
22 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Edinburgh, Scotland

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Edinburgh, Scotland invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Flow inside supersaturated Saline droplets

Summary of PhD Program:

Droplets on surfaces are of significant interest in many research fields from heat exchange to staining of materials and to transmission of viruses. When a droplet dries on a surface, materials within it are deposited due to internal flows within the droplet and may create a stain or a crystal pattern. The structure of this stain is dependent on the heat, momentum and the mass transport within the droplet during its evaporation. It is also dependent on the behavior of the three-phase contact line and the liquid contact with the surface. For a sessile droplet of salt solution, such as sodium chloride, it is usually assumed that at a relative humidity below around 75% (the deliquescence limit) salt crystallization will occur if the concentration of the droplet is above the saturation limit and the surface contains enough roughness to trigger heterogeneous crystallization.

Application Deadline: November 18, 2023

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Engineering Education

Summary of PhD Program:

The successful candidate will develop and evaluate remote laboratory-based teaching exercises for large classes of engineering students (>450) at the University of Edinburgh, which will then go on to be used around the country and further afield. We currently deliver traditional laboratories over a wide range of engineering teaching with examples including labs on the strength of materials, chemical processes, renewable energy devices, dynamics, microcontrollers, electronics, and control systems amongst others. Our remote experiments either complement or extend these, with examples including harmonic motion, rotational position and velocity control, strain in truss structures, electromagnetic measurements, and forthcoming experiments in microcontroller programming and electronic sensing.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Microfluidics

Summary of PhD Program:

In this PhD you will discover how a static non uniform electric field can create arbitrary surface shapes, wrinkles and beyond, on the surface of a thin film of a dielectric liquid. You will then investigate how that surface can affect the wettability of a droplet of a second immiscible liquid resting on the film. You will then move on the using modulated dynamic electric fields to discover how these can be used to continuously manipulate the immiscible droplet for application on the Microfluidics.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Ocean Enterprise

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD, in partnership with Sonardyne, will focus on: new systems to enable underwater network capabilities; measuring the right parameters and transforming unwieldy measurement data volumes into useful information; new “smart” modes of operation of sensors (training operation on existing multi-year datasets) to increase data availability and/or value and, interfaces to allow a combined simulation-measurement approach.

Application Deadline: October 20, 2023

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Desalination with low temperature heat

Summary of PhD Program:

In your studies, you will research and develop a technology (sorption desalination) to use low temperature heat for the production of freshwater by exploiting recent innovations in material science and engineering. You will work in the Emerging Sustainable Technologies Laboratory (ESTech Lab), be part of a world leading research group in sustainable technologies towards the development of a proof-of-concept super-efficient processes for heat-powered desalination, have access to state-of-the-art equipment including rapid prototyping tools (e.g. 3D-printing) and brainstorm new technological avenues for desalination.

Application Deadline: November 15, 2023

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Conversion of humidity to electricity

Summary of PhD Program:

Sudden humidity swings are part of our daily life from natural or manmade occurrences. Human body temperature regulation works on the evapotranspiration of water through the skin, the relative humidity in a dishwasher usually swings from 30% to 100% and humidity changes between day and night are present in humid and dry areas alike. The swing between two relative humidity levels always corresponds to an energy change which is possible to harvest. In the past, three proof of principles experiments exploiting three different mechanisms have shown that it is possible to harvest energy from humidity but not beyond the generation of negligible powers.

Application Deadline: November 15, 2023

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biopolymers

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of this project is to evaluate the replacement of current fossil fuel based plastics with bio based ones in sectors such as packaging and membrane separations. Materials considered include polyhydroxyalkanoates obtained by bacterial fermentation, polysaccharides, polycaprolactone etc., and their blends. The project will involve and combine synergistically the experimental approach with the computational one, i.e. Molecular Dynamics (MD) to gain insight into the microscopic structure and dynamics of such materials, The computational screening of such systems allows to identify the most promising candidate for a specific application, thus reducing the experimental effort and informing future experimental campaigns.

Application Deadline: January 27, 2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Antimicrobial coatings for biomedical applications

Summary of PhD Program:

Antimicrobial coating industry is rapidly growing. This is to prevent the serious problems caused by bacterial adhesion and subsequent biofilm formation on the surfaces of many devices. The project to be carried out in the Institute for Bioengineering at the University of Edinburgh is going to combine anti-adhesive approach to prevent bacterial adsorption and bactericidal method to achieve effective antimicrobial coatings.

Application Deadline: October 3, 2023

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in America’s Cup yacht hydrofoils

Summary of PhD Program:

In 2013, for the first time, the America’s Cup was sailed with foiling boats. This led to fast growth in the use of foils on both sailing and power boats, both for racing and cruising. Foiling allows unprecedented speed and comfort, but it raises significant design challenges on control and safety. The project aims at developing an in-depth understanding of the unsteady hydrodynamics of America’s Cup hydrofoils. The project will be performed with the partnership of world-leading yacht designers and professional sailors, and will be potentially affiliated with an America Cup team.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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Fully Funded PhD Position in Aerodynamics of the gliding seeds of the Javan cucumber vine

Summary of PhD Program:

The Javan cucumber (Alsomitra macrocarpa) is a vine that climbs the trees of tropical forests toward the canopy and sunlight. At great heights, it grows pods that contain hundreds of winged seeds. As the wind blows against the opening of the pods, the samaras are peeled away and released. Unlike many gliding seeds that use auto-rotation, the seed of the Javan cucumber vine exhibits a stable gliding flight with its paper-thin wings. The seed’s design is efficient enough to achieve a slower rate of descent compared to that of rotating winged seeds. This aerodynamic advantage allows the seed to be easily carried by the wind several hundred metres. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Aerodynamics of high-performance yacht sails

Summary of PhD Program:

The proposed project aims to investigate the fluid dynamics of yacht sails. Sails have unique flow features, which allows the generation of very high lift and high lift/drag ratio compared to wings and blades commonly used in other fields such as aeronautics and turbo machinery. The project aims to understand the underlying mechanisms of these flow features in order to allow the performance of sails to be further enhanced and, importantly, to allow the cross fertilisation of ideas in research fields where there is a need for fluid dynamic efficiency.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Marine Renewable Energy

Summary of PhD Program:

The study of cephalopods (octopuses and squids) has demonstrated that bodies which undergo shape variations while traveling across a dense medium can exploit added-mass-variation in order to enhance thrust. This very same principle can be applied to a submerged mass-spring-damper system, showing that an actively controlled shape-variation routine can drive the oscillator in resonance by using the added-mass-variation force to balance viscous drag.

