
22 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Swansea University, Wales, United Kingdom

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Swansea University, Wales, United Kingdom invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Science

Summary of PhD Program:

The project aims to study the feasibility of developing an AI model-based digital twin model, trained by the simulated data from physics-based model for predictive NDE. This will be achieved by systematically integrating modelling, data and AI into digital twin practices, and be delivered through the following inter-linked and measurable objectives:

  • Develop appropriate AI model and digital twin framework to work with data acquired for different NDT disciplines (e.g. acoustic emission, ultrasound and computed tomography).
  • Study, develop and validate AI models as model-based digital twin for the test specimen to predict the health conditions, which can be calibrated and improved using online test data
  • Develop novel methods to enhance current NDT capability by exploiting AI as predictive model (using data acquired over time).

Application Deadline: 23 August 2023

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biological Sciences

Summary of PhD Program:

In this collaborative PhD project the student will develop and test behaviour-based operational welfare indicators (OWIs) that can improve the welfare of selected farmed species. Using state-of-the art facilitires at the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR) we will assess the behavioural changes that occurr under artificial rearing in order to improve welfare and inform artificial selection progammes. A combination of behavioural assays, machine vision and deep-learning will be used.

Application Deadline: 31 July 2023

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Law

Summary of PhD Program:

The overriding aim of this project is to provide a better understanding of the nature and relative significance of the roles of different stakeholders in the governance of water. This includes Dŵr Cymru (the water authority responsible for water supply and sewerage), Natural Resources Wales (the regulator for water pollution and also responsible for drainage and flood prevention) and the many different environmental NGOs and other community groups that seek to protect water to their own ends. With a better understanding of the way conflicts between these stakeholders are played out in practice it will be possible to provide recommendations for changes to law, policy and governance structures to help reconcile these differences and assist these organisations work together to achieve better water quality.

Application Deadline: 14 July 2023

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Science

Summary of PhD Program:

Video instance segmentation aims at simultaneous detection, segmentation and tracking of object instances in videos. Given a test video, the task requires not only the masks of all instances of a predefined category set to be labelled but also the instance identities across frames to be associated. Existing methods follow a detection and association paradigm, which essentially performs spatial priors’ estimation and a temporal stitching afterwards. This may hinder VIS in the occlusion and long-term videos.

High-resolution (HR) features appear to be helpful to identify small and or occluded objects in static images. Thus, it is interesting to explore this valuable information that may benefit VIS. At the same time, HR feature fusion at temporal level to facilitate the long-term VIS remains open challenge. This project is motivated to design a latent space where HR features of instances can be properly fused at their temporal evolution. The research results will be also applied to related video-based tasks such as optical flow estimation, 3D reconstruction and 3D object detection.

Application Deadline: 28 June 2023

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Medical and Health Care Studies

Summary of PhD Program:

The Swansea University School of Medicine hosts a world-leading research programme in drug discovery and anticancer research. Medicinal chemistry plays a pivotal role in a wide range of aspects of drug discovery and development, offering many opportunities for interdisciplinary research. This research project, funded by Cancer Research Wales, runs in collaboration with the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the European Cancer Stem Cell Research Institute, both at Cardiff University, and aims to identify and develop novel inhibitors of GATA2, as an innovative approach to target leukaemia blasts and stem cells in therapy-resistant acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).

Application Deadline: 19 June 2023

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Sport and Exercise Science

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of this PhD project is to investigate the application of advanced data analytics to training load data to help improve the overall performance in international swimmers. Adequate training loads promote favourable physical and physiological adaptations, reduce the likelihood of illness and injury, and, therefore, increase the possibility of success. Collecting internal and external training loads has become a critical issue in elite sport practice and research. In this regard, monitoring athletes global training load is essential for undertaking whether athlete is positively adaptation to their training program.

Currently, training and competition data is gathered routinely using an array of cameras and on-body sensors to give performance staff an insight into the overall performance process, however these data streams are analysed and reported in isolation limiting the overall value and insight. The candidate will review current data streams, and apply specific data analytics to this, to retrospectively establish their efficacy in performance prediction.

Application Deadline: 26 June 2023

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biomedical Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of this PhD project is to investigate whether team performance indicators (PIs) are effective at predicting match outcomes in professional football played within the EFL Championship. The candidate will review current team performance indicators and apply these to legacy data from our project partner, Swansea City FC, to retrospectively establish their efficacy in match prediction.

