
12 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, (SLU), Sweden

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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, (SLU), Sweden invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. PhD Programs in soil ecology

Summary of PhD Positions:

Our research is carried out in seven subject groups with a focus on soil biology, soil nutrient cycling, soil chemistry, agricultural water management, soil and environmental physics, soil mechanics and soil management, and the biogeochemistry of forest soils. We are responsible for important research infrastructure in the form of soil chemistry and soil physics laboratories, an X-ray scanner, long-term field experiments, a lysimeter facility, and the field research stations at Lanna and Lövsta. The Department contributes to approximately 30 courses at undergraduate and advanced level.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-17

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2. PhD Programs in Agricultural Economics

Summary of PhD Positions:

As a PhD student in economics, you are expected to carry out supervised research leading to a PhD thesis as well as taking PhD courses to the equivalent of 90 credits. The position will be placed within the research group Agricultural and Food Economics at the Department of Economics, SLU.

In this group, the successful candidate will be offered a stimulating context with colleagues who focus on various aspects of agricultural and food economics, including production economics, consumer economics, agricultural and food policy, and trade. The topics of interest add to the literature in agricultural economics and related fields. We have vivid disciplinary as well as interdisciplinary collaborations, for instance with researchers in crop production, technology, animal health and veterinary epidemiology.

Application Deadlines: 28/02/2023

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3. PhD Programs in Soil Nutrient Cycling

Summary of PhD Positions:

Within the project, we are seeking for a PhD student to assess potential trade-offs between carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling in diversified and monoculture cropping systems. The PhD student will join a dynamic and internationally recognized team working at the biogeochemical interface of soil organic matter dynamics. We are looking for an inquisitive person who is keen to participate in a research program that aims to improve our fundamental understanding of how crop diversification affects carbon, energy and nutrient dynamics in soils and to improve management practices for the development of long-term sustainable cropping systems.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-28

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4. PhD Programs in Biology with a focus on Forest Pathology

Summary of PhD Positions:

The overall goal of the doctoral project is to increase knowledge about the biology of the blister rust fungus (Cronartium pini) and which factors contribute to the increased attacks. As a doctoral student, you will participate in the development of risk maps for the blister rust based on inventories of site variables and disease frequency. The impact of various forestry measures, climate factors and growth rate of the pine will also be investigated. The doctoral project also includes genetic studies of the relationship between the two forms of Cronartium pini, a host-alternating and a non host-alternating, as well as what role they have in the ongoing epidemic.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-20

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5. PhD Programs in Plant Pathology

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a highly motivated individual to join our ongoing research in biological control of plant diseases. Fungal biocontrol agents hold great promise for replacing chemical pesticides in future food production but is yet to reach its full potential due to a number of associated challenges such as high strain-to-strain variation in biocontrol efficacy. The focus of this research project is to explore questions about evolutionary dynamics that control biocontrol agent populations and their genomic consequences. Understanding the adaptive potential of naturally occurring biocontrol agents will help us to develop future plant protection strategies through augmentative and conservation biocontrol.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-17

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6. PhD Programs in aquaculture genetics

Summary of PhD Positions:

Arctic charr is a species of fundamental importance for Nordic aquaculture with great potential for further expansion. However, reproductive success in Swedish Arctic charr is remarkably low, especially compared to other farmed salmonids. Therefore, the expansion of the relevant aquaculture industry is currently hindered. During this project, the PhD candidate will investigate genetic and epigenetic-related factors that determine fertility in farmed populations of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Furthermore, the potential of improving fertility through selective breeding practices will be assessed.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-26

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7. PhD Programs in Aquatic Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD candidate will study methane turnover in inland waters and how environmental change affect the production and degradation of this potent greenhouse gas as well as associated methane emissions to the atmosphere. The project includes both field studies and controlled laboratory experiments where we investigate in detail how different groups of microorganisms and their metabolic processes are affected by climate and changing anthropogenic pressure.

