Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Delft University of Technology, Netherlands invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal.
1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Interaction between Macromolecules and Vesicles
Summary of PhD Program:
Artificial cells need to be able to grow and symmetrically divide. To do so, the membrane that forms the cell boundary needs to undergo a major deformation, while at the same time the content of the cell must be duplicated and divided. We will study if and how these two processes can mutually enhance each other. We will employ a combination of analytical modeling, molecular dynamics simulations and machine-learning techniques to find optimal conditions for an integrated system to grow and divide.
Application Deadline: 13 Dec 2024
2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Reliable AI Accelerator Design
Summary of PhD Program:
Various emerging device technologies and computing paradigms are being investigated for energy-efficient artificial intelligence (AI) applications at the edge. Some examples are RRAM, FeFET and STT-MRAM-based Computation-in-Memory (CIM) accelerators. However, these new technologies and computing paradigms introduce new challenges in terms of reliability. For instance, non-idealities such as variability, drift, read/write disturb may cause computational inaccuracy. Ensuring reliable computation in memory using emerging devices for edge AI is of great importance.
Application Deadline: 15 Dec 2024
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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Analog In-Memory Brain-Inspired Edge Processors for Edge AI
Summary of PhD Program:
Deploying AI on resource-constrained platforms such as wearable and implantable devices requires the development of new energy-efficient computing engines, which make use of both new computing paradigms and new device technologies. The Computer Engineering (CE) section of the Quantum & Computer Engineering (QCE) department is looking for a highly-motivated PhD candidate who wants to work on design activities of Analog in-memory brain-inspired AI accelerators.
Application Deadline: 15 Dec 2024
4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital Twins for Enhancing Climate Resilience in Port and Hinterland Connections
Summary of PhD Program:
The accelerating impacts of climate change pose significant threats to port infrastructure and operations as well as its critical hinterland connections, which form the backbone of global trade and logistics. Rising sea levels, increased storm intensity, and extreme weather events disrupt port operations, damage infrastructure, and hamper the efficient flow of goods, creating far-reaching economic and logistical challenges. Port-hinterland connections, essential for the efficient transfer of goods between ports and inland destinations, are especially vulnerable.
Application Deadline: 12 Dec 2024
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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Resilient Consumer-Centric Electricity Market Design Under Deep Decarbonization
Summary of PhD Program:
The 2022 energy crisis in Europe painfully illustrated that current electricity markets leave consumers exposed to extreme price risks. Even in a future electricity system free of fossil fuels, prolonged periods without wind and sun may lead to extreme electricity prices, which consumers are unable to hedge in current retail electricity markets. At the same time, capturing the value of consumer flexibility typically requires exposing them to short-term, volatile price signals, further contributing to their risk exposure.
Application Deadline: 15 Dec 2024
6. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI-driven Nanoparticle Design for Drug Delivery
Summary of PhD Program:
This PhD position is aimed at candidates with a Master’s degree in data science, computer science, bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, or related fields, with a strong interest in machine learning (ML), computational modeling, and biomedical applications. The successful candidate will be based at the Department of Engineering Systems and Services (ESS) at the Delft University of Technology under the supervision of Sepinoud Azimi and Katerina Stankova.
Application Deadline: 15 Dec 2024
7. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI-driven Cybersecurity and Cybersafety
Summary of PhD Program:
Today, cyber threats are becoming more complex and widespread. Understanding and predicting user behavior is crucial for strengthening cybersecurity and cybersafety. Traditional methods of studying user interactions online often lack the detail and flexibility needed to keep up with these changing threats. With the latest advancements in AI, we can create sophisticated models that not only replicate human actions but also predict possible weaknesses and attack methods
Application Deadline: 15 Dec 2024
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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Safe Learning for Interconnected Systems
Summary of PhD Program:
Safe learning is one of the key research challenges in AI today. The lack of principled and practical SL algorithms prevents the use of AI in many critical application domains, especially those with strict quality-of-service criteria that operate under volatile and unforeseen conditions (e.g., the control of autonomous vehicles). The goal of these positions is to contribute to the development of the next generation of AI tools that are safe (i.e., respect system boundaries and operational requirements), robust against various sources of uncertainty, and prompt in adapting to environmental and mission changes.
Application Deadline: 15 Dec 2024
9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Microstructural and Fracture Characterization of Welded Green Steels
Summary of PhD Program:
Future green steels will be manufactured using an increased amount of scrap, likely of lower quality and containing higher concentrations of residual elements. This will modify the chemical composition and thus the response of the material to thermal cycles, such as imposed by welding. There is therefore a need to identify what amount of residual elements can be tolerated in the weld, particularly in the HAZ of future clean steels. The ultimate goal of this project is to create steels with improved weldability, toughness, and strength, even when recycled from lower-quality scrap.