Application Deadline: 26 June 2023

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Aerospace Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

The last decade has witnessed an ever-increasing demand for the application of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). Their low costs and high sensitivity have made them a very attractive option for detecting a variety of physical and chemical quantities, including very small mass, gas concentration and temperature variations. The proposed project aims to design and model a novel ultra-sensitive MEMS mass sensor. The sensitivity, selectivity and detection limit of the biosensor will be determined. We intend to uncover the underlying nonlinear dynamics and reduce the knowledge gap by gathering and consulting a very experienced group of researchers in the field.

Application Deadline: 5 June 2023

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Sport and Exercise Science

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD will examine biomechanical, neuromuscular, and muscle-tendon changes before and after surgery. The project will apply 3D motion capture data collection methods, existing musculoskeletal models, and imaging techniques (using ultrasound) to develop new data exploring internal knee forces and periarticular muscle-tendon properties before and after meniscal repair surgery. It is envisaged that this will improve the understanding of meniscal injuries, short and long-term consequences of surgery, which could lead to new interventions and healthcare technologies.

Application Deadline: 2 June 2023

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

Cubic boron arsenide (c-BAs) is emerging as a revolutionary semiconductor exhibiting a remarkably close electron mobility of 1400 cm2/Vs (1400 cm2/Vs for silicon) and hole mobility of about 2100 cm2/Vs (450 cm2/Vs for silicon), at room temperature. While the electron mobility is comparable to silicon, the hole mobility is substantially larger. Additionally, the c-BAs measured thermal conductivity is 1000 to 1300 W/mK, well above silicon (140 W/mK). These outstanding transport properties of c-BA call for great improvements in digital, radio-frequency (mobile computing), and photovoltaic (solar cells) applications.

Application Deadline: 31 May 2023

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Civil Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

Due to their multifunctional nature, EAPs can act actuators (or artificial muscles) by responding to stimuli faster than natural muscle or conventional motors, and their light weight makes them suitable for space platforms, prostheses, exoskeletons, haptic feedback devices, deformable lenses and other system concepts, such as Stacked EAPs (via a sandwiched composite arrangement of EAPs and electrodes), shown to exhibit output forces capable of locomotion/propulsion to lift/manipulate objects. EAPs can also be exploited as flexible tactile sensors (for machine touch), wearable motion-capture sensors and energy harvesters

Application Deadline: 31 May 2023

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Civil Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

Due to their multifunctional nature, EAPs can act as actuators (or artificial muscles) by responding to stimuli faster than natural muscle or conventional motors, and their light weight makes them suitable for space platforms, prostheses, exoskeletons, haptic feedback devices, deformable lenses and other system concepts, such as Stacked EAPs (via a sandwiched composite arrangement of EAPs and electrodes), shown to exhibit output forces capable of locomotion/propulsion to lift/manipulate objects. EAPs can also be exploited as flexible tactile sensors (for machine touch), wearable motion-capture sensors and energy harvesters

Application Deadline: 31 May 2023

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Business Administration

Summary of PhD Program:

As a result of a change in funding allocation, we are able to offer a limited number of full-fee scholarships available specifically for those researching projects in the field of Value-Based Health and Care. The Swansea School of Management DBA is a part-time professional doctorate designed for senior managers and leaders in all sectors; private, public and not-for-profit. On this programme, learners engage in applied research, bringing established and cutting-edge theory to bear on their practical organisational issues. You will develop and enrich practice in your field, as well as contributing to our understanding of the underpinning theoretical base for the work.

Application Deadline: 31 May 2023

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Civil Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

Traditionally, flood risk is mapped using deterministic and simple hydraulic models based on unrealistic assumptions like steady state flow conditions. However, such methods are simplistic and bear large uncertainties as flood events are dynamic, complex, three-dimensional phenomena, and thus rarely comply with these assumptions. Therefore, promoting the ability to credibly map flood risk and improving our understanding of the real risk posed to the public by these events are significant.

This project aims to develop a machine learning-based stochastic hydrodynamic modelling for flood risk mapping along with uncertainty assessment. In addition to the conventional flood risk assessment, it can quantify the level of uncertainty associated with flood modelling and assess the impacts of these uncertainties on flood risk. This is vital for reliable design of flood mitigation measures and for resilience of communities at risk of flood incidents.

