
13 Postdoctoral Fellowships at University of California San Francisco, California

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University of California San Francisco, California invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Fellowships in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. Postdoctoral Position in preclinical cancer research

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A postdoctoral fellowship position for a highly motivated scientist is available in Drs. Bastian/Chen laboratory in the Helen Diller Family Cancer Center at the University of California, San Francisco. The project is focused on to study the signaling of mutant G proteins in uveal melanoma. Uveal melanoma is a rare cancer without any curative treatment options. It is genetically characterized by mutations in the Gαq signaling pathways, as our lab has previously reported (Nature: PMID: 19078957; N Engl J Med: PMID: 21083380; Oncogene: PMID: 24141786, Cancer Cell PMID: 28486107; Nature Genetics: PMID: 31253977; Oncogene: PMID: 33262460).

The candidate will help elucidate the downstream signaling, identify therapeutic targets, with the goal to identify effective therapeutic strategies, with the supports of grants from the National Cancer Institute, the Department of Defense and the Melanoma Research Alliance. The candidate will get in depth exposure to cutting edge in-vitro methods including multi-omic approaches and Crispr/Cas9 screens and use newly developed mouse models for in vivo studies.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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2. Postdoctoral Position in COVID County Policies and Health

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Social Policies for Health Equity Research (SPHERE) program at UCSF seeks a postdoctoral fellow to conduct research on the effects of COVID-19 social and economic policies on health inequities. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted rapid and innovative policymaking around the world at the national, regional, and local levels. Researchers at SPHERE are creating a national database of local COVID-19-related public health and social policies.

The U.S. COVID-19 County Policy (UCCP) Database aims to provide a reliable record of what local governments have done in response to the pandemic. The postdoctoral fellow will link the policy database with national health data sets that provide individual-level information on mental health and healthcare utilization to assess how these pandemic-era policies affected these outcomes, particularly health inequities.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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3. Postdoctoral Position in UCSF Drug Research

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A postdoc research opportunity is available in the Drug Research Unit. The participant will conduct research on quantitative analysis of drugs including, but not limited to, antimalarials and antivirals using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and other analytical methods. A current project (funded by NIH, 1R21 AI153848-01A1) is to explore two-dimensional liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method to quantify unbound antimalarial drugs in human plasma. The participant may also involve in pharmacokinetic data analysis including non-compartment analysis using WinNonlin® or modeling study using NONMEM®.

Under the guidance of the mentor/Unit Co-directors, the participant will learn about quantitative analytical method development and validations and complex pharmacokinetic data analysis. The fellow will also be encouraged to take advantage of other training and learning opportunities within the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, the School of Pharmacy, and other related entities at UCSF. The fellow will have opportunities to publish the work in professional journals and/or present data at professional meetings.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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4. Postdoctoral Position in Medicinal/ Analytical Chemistry

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This research investigation will enable the selected scientist to leverage existing scientific knowledge and expertise while creating opportunities for innovation in new areas, especially to evaluate the chemical reactivity of drugs and drug products to form nitrosamines. Identification of methods to either remove the formed nitrosamines or more challengingly develop novel approaches to prevent the formation of nitrosamines will be a major focus area of this research. Note that the post-doctoral position is a hands-in laboratory-based position.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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5. Postdoctoral Position in Epidemiology and Data Science of Adolescent

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Nagata Lab in the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco is focused on using epidemiology and data science to determine downstream health effects of adolescent and young adult behaviors. Dr. Jason Nagata, MD, MSc, an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, will be the supervisor for this position. The lab fosters interdisciplinary collaborations across medicine, psychology, social work, nutrition, epidemiology, biostatistics, and others. The lab environment also includes a wonderful team of students and trainees. More info about the lab and research topics can be found at the lab website: https://nagatalab.ucsf.edu/

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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6. Postdoctoral Position in Neurophysiology of Non motor symptoms in Parkinson’s using sensing enabled pacemakers

