Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Bergen, Norway invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal.
1. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in Understanding Male Gamers
Summary of PhD Program:
The positions are connected to the project Understanding Male Gamers. The goal of the project is to explore videogame culture as a contested space from the perspective of male videogame enthusiasts, and to develop a theory that by combining game studies and masculinity studies will offer a holistic understanding of the gendered patterns of practices taking place in and around game culture. Candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with the Understanding Male Gamers project description, available on request.
The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway through the FRIPRO programme. The PhD candidates will be involved with the Department of Information Science and Media Studies’ Research Group for Computer Games and Virtual Environments and the Center for Excellence for Digital Narrative, a world-leading research center of excellence.
Application Deadline: 11th June 2023
2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mathematical Methods for Data-Driven Computational Mechanics
Summary of PhD Program:
Offshore wind energy is fundamental to achieve the goals of the European Green Deal. Although offshore wind energy has an important degree of maturity, this technology requires to experiment a change of paradigm to guarantee a sustainable development for the years to come. One pathway to achieve this paradigm shift relies on the development of data-driven approaches in computational mechanics. The research activities related to this position pursue the development of mathematical methods for data-driven computational mechanics that will be subsequently applied to the aerohydroelastic analysis of offshore wind turbines.
This novel computing paradigm enables the transition from standard data-starved approaches to modern data-rich approaches, in which the underlying initial-boundary value problem is reformulated in such a way that loads, boundary conditions and constitutive models are completely or partially replaced by some form of experimental data. The research activities associated to the position target also at a close collaboration with ongoing research at the BOW and GFI. It is expected that the results emerging from these research activities will be published in highly-ranked international journals.
Application Deadline: 14th May 2023
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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computational Procedures for Data-Driven Computational Mechanics
Summary of PhD Program:
There is a vacancy for a PhD Research Fellow at the Geophysical Institute (GFI). The position is for a fixed-term period of 3 years with the possibility of a 4th year with compulsory other work (e.g. teaching duties at the Department) and will cover an important part of the activities at the Bergen Offshore Wind Centre (BOW) targeting at bridging fundamental and applied research within offshore wind energy. This position is associated to the ERC Consolidator Grant project Data-Driven Approaches in Computational Mechanics for the Aerohydroelastic Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbines – DATA-DRIVEN OFFSHORE.
Application Deadline: 14th May 2023
4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Informatics
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD project is advised by Prof. H. Hauser (visual data science) and co-advised by Assoc.-Prof. N. Blaser (machine learning) as well as Prof. Th. Spengler (meteorology). Profs. Th. Ertl and M. Sedlmair from the Univ. of Stuttgart are also involved in the planned research. The project synopsis is:To understand inherent uncertainties in weather prediction, it is common to consult stochastically perturbed simulation ensembles with highly detailed ensemble members. Extracting relevant conclusions from such ensembles is very challenging and depends on a successful condensation of the data. Especially when aiming at an interpretation of an entire ensemble in terms of domain-relevant features, such as cyclones, fronts, rain, etc., summarization is very difficult and only possible on the basis of expert knowledge. We foresee that new visual data science methods from this project will significantly support the study of such rich ensembles.
Application Deadline: 8th May 2023
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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in wind engineering
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD project aims among others, (1) to understand which environmental factors affect significantly the dynamic wind loading on the parabolic troughs; (2) to identify how the layout of parabolic throughs affectsthe spatialstructure of turbulence and (3) to develop novel methodsto model the wind loading on the solar collectors and the associated structural dynamic response.
In collaboration with associate professor Etienne Cheynet (UiB) as main supervisor, and Dr Ulrike Egerer (NREL) and associate professor Yan Li (UiB) as co-supervisors, the candidate will generate new knowledge on the wind-structure interaction in a CSP plant for improved structural and layout design. The PhD candidate will be given the necessary training to conduct this ambitious project, the opportunity to contribute to high-profile research publications, receive active mentoring for the development of their career and the opportunity to collaborate with international partners.