Application Deadline: 29 May 2023

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Chemical Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

The performance and reliability of a battery pack is driven by its thermo-electro-chemistry; therefore the understanding, prediction and control of this highly coupled process is key for any novel battery design. Specifically, the capturing of the Joules Heating effect generated within a battery pack during a duty cycle is key for the prediction of localised stress concentrations or, overall failure, in the worst case scenario. This can potentially require extensive and expensive laboratory experimentation, which can delay the introduction of rapid developments in the field. With that in mind, computational simulation has been recently introduced as a complementary tool, seeking to replace lengthy experimental campaigns with high-fidelity computer models capable of predicting the behaviour of the battery at different levels (i.e. cell, pack, multi-packs).

Application Deadline: 31 May 2023

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Chemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

The UK agri-food industry which is worth around £108 billion to the national economy and provides over 3.7 million jobs. The agri-food sector as a whole generates around £18 billion of gross export earnings for the UK each year. The sector is keen to respond to policy issues relating to environment, energy consumption, health, food safety, wastage, and wellness as well as to consumer choice. Smart or precision agriculture is defined as a new way of sustainable agriculture which allows farmers to maximise crop yields using minimal resources (water, fertilizers, seeds etc) and reduce waste.

Application Deadline: 29 May 2023

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biological Sciences

Summary of PhD Program:

Within an EU-funded consortium seeking to advance state-of-the-art understanding and prediction of how multiple stressors and cumulative human impacts influence marine biodiversity, we are looking for a PhD candidate to work on how ‘stressors’, such as wind farms, and ‘attractors’, such as fishery discards, affect the foraging ecology of seabirds. The successful candidate would work within the Swansea Lab for Animal Movement (SLAM), deploying smart tags (such as ‘Daily Diaries’) on breeding seabirds in the North Atlantic as well as examining movement data from birds derived from ship transect data.

Application Deadline: 26 May 2023

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics

Summary of PhD Program:

Positronium (Ps), being an atomic-like purely leptonic system, attracts a great deal of theoretical studies. The same level of studies have not been achieved experimentally due to the difficulties in forming and probing the Ps. Swansea has one of only a handful of positron beamlines in the world capable of producing Ps in a manner suitable for spectroscopic investigations to compare against the predictions of these theoretical studies. This project will aim to perform experimental spectroscopic investigations of positronium.

Application Deadline: 24 May 2023

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mathematics

Summary of PhD Program:

Agent-based models are used to study complex phenomena in many fields of science. While simulating agent-based models is often straightforward, predicting their behaviour mathematically has remained a key challenge. Recently developed (by the supervisor with co-authors) mathematical methods allow the prediction of the emerging both spatial and spatiotemporal patterns for a general class of agent-based models. The technique is based on the multiscale approach where the behaviour of the system at the micro-level is approximated by its behaviour at the meso- and macro-levels by using the appropriate correction mechanisms.

Application Deadline: 24 May 2023

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Science

Summary of PhD Program:

This project studies the relationship between technology and sports, from its earliest days to the current state of the art and projections into the near future. The studentship supports study of co-production and utilisation of computing technology on and off the field of play. Areas for exploration include game tactics and coaching, athlete training and performance monitoring, and the technologically-mediated fan experience pitchside and at home.

Application Deadline: 24 May 2023

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Materials Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

Galvanizing is a widely used, economical and durable method to protect steel from corrosion and continues to offer a sustainable option for significantly extending the life of steel products. Galvanized steel has broad range of applications that affect our daily lives including both automotive and construction sectors. The galvanic protection principle is based on the electrochemical relationship between steel and the zinc layer. The zinc coating acts as a sacrificial (anode) to protect the of steel (cathode) by oxidation from corrosion. For economic reasons, manufacturers reduce the weight and develop new types of sacrificial zinc (alloy) metal coatings.

Application Deadline: 22 May 2023

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Civil Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

For High-speed railway, one of the most widely used track forms is the ballastless railway tracks, where the concrete slabs are normally serving as the supports under the rails. During the regular service life of ballastless railway, there may exist severe distresses, like cracks, in the concrete slab due to the train loading and severe environmental conditions, which may further affect the public safety of rail passengers. Recently, the deep learning-based methods have emerged as a powerful tool to detect the cracks in the concrete slabs of the railway automatically and intelligently. However, it may face problems like low computation accuracy and high cost. To solve this problem, this project aims to propose a novel deep learning model for automatic crack identification in concrete slab of ballastless railway with high computation efficiency and low computation cost.

Application Deadline: 22 May 2023

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