
22 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Foundations for a Design Aesthetics of Intelligent Adaptive Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD will further investigate the relevance of uncertainty for design, specifically towards a foundational understanding of the aesthetics of intelligent adaptive systems. Importantly, in this dissertation foundations are expected to take the shape of readymade resources which can be conceptual and/or practical, but must be relevant for design practice—such as patterns, taxonomies, typologies and/or catalogues. Particularly noteworthy are patterns in the original sense as components of an aesthetic, practical and ethical framework6 seeking patterns for uncertainty and related concerns prompts methodological questions around how they could be derived, on what basis, on what level of abstraction and what for. 

Application Deadline: 01/10/2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Field Data Acquisition and Analysis in the field of Healthcare

Summary of PhD Program:

The Data Analytics group of the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS) runs several projects that deal with extramural care of patients with chronic, lifestyle related, diseases. These projects are usually part of larger (inter)national consortia where partners from different academic, medical, and industrial organizations work closely together on project goals in this context. An example of this is the European project IRHIS (see attachment). In IRHIS there is a vacancy for one PhD candidate. We are looking for a team player with a strong background in data science/engineering who is willing to collaborate in multi-disciplinary international teams.

Application Deadline: 23/09/2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Ultra-high Capacity Terrestrial Free-Space Optical Communications

Summary of PhD Program:

More and more wireless devices will be needed in the foreseeable future. We are evolving towards the era of ‘hyperconnectivity’, a state where the number of devices connected to the Internet vastly exceeds the number of connected people. Market forecasts show that more than 1000 wireless devices per person will be connected to the web in the very near future. This also is part of the ambitions for the upcoming 6th Generation wireless networks.

Application Deadline: 29/09/2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Spiking integrated photonics for neuromorphic sensing and processing

Summary of PhD Program:

Similar to electronic ICs, PICs are revolutionizing areas such as healthcare, communication and sensing, and have the potential to be disruptive to the whole society. Novel PIC components will have a big impact on the fields of sensing and processing. A diversity of PIC-based sensors have been proposed in the last years, such as environmental sensors (e.g. gas sensing), medical sensors (e.g. optical coherence tomography), fiber Bragg grating sensors for temperature or strain measurement, light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and others. Equally, novel PIC based solutions for processing data and performing computation had been proposed for information transport (equalization, pulse shaping), sensory data processing (Radar, LiDAR) and algorithmic problem solving (optimization, neural networks) .

Application Deadline: 06/10/2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Layered Quantum Materials for Terahertz Technology

Summary of PhD Program:

We are currently looking for a highly motivated doctoral researcher for a new position within the Ultrafast Dynamics in Nanoscale Systems group at Eindhoven University of Technology (the Netherlands). This position is funded by the ERC project “EQUATE”, which has the aim of engineering quantum materials for terahertz applications. In particular, the goal is to study the ultrafast thermodynamic properties of layered quantum materials, and exploit these properties towards functional terahertz devices with unprecedented performance.

Application Deadline: 30/09/2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Synthetical data generation using multivariate models

Summary of PhD Program:

The project focuses on synthetical data generation, AI-driven state estimation, stochastic modelling and reliability assessment, and grid-edge optimal solutions. These models will be combined with the AI-driven state estimations to enhance network observability and grid monitoring. Additionally, integration with the stochastic modelling and reliability assessment process will provide valuable insights into the impact of uncertainties on grid reliability. Finally, in conjunction with the developed edge intelligence, these advancements will enable optimal solutions for the electricity grids in the Netherlands and e.g. the rest of Europe, while maintaining user privacy.

Application Deadline: 29/09/2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Foundation Models for Embedded and Embodied AI in Autonomous Driving

Summary of PhD Program:

This project is part of a large program in collaboration with many academic and industrial partners, including major OEMs in Europe, with a significant impact on the future of safe AD deployment. You will be building foundation models for both embedded and embodied AI, focusing on LLM-guided sparsity and learning agents. Your work will involve language-based navigation, training, labeling (and data curation in general), as well as developing more intuitive LLM-based active learning approaches. Ultimately, you will work towards LLM-based scenario descriptions for actor generation in simulations.

