University of Southern Denmark, Denmark invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Positions in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.
1. Postdoctoral Positions in Sustainable Cooling and Heating Technologies
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:
The research group working on Sustainable Cooling and Heating Technologies is a newly established investigation unit in the recently founded Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (DME). DME is building up a Mechanical Engineering Degree and laboratories to support the educational activities as well as its research and commercial activities. Therefore, the candidate will have the unique opportunity to influence the further development of both the new research group and DME.
Application Deadline: 2022-Oct-30
2. Postdoctoral Positions in microbial biotechnology with focus on methanotrophs
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:
The project concerns the study of methanotrophic bacteria for the production of PHAs that are potential precursors for bioplastics. Our focus is on developing a biological process for the conversion of green methane to precursors of bioplastics. The study involves selections of methanotrophs using a wide range of methodological approaches within basic and applied sciences. Once selected the candidate will develop and optimize methods for growing high titer of PHAs in chemostats. The project has high flexibility depending on the results obtained during the system conceptualization, so we welcome innovative and creative ideas and a collaborative mindset.
Application Deadline: 2022-Oct-31
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3. Postdoctoral Positions in Quantum Mathematics and Climate/ Weather Models
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:
We are seeking candidates with a strong research background in pure mathematics and its relation to quantum theory, in particular with reference to the current ERC-SYNERGY Grant ReNewQuantum which involves advanced mathematical tools such as Topological Quantum Field Theory, in particular Quantum Chern-Simons Theory, Fukaya Categories, Wall crossings and Riemann-Hilbert problems, a combination of which forms a deep mathematical approach to the theory of Resurgence. The candidate is furthermore expected to take part in a joint research project between Danish Meteorological Institute and Centre for Quantum Mathematics.
Application Deadline: 2022-Oct-31
4. Postdoctoral Positions in RNA Therapeutics, Proteomics and Lipidomics
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:
We are seeking a motivated and technically skilled person with a strong background in mass spectrometry-based proteomics (especially targeted quantitative analysis), lipidomics or metabolomics. It is preferred that the applicant has experience in high-resolution mass spectrometry, data management and bioinformatics/computational data analysis as well as handling samples from rodents and humans. Effective communication skills, a strong work ethic, ability to work both independently and in a collaborative group environment, are required. Candidates must hold a doctoral degree.
Application Deadline: 2022-Nov-01
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5. Postdoctoral Positions in theory of quantum and nonlinear nano-optics, extreme light-matter interactions in 2D materials
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:
The postdoc will be affiliated with the soon-to-be established Center for Polariton-Driven Light-Matter Interactions (POLIMA), which is a DNRF center of excellence – headed by Prof. N. Asger Mortensen – with cutting-edge fundamental research activities in the broad area of polaritons, including plasmonics and metasurfaces. Within the POLIMA, Prof. Joel D. Cox has established a group focusing on quantum and nonlinear nano-optics that theoretically explores nanoscale light-matter interactions at the interface of classical electrodynamics and quantum physics, with emphasis on the extreme spatial confinement of both light fields and matter to drive nonlinear and quantum optical phenomena in low-dimensional and atomic systems.
Application Deadline: 2022-Nov-15
6. Postdoctoral Positions in two-dimensional material nanofabrication
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:
Single quantum emitters (SQEs) have become a versatile tool for developing new light sources, such as lasers, LEDs, and single-photon sources, for nano-electronic devices, and in chemistry and life sciences. In this research project, we will apply Helium focused ion beam for site-selective doping of transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) monolayer flakes placed on top of plasmonic cavities forming a hybrid system. If successful, we will create superradiant emission of light by coupling single photon emitters.
Application Deadline: 2022-Nov-30
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7. Postdoctoral Positions in Bio-inspired organic semiconductor based nanoparticles for organic solar cells and photocatalytic hydrogen production
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:
The Postdoc project is part of the Carlsberg Young Researcher Fellowship project “ArtPlast Artificial chloroplasts: Nature-inspired electronic molecular nanoparticle platform”, which is conducted in collaboration with Aarhus University, Karlstad University, IPCP of the Russian Academy of Sciences, University of Glasgow and University of Oxford. The main goal of the postdoc work will be to characterize the photophysical and photochemical processes within newly developed bio-mimetic organic semiconductor based nanoparticles. These nanoparticles are to be used as photocatalysts for hydrogen production via water splitting and as active layers in organic solar cells. We wish to identify the morphology vs. electrical properties relations in these materials, and to tailor guidelines for the synthesis of such efficient and stable systems.
