
12 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Uppsala University, Sweden

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Uppsala University, Sweden invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Protein science

Summary of PhD Program:

IDPro is an exceptional network of nine beneficiaries (eight academic and one industrial) and five partner organisations (four industrial and three academic) from seven different countries, with excellent track records in protein research and supervision. Together, we will train eleven doctoral candidates, with distinct competencies of relevance for the field of intrinsically disordered proteins, to secure future scientific breakthroughs in a rapidly developing field.

In particular, we will investigate how disordered proteins interact, how interaction is affected by disease-related mutations, and assess how disordered proteins cause aberrant cellular signaling in relevant human disease models. Furthermore, we will design ligands that can be further developed into molecular probes, which could represent lead structures for the development of drugs. The goal of IDPro is to strengthen an emerging field in biology and medicine with implications for both academia and industry in the European union.

Application Deadline: 2023-09-21

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics

Summary of PhD Program:

One peculiarity of polymers is the pronounced non Newtonian behavior or in other words the change in viscosity for different shear rates. The distinctive changes in the shear and loss moduli can be explained by microscopic properties like the structure or internal relaxation of the molecules. However, experimental data on the changes in the local dynamics of polymers under shear load are scarce or even missing our days. Still such information is essential to draw a complete picture of flow in polymers.

In this PhD, we will apply high resolution neutron spectroscopy to polymers under flow. The experiments will be complemented by small angle scattering experiments probing the microscopic structure and rheology. We will reveal phase transitions under shear and trace possible changes in the topological interactions of the polymer chains for higher shear rates and advance our understanding of viscoelasticity on a microscopic level.

Application Deadline: 2023-09-08

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biochemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

The position is one of eleven PhD positions in the Horizon Europe-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Network IDPro, Intrinsically disordered proteins in health and disease: mechanisms, molecular context and opportunities for drug discovery. IDPro is an exceptional network of nine beneficiaries (eight academic and one industrial) and five partner organizations (four industrial and three academic) from seven different countries, with excellent track records in protein research and supervision. Together, we will train eleven doctoral candidates, with distinct competencies of relevance for the field of intrinsically disordered proteins, to secure future scientific breakthroughs in a rapidly developing field.

Application Deadline: 2023-09-21

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum Matter Theory

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for a highly motivated, curious, and ambitious Ph.D. student in quantum condensed matter theory for a project on superconductivity in graphene and related materials. Superconductivity is a uniquely quantum mechanical phenomenon that despite decades of intense research is still hard to control. It is heavily dependent on the density of states (DOS) around zero energy, but this DOS tunability has so far remained largely untapped. The overall aim of the Ph.D. project is to theoretically explore and engineer enhanced superconductivity in twisted multilayer graphene and related materials, where a moiré pattern creates flat bands hosting large zero-energy DOS peaks that have recently been shown to generate superconductivity, as well as other ordered electronic states.

Application Deadline: 2023-09-13

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Machine learning

Summary of PhD Program:

The position is part of the European Commission-funded Doctoral Network EUSpecLab, a collaboration between 23 universities and companies. Salary conditions, travel/mobility allowances, and benefits follow the attractive EU amounts for Researchers in the HORIZON- MSCA-2021-DN-01 call. The EUSpeclab project contains a mix of 11 theoretical research- oriented PhD projects. The Phd student will be enrolled on the Physics PhD program at Uppsala University Science which has a strong expertise in computational materials studies including fundamental properties, materials for applications, and code development. The supervisor of the project will be Dr. Heike Herper (Uppsala University) and the co-supervisor within EUSpecLab will be Dr. Didier Sébilleau from CNRS (Rennes, France).

Application Deadline: 2023-09-08

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Chemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD position in Chemistry for the design and chemical synthesis of chemoselective probes is available in the laboratory of Associate Professor Daniel Globisch. The Globisch laboratory is an international and multidisciplinary research group, with a research focus on the development of new Chemical Biology methodologies to enhance the scope of metabolomics-based research. (Example literature: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 23232, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 13805, RSC Chem. Biol. 2021, 2, 1479, check the homepage for updates). This highly interdisciplinary project will include a combination of chemical synthesis, mass spectrometric analysis of metabolites in biological samples, techniques at the interface of Chemistry and Biology, and the investigation of microbiome metabolism. Our team is currently searching for a highly motivated and enthusiastic PhD student with passion and enthusiasm for research to develop new chemoselective methodologies.

