
17 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biochar Quality Assessment and Assurance

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD project aims at finding robust correlations between biochar properties and production conditions (feedstock, pyrolysis operating conditions), to guarantee the quality of the produced biochar for soil application and carbon removal. A special focus will be on the detection of toxic contaminants (e.g. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, heavy metals) in the biomass feedstock and biochar, to secure that the soil application of biochar will not have adverse effects on agroecosystems. The potential for carbon sequestration will be evaluated by assessing the recalcitrance of the biochar carbon fraction. At the same time, the agronomic value of the produced biochar will be assessed in terms of nutrients content (N, P, K, S) and their bioavailability.

Application Deadline: 04/17/2023

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI based High Quality Image and Video Processing and Coding

Summary of PhD Program:

We are inviting applications for a PhD position in novel AI based processing and coding of high quality images and video at DTU Electro. You will apply deep-learning to procure pristine color quality across image and video data for high end digital photography of tomorrow. Would you like to combine novel approaches of Artificial Intelligence with enriched color gamut for image and video processing and coding for pristine quality digital photography? We are inviting applications for a fully funded 3-year PhD position in novel processing and coding of high quality images and video.

Application Deadline: 30 April 2023

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Molecular Bacterial Interactions

Summary of PhD Program:

Your PhD project will contribute to our understanding of the role of bacterial secondary metabolites in microbial interactions, community assembly, development and evolution. For this, you will study both natural and artificially created microbial communities of marine origin. In the project, you will perform targeted genetic engineering of genes encoding bacterial biosynthetic machinery, characterize the physiology and development impact of the modifications, screening of regulatory genes via CRISPR base-editing and the role of the individual small molecules in bacterial interactions.

Application Deadline: 14 April 2023

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4. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Vision with Deep Learning for Human-Machine Collaboration

Summary of PhD Program:

Learning visual recognition models requires huge amounts of data, especially when relying on data-hungry deep neural networks. These data need to be manually and passively annotated by humans. This labeling procedure is one of the most important steps in a machine learning pipeline and is tedious, expensive, and susceptible to noise leading to erroneous labels. Our goal is to establish a deeper human-machine collaboration for all stages of the learning pipeline.

Application Deadline: 15 May 2023

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electrocatalyst Development for High-Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel cells

Summary of PhD Program:

The focus of this PhD project is to develop cost-effective synthesis processes to produce highly active and durable Pt-based catalysts for methanol-powered HT-PEMFC. Aiming for the quick adoption of research results by our industry partner, Blue World Technologies, we will focus on synthesis processes that have excellent control of catalyst structures and can be readily scaled up. Another focus is to improve the performance, especially the durability, of the catalysts, and at the same time, with significantly reduced usage of Pt. We will use a variety of in situ and operando techniques, including operando XRD, Raman, IR, X-ray tomographic microscopy, µ-CT/nano-CT imaging techniques, to investigate the degradation mechanisms of the catalysts under industrially relevant operating conditions. Based on that, we will explore optimized catalyst structures as well as mitigation strategies, and verify the catalyst performance in single-cell and stacks of HT-PEMFC.

Application Deadline: 15 May 2023

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Synchrotron based X-Ray Microscopy

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for an outstanding and motivated candidate to join our interdisciplinary and international group, where we combine X-ray physics, simulations of experiments and scientific computing with dislocation dynamics simulations. Based at the Technical University in Denmark you will be working closely with beamline scientists at ESRF and your modelling oriented colleagues at DTU and in the US. You will also be part of a Danish Center-of-Excellence on hard materials in 3D, SOLID, where you will interact with 15 other PhDs and post docs, all exploiting the latest 3D methods based on large scale x-ray and neutron facilities, within a broad range of fields.

Application Deadline: 15 May 2023

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in the design, synthesis and properties of large-scale nanowire lattices

Summary of PhD Program:

The lattices and undoped heterostructures are grown using molecular beam epitaxy and the project involves preparation of substrates for crystal growth, close interactions with the growers of the team (but not crystal growth), structural characterization using electron microscopy and scanning probe techniques, as well as device fabrication and electrical characterization at low temperatures. One target of the present project is to investigate the possibilities of encoding patterns in the lattice to induce artificial gauge fields. The project thus has a significant component of clean-room processing and electrical characterization which will be performed from room- to ultra-low temperatures in a dilution cryostat.

Application Deadline: 27 April 2023

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Atomic Scale Modelling of Catalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction

Summary of PhD Program:

In this project, the successful candidate will use atomic-scale simulation techniques based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) to identify promising iridium-lean catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) at PEM electrolysis cell anodes. The DFT calculations will be combined with computational approaches such as machine learning and genetic algorithms to efficiently optimize catalyst structure and composition. The project will be carried out in close collaboration with experimental groups at DTU, which will test your predictions in the lab.

Application Deadline: 30 April 2023

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Industry 4.0, Freight Transport and Technology implementation

Summary of PhD Program:

The project is an integral part of the TRANSPORTTECH project funded by Hedorfs Fond and FDE Fonden. In the TRANSPORTECH project, 8-10 companies will go through the end-to-end phases of technology implementation all the way from idea generation to technology adoption and operation. Your PhD project will study the journey of these companies and draw out general learnings.

Application Deadline: 30 April 2023

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Chemical and Catalytic Conversion of Lignin to Organic Coatings

Summary of PhD Program:

We offer you a unique opportunity to join DTUs Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering in the development and study of processes for conversion of industrial waste lignin into well-defined aromatic compounds that can replace fossil-based aromatics in the organic binders of industrial and maritime coatings.