Application Deadline: 2022-Dec-31
8. Postdoctoral Positions in Soft Robotic Locomotion Control and Learning
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:
Snakes navigate with ease through narrow passages by moving in straight lines rather than waving their spine. This project is focused on the design, fabrication, proprioceptive feedback control, and neural learning of a soft robotic crawler to mimic the snake’s rectilinear gait. Inspired by this unique locomotion skill, you will contribute to the development of an autonomous soft crawling robot that can learn to move efficiently through complex terrains. This project requires system-level development of hardware and software to integrate actuation, sensing, power supply, and computation in a unified soft robotic system.
Application Deadline: 2022-Oct-15
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9. Postdoctoral Positions in Spatial Transcriptomics
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:
The revolution in single-cell transcriptomics have shown the need for spatially resolved technologies to visualize cellular diversity and interactions in the context of intact tissues. This has led to the recent development of new technologies to acquire full transcriptome wide data at single cell level and with high spatial resolution. These new technologies are likely to transform our understanding of biological processes and human diseases and form the basis for development of new treatments.
Application Deadline: 2022-Oct-16
10. Postdoc or PhD Student at the Bandim Health Project, OPEN, Department of Clinical Research
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:
There is accumulating evidence that vaccines – in addition to protection against the targeted infections – have broader, non-specific effects on the immune system and alter the susceptibility to a wide range of infections. Therefore, vaccines and vaccination programmes should also be evaluated for their overall health effects. This has not happened for the COVID-19 vaccines. For children, who appear to have little to gain from the specific protection against COVID-19, such non-specific effects may be more important for overall health than the specific effects.
Application Deadline: 2022-Oct-16
11. Postdoctoral Positions in Drone Technology at the Department of Biology
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:
The Department of Biology covers biology in a broad sense including ecology, ecotoxicology, bioacoustics, physiology, biodemography, biogeochemistry and earth evolution. We welcome applicants who are prepared to participate in the cross-disciplinary cooperation at the department. The successful applicant is expected to have a research background within applied drone technology to develop and test methods supporting the ecology groups large-scale marine and coastal restoration activities. The applicant will be part of the Ecology group. The position involves teaching responsibilities on the Drone course (10 ECTS) as well as supervision at bachelor and master level. Therefore, teaching experience, GIS, project management or project communication related to marine restoration will be seen as an advantage.
Application Deadline: 2022-Oct-28
12. Postdoctoral Positions in Proteomics and Cell Signalling
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:
The research group integrates mass spectrometry-based proteomics and bioinformatics with molecular and cell biology to study dynamic signalling networks and their regulation by post-translation modifications, like phosphorylation and ubiquitylation. The research team’s main interests cover tyrosine kinase signalling, stem cell differentiation and aberrant signalling properties associated with human diseases (see e.g. Barrio-Hernandez I et al., 2020 Genome Research; Akimov V et al., 2018 Nat Struct Mol Biol; Hallenborg P et al., 2021 Sci Rep; Akimov V et al., 2021 J Mol Biol; Trulsson F et al., 2022 Nat Commun).
Application Deadline: 2022-Oct-28
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13. Two Postdoctoral Positions in “Hybrid Quantum Chemistry on Hybrid Quantum Computers”
Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:
Two four-year postdoctoral positions are available at SDU within the research consortium, with expected start date 1 January 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter. Application deadline: 28 October 2022. The “Hybrid Quantum Chemistry on Hybrid Quantum Computers” project is at the border of quantum computing and quantum chemistry. The candidates should have a PhD in Quantum Information Science or Physics or Computer Science or Mathematics or Chemistry and documented prior experience with either quantum computing or quantum chemistry. Experience with quantum computing software libraries like IBM’s Qiskit would be an advantage. Applicants not familiar with quantum chemistry are expected to learn about it during their employment.
Application Deadline: 2022-Oct-28