
23 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Silicon Carbide Quantum Sensing Devices

Summary of PhD Program:

The goal of this project is to develop a spin-based opto-electronic quantum device for magnetic sensing in silicon carbide. Recent results have shown that spins in silicon carbide exhibit excellent properties, preserving fragile quantum states for long time [2,3]. As a semiconductor widely used in microelectronics, silicon carbide is a promising platform to integrate spintronic functionalities in quantum devices compatible with the current industrial processing techniques. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum technologies with an ideal source of indistinguishable single photons

Summary of PhD Program:

Indistinguishable single photons are an essential resource for quantum photonic logic gates and networking. Among the various approaches to generate identical light quanta, resonance fluorescence (RF) from a semiconductor quantum dot (QD) is one of the most promising for practical technological implementation. This project will exploit recent advances in the efficient generation of indistinguishable single photons to implement novel quantum networking and quantum optics schemes for the first time.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum Superpositions of Mechanical Oscillators

Summary of PhD Program:

More than a 100 years after the discovery of Quantum Mechanics, the emergence of classical behaviour in a world that is believed to be described by Quantum Theory is still not well understood. There is therefore still a debate on whether Quantum Theory should also be valid on the macroscopic length and mass scales of our everyday life or whether it is expected to break down for objects above a certain size or weight. To resolve this question, researcher aim for conducting experiments that show (or do not show) quantum behaviour for ever large and heavier objects.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum Simulations with Superconducting Circuits

Summary of PhD Program:

Using a well-controlled quantum system to simulate complex quantum matter is an idea that has been put forward by Feynman around 30 years ago and seen some beautiful realisations with ultra-cold atoms in the last decade. Recently superconducting circuits featuring Josephson junctions have been discovered as an alternative technological platform with possibilities for quantum simulations that may complement the successes of ultra-cold atoms. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum Digital Signatures

Summary of PhD Program:

This theoretical project lies in the rapidly growing field of quantum information science. It brings together fundamental quantum mechanics and state-of-the-art quantum technology. We will investigate novel schemes for digital signatures that use quantum mechanics. Digital signatures ensure that messages cannot be forged or tampered with, and are widely used to provide security for electronic communications, for example in financial transactions and electronic mail.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum Communications: Quantum digital signatures and quantum amplifiers

Summary of PhD Program:

Our group has five laboratories with a total floor area of more than 105 m² and will shortly be joining a new collaborative facility leveraging the skills and technologies of the local Quantum Communications Technologies Hub colleagues. The research group has direct ownership of world–leading state–of–the–art equipment with a total value in excess of £3 million and shared access to the national network of resources from the Quantum Communications Technologies Hub. Access to these resources and expertise will allow a successful candidate to drive the rapid development of world–leading experimental systems and test–beds and lead to publications in high impact journals.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Probing the Quantum Nature of the Avian Compass

Summary of PhD Program:

In this project you will be developing theoretical models of the physical properties of a radical pair of spins in a condensed matter environment. This will be accomplished by applying and developing non-Markovian open quantum systems techniques. The goal of this project will be to understand how the exceptionally long-lived quantum coherence may survive in the messy physical environment surrounding the core compass unit, and to develop experimentally testable predictions.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Plastic semiconductor physics

Summary of PhD Program:

Great progress has been made in the last ten years to exploit the enormous potential of organic semiconductor materials e.g. OLED displays and solar cells. In contrast to inorganic lattice semiconductors such as Si or GaAs, the molecular structure of organic semiconductors consists of a polymer chain of repeat units with long-range electronic correlation (conjugation) along the backbone which dominates the optical properties. This backbone is neither straight, not fixed, being affected by both thermal motion and its local environment (e.g. neighbouring chains or other molecules). 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Photon Fluids and Photon Condensation

Summary of PhD Program:

The goal of this project is to use so called photon fluids to study superfluidity and Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) dynamics, including soliton formation, vortex pair interaction and turbulence. A photon fluid is created by shining an intense light beam in a nonlinear, defocusing medium. The nonlinear propagation equations are then identical to those of a fluid and waves on the beam transverse profile behave according to the physics to hydrodynamics: they behave exactly as waves on a fluid surface.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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Fully Funded PhD Position in Optical metasurfaces rewrite the rule of optical design

Summary of PhD Program:

Optical metasurfaces are engineered interfaces that contain a thin layer of plasmonic or dielectric nanostructures capable of manipulating light in a desirable manner by imparting local and space-variant abrupt phase, amplitude and polarization change. Advances in metasurfaces have led to various practical applications. Our recent work includes the realization of polarization-dependent broadband metasurface hologram, multifunction optical devices, longitudinal multi-foci lens, broadband vortex beam generator, helicity dependent directional surface plasmon polariton excitation and so on.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Optical code based high speed secure optical Communication system

Summary of PhD Program:

The project will investigate high speed (up to 100 Gbps) secure optical communication system based on optical code technology. Quantum technology will also be used. The project requires both theoretical and experimental investigations and the student has the opportunity to carry out experiments a world leading telecommunication labs in Japan and UK. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Open Quantum Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