Application Deadline: 1st May 2023
6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Science Education
Summary of PhD Program:
There is a vacancy for a PhD Research Fellow in Computer Science Education at the Department of Informatics. The position is for a fixed-term period of 4 years and offers the opportunity to design and be involved in transformative research focused on gender equity in computer science education. The project is expected to have a far-reaching impact and benefit for future students in computer science at UiB. As recent policy changes do now include programming in the upper secondary school curriculum in Norway, this is an interesting and timely opportunity to research their impact on bachelor level education. The project offers good opportunities for collaboration with local, national and European networks on gender equity in computer science education and contributes to the new and growing didactics field in computer science.
Application Deadline: 1st May 2023
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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computational Mathematics
Summary of PhD Program:
The main objective of the project is to enable multi-site storage development on the Horda Platform and support risk-reduction activities and portfolio management strategies through improved regional simulation of interconnected storage sites and innovative assessment of system level uncertainty. The PhD-candidate will take part in the development, implementation and analysis of simulation methods for the management of reservoirs interconnected by a regional aquifer and/or surface infrastructure for CO2 transport. The software development should be based open-access model concepts. The model development should couple site specific dynamic models including wells and fluid properties with dynamics on the regional scales. An objective is to develop new methodologies that are more efficient and reliable than what is available today.
Application Deadline: 1st May 2023
8. Fully Funded PhD Position in seismological and remote sensing analysis of geohazards
Summary of PhD Program:
The main purpose of the position will be to develop methods for detecting landslides in Norway and determining their trigger mechanisms with a special focus on earthquake-induced landslides. The successful candidate will utilize state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to detect and determine the exact timing of landslide events from satellite data, aerial photographs and seismological data. Landslide triggers will be evaluated by combining e.g. seismological, InSAR and precipitation data. The developed methods will be applied to evaluate the relative importance of landslide trigger mechanisms in Norway.
Application Deadline: 30th April 2023
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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in biosystematics of marine gastropods
Summary of PhD Program:
The primary objective is to understand the time and processes underlying the origin and diversification of Atlantic shallow-water soft-bottom species, using Haminoea gastropods as a case-study. A multidisciplinary approach using original morpho-anatomical data, micro-CT scan, phylogenetic inference based on mitogenomes, will be combined with biogeographic, oceanographic, and historical climatic data, and used as a proxy to answer questions about the diversity and distribution of species, as well as the time, mode, and geography of speciation.
Application Deadline: 28th April 2023
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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Evolutionary origin of neurosecretory cell types
Summary of PhD Program:
The Burkhardt group combines comparative biological systems in the laboratory to understand when and how first synapses, neurons and nervous systems evolved. The group is particularly interested in studying the evolutionary origin of neurosecretory cell types by using choanoflagellates, sponges and ctenophores as model organisms. We are looking for a highly self-motivated and enthusiastic PhD student with interests in evolutionary biology, neurobiology and cell biology.
The project will focus on the 3D reconstructions of serial electron microscopy sections (SBFSEM and TEM) using software as Amira or Fiji TrakEM2 to visualize choanoflagellate single, colonial cell types and early animal cell types. Special focus will be put on the distribution of secretory vesicles in these cell types. In addition, the successful candidate will undertake research with the possibility to use light and advanced immunofluorescence microscopy on live and fixed organisms to characterize neurosecretory cell types. The successful candidate will work in close association with the group leader and other lab members with the aim to contribute to the further development of the project in line with her/his interests.
Application Deadline: 26th April 2023
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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Acoustics (Fiberoptic Distributed Acoustic Sensing)
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD project is part of the Smart Ocean Centre. The overall aim of the Centre is to create a wireless observation system for multi-parameter monitoring of underwater environments and installations, based on a flexible and autonomous smart sensor network.
