Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Luleå University of Technology, Sweden invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal.
1. Fully Funded PhD Position in electronics systems with a focus on active EMI filters for electric drive systems
Summary of PhD Program:
The electrification that is taking place in the field of transport requires highly efficient electric drive systems. These systems schematically consist of power electronics, cabling and motors. The switched power electronics always create harmonics that are very likely to propagate on the cabling to the various parts of the vehicle. How to best counteract, filter, and suppress these harmonics is of paramount importance to all electrified vehicle manufacturers and a very active field of research. A relatively new technology is to actively suppress interference, similar to noise-cancelling headphones. These active systems are considerably more complex than, for example, passive filters that are widely used. On the other hand, good damping is achieved relative to the system’s low weight, which is crucial in the vehicle fleet.
Application Deadline: July 30, 2023
2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Machine Elements
Summary of PhD Program:
An environmentally acceptable lubricant possesses desirable qualities in terms of its ability to biodegrade, its lack of aquatic toxicity, and its low potential for bioaccumulation. There is a wide range of different fluids that can be used in environmentally acceptable lubricants ranging from hydrocarbon- to water-based fluids. Currently, there are uncertainties regarding the lifetime as well as both technical and environmental performance for the different types of lubricants. The aim of the project is to guide the hydropower industry to make informed decisions about the adoption of environmentally acceptable lubricants and greases and thus ensuring that the industry can maintain fossil-free and safe hydropower facilities with long life spans. The project will contribute with knowledge on the technical and environmental performance of a lubricant which is important to ensure sustainable, cost-effective and reliable production.
Application Deadline: July 31, 2023
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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in architecture
Summary of PhD Program:
The Architecture research subject is one of our 19 research subjects at the Department of Civil Engineering and Natural Resources. The research group includes about 20 people with competence ranging from urban and traffic planning to architecture and urban design, conservation, and landscape architecture. Our research and education make a crucial contribution to shaping policies and planning for future cities. The Department has about 400 people with about 50 nationalities, of which 180 doctoral students and just over 50 professors. 70% of our research is externally funded and we have a well-developed international collaboration with universities in all continents. Our research and education have a strong experimental and applied profile with several large and well-equipped laboratories.
Application Deadline: August 7, 2023
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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Summary of PhD Program:
We are recruiting a PhD candidate who will conduct research related to our research track focusing on business model innovation, circular economy, and sustainable industry. This project aims to understand how to design and develop circular business models with an industrial ecosystem of partnerships to drive the green transition. Therefore, this project takes an innovation ecosystem perspective to analyze business models and their economic, social, and environmental value. A significant part of the research is focused on addressing business needs by mapping out challenges, proposing methods for improvement, and facilitating the implementation of the proposed methods.
Application Deadline: July 31, 2023
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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Planetary Science
Summary of PhD Program:
You will be welcomed into an expanding group of researchers in Luleå University of Technology’s Division of Space Technology, whose focus is on investigating physical properties and processes of solar system bodies using the laboratory experiments and spacecraft measurements. The SNSA-funded PhD position derives from the involvement of Luleå University of Technology researchers in an upcoming Japanese/European space mission to study the Martian moon Phobos. The project aims to investigate the photometric properties of the surface of Phobos in support of this mission. Comparing remote sensing observations of Phobos with the results of photometric experiments involving regolith analogues will provide insight into the physical properties of the regolith. The knowledge of such properties is vital for the mission success of the Japanese MMX orbiter and its European rover at Phobos.
Application Deadline: Open until filled
6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Structural Engineering with a focus on hydrogen jet flames
Summary of PhD Program:
The project goal for this position is to develop knowledge-based safety distances for the implementation of an efficient and safe hydrogen infrastructure, from a permit, safety and social acceptance perspective. The focus is to support streamlining the permitting process in general and specifically for safety distance determination which are considered one of the major challenges for a broad implementation of hydrogen technologies. As a PhD student you will work in an interdisciplinary research environment, in close collaboration with research institutes and industry.
Application Deadline: 2023-08-04
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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electronic Systems
Summary of PhD Program:
You will be part of a project that aims at replacing batteries in sensor and distributed systems with energy harvesting solutions, utilizing for example magnetic fields, vibration, heat, or solar energy. Your goal will be to develop analog integrated circuits (ASIC) for the required power management electronics. The use of integrated circuit solutions will provide the possibility to realize small size and low power solutions that can be embedded in overlying sensor systems. Specifically, we foresee needs to work with low voltage, low power and low loss rectifier solutions, DC-DC converters, and energy storage possibilities. Through our collaboration within Europractice we have access to both design tools and prototypes of ASICs from several different manufacturers. In our electronics laboratory, we have access to equipment for both assembly and performance measurement of the circuits and systems we build. Important parameters in working with our circuits are low power consumption, small size, and good performance.
Application Deadline: August 6, 2023
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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in laser metal processing
Summary of PhD Program:
You will participate in international research projects, aiming for a deep process understanding of laser welding and additive manufacturing (3D-printing) of metal products. In cooperation with manufacturing industry, the melt flow during the processes will be studied, by applying advanced experimental methods like high-speed imaging as well as developing numerical approaches like machine learning algorithms, as part of Artificial Intelligence. Creative new approaches will be identified and studied. You will be part of a cooperative research team that provides a friendly, inspiring atmosphere, high scientific level and the opportunity for personal development.