Application Deadline: December 31, 2023

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Pressure Swing Adsorption 

Summary of PhD Program:

This project is aimed to develop and advance a Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology for its application to various industries for CO2 capture. To achieve the objective, you will try to enhance the process design, e.g. the step sequence of a cycle, explore novel CO2-selective porous materials, e.g. structured adsorbents, and ultimately optimise the operating conditions for a greater performance given the chosen adsorbent.

Application Deadline: November 15, 2023

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in 3D printed devices

Summary of PhD Program:

This proposed project aims to achieve a tenfold increase in separation times and binding capacities for viral carriers compared to conventional chromatographic resins. This will be accomplished by fine-tuning the printing ink composition, enhancing printing resolution, and designing custom column morphologies. Furthermore, the incorporation of novel chemical ligands with enhanced bioselectivity will enable the discrimination between biologically active viral vectors and their non-active counterparts.

Application Deadline: September 15, 2023

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Capillary flows

Summary of PhD Program:

Capillary imbibition is a phenomenon in which a liquid spontaneously fills a porous solid due to the to surface tension (think water invading a sponge). Capillary imbibition occurs in many natural and technological processes, including plant water uptake, microfluidics, and printing. Crucially, thus far we understand how a liquid invades a solid medium, but what happens if the solid is replaced by a liquid? This is a fundamental question in fluid mechanics which has substantial potential to unlock solutions in engineering, ranging from reducing friction to enabling the manipulation of droplets in micromechanical devices.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Smart Surfaces for Anti-Scaling

Summary of PhD Program:

Scaling and mineral deposits that occur due to dissolved materials in water is a problem in many industrial applications. How to remove this scaling without the use of harsh chemicals or methods to prevent it is crucial importance to both the environment and the economy. Studying scaling and its mitigation with new smart substrates gives us scientific insight that allows many technological advances.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Saline droplet evaporation

Summary of PhD Program:

In this PhD you will investigate how the initial concentration of salt in saline droplets can affect the nature of the evaporation pattern formed in an array of droplets. You will then investigate how by changing the initial droplet concentration and the shape of the array, it might be possible to create well defined evaporation patterns. You will then investigate their uses in applications such as surface design, 3D printing or droplet microfluidics.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Coronavirus

Summary of PhD Program:

The proposed PhD research plan is to develop further a new methodology that can help combat the COVID-19 pandemic by remote microwave sterilization of surfaces and air particles using antenna radiation and wireless power transmission. The concept basically works like a conventional microwave oven where materials/surfaces, etc. can be sterilized by radiating safe RF/microwave energy.

Application Deadline: November 22, 2023

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electronics and Radar Antenna Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

In order to make autonomous technology a reality, detection of objects and vehicles requires accurate and a real-time response whilst employing clever radar signal processing techniques. The PhD research will work towards the design, implementation and testing of new RF antennas and electronics to support this every expanding industrial trend. In particular, high-resolution in angle is sought for the following applications: lane change assist, collision avoidance, and complete automobile self-driving. The PhD research activities will include but are not limited to optimal antenna array design, new radar electronic testing and implementation, calibrations, and adapting the most efficient signal processing routines.

Application Deadline: December 14, 2023

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in gas-microdroplet interaction

Summary of PhD Program:

Efficient dispersion of sterilants such as ethylene oxide, vapourised hydrogen peroxide and ozone is a crucial determinant of microbial inactivation potential during the decontamination of ordinary surfaces, medical equipment, and indoor environments. This project will focus on the development of CFD-based models that will enable better designs of disinfection equipment and layouts of indoor spaces. The project will also involve some laboratory experimentation, which will be essential for validating CFD simulations. You should have a background in multiphase flow modelling with excellent data post-processing and programming skills (e.g., via user-defined functions in relevant CFD Software).

Application Deadline: September 7, 2023

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Carbon Capture from the atmosphere

Summary of PhD Program:

Within the ESTEch Lab team, you will automatize and test a direct air capture laboratory-scale unit. We are looking for a person who can expand and gradually take the lead of the automation area of the ESTech Lab team. Expertise in Mechatronics is essential for this position. Previous knowledge in separation processes is less important since you are supported and supervised by the expertise of other researchers in the team, with the aim of learning the required knowledge by doing during the project development.

Application Deadline: November 15, 2023

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Low-carbon building retrofit

Summary of PhD Program:

Scotland and UK building owners and estate managers need to reach net zero carbon performance across their building stock with a no-regrets approach and within a set target timeline. The solution is often not straightforward which creates confusion and poor planning. This specific challenge occurs when dealing with existing buildings and the available technology solutions supported by the infrastructure nearby. Future proofing building improvements and thermal retrofits with low-carbon heating technology are considered the best approach, however, the problem faced by the industry is to know exactly the best approach to take considering the building type and reducing the required energy and carbon emissions whilst balancing occupants satisfaction levels and health conditions. All this without increasing the energy bills and capital/ maintenance costs.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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