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Dr Simon Little (https://littlelab.ucsf.edu/) is seeking a talented postdoctoral student to study the neurophysiology of motivation and non motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease using sensing-enabled, deep brain stimulator pacemakers towards automated optimization of adaptive, personalized, brain stimulation. Dr Little and his lab (plus collaborators including Phil Starr) have pioneered adaptive deep brain stimulation and chronic neural sensing for movement disorders and are now working at the forefront of studies to develop personalized stimulation therapies for patients. This includes research to understand the link between cortico-basal network physiology and fundamental behavior, physiological biomarker discovery and testing of closed-loop stimulation strategies for neurological patients.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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7. Staff Research Associate III Post Doctorate

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The position involves research studies related to exosome research and cognitive function. Provides scientific knowledge and experience to the project, and initiates and performs specific research projects. Works independently in consultation with the Principal Investigator (PI).

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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8. Postdoctoral Position in Cardiac Diseases

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are seeking a driven and accomplished postdoctoral fellow with strong expertise in cardiovascular diseases to join ESB group in Cambridge, MA. The successful candidate will collaborate with colleagues within Pfizer to study targets of interest in related cardiac disorders, including heart failure, vascular dysfunction and rare cardiac disease at a fast pace.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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9. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A full-time postdoctoral scholar position is available for a highly motivated scientist interested in biostatistical and machine learning predictive modeling for healthcare and treatment-related outcomes and health economics research. The postdoctoral researcher will have the opportunity to lead statistical analyses working with large administrative and medical record datasets and will work with the UCSF Medication Outcomes Center (MOC) director Dr. Rodriguez-Monguio and her team to generate new statistical and modeling approaches to better understanding health outcomes in older patients with Alzheimer disease and related dementias.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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10. Postdoctoral Position in Lysosomal Biology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are currently seeking to recruit a talented Postdoctoral Scientist to join our Pathway Biology group to explore mechanisms of lysosomal dysfunction linked to Parkinson’s disease (PD). Reporting to Anastasia Henry, the Postdoctoral Scientist will examine the molecular underpinnings of how variants in PD-linked proteins impact lysosomal function and lipid homeostasis and ultimately contribute to the pathogenesis of PD. The Postdoctoral Scientist will employ a cross-functional approach to work toward the ultimate goal of identifying novel potential targets for the treatment of PD.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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11. Postdoctoral Position in Skin Cancer Genomics

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Shain laboratory is seeking to fill an open position for a postdoctoral scholar. For this position, the postdoctoral scholar will utilize multi-omic approaches to explore the biology of melanoma or cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma – several projects are available and can be discussed in more depth during the hiring process.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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12. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Morrison lab in the Department of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging at UCSF is seeking to fill an open postdoctoral scholar position. In this position, the postdoctoral scholar will primarily contribute to R01-funded Parkinson’s disease research involving the use of multimodal MRI (fMRI, DTI, and QSM) to predict patient motor and cognitive outcomes with deep brain stimulation (DBS). There will also be opportunity to design and contribute to other DBS-related imaging projects such as developing novel surgical targeting strategies and/or elucidating underlying therapeutic DBS mechanisms.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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13. Postdoctoral Position in Investigating Mechanisms of Dysregulated Immune Tolerance in Autoimmunity

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Ashouri Lab has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher who is interested in understanding how immune tolerance is broken in autoimmune diseases. Our lab is focused on advancing our knowledge of T cell signaling and repertoire thresholds required for immune tolerance. We study how the complex molecular interactions between cells alter immune health and the impact dysregulation in these communication pathways has on immune mediated diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. We utilize mouse models, human samples, along with molecular, cell-based, genetic, and multi-omic technologies including paired single-cell RNA and TCR-sequencing. A major driving force of the lab is to identify the TCR specificities, gene expression profile, and signaling networks of cells involved in antigen recognition in autoimmune diseases.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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