Application Deadline: August 30, 2023
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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cyber-Physical Systems, Arrowhead fPVN
Summary of PhD Program:
The project aims to further digitalize the European industry, where EISLAB will be responsible for the CPS intelligence, IoT, and SoS automation architecture as well as the use of AI and Machine Learning, ML. Targeted results include academic papers and contributions with open-source code for the Eclipse Arrowhead. Projects typically involve working with both academic and industrial partners in Europe. Hence, collaboration with the software and automation industry in the form of both future product owners and users is a key factor to the success of these projects. In this, you will work closely with other LTU researchers and doctoral students.
Application Deadline: August 14th 2023
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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cyber-Physical Systems, AIMS
Summary of PhD Program:
The project aims to further digitalize the European industry, where EISLAB will be responsible for the CPS intelligence, IoT, and SoS automation architecture as well as the use of AI and Machine Learning, ML. Targeted results include academic papers and contributions with open-source code for the Eclipse Arrowhead. Projects typically involve working with both academic and industrial partners in Europe. Hence, collaboration with the software and automation industry in the form of both future product owners and users is a key factor to the success of these projects. In this, you will work closely with other LTU researchers and doctoral students.
Application Deadline: Open until filled
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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cyber-Physical Systems, Mine.IO
Summary of PhD Program:
The project aims to further digitalize the European industry, where EISLAB will be responsible for the CPS intelligence, IoT, and SoS automation architecture as well as the use of AI and Machine Learning, ML. Targeted results include academic papers and contributions with open-source code for the Eclipse Arrowhead. The Projects typically involve working with both academic and industrial partners in Europe. Hence, collaboration with the software and automation industry in the form of both future product owners and users is a key factor to the success of these projects. In this, you will work closely with other LTU researchers and doctoral students.
Application Deadline: August 14th 2023
12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Building Materials, Climate-reduced concrete for construction in cold climate
Summary of PhD Program:
I the project, you as a PhD student cooperate in the development of future climate-reduced concrete with special application to construction and industrial projects in the north. It is being investigated which possibilities these concretes have for reduced climate load while maintaining the same function and performance. If possible, the performance should be higher. In particular, the material properties of green concrete are studied at an early stage and how these affect the possibilities for construction in cold climates.
Application Deadline: August 20, 2023
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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biomedical Engineering
Summary of PhD Program:
The proposed work “Precision Health for Women: Novel Protein Biomarkers for Early Diagnosis and Intervention in Endometriosis and Related Epithelial Ovarian Cancer” is multidisciplinary in nature and will involve a team from Biomedical Engineering, Department of Health, Education and Technology and Electronic Systems, Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering at LTU and clinical researchers from Umeå University Hospital. The overall aim of this project is to elucidate the contribution of cell membrane transport proteins, such as ion channels, to the pathogenesis of endometriosis and related types of epithelial ovarian cancer and study their potential as novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets.
Application Deadline: August 1, 2023
14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Operation and maintenance with specialization in Industrial Artificial Intelligence and eMaintenance
Summary of PhD Program:
In this position, you will mainly be working on one of our research projects called ‘AI Factory for Construction’, which focuses on research related to Industrial AI and eMaintenance in the construction industry, including Machine Learning, Transferred Learning, and Deep Learning. The project aims to facilitate the site management process in construction industry by developing and demonstrating solution based on Digital Twin approach empowered by AI and digital technologies.
Application Deadline: Open until filled
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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Fossil Free and Green Lubricants in Machine Elements
Summary of PhD Program:
The project is about optimizing mechanical/lubrication systems for fossil free and green lubricants. As we know the current mechanical components are heavily relying on fossil-based lubricants lubrication, which have been continuously developed and optimized during the past a couple of hundred years. It is not fair to ask the newly existing fossil free and green lubricants to perform the same as or better than previous fossil-based lubricants in the mechanical systems without any system change.
Application Deadline: August 31, 2023
16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Robotics and artificial intelligence
Summary of PhD Program:
The current PhD position is associated with the WARA on Public Safety and the focus is on Embodied System-Level Autonomy for Hyper-modal Robotic Systems. Thus, this PhD position revisits the legacy robotic platform-dependent and fragmented autonomy frameworks and re-establishes a completely novel autonomy planning stack for robotic mobility systems that can operate in unified or split configurations, aiming on resilient high-level autonomy, decision making and subsystem coordination of hyper-modality robotic platforms.
Application Deadline: September 30, 2023
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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Engineering Materials
Summary of PhD Program:
In this project, the focus is on low-carbon steel and its mechanical properties. With the right thermomechanical treatment, low-carbon steels have great potential for use in high-strength applications. In this project, as a PhD student, you will work with low-carbon steels, as well as development and understanding of mechanical properties. These include fatigue properties, and to get a clearer picture of what happens during the initiation of cracks. The project also intends to study different thermomechanical treatments to increase both fatigue properties and strength. The work takes place in collaboration with other research actors, such as, for example, the research subject Solid mechanics at LTU and Swerim’s research institute.