No physical system is truly isolated. An open quantum system is a quantum system whose dynamics are determined both by interactions internal to the system and by influences from an environment. Markovian behaviour arises when the environment is essentially “memory-less”, leading, roughly speaking, to exponential decay of the quantities involved. The non-Markovian case is much less well understood, but is becoming increasingly relevant as our ability to control quantum systems experimentally develops.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in On-chip near-zero-index photonics

Summary of PhD Program:

The proposed project aims at solving many of the “intrinsic” limitations of nanocomponents, namely large ohmic losses, poor tunability of the optical properties, and CMOS incompatibility. This will be achieved by developing novel all-dielectric devices and structured materials. The quantum features of the fabricated systems will be then tested in the index-near-zero regime where both nonlinearities and quantum coherence are predicted to be enhanced. The transient behavior under optical excitation will also be investigated in detail.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Novel real time imaging system

Summary of PhD Program:

High-resolution, high-speed imaging technology is very powerful tool for scientific research and biomedical applications. The project will study to apply our unique time-domain spectral-phase encoding/decoding technique in real-time imaging systems for biomedical, scientific research, and manufacturing applications. The project requires both theoretical and experimental investigations. The student has the opportunity to collaborate with researchers from universities and industry in China. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Novel MCF functional components for optical communication and sensing applications

Summary of PhD Program:

This project aims to develop novel functional components based on MCF to perform in-line signal processing on SDM signals in each core of the MCF. The research involves both theoretical and experimental investigations. The project will develop modelling tools, design and analysis MCF based components, develop fabrication techniques using laser inscription technology and demonstrate the applications of these functional components in optical communication network and sensing systems. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Novel high-brightness diode lasers

Summary of PhD Program:

The objective of this project is to develop novel technologies relating to high-power, high-brightness diode laser sources. It aims to develop a new beam combining optical scheme coupled to an additively manufactured (AM) carrier with built-in cooling to accurately and stably mount the diode lasers and optics. Power and brightness scaling will be achieved using custom micro-optics to combine a number of laser diode arrays using spatial, polarisation and wavelength techniques. Scalable, high brightness direct diode power will have a broad range of applications, but in particular machine concepts will be investigated for beam delivery to a metal AM powder bed, to characterise and understand the beam-powder interaction and subsequent melt pool dynamics.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Novel high brightness direct diode laser sources and their use in powder bed additive layer manufacturing

Summary of PhD Program:

This project is part of the research collaboration between Renishaw PLC, the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Laser-based Production Processes (CIM-Laser) and Heriot-Watt University. Our target is to design, develop and demonstrate novel laser systems that can be used for future manufacturing applications, including powder bed additive layer manufacturing.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Gravitational and quantum field theory analogues in nonlinear optics

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of this project is to develop to the full the above analogies, with the aim of discovering new phenomena in nonlinear optics. This will allow our experimental partners to apply this knowledge and construct devices of new generation that are able to control light at a new level. Applications of the successful completion of this theoretical programme include, but are not limited to: supercontinuum generation (i.e. the explosive generation of many frequencies inside an optical medium), soliton physics and four-wave mixing.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Fluids, superfluids and artificial black holes made of light

Summary of PhD Program:

This project, at the interface between laser physics, superfluid physics and quantum physics will investigate new systems in which to observe photon fluid dynamics and will then apply these concepts to a variety of problems. Most notably, we have a long-standing interest in so-called “analogue gravity”, i.e. the creation of hydrodynamical analogues for curved spacetimes that can then be used to mimic and study objects such as (artificial) rotating black holes or (artificial) gravitational waves.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Filming light at a trillion frames per second

Summary of PhD Program:

Recent developments in optical technologies have enabled a wide range of novel and quantum technologies that are gradually making their way towards the market. At the same time, they have brought a revival in the interest for certain very fundamental aspects of optics, quantum optics and single or few photon physics. This project aims at developing a new and emerging technology, single-photon sensitive SPAD array cameras, that will allow us to observe the world in a fundamental and new way. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in quantum digital signatures and quantum amplifiers

Summary of PhD Program:

The student will join an existing team, who have excellent links with other major Universities in the field, such as Bristol and Strathclyde, as well as the other Hub partners, such as Toshiba and The National Physical Laboratory, and major international research institutions, such as the Japanese National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT). A willingness and ability to travel globally would be an advantage.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Doped Silicon as a Quantum Physics Test-bed

Summary of PhD Program:

In this theoretical project we will search for and investigate other analogues in the solid-state which can be used, e.g., for controlling quantum entangled states with light pulses. Another intriguing avenue is the emergence of quantum chaos, which the mixing of spherical symmetry (from dopant potential) and cylindrical symmetry (from an applied magnetic field) could induce. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Creation and application of ultra-high rate photonic quantum bytes

Summary of PhD Program:

In this PhD project you will increase the generation rates of photonic quantum bytes by many orders of magnitude. This improvement will be achieved through cutting edge technology: gigahertz-clocked lasers, highly-efficient nonlinear optics, and state-of-the art superconducting photon detectors. By removing one of the major roadblocks for the scalability of photonic quantum technology, you will be able to implement next-generation quantum protocols which have so far been out of reach.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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