Application Deadline: 2023-09-22

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in water treatment technology 

Summary of PhD Program:

In our new project, we want to explore the technological potential, sector needs, challenges, and institutional forces and frameworks that influence the use of wastewater as technical water or for hydrogen production as an energy source. We are looking for a Ph.D. student to participate in the exploration of the needs, potential, challenges, and sustainability of using recycled wastewater as a source of technical water or for energy production in the form of hydrogen in Sweden. We are mainly looking for a student who is interested and able to use experimental and interdisciplinary systems analysis research methods to answer the research questions related to the topic.

Application Deadline: 2023-09-15

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in cancer immunology and immunotherapy

Summary of PhD Program:

A PhD student position is open for a highly motivated candidate interested in cancer immunology and immunotherapy in the research group of Gustav Ullenhag, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University. The PhD project will be performed in close collaboration with the research group of Angelica Loskog. These two research groups have a shared interest in the development of cancer immunotherapies based on immunomodulatory adenoviral vectors. These adenoviral vectors usually carry immunomodulatory transgenes to induce anti-tumoral immune responses and may also have the ability of selective lysis of tumor cells, so called oncolysis.

Together the research groups cover all the steps of developing an immunotherapy from scratch to bringing it into the clinic. Thus, the research is highly translational working from the bench to the bedside and back again. The groups are presently involved in several ongoing clinical trials with the adenoviral vector LOAd703 being tested in pancreatic, ovarian, colorectal, biliary cancers as well as in malignant melanoma, in combination with various chemotherapy drugs and also checkpoint blockade.

Application Deadline: 2023-09-08

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computational Mechanics, fracture modelling of batteries

Summary of PhD Program:

In service, significant deformations develop in lithium-ion battery electrodes during cycling, resulting in microscopic cracks leading to decreased capacity and battery lifespan. The understanding of why, where and how these cracks develop and grow is limited. In this joint research project, conducted at the interface between mechanics and chemistry, we use multiphysics computer models to study deformation mechanisms in battery electrodes, supported by highly resolved synchrotron X-ray CT crack experiments. The project is expected to increase the understanding of battery cracking and its dependency on electrode morphology, particle positions and electrochemical cycling, and open for a design change of the electrode microstructure to increase batteries capacity and lifespan. The project is thus a vital contribution to the development of tomorrow’s batteries.

Application Deadline: 2023-10-23

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Fully Funded PhD Position in cognitive neuroscience

Summary of PhD Program:

The doctoral student will work at the Development and Neurodiversity (DIVE) Lab at the Department of Psychology with Professor Terje Falck-Ytter as the main supervisor and Dr. Giorgia Bussu as the second supervisor. The current doctoral project aims to increase our understanding of early development in children with autism and related conditions. The doctoral student will work with already collected data from a study of preschool children. The study has been conducted within the framework of the AIMS-2-TRIALS network (aims-2-trials.eu).

The participants in the study consist of approximately 300 children with autism, ADHD, or developmental delays who have been followed from 3 to 6 years, as well as 200 neurotypical controls. The children have been examined using a variety of experimental (eye tracking, EEG, MRI, behavioral) and clinical methods (interviews, observations, questionnaires). The focus of this doctoral position is on eye tracking, MRI, and clinical measures, but we try to consider the doctoral student’s particular strengths and interests when developing the individual study plan.

Application Deadline: 2023-09-20

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in laser physics

Summary of PhD Program:

The Department of Psics and Astronomy is strengthening its research focus on ultrafast x-ray science with large-scale x-ray free electron laser (XFEL) facilities such as European XFEL and laboratory-based femtosecond laser sources. Within this effort FREIA is building a new femtosecond laser laboratory for performing cutting-edge experiments in the field of material science. Techniques such as time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (tr-ARPES) will be used to get new insight into properties of non-equilibrium systems and deeper understanding transient physical phenomena including light-induced superconductivity, ultrafast charge transfer and low-dimensional material characterization. We are currently implementing experiments using the mid-infra-red (MIR) to extreme ultraviolet (XUV) region of the electromagnetic spectrum, complementary to that accessible at XFEL facilities.

Application Deadline: 2023-09-29

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in nanomaterials

Summary of PhD Program:

In this project we exploit the enormous potential at the synchrotron MAX IV in Lund to study magnetic battery materials. We study the connection between magnetic properties of nanoparticles under ion insertion with a number of probes at different length scales. We do this by studying the connection between changes in the crystal structure (WAXS), particle morphology (SAXS) and magnetic properties (ferromagnetic resonance or x-ray dichroism) using a multimodal approach when the ions are inserted/removed electrochemically. Within the project, we develop a specially formed battery half-cell that allow us measuring the dis/charging the battery as we measure all other probes simultaneously. The project is co-financed av Horizon Europe MSCA COFUND and Uppsala University.

Application Deadline: 2023-10-31

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