
11 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Aalto University, Finland

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Aalto University, Finland invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in physics-informed machine learning

Summary of PhD Program:

We are seeking highly motivated and talented researchers to join our interdisciplinary team and work on physics-informed machine learning (PIML). Multiple positions are open for projects aimed at bridging the gap between physics-based modeling and data-driven techniques, with a specific focus on machine learning and probabilistic methods for radiological diagnostics, multiscale modeling, and microstructure modeling.

Application Deadline: 15.10.2023

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Data Integrity Assurance 

Summary of PhD Program:

The candidate will work on a project that involves: interoperability technologies and standards of documents, models and technologies that provide the assurance/dependability of the data across different systems and industry value chains, for example, ensuring sustainability information exchange in company networks for calculating product environmental assessment in a holistic and detailed manner. The work is expected to lead to scientific publications in international academic conferences and particularly journals.

Application Deadline: 15.10.2023

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Large Language Models for Computing Education

Summary of PhD Program:

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research with world-leading experts in computing education, specifically investigating the applications of large language models for computing education. The project includes two main focus areas: 1) studying how novice programmers use AI code generation tools and 2) exploring the creation of educational resources using large language models. The topic of the PhD should focus on one of these focus areas. You will be given support for travel to conferences and a research visit to The University of Auckland, connecting you with global leaders in the field. During the four-year PhD project, your tasks will include designing, implementing, and evaluating new large language model based tools for computing education.

Application Deadline: 8.10.2023

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Machine Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI and ELLIS Unit Helsinki invite applications for PhD student, postdoc and research fellow positions in machine learning. You will join one of the top AI research centers in the Nordics and in Europe, with an access to an excellent network of scientists and broad range of possibilities to work with companies. Your research can be theoretical, applied, or both. The positions are in the following areas of research:

1) Reinforcement learning
2) Probabilistic methods
3) Simulation-based inference
4) Privacy-preserving machine learning
5) Collaborative AI and human modeling
6) Machine learning for science

Application Deadline: 1.10.2023

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Probabilistic Machine Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for a new postdoc or PhD student in the team which develops probabilistic modelling and Bayesian inference methods. The team has several exciting new machine learning formulations we work on, and opportunities for applying the methods with top-notch collaborators. The core is always development of new methods, and with this call I am looking for talented researchers with background in machine learning, stats or CS (or other directly relevant topics) who are keen on developing the new methods. In the cover letter, let me know what you are interested in – if we are already working on it, all the better, but I am willing to listen to new ideas too.

Application Deadline: 1.10.2023

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Microfabrication of Water-Repellent Surfaces

Summary of PhD Program:

The Soft Matter and Wetting research group at the Department of Applied Physics is looking for a highly motivated Doctoral Researcher in Underwater Superhydrophobicity, aiming at obtaining PhD degree. We expect the ideal candidate to be passionate about exploring new frontiers in this discipline and pushing beyond the current state-of-the-art. The project deals with superhydrophobic surfaces that can trap air (plastron) within the surface roughness features when immersed in water. Understanding the plastron’s stability and dynamics is extremely important for underwater applications such as drag reduction, prevention of corrosion and biofouling. Thus, the primary research activities for this position will involve materials design (microfabrication), surface modification, wetting characterization, use of imaging techniques (high-speed cameras and microscopy), fluid mechanics and dynamics.

Application Deadline: 30.9.2023

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Neuroscience

Summary of PhD Program:

Dr Ala-Laurila has two laboratories: one at Aalto University and one at University of Helsinki. Both labs work in integrated collaboration and have state-of-the art approaches to study retinal circuits and visually-guided behavior. They combine cutting-edge electrophysiological recording techniques with precise manipulations of retinal circuit function, mathematical modelling and quantitative behavioral measurements.

Application Deadline: 30.9.2023

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Material Science

Summary of PhD Program:

Our studies in the research group feature a unique and highly interdisciplinary character. The overall ambition is to develop digital solutions in material and mechanical disciplines by combining advanced experimental techniques, mechanics and mechanism-based high-performance simulation, and data science-assisted computation. This particular research topic is driven by academically challenging questions in the field of materials engineering, which involves the deformation, fracture, and hydrogen embrittlement behavior of engineering materials. The research funding comes from major EU and national projects spanning from ERC, RFCS, Research and Innovation, to Future Makers Finland.

Application Deadline: 22.9.2023

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in computational fluid dynamics of solar energy

Summary of PhD Program:

Are you interested in computational fluid dynamics modeling and sustainable energy? We are now looking for a Doctoral Researcher to design flow reactors by computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and thermodynamics simulations. The research will be carried out at Aalto University’s Energy Conversion and System research group. In this position you will have a chance to make an impact on production of new aviation fuels from bio-waste using computational fluid dynamics modeling of pyrolysis processes which involve heat and mass transfer phenomena.

Application Deadline: 21.9.2023

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Fully Funded PhD Position in process and LCA modeling

Summary of PhD Program:

We are now looking for a Doctoral Researcher to study a new and innovative sustainable fuel production pathway including AspenPlus® based process modeling, LCA analysis and raw material resource assessment at Aalto University’s Energy Conversion and System research group. In this position you will have a chance to make an impact on production of new fuels from bio-waste using state of the art process modeling tools. Our technology is based on using solar driven fast pyrolysis, and upgrading the oil by solar electrolysis-based hydrogen.

Application Deadline: 21.9.2023

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position: Aalto support for scholars from Ukraine

Summary of PhD Program:

Aalto University offers scholars fleeing from Ukraine a possibility to continue their academic work at Aalto University during the war in Ukraine. Aalto accepts applications for temporary visiting scholar positions in Aalto’s research fields (ca 20 positions) from researchers working in Ukraine based universities whose work has been interrupted by the war, and who are fleeing from Ukraine.

Application Deadline: 30.12.2023

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