Application Deadline: 23/09/2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Generative AI (KG-enhanced LLMs)

Summary of PhD Program:

You will be supervised by Dr. J.M. Tomczak (TU/e), Prof. M. Pechenizkiy (TU/e), Prof. G. Fletcher (TU/e), and Dr. J. Kustra (ASML). You will be working in close collaboration with the Diagnostics & Data Science Group in ASML Research. This multidisciplinary team focuses on fundamentally exploring and prototyping the next generation knowledge-informed solutions for ASML, Metrology and Lithography challenges. Given the system complexity, a core challenge is in the diagnostics of (rarely occurring) failures, where the existing knowledge on system design is brought together with physics understanding as well as system data to reason on the problem potential root causes. You will participate in cutting-edge research, publish your work in leading conferences (NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, AISTATS, UAI) and journals (TML, IEEE TPAMI, JMLR), and contribute to open-source tools.

Application Deadline: 29/09/2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in learning and analysis of coupled dynamical systems with constraints

Summary of PhD Program:

Within this project you will work on developing a framework that enables the fast simulation of engineering systems that are (partially) modelled with a multibody systems approach. For that, you will use a data-based surrogate modelling approach and study appropriate simulation techniques for the resulting coupled, heterogeneous dynamical systems with constraints described with differential-algebraic equations.

Application Deadline: 06/10/2024

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Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics guided model for learning and control for EMC

Summary of PhD Program:

Modelling EMC is challenging due to nonlinear behavior, frequency-dependent interactions, complex geometries and many uncertainties involved. Current techniques are heavily limited due computational burden and are often too costly to enable optimization early in the design process. This DC will aim to capture the time-varying behavior of components, connectivity, and operational conditions with machine learning methods, such as Physics-guided Neural Networks (PGNNs) and explore control strategies to design controllers efficiently based on the learnt models to suppress electromagnetic interference within electronic systems.

Application Deadline: 30/09/2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI for Electromagnetic Interference Filter Design

Summary of PhD Program:

This Doctoral Candidate (DC) first goal will be to unravel a structural understanding of the exchange of parasitic energy of EMI Filters with its environment using AI tools. The so-called EMNF (ElectroMagnetic Noise Footprint) comprises a set of characteristic curves obtained from stand-alone measurements on a device. A second goal will consist in exploring how to combine two or more EMNFs. The work will support the optimization (within the Safe and Sustainable by Design framework) of EMI filters within products by combining EMNFs.

Application Deadline: 30/09/2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI to combine and model Electromagnetic Noise Footprint (EMNF) in cables

Summary of PhD Program:

This DC first goal will be to unravel a structural understanding of the exchange of parasitic energy of cables with its environment using AI tools. The so-called EMNF (ElectroMagnetic Noise Footprint) comprises a set of characteristic curves obtained from stand-alone measurements on a device. A second goal will consist in exploring how to combine two or more EMNFs. The work will support an optimization (within the Safe and Sustainable by Design framework) of cable routing in a MedTech product by combining EMNFs.

Application Deadline: 30/09/2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI to combine and model Electromagnetic Noise Footprint (EMNF) in PCB Tracks

Summary of PhD Program:

This Doctoral Candidate (DC) first goal will be to unravel a structural understanding of the exchange of parasitic energy a PCB Tracks with its environment using AI tools. The so-called EMNF (ElectroMagnetic Noise Footprint) comprises a set of characteristic curves obtained from stand-alone measurements on a PCB. A second goal will consist in exploring how to combine two or more EMNFs. The work will support an optimization (within the Safe and Sustainable by Design framework) of PCB routing by combining EMNFs.

Application Deadline: 30/09/2024

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Constructing with graphene(oxide) colloids

Summary of PhD Program:

Your PhD project is part of a larger collaboration between TU Eindhoven and Shell on sustainability. The overarching goal of this collaboration is to turn byproducts of pyrolysis into valuable functional materials at scale thereby contributing to the decarbonization of industries. Your position is embedded within the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry and will be supervised by dr. Heiner Friedrich and prof. Rolf van Benthem.