You are a high performing newly graduated graduate or you might have experience from industry and a strong desire to turn towards research. We expect you to be able to handle and have an interest in experimental laboratory and formulation work. Experience in thermochemical conversion of biomass and/or experimental heterogeneous catalysis will be an advantage. Experience with coatings may be an advantage.

Application Deadline: 17 April 2023

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital Twins for Autonomous and Safe Construction Production

Summary of PhD Program:

The general theme for the position is the utilization of smart technologies for monitoring construction resources (i.e., personnel, equipment, temporary assets) and integration of data to its real-time status in a Digital Twin platform. The purpose is to explore information modeling and deep learning-based sensor fusion methods to gather and analyze data from multiple different type of sensors in the work environment or onboard autonomous mobile robotic machines. The multi-mode perception system needs to operate under the very harsh environmental and lighting conditions that exist in the constructions sector (e.g., dynamic progress, indoor/outdoor, above- or underground). The research topic of this project stands at the intersections of building information modeling, human-machine interaction, machine learning, computer vision, remote sensing, and automation and robotics.

Application Deadline: 16 April 2023

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Effects of Higher Order Modes on Optical Fiber Amplifiers and Lasers

Summary of PhD Program:

Optical amplifier and lasers are based on use of a short length (typically 1-10 meter) of a fiber doped with a rare earth material such as Erbium, Ytterbium or Thulium. The preferred rare earth material depends on the wavelength range where amplification is needed. Current doped fiber designs are strongly restricted by the general requirement to the fiber to guide only one mode at both the pump and signal wavelengths. The possibility to loosen this requirement and allow for guidance of one or more higher order modes at the pump wavelength and maybe even at the signal wavelength would open for new doped fiber designs with much improved properties. However, the effect of allowing higher order modes to be guided in the amplifier fiber is not well understood. Based on theoretical modeling and experimental investigations, this project aims at getting a deeper understanding on possible decremental effects of higher order modes and means to counteract these effects.

Application Deadline: 16 April 2023

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Bayesian Analysis of Transfer Paths in Hearing Aids 

Summary of PhD Program:

In the project you will introduce Bayesian techniques to solve certain issues with TPA. The project will be organized with increasing complexity, and a central part is to apply the ideas and techniques to the measurement problems of hearing aid. This thus involves performing vibro-acoustic measurements at the microscale. The use of Bayesian techniques involves programing in Python or similar languages.

Application Deadline: 24 April 2023

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Novel Method for the Printing of Hydrogel and Hydrogel Composites

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD project will join forces from DTU and KAIST to develop hydrogel materials for Tomographic Volumetric printing process that goes far beyond the capacity of the state-of-the-art printing for biomaterials. Many limitations of the current layer-by-layer AM techniques such as process speed, geometry, non-uniform mechanical properties, surface quality, etc. can potentially be eliminated by the development of Tomographic Volumetric (TV) 3D printing. The novel processes developed in the project will pave the way for programming the properties of hydrogels in an industrially adaptive process. The project will develop a process for tailoring the hydrogel composites, optimizing their mechanical, physical, chemical and biological properties. For applications like medical implants, scaffolds, biobots, artificial muscles, etc. the patients have individual needs based on their anatomy and genetic makeup. The proposed method will be suitable for the fabrication of personalized implants, scaffolds and other functional or reconfigurable devices.

Application Deadline: 25 April 2023

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in The biological roles of protein aggregate stability

Summary of PhD Program:

In this project, which is funded by the Lundbeck Foundation, the aim is to quantify the thermodynamic stability of various condensed and aggregated states of the proteins alpha-synuclein and TDP-43, as well as variants (mutants, truncated forms and PTMs) thereof. The results of these biophysical experiments will then be compared with the degradability of the aggregates by chaperones and the proteasome. The project will involve collaborations with world-leading researchers in Germany, France and the UK. More detailed information on the project can be obtained on request.

Application Deadline: 30 April 2023

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Intracellular Quantum Sensing

Summary of PhD Program:

Our research is interdisciplinary, and part of a 7-year research project “Intracellular mechanics and diamond-based sensing” funded by the Danish Research Councils and the Novo Nordisk Foundation. A collaboration between researchers at DTU Health Tech and DTU Physics as well as international partners provides the scientific environment. The overall vision of the project is to develop methods that can monitor intracellular life: We will use the quantum mechanical properties of colour centres inside nanodiamonds to develop sensing protocols that can monitor intracellular processes and ultimately as basis for intracellular NMR. At the same time, we will use the nanodiamonds as probe particles for optical trapping and thereby measure intracellular viscosity and elasticity. Further, we aim to investigate single cells, initially from the immune system, using these nanodiamond sensors.

Application Deadline: 1 May 2023

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physiological Bioprocess Control

Summary of PhD Program:

Within this project the possibilities to control the production phase of recombinantly produced proteins will be explored. Special attention will be placed on the control of cell physiological parameters during the production phase. Physiological parameter include biomass specific rates such as nutrient uptake, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production as well as inducer consumption and product formation rates. To control them predetermined dynamic feed profiles and advanced and predictive control structures will be applied on multiple feeds. This does not only lead to increased productivities and better scalable processes but also to a stabilization of the production phase, which is an important step towards continuous biomanufacturing.

Application Deadline: 16 April 2023

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