In contrast to electromagnetic and optical waves, acoustic waves travel great distances underwater, and therefore acoustic sensor technology forms the basis for many remote sensing systems designed for monitoring ocean man-made sources and marine creatures. As such acoustic sensor systems can satisfy a range of ocean monitoring applications, from monitoring the integrity of offshore wind farms and other industrial subsea installations, as well as in monitoring shipping traffic, the influence of ocean noise on animal behaviour, and climate studies.
Application Deadline: 25th April 2023
12. 03 Fully Funded PhD Position in Informatics
Summary of PhD Program:
Digitization of businesses, industry, public administration, and education makes informatics play an increasingly important role in the development of society. Research and education in informatics are crucial for the digital transformation of the society to succeed. The Department of Informatics contributes to this through eight research groups that deliver research and education at a high international level in algorithms, bioinformatics, information security, machine learning, optimization, programming theory, visualization and didactics. The department offers education for the future at Bachelor, Master and PhD levels. The department is in rapid growth regarding its number of students, research directions, and employees.
Application Deadline: Open until filled
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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in informatics
Summary of PhD Program:
The optimization group at the Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen (UiB) is an active partner in Ocean Charger and has the main responsibility for the work package Smart maritime operations for offshore wind. The purpose of this work package is to develop models and solution methods for cost-effective operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms. Decisions to be optimized include allocation of battery-powered vessels to planned maintenance operations and the vessels’ sailing routes. Methods will also be developed to optimize the infrastructure exploited by the vessels, such as capacity and location of battery charging points.
Application Deadline: 21st April 2023
14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Space Physics
Summary of PhD Program:
Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGF) and gamma-ray glows are emissions of gamma-rays of terrestrial origin associated to lightning and thunderstorm activity. The project aims at the understanding of the relation between TGFs, glows, and lightning discharges by the scientific exploitation of data from the ALOFT flight campaign. ALOFT is a mission designed to detect and characterize TGFs and glows by a suite of detectors hosted on a NASA high-altitude aircraft flying at 20 km altitude above thunderstorms. ALOFT is scheduled for flight during July 2023 from Florida and will observe thunderstorm regions over Central America and the Caribbean for a minimum of 50 flight hours.
The onboard measurements will be complemented by ground-measurements in the radio bands from several stations deployed in all the Central America region. The ALOFT mission is funded by the University of Bergen (PI Prof. Nikolai Østgaard) in collaboration with NASA and several partners in USA and Europe. The ALOFT mission is an experiment unique of its kind, promising to bring breakthrough measurements in the field of atmospheric electricity.
Application Deadline: 20th April 2023
15. Fully Funded PhD Position in stable isotope geochemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
Non-traditional stable isotopes (e.g. Fe, Cu) provide a promising tool for understanding subsurface processes in seafloor hydrothermal systems. However, interpretations from natural samples are currently hampered by limited knowledge about stable isotope fractionation under hydrothermal conditions. This project therefore aims to study the isotope effects that occur during the leaching and mobilization of metals from host rocks in the reaction zones of hydrothermal systems, using a rock record-based approach.
The successful candidate will collect and study samples from hydrothermal alteration zones in different ophiolites and drill cores, determine their Fe and Cu isotopic composition using a multi-collector ICP-MS and use this to assess the sign and magnitude of isotope fractionation during hydrothermal leaching. The results from this project will be used to re-evaluate recently obtained Fe and Cu isotope data from active seafloor hydrothermal vent fields.
Application Deadline: 20th April 2023
16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biomedicine
Summary of PhD Program:
The overall goal of the project is to characterize and understand the spatial organization of pancreatic cancers through high-dimensional and spatial technologies. The project specifically aims to understand how the epigenetic regulation of cancer stem cell niche is affected by obese environments. The candidate will work with state-of-the-art spatial technologies (e.g. imaging mass cytometry and others) and is heavily dependent on bioinformatic and computational methodologies.
Application Deadline: 17th April 2023