Application Deadline: 15 Jan 2025
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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Signal Processing for Low-power Digital Radars
Summary of PhD Program:
Currently, automotive radars use fully digital receiver architectures with up to 16 antennas. While increasing the number of antennas enhances angular resolution, fully digital radars with large arrays suffer from high power consumption. This project will explore emerging low-power radar designs and develop signal processing techniques optimized for these architectures.
Application Deadline: 15 Jan 2025
11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Scale-resolving Simulation of Wind-assisted Ships and Low-fidelity Model Optimization
Summary of PhD Program:
In response to this challenge, TU Delft recently launched a multi-disciplinary, interfaculty research program on Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion (WASP) focusing on three research themes: 1) Fluid dynamics, 2) Design and operation, and 3) Sustainable and societal impact. We are a young, international and diverse team within the Faculties of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. We approach problems in a horizontal “team spirit” and continuously traverse boundaries between theory, simulations, and experiments. We strive for a co-creative and stimulating environment where you can develop further skills as a scientist, team member and teacher.
Application Deadline: 5 Jan 2025
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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Propeller and Rudder Performance in Wind-assisted Ship Propulsion
Summary of PhD Program:
In response to this challenge, TU Delft recently launched a multi-disciplinary, interfaculty research program on Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion (WASP) focusing on three research themes: 1) Fluid dynamics, 2) Design and operation, and 3) Sustainable and societal impact. We are a young, international and diverse team within the Faculties of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. We approach problems in a horizontal “team spirit” and continuously traverse boundaries between theory, simulations, and experiments. We strive for a co-creative and stimulating environment where you can develop further skills as a scientist, team member and teacher.
Application Deadline: 5 Jan 2025
13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Microstructural Modelling of Steel Fracture
Summary of PhD Program:
We are seeking an ambitious PhD candidate who will help us to make steel more environmentally friendly by identifying the effects of recycling on the toughness of the steel. A prior PhD study developed a statistical model that relates certain aspects of steel microstructure (e.g. grain size, size and properties of subgranular particles) to the low-temperature toughness of the material. In this project, you will extend the work by introducing a microstructurally-informed model for the high-temperature toughness into the same material.
Application Deadline: 5 Jan 2025
14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Benchmark Model Tests and Performance Assessment of Appendages for Wind-assisted Ships
Summary of PhD Program:
In response to this challenge, TU Delft recently launched a multi-disciplinary, interfaculty research program on Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion (WASP) focusing on three research themes: 1) Fluid dynamics, 2) Design and operation, and 3) Sustainable and societal impact. We are a young, international and diverse team within the Faculties of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. We approach problems in a horizontal “team spirit” and continuously traverse boundaries between theory, simulations, and experiments.
Application Deadline: 5 Jan 2025
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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Design of Bio-Hybrid Interactive Electronics
Summary of PhD Program:
We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to play a formative role in bridging the gap between the world of biodesign and conventional electronics systems design. We seek to create a novel class of bio-hybrid interactive electronics, particularly exploring how we can re-purpose, or even intentionally misuse, modern electronics parts to cater to the needs and requirements of living organisms, while establishing new modes of interaction and a vocabulary to facilitate the seamless integration of living and computational technologies.
Application Deadline: 3 Jan 2025
16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Energy Transition – Business Dynamics of Decentral Flexibility Designs
Summary of PhD Program:
Decentralized flexibility is pivotal to the energy transition. Numerous companies, start-ups, pilot projects, and not-for-profit organizations offer decentral flexibility solutions to integrate renewable energies, provide storage capacity, balancing power and resilience for electricity grids. Decentral flexibility designs include, among others, peer-to-peer energy trading, flexibility aggregation of home batteries, heat pumps, and electric vehicles, as well as energy communities. These designs represent different pathways to achieving decentralized flexibility, each offering distinct benefits. While some of these designs have proved successful, others have not.
Application Deadline: 3 Jan 2025
17. Fully Funded PhD Position in DNS of Electrochemical Bubbles – Bubble Detachment in Micro-Structured Electrodes
Summary of PhD Program:
In the transition to a green economy, hydrogen is called to play a central role to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors. To this aim, water electrolysis is the key technology enabling the conversion of (green) electricity into hydrogen. However, this pivotal process still suffers from low efficiencies due to the sub-optimal bubble release from the electrodes, which block the reaction sites. Our long term vision is to design advanced electrode geometries that optimize bubble release. In this project we want to develop new numerical techniques to simulate bubble detachment from gas-evolving electrodes in order to advance our understanding of how fluid mechanics, mass, heat and charge transfer impact the overall process performance.
Application Deadline: 5 Jan 2025
18. Fully Funded PhD Position in AEM Water Electrolysis
Summary of PhD Program:
This vacancy will focus on Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis (AEM WE). While AEM WE is less mature than other electrolysis technologies, it potentially combines the advantages of earth-abundant electrode materials (due to working at alkaline environment) and allowing to dynamically operate (due to the low crossover in the dense membrane). However, more understanding is needed for its stability and energy efficiency. In this project, we will focus on enhancing the contact between the electrode materials and anion exchange membrane, to minimize energy losses and create a robust reaction environment.