Application Deadline: 10/10/2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Customer Development Capabilities of Start-ups

Summary of PhD Program:

The research project “From start-up to scale-up” aims to investigate and increase the effectiveness of this training. It aims to develop a scientifically validated approach to supporting start-ups and build a database that enables continued monitoring of the start-ups. The research project consists of two PhD projects: one that focuses on the development of the entrepreneurial team and one that focuses on the customer development process. The current vacancy describes the latter PhD project.

Application Deadline: 06/10/2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Novel bipolar membranes by electrospinning

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD project is driven by the pressing need for innovative solutions to meet current and future demands for bipolar membranes in the transition towards a circular society. Our focus lies in developing a novel electrospun bipolar membrane capable of significantly enhancing water dissociation rates. Our aim is to engineer a membrane chemistry and structure that optimizes water transport and dissociation, particularly at the 3D junctions, thereby achieving a tenfold increase in the dissociation rate of water molecules into protons and hydroxyl ions for above mentioned applications.

Application Deadline: 11/10/2024

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mechanical Contact Information Processing of Soft and Large-area Robot Skin

Summary of PhD Program:

The demand for autonomous robots capable of physically interacting with the world in flexible and adaptable ways is rapidly increasing across industries and society. These robots are needed to perform heavy, non-ergonomic tasks in unstructured environments or to assist humans in physically demanding jobs. Tactile robotics, an emerging and challenging field, focuses on developing tactile sensing and perception technologies that enable robots to intelligently respond to contact.

Application Deadline: 21/10/2024

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in secure estimation and control of cyber-physical systems

Summary of PhD Program:

Many cyber security incidents are due to the adversary gaining access to observe and then to corrupt the system. While data protection schemes such as encryption and firewalls are typically in place for many systems, they may fail and, thus, the algorithms to estimate and control the system need to go beyond current designs. Fundamental to attack-proof algorithms is to understand how attacks affect the stability and performance of the system; and whether attacks can induce the desired system properties which are beneficial to the adversary. This PhD position will develop the foundational theory in addressing this. 

Application Deadline: 20/10/2024

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Isolated Auxiliary Power Supplies for Gate Drivers using Physics-Informed M

Summary of PhD Program:

The presence of power electronics converters in medium-voltage (MV) and high-voltage (HV) power grids has been increasing and is expected to become predominant in the coming years due to the growing penetration of high-power renewable energy sources and electrified loads. Considering that available semiconductor devices have limited blocking voltage capabilities, modular multilevel converter (MMC) topologies are typically employed in MV and HV grid-connected converter applications. Thereby, the power supply design of the gate-driving units controlling the active semiconductor devices is not trivial. 

Application Deadline: 10/10/2024

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Machine learning for Accelerated Screening of Supramolecular Biomaterials

Summary of PhD Program:

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is seeking a bright PhD candidate to setup a high-throughput screening lab for supramolecular biomaterials. The goal of the PhD is to setup a machine learning workflow for high-throughput screening of biomaterials. The PhD is part of the Groeifonds program “Big Chemistry” and you will work with other PhD students and post-docs on this topic. The successful candidate should be excited about applying machine learning to cell biology and chemistry, specifically setting up a workflow based on active learning . Doctoral research will be part of wider and exciting efforts currently spearheaded within the Synthetic Biology group led by prof. dr. Tom de Greef.

Application Deadline: 25/10/2024

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Sun-Oriented 3D Environments and Sustainable Energy Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

You will engage in cutting-edge research focusing on the development of sun-oriented 3D environments. These environments will be analyzed, simulated, developed, and experimentally tested across varying time scales—from minutes to years—and spatial dimensions ranging from centimeters to kilometers. The work is anchored in the use of remote sensing and big data analytics to assess solar irradiance, temperatures, and humidity in built environments.

Application Deadline: 25/10/2024

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital Twin Platform for AI-supported Obesity Prevention

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of the European project HealthyW8 is to develop and test digital interventions specifically tailored to different populations at vulnerable stages and situations in life. As one of two TUE PhDs in HealthyW8, you will contribute to advancing digital platform design knowledge integrating AI technology in an ethical manner. Your PhD project will specifically focus on developing a framework to deliver personalized and adaptive recommendations to participants, with the aim of improving their adherence to the intervention. Based on the literature and other ongoing research initiatives, there is great potential in shaping further the notion of human digital twins for behavior change. 

Application Deadline: 20/10/2024

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