We will particularly study the importance of reduced sulfur deposition for methane metabolism. As a PhD student, you will be part of a dynamic and active research group in functional microbial ecology and participate in collaborations with other research groups in aquatic biogeochemistry, e.g. at Linköping university.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-10

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8. PhD Programs in silviculture to evaluate forest regeneration chains

Summary of PhD Positions:

The conditions for the future forest stands are established during the regeneration phase. In practical forestry, one experiences that today it is both more difficult and more expensive to establish conifer stands. Over 15 years, the cost has almost doubled, and damage caused by insects and other pests appears to be increasing. This in turn leads to poorer status of young forests.

The regeneration chain consists of several elements that have so far been studied in relative isolation from each other. A better knowledge of the long-term impact of silvicultural measures and how they interact with each other is an important step in being able to improve and make the regeneration more efficient. The execution of the site preparation can, for example, have different effects on the growth of the seedlings, but also on the need of cleaning and thinning in the future. An overall assessment of the entire chain can lead to different conclusions than when each link is considered separately.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-31

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9. PhD Programs in Agricultural Sciences

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a highly motivated individual to conduct research studies towards a Licentiate degree in a new project focused on the production of biobased fibrous materials derived from plant proteins and starch. Student will build on results from the previous work to improve the functional properties of electrospun fibers from protein and starch. The Licentiate candidate will be involved in the work of optimization of electrospinning processing of wheat protein (including gliadins and glutenins) and modified potato starch, and composites of different kinds, with an aim to produce fibers and characterize their properties for various industrial applications. The research student will also be involved in communication and publication of the results from the project.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-28

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10. PhD Programs in Environmental Organic Chemistry

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are seeking a PhD student who will work within a project funded by Swedish farmers’ foundation for agricultural research (Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning). The PhD project will identify the most relevant organic micropollutants (OMPs) in reclaimed water; assess the treatment capacity of biochar prepared from different renewable feedstock for the removal of OMPs; and, evaluate the thermal degradation of OMPs during re-pyrolysis/regeneration of spent biochar.

The duties of the PhD student also include environmental sampling and trace analysis of OMPs in aqueous environmental samples using solid phase extraction (SPE), target analysis (LC-MS/MS) and suspect / non-target screening (LC-HRMS), as well as collaboration with engineers, processing of large data sets, data analysis, statistical evaluation and scientific manuscript writing in English.

Application Deadlines: 2023-02-22

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11. PhD Programs in plant autophagy and genome editing research

Summary of PhD Positions:

Research in the Hofius lab focuses on the molecular mechanisms of autophagy, a conserved degradation and recycling process required for cellular homeostasis and stress responses. The PhD project builds on our previous findings in the Arabidopsis model system that autophagy plays a paramount role in plant growth, fitness, and immunity. We now aim to investigate autophagy mechanisms and functions in a crop plant setting and explore whether autophagy modulation can be utilized to improve productivity and resilience traits. The work will apply genetic, cell biological, biochemical, and physiological approaches in potato and include the development and application of CRISPR gene-editing technology for autophagy manipulation.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-15

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12. PhD Programs in Fibre materials from unexploited feedstock sources

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD thesis is part of a Horizon Europe project with aim to increase the comprehensive potential of fibres from unexploited feedstock sources for novel raw material value chains and more green processes in manufacturing industries. The specific objectives are to: i) elucide the effect of processing methods on the quality of primary and secondary fibrous biomass materials for a variety of industrial products; ii) verify the feasibility of using fibres from selected biomass sources in various products, such as automotive composites, concrete, and insulation boards.

Biomass materials will be characterised in terms of morphological, ultrastructural, mechanical, hygroscopic and chemical properties. Performance and workability of prototypes of all products will be compared with commercial products to estimate the replacing potential of fossil-based counterparts. Collaboration with leading European institutes and companies along the value chain of fibre products is envisaged.

The doctoral student combines both PhD-courses and practical research work. Lecturing and course management duties up to 20% of work time in the subject wood science and technology may be possible, with corresponding prolongation of employment time if needed.

Application Deadlines: 2023-03-02

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