Are you holding PhD degree and looking for Postdoctoral Fellowships? National Institutes of Health, Maryland invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Fellowships in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.
1. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
A postdoctoral position is open to study the molecular mechanisms of translation and their regulation in the cell to modulate gene expression. We’re interested in understanding how the cell responds to ribosomes that arrest while translating and how ribosomes that complete translation are efficiently recycled for new rounds of translation. We’re investigating how these events are coupled to RNA decay and localization, and change in cells that model disease or become stressed. To carry out these interdisciplinary studies, we develop tools that draw from RNA and protein biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, high-throughput sequencing, computational analysis, proteomics, genetics, CRISPR, flow cytometry, and single-molecule microscopy.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
2. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
NIEHS is seeking two dynamic, highly motivated Title 42(g) Staff Scientists to serve as primary research neurobiologists in the Mechanistic Toxicology Branch (MTB), within the Division of Translational Toxicology (DTT), at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). DTT is a team-based scientific organization, and its mission is to improve public health through development of data and knowledge that are translatable, predictive, and timely.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
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3. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
We are particularly interested in applicants from any of the following backgrounds: (1) Gerontology, sociology, social psychology, or epidemiology to look at a broad range of social and environmental influences on aging. (2) Data Science/Machine Learning for analysis of large complex data sets and multi-dimensional predictive modeling of cognitive changes over time. (3) Genetics/Neurogenetics to analyze both candidate gene and whole genome analyses of a large genetic data base as related to neurodegenerative disorders, with an emphasis on genetics associated with African ancestry. (4) Wet/bench lab training in immunology and/or other cellular and molecular methods to analyze blood-based biomarkers of aging, brain health, inflammation/immune health, and their implications for Alzheimer’s disease risk and resilience.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
4. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
A fully funded postdoctoral position is available in Dr. Sandra Wolin’s laboratory at the National Cancer Institute in Frederick, Maryland. We study how noncoding RNAs called Y RNAs function, the RNA surveillance pathways that recognize defective and harmful RNAs, and the mechanisms by which defects in these pathways contribute to diseases such as cancer and autoimmunity. Our approach is multidisciplinary, as we combine state-of-the-art molecular biology techniques, genetics, biochemistry, and structural biology to discover novel functions for noncoding RNAs and to identify novel RNA surveillance pathways. Our studies are carried out in human cells, mice, and bacteria, and capitalize on the specific strengths of each of these organisms.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
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5. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
We are seeking a highly motivated and creative scientist to join our team as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Oral Immunobiology Unit at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) in Bethesda, MD. Our translational and clinical research program in chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD), an autoimmune-like disease that occurs following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell/bone marrow transplant, is focused on the oral mucosal and salivary gland manifestations of cGVHD. Our laboratory has identified activation of IL-17 signaling and dysregulated adaptive immune cells in salivary gland and oral mucosal cGVHD, and current research is focused on defining the role of these pathways in the pathogenic process of GVHD and salivary gland dysfunction.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
6. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
A post-doctoral position in neuroscience is available in the Section of Retinal Ganglion Cell Biology, LRCMB, NEI, NIH. The section’s research interest focuses on the neuroprotection of retinal ganglion cells in different neuropathies including glaucoma, one of the leading causes of blindness. We are utilizing multidisciplinary approaches, including molecular biology, electrophysiology, biochemistry, cell biology, and proteomics. Specific areas of investigation are: 1) small extracellular vesicles as a tool for neuroprotection, 2) secreted components of AMPA receptors and retinal disorders.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
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7. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The CAIP seeks a fellow to work closely with electronic health record data, genomic information, and AI technologies to predict the cause, severity, and outcomes of human diseases. The laboratory of Dr. Sean Mooney is recruiting postdoctoral positions within the Center for Genomics and Data Science Research at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Mooney joined the NIH from the University of Washington in 2024. His research group has broad interests in data science and artificial intelligence in biomedicine, open data science, and in developing new methods to predict and characterize pathogenic genetic variants on the human genome.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
8. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The CAIP seeks a fellow to work closely with electronic health record data, genomic information, and AI technologies to predict the cause, severity, and outcomes of human diseases. The laboratory of Dr. Sean Mooney is recruiting postdoctoral positions within the Center for Genomics and Data Science Research at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Mooney joined the NIH from the University of Washington in 2024. His research group has broad interests in data science and artificial intelligence in biomedicine, open data science, and in developing new methods to predict and characterize pathogenic genetic variants on the human genome. The group also participates in the organization of data science challenges focused on difficult problems in biomedical research such as Critical Assessments and DREAM Challenges.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
9. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The successful candidate will study the molecular mechanisms of autophagy and its regulation in the placenta. We’re interested in understanding how placental cells respond to several stressors during pregnancy and how autophagy also regulates placenta and embryo development. The first topic is focused on characterizing the role of autophagy during metabolic stress such hypoxia and starvation to assure proper fetal development. The second topic aims to understand the role of several autophagy related (ATG) genes in placenta development and aging as a regulator of both cell differentiation and apoptosis. To carry out these interdisciplinary studies, we develop tools that draw from protein biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, high-throughput sequencing, proteomics, mouse models, CRISPR, and advanced microscopy.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
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10. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The Image Guided Cancer Therapy Research Program ( is led by Dr. Kristy Brock. Our research is focused on development of deformable image registration, artificial intelligence (AI), biomechanical modeling, and image guided cancer therapy technologies for strategic research collaboration and deployment into the clinical setting. Our lab is a highly collaborative research training environment in a state-of-the-art imaging facility and world class resources. Ongoing projects seeking postdocs include: 1) Image-guided liver surgery 2) Image-guided head and neck surgery 3) Cancer risk assessment and outcomes prediction using artificial intelligence 4) Validating in vivo imaging signals using correlative pathology 5) Image-guided focal liver ablation 6) Dose accumulation for personalized adaptive radiation therapy 7) Biomechanical modeling of the human breast.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
11. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
A Staff Scientist (FTE) position is available in the Center for Cancer Research, HIV Dynamics and Replication Program, Antiviral Immunity and Resistance Section led by Alex Compton, PhD ( The position will involve research projects employing multiple viral models (HIV-1, Influenza A, and SARS-CoV-2) to decipher the human innate immune response to virus infection. The Staff Scientist is expected to lead independent research projects while also providing training and support for other members of the laboratory and their respective projects.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
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12. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
*Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. FDA Office and Location: A postdoctoral fellowship opportunity is currently available in the Nanotechnology Core Facility at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) located in Jefferson, Arkansas. Research Project: A postdoctoral fellowship opportunity is currently available in the Nanotechnology Core Facility at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR). The Nanotechnology Core Facility was developed to support the technical needs of FDA scientists involved in determining the toxicity, safety, and characterization of nanomaterials. This facility supports research efforts at NCTR and FDA Regulatory Centers in Jefferson, Arkansas.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
13. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
A two-year postdoctoral fellowship position is available in the laboratory of Dr Dima A. Hammoud in the NIH intramural research program, with potential for renewal up to a total of five years. The major focus of the laboratory is using advanced imaging modalities, namely Positron Emission Tomography, to develop and test imaging biomarkers of infection that are then translated to human applications, with special focus on fungal and HIV infections. The laboratory has access to state of the art Mediso NanoScan PET/CT scanner, multiple human PET and PET/CT scanners, radiochemistry, biology, chemistry, and tissue culture labs.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
14. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
A Postdoctoral fellow position is available for jointly working in the Section on Medicinal Chemistry (SMC) and Section on Fibrotic Disorders (SFD), National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). The SMC and SFD are involved in developing new therapeutics for alcohol associated disorders and fibrotic disorders. The candidate will work on scientific projects includes i) in vitro and in vivo pharmacological characterization of new molecular probes and drug like molecules ii) lead molecule optimization and selection process for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) considerations iii) in vivo preclinical efficacy testing in multiple fibrosis models and mechanistic studies.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
15. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
A Postdoctoral Research Fellowship position is offered in the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine under the mentorship of Dr. Yiouli Ktena.Our lab is interested in understanding the epigenetic, cellular, and molecular mechanisms that underlie the immunologic response that develops following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (allo-BMT). Allogeneic BMT is the only curative therapy for many malignant disorders, such as aggressive leukemias and lymphomas, and is now increasingly used to cure non-malignant disorders, such as bone marrow failure syndromes, metabolic disorders, or immune deficiencies.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
16. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
Cheloha group in NIH Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry We are soliciting applications for funded postdoctoral positions in biochemistry and chemical-biology. Research will center on the synthesis of new chemical and immunological tools to study cell surface proteins, such as disease-relevant G protein-coupled receptors. See the following link as a primer on the types of tools developed in the laboratory:
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
17. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The Fertility and Reproductive Health Group (FRHG), led by Anne Marie Jukic, PhD, is seeking a candidate with training and experience in reproductive epidemiology for a postdoctoral fellowship. The position is in the Epidemiology Branch at the NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences located in Research Triangle Park/Durham, North Carolina. The successful candidate will have a strong background in epidemiology, longitudinal data analysis, and statistical modeling.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
18. Postdoctoral Position
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The Office of Pharmacology/Toxicology is strongly committed to bringing scientists, patient advocates, and the public together in partnership to develop novel advanced therapies, while protecting human subjects and ensuring product safety and quality. The selected candidate will join a top group of scientists and engineers in a fast-paced scientific and regulatory environment. The candidate will work within a multidisciplinary team of scientists, clinicians, and biostatisticians to perform assessments of cutting-edge scientific and regulatory information for novel cell and gene therapy products submitted by top academics, small and large biotech companies, as well as large pharmaceutical companies.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled