
20 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Uppsala University, Sweden

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Uppsala University, Sweden invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics

Summary of PhD Program:

The research in the materials physics division focuses on meta- and smart materials with an emphasis on non-equilibrium and finite size effects in magnetic materials, metal hydrides and soft matter. Samples are synthesised and studied with optical methods and transport measurements in house. These characterisation tools are complemented by advanced x-ray and neutron scattering methods in the lab as well as at large scale facilities. The group also operates the neutron reflectometer Super ADAM at the Institute Laue-Langevin in Grenoble (France).

Application Deadline: 2023-08-18

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in industrial engineering and management

Summary of PhD Program:

As a doctoral student you are contributing to the interdisciplinary research that USER is conducting in the area of user perspectives on smart grids and the energy transition. The overall aim with the research is to increase knowledge about electricity consumers’, prosumers’ and drivers of electric vehicles’ role in realizing the vision of future smart grids. The third cycle studies are conducted as part of projects that primarily focus on consumption flexibility among electricity consumers. You participate in data collection, analysis and compilation of results in collaboration with other members of USER. We offer a varied an exciting work that is designed jointly by the doctoral student and the research group.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-14

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3. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in Two-dimensional Quantum material devices

Summary of PhD Program:

Electrons possess a magnetic property called ‘spin’ that can be Up or Down. Spin-polarized electrons or spins form the basis for spintronics that enabled ultrahigh-density magnetic memory storage and precision sensing, revolutionizing the information technology age. In addition, the orbital angular momentum is also a quantum property that can be harnessed to create novel orbital electronic devices. Over the past decade, the advent of graphene and other graphenelike atomically thin 2D materials, brought a fresh stimulus for spintronics.

This project aims to understand, observe and realize novel charge, spin, and orbital phenomena, for example, using the spin of electrons to realize efficient spin devices using 2D materials and advance toward complex spin integrated circuits or to realize new quantum phases for advanced quantum sensors. The project involves advanced nanofabrication in state-of-the-art cleanroom facilities at Ångström Laboratory and precision measurements utilizing several cutting-edge experiments set up recently at QMD group.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-30

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Partial Differential Equations with connections to Deep Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

The duties of a PhD student are primarily directed at their own research education, which lasts for four years. The work may also involve, to a limited extent (maximum 20%), other departmental duties, mainly related to teaching undergraduate courses – in which case the position may be extended to maximum five years. The student is automatically admitted to WASP Graduate School and should participate in offered courses and activities.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-31

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Kamali-Moghaddam’s laboratory

Summary of PhD Program:

A PhD student position is available for highly motivated individuals with interest in molecular tools at the laboratory of Kamali-Moghaddam at Uppsala University, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology. Research in the lab focuses on development of molecular tools and application of those in medicine and biology. The focus will be put on development of tools for detection and characterization of exosomes, and tools for multiplex protein analysis.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-16

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Chemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

The projects deal with the preparation of photoactive metal complexes and their application in catalysing organic transformations. The project has organic, spectroscopic and coordination chemistry aspects; the systems will be characterized using traditional organic as well as electrochemical, photochemical and spectroscopic methods. The project will in part be conducted in collaboration with partners at Uppsala University. Representative recent publications are: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 21056 and Coord. Chem. Rev. 2018, 364, 1-9.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-15

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Scientific Computing

Summary of PhD Program:

Multiscale problems are encountered in many different applications. For instance, when physical behavior like heat diffusion is modeled in a composite material. Typical for these problems is the rapid variation in the material properties throughout the domain, which results in partial differential equations with rough and discontinuous coefficients. It is well known that classical finite element methods does not perform very well for these kind of problems. To overcome this issue there exist a range of different methods, one of them is Localized Orthogonal Decomposition. This method focuses on enhancing the classical finite elements by using data from the problem.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-11

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Rhetoric

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD-student position is a 4-year full time appointment, and the candidate will primarily devote the time to their own research, the outcome of which is a Ph.D.-Dissertation. Other departmental work, such as teaching or administration can be part of the position (maximum 20 %), but requires a working knowledge of Swedish. A doctoral (PhD) student is expected to conduct research and to contribute to the development of knowledge within the discipline.

