Program:
A particularly important feature of neurons in neural networks is their activation function: how the input that a neuron receive– from the outside world or from other neurons – to an output. This mapping can be modelled in a number of ways, but how different forms of activation functions affect learning dynamics and computational properties in neural networks is largely unknown. In this project, you will use methods from disordered systems and statistical physics to address this problem. In particular, you will study how the ability of neural networks may be optimized by adapting neuronal activation functions to different learning rules and input statistics.
Application Deadline: 01 March 2025
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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Ergodic Theory for Complex Systems
Summary of PhD Program:
Complex systems are made of a large number of components intricately interacting with each other. Even when the components are well understood in isolation, it is a great challenge to determine the emergent behaviour that results from their interactions. Models of complex systems are often prescribed by a network where each node represents a component/unit and where the links prescribe the structure of the interactions among them. Changes in the interaction structure have far reaching effects.
Application Deadline: 31 January 2025
13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Causality Representation Learning based Language Models
Summary of PhD Program:
Start Up Studentship – In storytelling, characters are the heartbeat of the narrative. Every action, choice, and conflict stems from who the characters are, what they want, and what they fear. A character-centric story places the individual at the centre, focusing not just on the plot, but on the emotional arcs, personal growth, and relationships that drive the narrative forward. However, in current research on large language models, the generated content is typically written in the third person and lacks interactivity.
Application Deadline: 31 May 2025
14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Advanced robotic micro-manipulation of gametes
Summary of PhD Program:
Infertility is a global concern, affecting approximatively 1 in 6 couples who are trying to conceive. In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is an effective fertility treatment; however, worldwide only a privileged 2% of the clinically infertile can access IVF. In the UK, approximatively 60% of the couple who could benefit from IVF still do not have access to treatment and most UK patients end up paying out of pocket due to limited public funds. The high cost of treatment, together with the low success rate of around 33%, prohibit the widespread use of IVF.
Application Deadline: 12 January 2025
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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Machine learning the dynamics of force-sensing proteins
Summary of PhD Program:
Mechanosensing proteins detect mechanical forces within cells and convert them into biochemical signals. Understanding the dynamic behaviour of these proteins under force is key for advancing our understanding of this process called mechanotransduction. Recent advances in single-molecule magnetic tweezers instrumentation have opened up exciting possibilities for studying these proteins under physiologically relevant forces, providing unprecedented insights into their functional states as done in a recent study by Rafael Tapia-Rojo [1]. The typical readout of such measurements is a stochastic trajectory that randomly oscillates around certain equilibrium points and quickly switches between them. In these trajectories, the signal is embedded in noise.
Application Deadline: 15 January 2025
16. Fully Funded PhD Position
Summary of PhD Program:
LISS DTP delivers much of its training through 13 Pathways, covering five broad strategic research areas: (1) health, well-being and social inclusion; (2) economics and business; (3) language, culture and education; (4) the environment and urban life; and (5) security and governance.
Application Deadline: 24 January 2025
17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Knowledge Orders before Modernity
Summary of PhD Program:
The Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarships Programme `Knowledge Orders before Modernity’ (KOM) is an innovative collaboration between King’s College London and the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) at the University of Kent. The programme explores the capacity of the handwritten word comparatively, after as well as before the advent of the printing press, outside as well as within western cultures. It seeks to challenge a conventional periodization which associates complex knowledge, complex archival mechanisms, and mundane recording with the development of western print culture.
Application Deadline: 27 February 2025
18. Fully Funded PhD Position
Summary of PhD Program:
Joint PhD Scholarships are offered by the King’s Doctoral College for joint PhD programmes between King’s College London and four of its international partner universities (listed below) for the 2025/26 academic year.
Partner Universities:
The University of Hong Kong
Humboldt University, Berlin
The National University of Singapore
The University of Sao Paulo
Application Deadline: 02 March 2025
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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Investigating the role of CD74 as a therapeutic target in discoid lupus erythematosus
Summary of PhD Program:
This will involve analysis of an IMC dataset of 8 DLE skin biopsies and 8 health control donor (HCD) biopsies. Images will be normalised, and cell segmentation will be performed using established pipelines developed by the Bodenmiller laboratory. Cell classification will then be performed. Our laboratory has experience of using Random Forest Classification but there is scope to use other classification methods to for this dataset. The frequency and phenotype of immune cell subsets will then be compared between DLE and HCD and a neighbourhood analysis will then be performed to look at cell-cell interaction.
Application Deadline: 03 February 2025
20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Impact of clonal haematopoiesis on ventricular remodelling after myocardial infarction: establishing high throughput screening for translatable therapeutic targets
Summary of PhD Program:
This PhD project aims to address the critical challenge of heart failure (HF) following myocardial infarction (MI), a leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally, especially among individuals under 60. The project seeks to investigate the role of clonal haematopoiesis (CH), a novel risk factor for HF characterised by the acquisition of mutations in haematopoietic cells, which drive dysfunctional inflammatory responses contributing to adverse cardiac remodelling post-MI.
Application Deadline: 03 March 2025
21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Brain health
Summary of PhD Program:
PhD opportunities are offered across a wide range of subject areas, focusing on understanding the fetal origins of childhood brain health. The PhD projects will include human developmental neuroscience, maternal immune activation and immunology, MRI imaging and analysis and computational modelling of fetal and neonatal brain development. Clinicians are encouraged to apply.
Application Deadline: 12 February 2025
22. Fully Funded PhD Position in performance and medicine
Summary of PhD Program:
Your proposed research should aim to evidence how performance might be used to address urgent challenges and opportunities faced by future doctors and those who teach them. ‘Performance’ is defined broadly, to encompass staged or scripted performances (for example theatre, live art, popular forms), applied performance practices, or as a lens for analysing human behaviour and interaction. These pragmatic and conceptual perspectives promise fresh approaches at a time when the welcome diversification of the medical student population challenges models of medical authority and objectivity tainted by medicine’s colonial and patriarchal history; and when expectations and values set by professional frameworks (for example patient-centredness and empathy) are strained by the reality of working in a healthcare service rocked by challenging working conditions.
Application Deadline: 15 January 2025
23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Chemical origins of biological catalysis on early Earth
Summary of PhD Program:
Building on recent work that prebiotic reaction pathways efficiently produce a range RNA, peptide, and coenzyme precursors under simulated early Earth conditions, we want to investigate the conventional and prebiotic chemical synthesis of biological molecules with potential catalytic functions. Our goals are to develop robust and scalable chemical syntheses that are amenable to rapidly generating catalyst libraries. These will be used to investigate their organocatalytic properties in challenging prebiotic chemical reactions. This is an exciting opportunity to tackle the origin of life question using synthetic organic chemistry and analytical chemistry.