Expectations of a doctoral student include the capacity to develop independent ideas and communicate research results in oral and written form. The aim of the doctoral position is for the doctoral student to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to conduct research autonomously within Rhetoric and to contribute to the development of knowledge within the discipline through the production of a scholarly thesis.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-11

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in online battery health monitoring

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for a highly motivated and ambitious student for this challenging project. The student will design, plan, and execute the experimental work, often in collaboration with colleagues, critically analyze and discuss the results, and disseminate the work orally at scientific conferences and written in the form of papers in peer-reviewed journals. Finally, the student is expected to be a good team player, and also participate in all mandatory group activities, including becoming the responsible person for specific lab equipment.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-20

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Global Categorical Symmetries

Summary of PhD Program:

The duties of a PhD student are primarily directed at his/her own research education, which lasts for four years. The work may also involve, to a limited extent (maximum 20%), other departmental duties, mainly related to teaching undergraduate courses – in which case the position may be extended to maximum five years. The PhD student will work under the supervision of Michele Del Zotto in the context of generalizations of symmetries in quantum field theories.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-28

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Chemistry with specialization in Physical chemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

The work includes postgraduate training in physical chemistry to qualify as a doctor. The specific research project is aimed at mechanistic studies of molecular systems, including time-resolved and multi-dimensional laser spectroscopy, specifically 2D-IR spectroscopy. Teaching at basic and advanced level, and other institutional service, can be included in a maximum of 20%.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-30

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Analytical Chemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

The group’s research is focused on analytical developments for metabolomics and lipidomics of biological samples using mass spectrometry for imaging, direct infusion, isomeric characterization and surface sampling capillary electrophoresis. The successful candidate will work on analytical developments for mass spectrometric analysis to allow for single-cell metabolomics in combination with other –omics and data handling strategies. The developed platform will be applied to decipher metabolic deficiencies that result in type 2 diabetes and pinpoint altered metabolic pathways.

Application Deadline: 2023-07-05

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in electromobility: Electric motor design

Summary of PhD Program:

The goal of this project is to make well-founded predictions of the lifetime of insulation systems in electric motors for electromobility applications. The aim is to avoid over-dimensioning the insulation and at the same time minimize the risk of failure. The project will consist of analytical calculations, FEM simulations and design and analysis of experiments. Isolation systems in electromobility are affected by several design developments of the drivetrain such as increasing voltage levels, higher voltage derivatives due to the development of power electronics as well as new cooling methods. The project will be multidisciplinary as consideration will be given to electrical, mechanical as well as thermal aspects.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-16

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Pharmacometrics – Global Health

Summary of PhD Program:

The overall aim is to accelerate development of novel regimens to treat tuberculosis through innovative use of models and biomarkers and the project is carried out within the IMI funded UNITE4TB project. Model-based methods will be used to analyse longitudinal datasets of treatment response markers from clinical trials. Novel sets of biomarkers to monitor treatment response will be identified to enable adaptive trial designs and faster decision making in drug development, and provide the basis for more effective personalized therapy.

Application Deadline: 2023-07-28

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry within SweDeliver

Summary of PhD Program:

The research group Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry aims to clarify the connections between the structure of drug molecules, their physico-chemical properties and the possibilities of controlling how they are stored in and released from different types of particulate drug carriers and formulations. The aim is to create new knowledge that makes it possible to develop new or improved systems for drug administration, and to develop in vitro methods for modelling what happens to drug products after administration, including macromolecular drugs such as peptides and proteins and small molecular drugs such as cancer drugs.

Application Deadline: 2023-07-31

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in evolutionary genomics

Summary of PhD Program:

The project aims to study evolutionary genomics in microbial eukaryotes (protists) using large-scale sequencing, comparative genomics and phylogenetics. The group diplomonads, and their close relatives, will be studied. Some members of the group are pathogens of humans and other animals, whereas some are free-living. We are interested in how this diversity have originated and more generally how protists adapt to their environment.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-14

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in evolutionary genomics

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of the project is to study how symbiotic interactions between bacteria and animal hosts affect both partners’ genetic material and evolution using large-scale sequencing and bioinformatic analyses. Our model system is the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia in different Drosophila species, primarily from the willistoni group.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-14

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Chemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD position in Chemistry for the design and chemical synthesis of chemoselective probes is available in the laboratory of Associate Professor Daniel Globisch. The Globisch laboratory is an international and multidisciplinary research group, with a research focus on the development of new Chemical Biology methodologies to enhance the scope of metabolomics-based research. (Example literature: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 23232, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 13805, RSC Chem. Biol. 2021, 2, 1479, check the homepage for updates).

This highly interdisciplinary project will include a combination of chemical synthesis, mass spectrometric analysis of metabolites in biological samples, techniques at the interface of Chemistry and Biology, and the investigation of microbiome metabolism. Our team is currently searching for a highly motivated and enthusiastic PhD student with passion and enthusiasm for research to develop new chemoselective methodologies.

Application Deadline: 2023-07-10

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biochemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD project will conduct research on proteins, with focus on enzymes, with the aim to establish fundamental relationships between protein structure and function. The research will further include directed enzyme evolution as a route to the generation of new enzymes of tailored functional properties. Such variant enzymes can be both study objects of fundamental structure-activity relationships, and for the generation of biocatalysts for mainly asymmetric synthesis. The PhD project will be integrated into ongoing activities within the Widersten group.

Application Deadline: 2023-07-14

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